14 research outputs found

    Mastering Teaching English For Young Learners

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    Teaching language to old learners is different from teaching language to young learners. Young learners have certain characteristics which are different from old learners so those influence their acquiring a foreign language. Teaching foreign language is easy if we understand the rules well. The rules are understanding characteristics of our students, mastering some suitable methods, and choosing suitable material. Young learners have certain characteristic distinguishing to the older learners. Related to the certain characteristics, the teacher must understand to differentiate the method they use in teaching English as a foreign language to the young learners. To empower the teaching, the teacher must master the material wel


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    Speaking is one of the important skills that must be learned by anyone who wants to master English. In mastering speaking skills, it is necessary to use several strategies. Researchers compiled this thesis with the aim of knowing how the strategies used by tutors in teaching speaking , and students' responses to the strategies used by tutors helped them improve students' speaking skills at Fajar English Course, Pare, Kediri. The research method used by the researcher is a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers obtained data by observing one speaking class program, namely Mentari class. The researcher also interviewed three tutors in Mentari class and two students in Mentari class. Finally, the researcher collected the documentation obtained from the observations in class. The data were analyzed by organizing the data obtained by the researcher. The findings of this study indicate that the strategies applied by tutors are conversation, story telling, presentation, debate, breaking news, and speech.The reason the tutor uses this strategy is because the strategy is considered a fun strategy, gives students confidence to dare to speak in public, motivates students not to be afraid of making mistakes when speaking, and from speaking practice students also gain new knowledge. For students who have difficulty in learning speaking, the tutor encourages and motivates them to practice more speaking both inside and outside the classroom. Because every difficulty in the process of learning speaking is considered to be easy to overcome with a lot of practice


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    The aim of the research is to determine mini-group discussion as a cooperative learning in teaching reading. In the article, the method used is quantitative and descriptive qualitative which focus on teaching reading English text of Unhasy Students non-English department. It focus on some problems, those are How the implementation of mini group discussion (mindis) in teaching reading English and How the influence of (Mindis) into students’ enhancement in reading English comprehension. The researcher used test as an instrument and interview of the students. The result of the research are Mindis is easy to teach reading English in non-English department and it has significant influence into the students’ enhancement in reading English. Keywords: mindis, teaching reading, students’ enhancemen

    Course review horay and critical thinking skills: the effective teaching model for students’ grammar competence in remote EFL classrooms

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    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, EFL lecturers need to be creative in handling their remote teaching. However, scarce studies investigated the use of course review horay (CRH) and students’ critical thinking skills (CTS) in remote EFL classrooms especially in grammar classes. The study aimed to explore whether or not CRH was more effective than explanation model to teach grammar and the students having high CTS had better grammar competence than those of low CTS. This experimental study employed a 2x2 factorial design. The population was the second semester students of non-English departments in a private university in East Java, Indonesia. The sample was four groups comprising of two groups (high and low CTS) in the experimental class and two groups (high and low CTS) in the control class. To categorize them into high and low CTS, an Indonesian argumentative essay writing test was used. After six meetings of treatment, the students did the grammar test. The grammar scores were, then, analyzed using ANOVA and TUKEY tests. The results indicated that CRH was more effective and the students with high CTS possessed better grammar competence. The present study implies that CRH and CTS created a joyful learning atmosphere in remote grammar teaching

    Vocabulary Self Collection Strategy to Increase Vocabulary Mastery

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    This research focused on increasing vocabulary mastery by using of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy. This research used CAR as the design which conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of plan, implementation, observation and reflection. This research has 20 students (15 female and 5 male) as the subject research.  They are the ESP (English as Specific Purpose) students of Indonesian language and literature education in the second semester. The result showed that mean score of the first cycle was 67 while in the second cycle was 94.3. There is 27.3 improvement from cycle one to cycle two. In short, the application of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy can be applied as the strategy to improve vocabulary mastery to the students

    Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Story Telling Strategy and Hand Puppet Media

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    This study aims to investigate the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery through story telling strategy and the use of hand puppet media in grade VI of SDN Keras I Diwek Jombang. This was qualitative and quantitative study employing pretest-posttest individual design. The research population was students in grade VI of SDN Keras I Diwek Jombang in semester 2 in the academic year of 2018/2019. The data were collected by three instrument, those are observation sheet, field notes, and test the tests were administered to investigate students’ vocabulary mastery before and after treatment. The test instrument validated through expert judgment by using validation sheet. After tests validated, tests examined to the population in this study. The results of the study showed that the scores of students’ vocabulary mastery in the whole class before treatment were 38.3 in cycle 1 and 42.965 in cycle 2. Meanwhile the average of students’ score after treatment was 79.63 in cycle 1 and 80.63 in cycle 2. From the data, it can be concluded that there were effects or improvement of storytelling strategy and hand puppet media on vocabulary mastery in grade VI of SDN Keras I Diwek Jombang in the academic year of 2018/201


