70 research outputs found

    Trick or Heat? Manipulating Critical Temperature-Based Control Systems Using Rectification Attacks

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    Temperature sensing and control systems are widely used in the closed-loop control of critical processes such as maintaining the thermal stability of patients, or in alarm systems for detecting temperature-related hazards. However, the security of these systems has yet to be completely explored, leaving potential attack surfaces that can be exploited to take control over critical systems. In this paper we investigate the reliability of temperature-based control systems from a security and safety perspective. We show how unexpected consequences and safety risks can be induced by physical-level attacks on analog temperature sensing components. For instance, we demonstrate that an adversary could remotely manipulate the temperature sensor measurements of an infant incubator to cause potential safety issues, without tampering with the victim system or triggering automatic temperature alarms. This attack exploits the unintended rectification effect that can be induced in operational and instrumentation amplifiers to control the sensor output, tricking the internal control loop of the victim system to heat up or cool down. Furthermore, we show how the exploit of this hardware-level vulnerability could affect different classes of analog sensors that share similar signal conditioning processes. Our experimental results indicate that conventional defenses commonly deployed in these systems are not sufficient to mitigate the threat, so we propose a prototype design of a low-cost anomaly detector for critical applications to ensure the integrity of temperature sensor signals.Comment: Accepted at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 201

    Reconstruction of the first consumer-driven marine ecosystem on Earth, perspectives from early Cambrian small skeletal fossils from China

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    Biological activity was the major triggering factor driving Earthâs organic and inorganic cycles across the biosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere. A key question in the evolution of Earthâs ecosystem is when and how different animals emerged and flourished and how their appearance impacted the hydrosphere-atmosphere-lithosphere cycles. The Cambrian Explosion of metazoans in the EdiacaranâCambrian boundary interval resulted in sudden appearance of most of the readily fossilizable modern animal groups as macro-consumers in the Earthâs oceans. This explosive radiation event led for the first time to the emergence and diversification of animals on Earth, to the establishment of complex trophic webs with animals as consumers, and marks the onset of the Phanerozoic oceanic ecosystem. Our presentation aims to discuss the at least half-billion-year-old world of tubular and conical shelled organisms (sponges, conulariids, chancelloriids, hyoliths, mollusks, tommotiids, and other lophotrochozoans) that are unseen in the present-day oceans but were recovered by us from the siliciclastic and carbonate rocks in and outside of China. Additionally, to study the body fossils of exceptionally preserved biotas (Konversat-Lagerstätten) across China, efforts are underway to understand how the early animals, notably early bilaterians, created the over 500-million-year-old oceanic ecosystems without the influence of land plants, which appeared later

    Mutual connected IL-6, EGFR and LIN28/Let7-related mechanisms modulate PD-L1 and IGF upregulation in HNSCC using immunotherapy

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    The development of techniques and immunotherapies are widely applied in cancer treatment such as checkpoint inhibitors, adoptive cell therapy, and cancer vaccines apart from radiation therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy give enduring anti-tumor effects. Minority people utilize single-agent immunotherapy, and most people adopt multiple-agent immunotherapy. The difficulties are resolved by including the biomarkers to choose the non-responders’ and responders’ potentials. The possibility of the potential complications and side effects are examined to improve cancer therapy effects. The Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is analyzed with the help of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) and Insulin-like growth factor (IGF). But how IGF and PD-L1 upregulation depends on IL-6, EGFR, and LIN28/Let7-related mechanisms are poorly understood. Briefly, IL-6 stimulates gene expressions of IGF-1/2, and IL-6 cross-activates IGF-1R signaling, NF-κB, and STAT3. NF-κB, up-regulating PD-L1 expressions. IL-6/JAK1 primes PD-L1 for STT3-mediated PD-L1 glycosylation, stabilizes PD-L1 and trafficks it to the cell surface. Moreover, ΔNp63 is predominantly overexpressed over TAp63 in HNSCC, elevates circulating IGF-1 levels by repressing IGFBP3, and activates insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1).TP63 and SOX2 form a complex with CCAT1 to promote EGFR expression. EGFR activation through EGF binding extends STAT3 activation, and EGFR and its downstream signaling prolong PD-L1 mRNA half-life. PLC-γ1 binding to a cytoplasmic motif of elevated PD-L1 improves EGF-induced activation of inositol 1,4,5-tri-phosphate (IP3), and diacylglycerol (DAG) subsequently elevates RAC1-GTP. RAC1-GTP was convincingly demonstrated to induce the autocrine production and action of IL-6/IL-6R, forming a feedback loop for IGF and PD-L1 upregulation. Furthermore, the LIN28-Let7 axis mediates the NF-κB-IL-6-STAT3 amplification loop, activated LIN28-Let7 axis up-regulates RAS, AKT, IL-6, IGF-1/2, IGF-1R, Myc, and PD-L1, plays pivotal roles in IGF-1R activation and Myc, NF-κB, STAT3 concomitant activation. Therefore, based on a detailed mechanisms review, our article firstly reveals that IL-6, EGFR, and LIN28/Let7-related mechanisms mediate PD-L1 and IGF upregulation in HNSCC, which comprehensively influences immunity, inflammation, metabolism, and metastasis in the tumor microenvironment, and might be fundamental for overcoming therapy resistance

