628 research outputs found

    Implementation framework for PLM: a case study in the fashion industry

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    TRACE and ground-based observations of microflares

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    We present high temporal and spatial resolution, multiwavelength observations of small-scale activity phenomena. The data were obtained during a coordinated campaign between ground-based and space observatories. Our analysis supports the concept that small flares are just miniature flares, i.e. that the same physical processes are at work, but that it is mandatory to have an excellent resolution in order to clearly identify them. In particular, we find that chromospheric downward motions are a very distinctive characteristic of the flare phenomenon even in tiny events

    Flare model sensitivity of the Balmer spectrum

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    Careful studies of various chromospheric spectral signatures are very important in order to explore their possible sensitivity to the modifications of the thermodynamic quantities produced by the flare occurrence. Pioneer work of Canfield and co-workers have shown how the H alpha behavior is able to indicate different changes in the atmospheric parameters structure associated to the flare event. It was decided to study the behavior of the highest Balmer lines and of the Balmer continuum in different solar flare model atmospheres. These spectral features, originating in the deep photosphere in a quiet area, may have a sensitivity different from H alpha to the modification of a flare atmosphere. The details of the method used to compute the Stark profile of the higher Balmer line (n is greater than or equal to 6) and their merging were extensively given elsewhere (Donati-Falchi et al., 1985; Falchi et al., 1989). The models used were developed by Ricchiazzi in his thesis (1982) evaluating the chromospheric response to both the nonthermal electron flux, for energy greater than 20 kev, (F sub 20) and to the thermal conduction, (F sub c). The effect of the coronal pressure values (P sub O) at the apex of the flare loop is also included

    Helium Line Formation and Abundance in a Solar Active Region

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    An observing campaign (SOHO JOP 139), coordinated between ground-based and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) instruments, has been planned to obtain simultaneous spectroheliograms of the same active region in several spectral lines. The chromospheric lines Ca ii K, H , and Na i D, as well as He i 10830, 5876, 584, and He ii 304 8 lines have been observed. The EUV radiation in the range k < 500 8 and in the range 260 < k < 340 8 has also been measured at the same time. These simultaneous observations allow us to build semiempirical models of the chromosphere and low transition region of an active region, taking into account the estimated total number of photoionizing photons impinging on the target active region and their spectral distribution. We obtained a model that matches very well all the observed line profiles, using a standard value for the He abundance (½He ¼ 0:1) and a modified distribution of microturbulence. For this model we study the influence of the coronal radiation on the computed helium lines. We find that, even in an active region, the incident coronal radiation has a limited effect on the UV He lines, while it is of fundamental importance for the D3 and 10830 8 lines. Finally, we build two more models, assuming values of He abundance ½He ¼ 0:07 and 1.5, only in the region where temperatures are >1 ; 104 K. This region, between the chromosphere and transition region, has been indicated as a good candidate for processes that might be responsible for strong variations of [He]. The set of our observables can still be well reproduced in both cases, changing the atmospheric structure mainly in the low transition region. This implies that, to choose between different values of [He], it is necessary to constrain the transition region with different observables, independent of the He lines.Fil: Mauas, Pablo Jacobo David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Andretta, V.. Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte; ItaliaFil: Falchi, A.. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri; ItaliaFil: Falciani, R.. Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze; ItaliaFil: Teriaca, L.. Max-Planck-Institut fur Sonnensystemforschung; AlemaniaFil: Cauzzi, G.. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri; Itali

    Overexpression of lpxT Gene in Escherichia coli Inhibits Cell Division and Causes Envelope Defects without Changing the Overall Phosphorylation Level of Lipid A

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    LpxT is an inner membrane protein that transfers a phosphate group from the essential lipid undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (C-55PP) to the lipid A moiety of lipopolysaccharide, generating a lipid A tris-phosphorylated species. The protein is encoded by the non-essential lpxT gene, which is conserved in distantly related Gram-negative bacteria. In this work, we investigated the phenotypic effect of lpxT ectopic expression from a plasmid in Escherichia coli. We found that lpxT induction inhibited cell division and led to the formation of elongated cells, mostly with absent or altered septa. Moreover, the cells became sensitive to detergents and to hypo-osmotic shock, indicating that they had cell envelope defects. These effects were not due to lipid A hyperphosphorylation or C-55PP sequestering, but most likely to defective lipopolysaccharide transport. Indeed, lpxT overexpression in mutants lacking the L,D-transpeptidase LdtD and LdtE, which protect cells with outer membrane defects from osmotic lysis, caused cell envelope defects. Moreover, we found that pyrophosphorylated lipid A was also produced in a lpxT deletion mutant, indicating that LpxT is not the only protein able to perform such lipid A modification in E. coli

    RHESSI images and spectra of two small flares

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    We studied the evolution of two small flares (GOES class C2 and C1) that developed in the same active region with different morphological characteristics: one is extended and the other is compact. We analyzed the accuracy and the consistency of different algorithms implemented in RHESSI software to reconstruct the image of the emitting sources, for energies between 3 and 12 keV. We found that all tested algorithms give consistent results for the peak position whil the other parameters can differ at most by a factor 2. Pixon and Forward-fit generally converge to similar results but Pixon is more reliable for reconstructing a complex source. We investigated the spectral characteristics of the two flares during their evolution in the 3--25 keV energy band. We found that a single thermal model of the photon spectrum is inadequate to fit the observations and we needed to add either a non-thermal model or a hot thermal one.The non-thermal and the double thermal fits are comparable. If we assume a non-thermal model, the non-thermal energy is always higher than the thermal one.Only during the very final decay phase a single thermal model fits fairly well the observed spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Solar Physic