635 research outputs found


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    The study intends to determine and analyse: 1) financial efficiency of Public Service Agency in Tadulako University; 2) financial effectiveness of Public Service Agency in Tadulako University; 3) financial independency of Public Service Agency in Tadulako University. Type of study is descriptive, which is aimed to comprehensively analyse and describe financial efficiency, effectiveness, and independency of the Public Service Agency in Tadulako University. The study finds that the efficiency ratio indicates that financial management of Tadulako University is less efficient with an average ratio of 105%. Financial management effectiveness ratio of 104% or very effective in average. This is indicate by greater revenue than planned realizations. Financial independence management ratio of Tadulako University in six years is 34% or in the consultative category


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian penyebaran fluida panas di Desa Alue Canang Kabupaten Aceh Timur menggunakan metode Self-Potential. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik  fixed base. Titik pengukuran data sebanyak 277 titik dari 21 lintasan. Data potensial listrik yang telah terukur dilapangan diolah menggunakan software surfer 13 sehingga dihasilkan peta kontur isopotensial. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai SP berkisar antara -8,9 s/d 27,3 mV. Arah aliran fluida berdasarkan peta kontur arah gradien potensial listrik yang bergerak di bawah permukaan tanah mengalir dari arah timur terakumulasi di bagian barat laut. Hasil pengukuran seluruh pH tanah di area penelitian memiliki rentang nilai 4,0 - 6,5. Daerah ini dikategorikan mempunyai pH tanah yang bersifat masam. Konduktivitas listrik tanah yang tinggi diikuti dengan kenaikan nilai pH tanah. Semakin tinggi nilai SP maka tinggi juga nilai pH tanah

    Resilient Backpropagation Neural Network on Prediction of Poverty Levels in South Sulawesi

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    Poverty is a topic that continues and is always discussed up to this time, as a benchmark indicator of how the level of welfare and prosperity in the lives of people in a country. Several attempts have been made by the central and regional governments to reduce poverty levels, including “Bantuan Langsung Tunai” (BLT) and the “Program Keluarga Harapan” (PKH). However, poverty reduction in Indonesia is still slowing down, including in South Sulawesi. Based on this, this study aims to predict poverty levels in South Sulawesi. Factors thought to influence poverty levels are the Human Development Index (HDI), the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), and the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). The data used are data from 2010 to 2014. The method used is a backpropagation neural network with a resilient algorithm or better known as a resilient backpropagation neural network (RBNN). The results of the prediction of poverty levels using predictors of HDI, TPT, and GRDP showed that the analysis of the RBNN reached its optimum using architecture [3- 9 - 1] and reached convergence at the 81th iteration with an accuracy rate of 95.34%

    K-Means Clustering Analysis pada Persebaran Tingkat Pengangguran Kabupaten/Kota di Sulawesi Selatan

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    This study aims to determine the distribution of districts in South Sulawesi based on unemployment rate using clustering analysis. The unemployment rate indicators are districts minimum wage (UMK) and human development index growth rate (IPM). The algorithm used in this study is k-means clustering. The results of k-means clustering analysis showed that of 24 districts in South Sulawesi are divided into two clusters, namely the high and low unemployment rate. The high employment rate cluster consists of 6 districts, namely Pangkep, Sidrap, Luwu Timur, Palopo, Parepare, and Makassar. The rest, 18 districts are in the low employment rate cluster


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian sebaran bawah permukaan zona air asin dan zona air tawar di Desa Mata Ie Kecamatan Ranto Peurelak Kabupaten Aceh Timur menggunakan metode Self-Potential dengan teknik Fixed-Based. Data SP diolah menggunakan Surfer 13 untuk memperoleh peta kontur isopotensial. Sebaran zona air tawar berada disebagian wilayah utara dengan nilai SP tinggi berkisar antara 24 mV sampai 30 mV dan sebagian wilayah lainnya merupakan zona air asin dengan nilai SP rendah berkisar antara -2 mV sampai -4 mV. Nilai SP pada zona air asin cenderung rendah diperkirakan akibat dari jumlah akumulasi air tawar lebih besar dibandingkan dengan akumulasi air asin sehingga nilai Sp yang terukur tinggi. Hasil dari analisis uji DO dan pH membuktikan bahwa di daerah lokasi penelitian terdapat air asin dan air tawar


