9 research outputs found
Proposed Sales Increase Strategy (Marketing Mix 7P) Using the ANP Method for PT X Lavender Essential Oil Products
PT X is a company that produces certified organic essential oils derived from natural oils. PT X is sales not growing because competitors are very active, resulting in lower sales levels and company targets not being met. The purpose of this study is to use the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method to select the best criteria and alternatives in the 7P marketing mix and suggest the best marketing strategy. The criteria were selected based on ANP processing with Super Decisions software on the 7P marketing mix, namely product criteria with the highest weight of 0.28. The second ranking criterion is Physical Evidence with a weight value of 0.18 and the third criterion that has an effect is Price with a weight value of 0.16. The alternative selected from the order of these criteria is the efficacy of the product in accordance with the offered strategy which is carried out by emphasizing the efficacy of the product while always maintaining the ingredients or ingredients used. The second alternative is that the company name is well known, this alternative is carried out with a communication role strategy. The third alternative is the price offered in accordance with what is obtained by the customer, this strategy is carried out through the PT X marketing communication strategy which must be further deepened
Analisis Kapabilitas sebagai Evaluasi Pengolahan Limbah Cair dengan Metode Statistical Process Control
PT KPI Refinery Unit IV Cilacap memasok 34% kebutuhan akan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) masyarakat Indonesia. Bahan baku proses produksi berasal dari sumber energi fosil yang menghasilkan limbah cair Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) dalam setiap prosesnya. Unit 47 IPAL merupakan unit pengolahan limbah cair PT KPI Refinery Unit IV Cilacap dengan hasil akhir product clean water. Peningkatan beban polutan feed menyebabkan product clean water tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan proses unit 47 IPAL dalam memenuhi spesifikasi produk melalui analisis kapabilitas proses. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan perolehan data bulan Juli hingga Desember 2022. Terdapat karakteristik produk yang harus dipenuhi dalam proses pengolahan limbah seperti pH, COD, oil content, NH3, H2S, dan phenol. Uji normalitas data menunjukan bahwa pada karakteristik NH3 dan H2S tidak berdistribusi normal. Sehingga analisis kapabilitas proses yang dilakukan menghasilkan karakteristik COD dan oil content menghasilkan nilai Cp dan Cpk < 1 menunjukkan pengolahan limbah memiliki kemampuan untuk memenuhi standar kualitas yang telah ditetapkan. Sedangkan karakteristik PH dan phenol menghasilkan nilai Cp < Cpk yang menunjukkan proses pengolahan limbah tidak stabil. Sehingga dilakukan pengulangan proses pengolahan limbah cair pada unit 47 IPAL untuk memperbaiki proses yang menghasilkan pengolahan limbah yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi
Cinema is one of the entertainment industries for people in Indonesia. From cinema visitor data in 2019-2021, there is a very significant decrease from 27,646,450 viewers in 2019, 12,059,127 in 2020, and 2,586,386 in 2021. The high number of COVID-19 cases caused the decline, so a level PPKM was issued to stop the spread of this virus. This study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of consumers or cinema visitors with services during the pandemic and to analyze the level of importance of service performance at the XYZ Purwokerto cinema. Respondents used are 100 respondents, based on calculations using the Lemeshow formula. The methods used will be the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) and the IPA (Importance Performance Analysis). The result shows that the satisfaction level of cinema visitors is 74.65%, which means in the satisfied category. Meanwhile, for the results of the analysis using the IPA method, the average level of consumer interest is 4.22, while the performance level is 3.73. Indicators are included in quadrant A or main priority so that there is a need for service improvements that are immediately improved. For example, in the statement of security and cleanliness guarantees during the cinema environment, employees maintain good communication between visitors and employees during the pandemic. The suggested improvement is to sterilize the cinema regularly, spray disinfectant to avoid exposure to viruses, and improve security by adding CCTV in every part of the cinema environment.Bioskop merupakan salah satu industri hiburan bagi masyarakat di Indonesia. Dari data pengunjung bioskop pada tahun 2019-2021, terjadi penurunan yang sangat signifikan dari 27.646.450 penonton pada tahun 2019, 12.059.127 pada tahun 2020, dan 2.586.386 pada tahun 2021. Penyebab terjadinya penurunan ini adalah tingginya jumlah kasus COVID-19 menyebabkan sebagai akibat dari pemberlakuan PPKM untuk menghentikan penyebaran virus ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengunjung bioskop terhadap pelayanan pada masa pandemi dan menganalisis tingkat kepentingan kinerja pelayanan pada bioskop XYZ Purwokerto. Responden penelitian ini terdiri dari 100 responden. Metode yang digunakan adalah CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) dan IPA (Importance Performance Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pengunjung bioskop sebesar 74,65% yang berada dalam kategori puas. Sedangkan untuk hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode IPA, rata-rata tingkat kepentingan pelayanan menurut konsumen sebesar 4,22, sedangkan tingkat kinerja sebesar 3,73.Jaminan keamanan dan kebersihan selama di lingkungan bioskop, serta komunikasi antara pengunjung dan karyawan bioskop berada dalam kuadran A, yang berarti indikator-indikator ini menjadi prioritas utama dalam perbaikan layanan. Usulan yang diberikan adalah mensterilkan bioskop secara berkala, menyemprotkan disinfektan untuk menghindari paparan virus, dan meningkatkan keamanan dengan menambahkan CCTV di setiap bagian lingkungan bioskop
Implementation of Importance-Performance Analysis on Integrated Information System Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Improving information systems is essential to increase user satisfaction which then has a positive impact on the institution. This study aims to measure the importance and performance of website service quality attributes on the i-Gracias ITTP using Importance Performance Analysis. This study integrate e-ServQual and WebQual to measure the level of student satisfaction with i-Gracias as a web-based information system service comprehensively. Generally, the satisfaction score shows that the performance of quality attributes does not meet the expectations of students as users. Of the 30 quality attributes measured, there is one attribute in quadrant I, 12 in quadrant II, 13 in quadrant III, and 3 in quadrant IV. The attributes that describe the fundamental functions of i-Gracias as an online service system are efficiency, security, fulfillment, information quality, and accessibility. The next priority for improvement for i-Gracias is efficiency improvement and process simplification
Inventory Optimization in Pharmacy Using Inventory Simulation-Based Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The problem that often occurs in raw material inventory is overstock or stockout conditions. The healthcare industry, including pharmaceuticals, has been experiencing uncertainty since the Covid-19 pandemic. Then impacts panic buying and stockpiling, which can lead to unpredictable spikes in demand, stockouts, and disruptions to the inventory system. The research was conducted at ABC Pharmacy in Yogyakarta, which experienced this problem. In this study, optimization of drug supply was carried out by measuring wareĀhouse capacity, and safety stock, increasing the number of orders and reorder points using the Min-Max and the economic order quantity models. A simulation of inventory optimiĀzation planning was carried out using Monte Carlo to see inventory projections for the next three months. Overall, the EOQ model simulation shows the most optimal results by showing the average total inventory cost of Rp. 103,579, where this number represents the lowest number of total inventory costs when compared to other simulation models. It also shows that the EOQ model is 86% more efficient in inventory cost than the Min-Max model. Comparison of the total cost of inventory The results of the three methods are calcuĀlated according to current demand and simulation of the EOQ method, which produces the minimum total inventory cost, followed by the company's initial model and the Min Max inventory method
A English
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is one of the alternative public transportations in urban areas, which has begun to be implemented in some cities of Indonesia. By finding out the effectiveness of BRT as a mass transportation system, it is necessary to study the expectations of users and non-users of the Trans Jateng Purwokerto-Purbalingga BRT regarding the perceived social, economic, and environmental impacts. This study uses the text Clustering method to group public opinion based on similarities so that it can be analyzed further for policymaking. As a result, the majority of the community gave positive expectations of BRT implementationās perceived social, economic, and environmental benefits. On the other hand, public opinion on the presence of BRT is not always positive and has a significant impact. Improvements are needed in several aspects that are considered not to meet public expectations to maximize the function of BRT as a substitute for public transportation for private vehicles
Pengembangan Model Jaringan Rantai Pasok dengan Inventory Control dan Permintaan Stokastik
