252 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent recombination in Czochralski silicon containing oxide precipitates

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    Electrically detected magnetic resonance is used to identify recombination centers in a set of Czochralski grown silicon samples processed to contain strained oxide precipitates with a wide range of densities (~ 1e9 cm-3 to ~ 7e10 cm-3). Measurements reveal that photo-excited charge carriers recombine through Pb0 and Pb1 dangling bonds and comparison to precipitate-free material indicates that these are present at both the sample surface and the oxide precipitates. The electronic recombination rates vary approximately linearly with precipitate density. Additional resonance lines arising from iron-boron and interstitial iron are observed and discussed. Our observations are inconsistent with bolometric heating and interpreted in terms of spin-dependent recombination. Electrically detected magnetic resonance is thus a very powerful and sensitive spectroscopic technique to selectively probe recombination centers in modern photovoltaic device materials.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The effect of oxide precipitates on minority carrier lifetime in n-type silicon

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    Supersaturated levels of interstitial oxygen in Czochralski silicon can lead to the formation of oxide precipitates. Although beneficial from an internal gettering perspective, oxygen-related extended defects give rise to recombination which reduces minority carrier lifetime. The highest efficiency silicon solar cells are made from n-type substrates in which oxide precipitates can have a detrimental impact on cell efficiency. In order to quantify and to understand the mechanism of recombination in such materials, we correlate injection level-dependent minority carrier lifetime data measured with silicon nitride surface passivation with interstitial oxygen loss and precipitate concentration measurements in samples processed under substantially different conditions. We account for surface recombination, doping level, and precipitate morphology to present a generalised parameterisation of lifetime. The lifetime data are analysed in terms of recombination activity which is dependent on precipitate density or on the surface area of different morphologies of precipitates. Correlation of the lifetime data with interstitial oxygen loss data shows that the recombination activity is likely to be dependent on the precipitate surface area. We generalise our findings to estimate the impact of oxide precipitates with a given surface area on lifetime in both n-type and p-type silicon

    Shoot growth of woody trees and shrubs is predicted by maximum plant height and associated traits

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    1. The rate of elongation and thickening of individual branches (shoots) varies across plant species. This variation is important for the outcome of competition and other plant-plant interactions. Here we compared rates of shoot growth across 44 species from tropical, warm temperate, and cool temperate forests of eastern Australia.2. Shoot growth rate was found to correlate with a suite of traits including the potential height of the species, xylem-specific conductivity, leaf size, leaf area per xylem cross-section, twig diameter (at 40 cm length), wood density and modulus of elasticity.3. Within this suite of traits, maximum plant height was the clearest correlate of growth rates, explaining 50 to 67% of the variation in growth overall (p p 4. Growth rates were not strongly correlated with leaf nitrogen or leaf mass per unit leaf area.5. Correlations between growth and maximum height arose both across latitude (47%, p p p p < 0.0001), reflecting intrinsic differences across species and sites

    In-hospital outcomes by insurance type among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions for acute myocardial infarction in New South Wales public hospitals

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    Background: International evidence suggests patients receiving cardiac interventions experience differential outcomes by their insurance status. We investigated outcomes of in-hospital care according to insurance status among patients admitted in public hospitals with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods: We conducted a cohort study within the Australian universal health care system with supplemental private insurance. Using linked hospital and mortality data, we included patients aged 18 + years admitted to New South Wales public hospitals with AMI and undergoing their first PCI from 2017–2020. We measured hospital-acquired complications (HACs), length of stay (LOS) and in-hospital mortality among propensity score-matched private and publicly funded patients. Matching was based on socio-demographic, clinical, admission and hospital-related factors. Results: Of 18,237 inpatients, 30.0% were privately funded. In the propensity-matched cohort (n = 10,630), private patients had lower rates of in-hospital mortality than public patients (odds ratio: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.45–0.77; approximately 11 deaths avoided per 1,000 people undergoing PCI procedures). Mortality differences were mostly driven by STEMI patients and those from major cities. There were no significant differences in rates of HACs or average LOS in private, compared to public, patients. Conclusion: Our findings suggest patients undergoing PCI in Australian public hospitals with private health insurance experience lower in-hospital mortality compared with their publicly insured counterparts, but in-hospital complications are not related to patient health insurance status. Our findings are likely due to unmeasured confounding of broader patient selection, socioeconomic differences and pathways of care (e.g. access to emergency and ambulatory care; delays in treatment) that should be investigated to improve equity in health outcomes