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    This research was an attempt to find evidence of the influence of the Pair Work Technique on speaking ability. It was conducted at SMPN 2 Sa’dan with a total of 34 students. This study was carried out by Speaking test and Questionnaire in the classroom. It was conducted in 6 meetings. To determine whether the Pair Work Technique for the teaching of speaking was effective, a speaking test was given at the Experimental group in IX-A class to know the students’ speaking ability. The percentage of the students’ speaking ability in Pre-test, namely; 1) 0% students were got excellent, good, and fair category, 2) the percentage of the poor category was 10% (there are 2 students), 3) the percentage of the very poor category was 90% (there are 18 students). And the percentage of the students’ speaking ability in Post-test, namely: 1) the percentage of the excellent category was 0%, but 2) the percentage of the good category was 10% (there are 2 students), 3) the percentage of the fair category was 85% (there are 17 students), 4) the percentage of the poor category was 5% (just 1 student), 5) the percentage of the very poor category was 0%. While to determine whether the Pair Work Technique for the teaching of speaking was effective, a questionnaire was given in the Experimental group to know the students’ motivation. The percentage of the students’ motivation it was found that: 1) the percentage of the strongly motivated classification was 15% (there are 3 students) 2) the percentage of the motivated classification was 75% (there are 15 students) 3) the percentage of the fairly motivated classification was 10% (there are 2 students). It can be concluded that the Pair Work Technique was effective to improve the students’ speaking ability and students’ motivation for the 9th-grade students of SMPN 2 Sa’dan North Toraja in the academic year 2020/2021.Penelitian ini merupakan upaya untuk menemukan bukti pengaruh Teknik Kerja Berpasangan terhadap kemampuan berbicara. Dilakukan di SMPN 2 Sa’dan dengan jumlah siswa 34 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tes Berbicara dan Kuesioner untuk dilakukan di dalam kelas. Dilakukan dalam 6 kali pertemuan. Untuk mengetahui apakah Teknik Kerja Berpasangan untuk pengajaran berbicara efektif, diberikan tes berbicara pada kelompok Eksperimen di kelas IX-A untuk mengetahui kemampuan berbicara siswa. Persentase kemampuan berbicara siswa pada Pre-test ditemukan bahwa 1) 0% siswa mendapat kategori sangat baik, baik, dan cukup, 2) persentase kategori kurang adalah 10% (ada 2 siswa), 3 ) persentase kategori sangat kurang adalah 90% (ada 18 siswa). Dan persentase kemampuan berbicara siswa pada Post-test ditemukan bahwa: 1) persentase kategori sangat baik adalah 0%, tetapi 2) persentase kategori baik adalah 10% (ada 2 siswa), 3 ) persentase kategori cukup 85% (ada 17 siswa), 4) persentase kategori kurang 5% (hanya 1 siswa), 5) persentase kategori sangat kurang 0%. Sedangkan untuk menentukan apakah Teknik Kerja Berpasangan untuk pengajaran berbicara efektif, kuesioner diberikan pada kelompok Eksperimen untuk mengetahui motivasi siswa. Persentase motivasi siswa diketahui bahwa: 1) persentase klasifikasi sangat termotivasi sebesar 15% (ada 3 siswa) 2) persentase klasifikasi termotivasi sebesar 75% (ada 15 siswa) 3) persentase persentase klasifikasi cukup termotivasi adalah 10% (ada 2 siswa). Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Teknik Kerja Berpasangan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dan motivasi belajar siswa kelas 9 SMPN 2 Sa’dan Toraja Utara tahun pelajaran 2020/2021

    Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) Based Guidance for Student Academic Hardiness

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    The background of the research is the importance of increasing competence for the younger generation as the nation's successor. This competence is related to the ability to face challenges, carry out commitments, and proper control in the midst of globalization which has positive and negative impacts. This capacity development can be developed through guidance interventions based on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). The purpose of this study was to analyzed the description of academic hardiness possessed by high school students in Aceh, and measured the effectiveness of guidance based on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in developing academic hardiness of high school students in Aceh. This study used a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method (non-equivalent control group design). Data were collected using the modified Academic Hardiness Scale (AHS) from Benishek & Lopez based on three aspects of academic hardiness, specifically commitment, challenge, and control. The population of this research is 154 the MAS Imam Syafii students. The research sample consisted of 60 students who were divided into experimental and control groups. Based on the results of the paired samplet-test, there is a significant difference between the pre and post test results of students after being given SFBT-based guidance, but the results of the N-Gain analysis show that SFBT has a low effect in increasing the academic hardiness of MAS Imam Syafii students. To get a significant increase in academic hardiness, SFBT can also be given individually/group