    Geothermal heat flow from borehole measurements at the margin of Princess Elizabeth Land (East Antarctic Ice Sheet)

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    A 198.8 m deep borehole was drilled through ice to subglacial bedrock in the northwestern marginal part of Princess Elizabeth Land, ~12 km south of Zhongshan Station, in January–February 2019. Three years later, in February 2022, the borehole temperature profile was measured, and the geothermal heat flow (GHF) was estimated using a 1-D time-dependent energy-balance equation. For a depth corresponding to the base of the ice sheet, the GHF was calculated as 72.6 ± 2.3 mW m−2 and temperature −4.53 ± 0.27°C. The regional averages estimated for this area based, generally, on tectonic setting vary from 55 to 66 mW m−2. A higher GHF is interpreted to originate mostly from the occurrence of metamorphic complexes intruded by heat-producing elements in the subglacial bedrock below the drill site

    Investigating the seafloor below the Ekström Ice Shelf: the Sub-EIS-Obs project at East Antarctica’s continental margin

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    Knowledge of sub-ice shelf sedimentary sequences, ice-ocean interactions, and biological activities is still relatively sparse, largely due to the challenges involved in accessing ice shelf cavities. The Sub-EIS-Obs project, funded by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in Germany, is a multidisciplinary study, which aims to recover and characterize sediment sequences beneath the Ekström Ice Shelf (EIS) in East Antarctica. The project addresses several research objectives, such as the crustal evolution during the breakup of Gondwana, the build-up and variability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) throughout the Cenozoic, reconstruction of grounding-line dynamics, sedimentary and erosional processes beneath the ice stream and shelf, and multidisciplinary observations of climate induced changes in ice-ocean interactions. A pre-site seismic survey campaign was carried out on the Ekström Ice Shelf in 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, resulting in 615 km of multi-fold seismic data. Based on these data, four different units were defined, which, according to preliminary interpretation, document geologic history of the breakup of Gondwana in the Jurassic (Explora-Wedge volcanic deposits) and ongoing marine and glacio-marine sedimentation during the Meso- and Cenozoic. On top of all strata a glacio-marine surface cover deposited during the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene sedimentation is indicated in the seismic profiles. In order to sample all units separately, coring locations were selected accordingly. A hot water drilling system was used to drill holes through the shelf ice (ice thicknessesrange between∼210 and 330 m), enabling the deployment of a gravity corer, a Wippermann Grabber, a vibro-and a hammer coring system manufactured by Jilin University (Changchun, China), and a UWITEC percussioncorer (BAS corer). Moreover, a camera installed in a pressure housing enabled recording of high-resolution videofootage of the seafloor and associated benthic ecosystems as well as the base of the ice shelf. In addition, a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth probe was attached to all coring devices in order to record the oceanographic properties of the water column. Here, we present first results from the Sub-EIS-Obs sediment sampling campaigns 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. We present an overview of the long-term project aims, sampling strategy, perfor-mance of the hot water drilling operation, and recovered geological samples, and the video footages of the seafloor

    Taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales : update 2018

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    In 2018, the family Arenaviridae was expanded by inclusion of 1 new genus and 5 novel species. At the same time, the recently established order Bunyavirales was expanded by 3 species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) and summarizes additional taxonomic proposals that may affect the order in the near future.Peer reviewe
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