    Patterns and drivers of plant diversity across Australia

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    Biodiversity analyses across continental extents are important in providing comprehensive information on patterns and likely drivers of diversity. For vascular plants in Australia, community-level diversity analyses have been restricted by the lack of a consistent plot-based survey dataset across the continent. To overcome these challenges, we collated and harmonised plot-based vegetation survey data from the major data sources across Australia and used them as the basis for modelling species richness (α-diversity) and community compositional dissimilarity (β-diversity), standardised to 400 m2, with the aim of mapping diversity patterns and identifying potential environmental drivers. The harmonised Australian vegetation plot (HAVPlot) dataset includes 219 552 plots, of which we used 115 083 to analyse plant diversity. Models of species richness and compositional dissimilarity both explained approximately one-third of the variation in plant diversity across Australia (D2 = 33.0% and 32.7%, respectively). The strongest environmental predictors for both aspects of diversity were a combination of temperature and precipitation, with soil texture and topographic heterogeneity also important. The fine-resolution (≈ 90 m) spatial predictions of species richness and compositional dissimilarity identify areas expected to be of particular importance for plant diversity, including south-western Australia, rainforests of eastern Australia and the Australian Alps. Arid areas of central and western Australia are predicted to support assemblages that are less speciose or unique; however, these areas are most in need of additional survey data to fill the spatial, environmental and taxonomic gaps in the HAVPlot dataset. The harmonised data and model predictions presented here provide new insight into plant diversity patterns across Australia, enabling a wide variety of future research, such as exploring changes in species abundances, linking compositional patterns to functional traits or undertaking conservation assessments for selected components of the flora

    Climate shapes community flowering periods across biomes

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    Published online 11 May 2022Aim: Climate shapes the composition and function of plant communities globally, but it remains unclear how this influence extends to floral traits. Flowering phenology, or the time period in which a species flowers, has well-studied relationships with climatic signals at the species level but has rarely been explored at a cross-community and continental scale. Here, we characterise the distribution of flowering periods (months of flowering) across continental plant communities encompassing six biomes, and determine the influence of climate on community flowering period lengths.Location: Australia.Ta xo n: Flowering plants.Methods: We combined plant composition and abundance data from 629 standardised floristic surveys (AusPlots) with data on flowering period from the AusTraits database and additional primary literature for 2983 species. We assessed abundance- weighted community mean flowering periods across biomes and tested their relationship with climatic annual means and the predictability of climate conditions using regression models. Results: Combined, temperature and precipitation (annual mean and predictability) explain 29% of variation in continental community flowering period. Plant communities with higher mean temperatures and lower mean precipitation have longer mean flowering periods. Moreover, plant communities in climates with predictable temperatures and, to a lesser extent, predictable precipitation have shorter mean flowering periods. Flowering period varies by biome, being longest in deserts and shortest in al-pine and montane communities. For instance, desert communities experience low and unpredictable precipitation and high, unpredictable temperatures and have longer mean flowering periods, with desert species typically flowering at any time of year in response to rain.Main conclusions: Current climate conditions shape flowering periods across biomes, with implications for phenology under climate change. Shifts in flowering periods across climatic gradients reflect changes in plant strategies, affecting patterns of plant growth and reproduction as well as the availability of floral resources for pollinators across the landscape.Ruby E. Stephens, Hervé Sauquet, Greg R. Guerin, Mingkai Jiang, Daniel Falster, Rachael V. Gallaghe

    Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance–improving conservation outcomes

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    The Ramsar Convention (or the Convention on Wetlands), signed in 1971, was one of the first international conservation agreements, promoting global wise use of wetlands. It has three primary objectives: national designation and management of wetlands of international importance; general wise use of wetlands; and international cooperation. We examined lessons learnt for improving wetland conservation after Ramsar’s nearly five decades of operation. The number of wetlands in the Ramsar Site Network has grown over time (2,391 Ramsar Sites, 2.5 million km2, as at 2020-06-09) but unevenly around the world, with decreasing rate of growth in recent decades. Ramsar Sites are concentrated in countries with a high Gross Domestic Product and human pressure (e.g., western Europe) but, in contrast, Ramsar Sites with the largest wetland extent are in central-west Africa and South America. We identified three key challenges for improving effectiveness of the Ramsar Site Network: increasing number of sites and wetland area, improved representation (functional, geographical and biological); and effective management and reporting. Increasing the number of sites and area in the Ramsar network could benefit from targets, implemented at national scales. Knowledge of representativeness is inadequate, requiring analyses of functional ecotypes, geographical and biological representativeness. Finally, most countries have inadequate management planning and reporting on the ecological character of their Ramsar Sites, requiring more focused attention on a vision and objectives, with regular reporting of key indicators to guide management. There are increasing opportunities to rigorously track ecological character, utilizing new tools and available indicators (e.g., remote sensing). It is critical that the world protect its wetlands, with an effective Ramsar Convention or the Convention on Wetlands at the core

    Predicting Maximum Tree Heights and Other Traits from Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations

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    Terrestrial vegetation plays a central role in regulating the carbon and water cycles, and adjusting planetary albedo. As such, a clear understanding and accurate characterization of vegetation dynamics is critical to understanding and modeling the broader climate system. Maximum tree height is an important feature of forest vegetation because it is directly related to the overall scale of many ecological and environmental quantities and is an important indicator for understanding several properties of plant communities, including total standing biomass and resource use. We present a model that predicts local maximal tree height across the entire continental United States, in good agreement with data. The model combines scaling laws, which encode the average, base-line behavior of many tree characteristics, with energy budgets constrained by local resource limitations, such as precipitation, temperature and solar radiation. In addition to predicting maximum tree height in an environment, our framework can be extended to predict how other tree traits, such as stomatal density, depend on these resource constraints. Furthermore, it offers predictions for the relationship between height and whole canopy albedo, which is important for understanding the Earth's radiative budget, a critical component of the climate system. Because our model focuses on dominant features, which are represented by a small set of mechanisms, it can be easily integrated into more complicated ecological or climate models.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Research Experience for Undergraduates stipend)Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Graduate Research Fellowship Program)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Presidential FellowshipEugene V. and Clare Thaw Charitable TrustEngineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (PHY0202180)Colorado College (Venture Grant Program

    AusTraits – a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora

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    We introduce the AusTraits database - a compilation of values of plant traits for taxa in the Australian flora (hereafter AusTraits). AusTraits synthesises data on 448 traits across 28,640 taxa from field campaigns, published literature, taxonomic monographs, and individual taxon descriptions. Traits vary in scope from physiological measures of performance (e.g. photosynthetic gas exchange, water-use efficiency) to morphological attributes (e.g. leaf area, seed mass, plant height) which link to aspects of ecological variation. AusTraits contains curated and harmonised individual- and species-level measurements coupled to, where available, contextual information on site properties and experimental conditions. This article provides information on version 3.0.2 of AusTraits which contains data for 997,808 trait-by-taxon combinations. We envision AusTraits as an ongoing collaborative initiative for easily archiving and sharing trait data, which also provides a template for other national or regional initiatives globally to fill persistent gaps in trait knowledge.Daniel Falster ... Raymond J. Carpenter ... Matthew D. Denton ... Gregory R. Guerin ... Juergen Kellermann ... Samantha E. Munroe ... Benjamin D. Sparrow ... et al