    Pembuatan Pasta Gigi Katekin Teh Hijau Dan Uji Daya Hambat Terhadap Bakteri Streptococcus Mutans Dan Lactobascillus Ascidopillus

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    Pembuatan pasta gigi ini dilatar belakangi oleh keinginan peneliti agar memudahkan masyarakat menggunakan bahan alami katekin teh hijau yang hasilnya langsung di uji efektifitasnya terhadap daya hambat bakteri kariogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pembuatan prodak pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dengan formula yang sesuai dengan hasil uji dan melakukan pengujian daya hambat pasta gigi katekin teh hijau terhadap bakteri streptococcus mutans dan lactobacillus acidophilus. Pembuatan pasta gigi katekin teh hijau didahului dengan pembuatan ekstrak katekin dan uji konsentrasi hambat minimal (KHM) dan uji konsentrasi bunuh minimal (KBH) menggunakan metode dilusi cair.Peracikan formula dan pembuatan pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dilakukan sesuai hasil uji KHM (MIC). Pasta gigi katekin teh hijau ini dilakukan pengukuran kadar total flavonoid dan total polifenol, selanjutnya pengukuran uji daya hambat pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dilakukan dengan metode difusi menggunakan well (sumuran) sebagai reservoar sampel uji terhadap bakteri streptococus mutans dan lactobacilus acidophilus. Hasil diperoleh prodak pasta gigi katekin teh hijau dengan kandungan kadar flavonoid 77% dan kadar polifenol 41%, sedangkan hasil uji diameter hambatan pasta gigi katekin teh hijau terhadap bakteri streptococcus mutans 17,2 mm dan bakteri lactobacillus acidophilus 19,6 mm. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa prodak katekin teh hijau ini sangat efektif digunakan sehari-hari sebagai perawatan gigi dan juga sebagai antibakteri kariogenik. Making Green Tea Catechin Toothpaste and Inhibition Test Against Streptococcus Mutans and Acidophilus Lactobaccilus. The manufacture of this toothpaste is motivated by the desire of researchers to facilitate the public to use natural ingredients of green tea catechins whose result effectiveness against cariogenic bacteria was directly tested inhibition. This study is to find the right formula composition for greentea catechins toothpaste based on the result of the inhibition properties of greentea cathecins against tostreptococcus mutans dan lactobacillus acidophilus. The manufacture of greentea catechins toothpaste was after making catechins extracts and testing minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) using liquid dilution method. The toothpaste was then made according to the result of MIC. The toothpaste\u27s flavonoid and polyphenol total contain was measured; then the inhibition property of the toothpaste to was measured using diffusion method with wells as the sample reservoar for streptococus mutans dan lactobacilus acidophilus. It is found that the toothpaste contains 77% flavonoid and 41% polyphenol, and the diameter of the inhibition property of green tea catechyn is 17.2 mm for streptococus mutans and 19.6 mm for lactobacilus acidophilus. This result shows that greentea catechyn toothpaste is very effective for daily oral care which is antibacterial


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    Kepuasan pasien merupakan suatu tingkat perasaan yang timbul sebagai akibat dari kinerja layanan kesehatan yang diperolehnya setelah pasien membandingkan dengan yang diharapkan. Kepuasan pasien mengenai mutu pelayanan di Puskesmas Panteraja dengan katagori kurang baik dan masih ada keluhan ketidakpuasan pasien yang diterima oleh pihak puskesmas terkait pelayanan yang diberikan. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan mutu pelayanan kesehatan dengan kepuasan pasien di Puskesmas Panteraja Kecamatan Panteraja Kabupaten Pidie Jaya Tahun 2023. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analitik dengan desain Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pasien Puskesmas Panteraja yang berjumlah 13.880 orang pada bulan Desember, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu random sampling maka diperoleh sampel sebanyak 100 pasien. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari tanggal 23 Januari s/d 27 Januari 2023 dengan menggunakan Kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan program komputer SPSS. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh ada hubungan antara ketanggapan (p-value 0.006), sarana       fisik (p-value 0.001), kehandalan (p-value 0.014), jaminan (p-value 0.010), dan empati  (p-value 0.041) dengan kepuasan  pasien
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