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    Hambatan belajar timbul karena adanya masalah dalam diri siswa. Berdasarkan teori Humanistik permasalahan tersebut terjadi karena ada kebutuhan dasar siswa yang belum terpenuhi sehingga mereka tidak dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya dalam pembelajaran. Sedangkan, banyak guru yang menganggap siswa yang memiliki masalah adalah anak yang bodoh atau nakal. Hal ini terjadi karena guru tidak mengetahui adanya teori Humanistik dalam pembelajaran. Untuk itu perlu adanya pemberian penyuluhan/sosialisasi tentang teori Humanistik dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru di SDN Jabon 2, Jombang, Jawa Timur tentang pembelajaran dengan pendekatan Humanistik supaya guru di sekolah tersebut bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi pada siswa dari segi psikologis. Guru yang baik tidak hanya mementingkan aspek kognitif tapi juga harus memperhatikan aspek psikis siswa karena kondisi psikologis siswa juga menentukan prestasi akademik. Metode pelakasanaan PKM ini dilaksanakan melalui presentasi, ceramah, praktek, tanya jawab, dan diskusi. Setelah diberikan pemahaman tentang teori belajar Humanistik dapat dilihat bahwa guru dapat menerapkan teori tersebut di sekolah. Siswa sekolah dasar adalah siswa yang belum bisa berpikir secara dewasa. Guru sebagai pengganti orang tua di sekolah seharusnya memberikan bimbingan, panutan, dan kasih sayang. Kata kunci: Masalah pembelajaran, model pembelajaran, teori Humanistik. ABSTRACT Some students may have problems in learning. In Humanistic theory, these problems exist because the students' basic needs have not been fulfilled so that they cannot actualize themselves in learning. Meanwhile, teachers think that students who have these obstacles are stupid or naughty. It happens because the teacher does not know about a Humanistic theory that can be applied in learning. Therefore, it is necessary to give socialization about Humanistic theory in learning.  This community service activity aims to increase teacher knowledge in SDN Jabon 2, Jombang, East Java about learning with a humanistic approach so that teachers at the school can solve problems that exist to students from a psychological perspective. A good teacher is not only concerned with cognitive aspects but also pays attention to the psychological aspects because the students’ psychological condition also determines academic achievement. This activity is carried out through presentations, lectures, practice, questions and answers, and discussions. After being given an understanding of Humanistic learning theory, teachers are expected to apply the theory in schools. Elementary students are students who have not been able to think maturely. Teachers act as substitutes for parents in schools who are supposed to provide guidance, role models, and love. Keywords: Humanistic theory, learning problems, learning models


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    Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa kesalahan yang dialami oleh mahasiswadalam menulisa karya ilmiah yang berbahasa Inggris. Hasil analisa kesalahan tersebut berkontribusibagi para pengajar bahasa untuk bisa lebih fokus memetakan materi terkait penulisan karya ilmiah untukmahasiswa. Selain itu bagi mahasiswa untuk bisa lebih berhati-hati dalam menulisa karya ilmiahberbahsa Inggris yang baik dan benar. Sehingga berdampak pada perbaikan tulisan dan meminimalisirkesalahan penulisan tata bahasa pada karya ilmiah mahasiswa.Dari hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa ada bebrapa hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimaliasirkesalahan menulis karya ilmiah;1. Persiapan pemahaman mahasiswa, 2. Pelatihan sebelum melakukanpenulisan karya ilmiah, 3. Pembimbingan dan penguatan

    sistem derivasi dan infleksi bahasa jawa dialek tengger

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    Course Review Horay, Explanation, and Critical Thinking Skills: Their Interaction Effect on EFL Learners’ Grammar Competence

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    The purpose of this study was to look at whether or not there was an interaction effect among CRH, the explanation, and the students’ CTS implementation toward the learners’ grammar competence. The sample of this factorial 2x2 study was the second-semester students of two non-English department classes of education faculty of a university in Jombang. The instruments used were an argumentative essay test for classifying the students’ CTS and the grammar test for measuring their grammar competence in CRH and the explanation classes. The sstudents’ grammar scores from both classes were analyzed using ANOVA and TUKEY tests. The results showed that CRH, the explanation, and the students’ CTS had an interaction effect on the EFL learners’ grammar competence