Penelitian ini menggabungkan permasalahan alokasi dan persediaan pada pemodelan jaringan rantai pasok, yang terdiri dari beberapa manufaktur, gudang potensial, dan ritel sebagai sumber demand. Fokus utama penelitian adalah menentukan alokasi distribusi optimal tiap eselon, dan memilih sejumlah gudang yang akan dioperasikan pada kondisi permintaan stokastik. Penelitian ini menyajikan model mixed integer nonlinear programming yang bertujuan untuk meminimalkan total biaya transportasi, biaya pembukaan gudang, serta biaya persediaan pada jaringan rantai pasok. Model diaplikasikan ke dalam numerical example berskala kecil untuk membuktikan bahwa model yang dikembangkan dapat diaplikasikan dan berjalan sesuai dengan konsep pemodelan yang diharapkan
Artisanal Business Scaling Pada Industri Kreatif Akar Jati Desa Kedungbenda Melalui Upaya Digital Branding dan Efisiensi Produksi
Akar Wijaya is a creative industry with superior products in the form of artisan sculptures made from teak roots. In the marketing sector, Akar Wijaya's unpreparedness in utilizing digital technology for marketing and sales means that Akar Wijaya's exposure could be a lot higher. The inability to meet all demand in the production sector is also caused by the extended production time, namely 5-7 days per craft. Therefore, this program aims to increase Akar Wijaya's turnover by solving two main priority problems: implementing digitalization in the branding and marketing process and production efficiency by cutting machine technology to reduce production time. At the end of the program, UMKM Akar Wijaya had a visual identity in the form of a logo, which was then applied to the website to improve branding. In addition, digital branding training was carried out, which significantly increased participants' understanding. Implementation of production technology has the impact of reducing production time by up to 50%.Akar Wijaya merupakan salah satu industri kreatif dengan produk unggulan berupa produk artisan kerajinan patung yang terbuat dari akar jati. Pada bidang pemasaran, ketidaksiapan Akar Wijaya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi digital untuk pemasaran dan penjualan, membuat exposure Akar Wijaya belum terlalu tinggi. Pada bidang produksi, ketidakmampuan memenuhi seluruh permintaan ini juga disebabkan oleh waktu produksi yang cukup lama, yaitu 5-7 hari tiap kerajinan. Oleh karena itu, program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan omset Akar Wijaya dengan menyelesaikan dua prioritas permasalahan utama berupa penerapan digitalisasi pada proses branding dan pemasaran serta efisiensi produksi dengan mengimplementasikan teknologi mesin cutting untuk mengurangi waktu produksi. Pada akhir program, UMKM Akar Wijaya telah memiliki identitas visual berupa logo yang selanjutnya diaplikasikan pada website sebagai upaya peningkatan branding. Selain itu, dilakukan pelatihan digital branding yang memberikan peningkatan signifikan pada pemahaman peserta. Implementasi teknologi produksi memberikan dampak penurunan waktu produksi hingga 50%
Akselerasi Revitalisasi Proses Pemasaran Dage Desa Ciberung Menuju Economic Growth and Market Expansion
The dage commodity is the leading commodity in Ciberung Village, Ajibarang, Banyumas as the center of dage business and production. Dage itself is made from a mixture of coconut materials. Specifically for the Banyumas area, the dage produced is made from coconut pulp or cake, brown to gray in color, and covered with mushrooms. Currently, the dage production process is still spread among individual craftsmen. This condition has an impact on the uneven quality of the dage products produced. This results in several shortcomings starting from the aspect of product quality and scalability of dage products in the market. For this reason, the service to the dage craftsmen group in the Ciberung Village government environment was carried out to overcome these problems, and became a form of effort in developing the marketing of dage products, in order to produce superior products that have competitiveness and have the opportunity to expand the market. The training is in the form of developing a marketing campaign, and applying the concept of branding to develop this product. It is hoped that with this training Dage can be recognized by the wider community.Komoditas dage yang menjadi komoditas unggulan di Desa Ciberung, Ajibarang, Banyumas sebagai sentra usaha dan produksi dage. Dage sendiri terbuat dari campuran material kelapa. Khusus daerah Banyumas, dage yang dihasilkan terbuat dari ampas atau bungkil kelapa, berwarna cokelat mendekati abu-abu, dan diselimuti dengan jamur. Saat ini proses produksi dage masih tersebar pada masing-masing pengrajin secara individu. Kondisi ini berdampak pada ketidakmerataan kualitas produk dage yang dihasilkan. Hal ini mengakibatkan beberapa kekurangan mulai dari aspek kualitas produk dan skalabilitas produk dage di pasaran. Untuk itu pengabdian pada kelompok pengrajin dage di lingkungan pemerintah Desa Ciberung dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dan menjadi bentuk usaha dalam mengembangkan pemasaran produk dage, guna menghasilkan produk unggulan yang memiliki daya saing dan berkesempatan melakukan perluasan pasar. Pelatihan berupa pengembangan marketing campaign, dan penerapan konsep branding untuk mengembangkan produk ini. Harapannya dengan pelatihan ini Dage bisa dikenal oleh masyarakat luas