5 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Techniques in Overcoming Post-Power Syndrome Anxiety Disorders in The Elderly

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    Everyone lives with a variety of presumptions that are not always to their liking, this allows a person to experience tremendous pressure and will foster a prolonged new problem. Post-power syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs in an elderly person who is not ready for old age, motivated by job loss and decreased function of certain organs. Researchers used qualitative research methods through case studies and observations of primary subjects. In this study apply reinforcement work or reinforcement in helping sufferers towards healing, in the form of positive reinforcement on daily good behavior. The results of this study showed that this reinforcement technique has an effect on the healing of post-power syndrome, while involving the participation of the family and the surrounding environment to bring out the meaning in the subject

    Mengembangkan moderasi beragama mahasantri melalui ta’lim ma’hadi di pesantren mahasiswa

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    Abstract: The aims of this research is to discribe and a analyze of ta’lim ma’hadi in al-Hikam Malang Student Islamic Boarding School Malang, and also the values that are implemented to develop the moderate character of the mahasantri religion. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study design. The data in this study were taken through interviews, observation, and document techniques. The results of this study indicate that the al-Hikam Malang student boarding school uses three strategies in religious moderation, namely, nurturing patterns, teaching patterns, and religious patterns. The three strategies are integral in the curriculum that is implemented there. Through the applied curriculum, kyai and asatidz as qudwah hasanah internalize the values of justice, balance, harmony, moderation. As well as being a moderate Muslim, the mahasantri al-Hikam graduate is expected to become a successful entrepreneur. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis tentang sistem ta’lim ma’hadi di Pesantren Mahasiswa Al-Hikam Malang serta nilai-nilai yang diimplementasikan guna mengembangkan karakter moderasi beragama mahasantri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil melalui wawancara, observasi dan teknik dokumen. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pesantren mahasiswa al-Hikam Malang menggunakan tiga strategi dalam moderasi agama yaitu, pola kepengasuhan, pola pengajaran dan pola kesantrian. Ketiga strategi tersebut integral dalam kurikulum yang diimplementasikan disana. Melalui kurikulum yang diterapkan, seorang kyai dan asatidz sebagai qudwah hasanah yang menginternalisasikan nilai keadilan, keseimbangan, kerukunan, moderat. Lulusan mahasantri al-Hikam disamping menjadi muslim yang moderat, ia diharapkan menjadi entrepreneur yang sukses

    Analisis Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Pembangunan Jalan Tol Surabaya-Mojokerto

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    The construction project Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road aims to connect Surabaya and Mojokerto to expedite and reduce the density of traffic .Driyorejo, Kedamean  and Wringinanom are three districts in Gresik that is passed by the construction of Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road. The background of this research is the problem of socio-economic conditions of the living around the construction areas. This research method is descriptive qualitative method. The study population was the whole community Driyorejo, Kedamean and Wringinanom. Samples territory are Banyuurip for Kedamean, Watestanjung for Wringinanom Karangandong for Driyorejo. The sampling technique used in purposive sampling for 60 peoples. The results showed that the construction of Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road has not had an impact on the livelihoods of principal and livelihoods of communities around the side. This is because not all of the respondents in those areas  are working as a farmer, but as a private sector employee/entrepreneur/PNS. The construction of Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road only influence 7% , which is 7% peoplechange they occupation from farmer to another.  In addition, some people use the money to buy land replace to the the new land, but some are bought or consumptive goods for distribution of inheritanc


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    Dengan berkembangnya zaman, kemampuan manusia juga menunjukkan peningkatan dengan terciptanya alat-alat canggih yang mendukung pembuatan film maupun drama. Hasilnya saat ini tak hanya bisa dinikmati melalui TV saja, namun drama ataupun film bisa akses melalui smartphone. Drama dari negara Korea menjadi salah satu drama yang memiliki daya tarik yang tinggi di berbagai negara. Drama Korea saat ini juga digemari oleh para pelajar ataupun mahasiswa. Dalam hal ini drama Korea juga dapat mempengaruhi kondisi psikologis. Maka dari itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apa saja kondisi psikologis mahasiswa yang dapat terpengaruh dengan adanya drama Korea yang semakin berkembang dan populer dikalangan remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif dengan Single Subject. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa drama Korea memiliki pengaruh terhadap kondisi psikologis mahasiswa karena mahasiswa merupakan fase remaja menuju dewasa awal, yang mana dalam fase tersebut mahasiswa masih dalam proses pencarian jati diri