193 research outputs found

    Universal structures of normal and pathological heart rate variability

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    The circulatory system of living organisms is an autonomous mechanical system softly tuned with the respiratory system, and both developed by evolution as a response to the complex oxygen demand patterns associated with motion. Circulatory health is rooted in adaptability, which entails an inherent variability. Here, we show that a generalized N-dimensional normalized graph representing heart rate variability reveals two universal arrhythmic patterns as specific signatures of health one reflects cardiac adaptability, and the other the cardiac-respiratory rate tuning. In addition, we identify at least three universal arrhythmic profiles whose presences raise in proportional detriment of the two healthy ones in pathological conditions (myocardial infarction; heart failure; and recovery from sudden death). The presence of the identified universal arrhythmic structures together with the position of the centre of mass of the heart rate variability graph provide a unique quantitative assessment of the healthpathology gradient

    Propuesta del diseño de un manual de control interno contable del área de cuentas por cobrar en la empresa Finca Santa Clara, ubicada en el municipio de Jinotepe, departamento de Carazo durante el II semestre del año 2016

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    En la ejecución del presente trabajo se presenta una información general del quehacer de la Empresa Finca Santa Clara:antecedentes, breve reseña histórica, estructura organizacional, visión,misióny objetivos; seguidamente se abordó la fundamentación teórica relacionado a la temática del Control Interno y del Manual de Control Interno Contable tomando en consideración cada uno de sus componentes o elementos que sirvieron de insumo para elaborar la propuesta de diseño de este documentoaplicado al área de Cuentas por Cobrar de dicha empresa. Cabe mencionar que para la elaboración de esta propuesta fue necesario realizar un diagnóstico que nos permitióconocer las fortalezas, oportunidades, amenazas y debilidades de la empresa. Los resultados sirvieron de base para analizaren particularlas dificultades que presenta en la actualidad la ejecución del control interno donde se detectó la ausencia delárea de Cuentas por Cobrar. La propuesta de diseño de un Manual de Control Interno del área de Cuentas por Cobrar de Finca Santa Clara permitirá que las personas involucradas en la ejecución de las operaciones la realicen de forma eficiente y eficaz, contribuyendo al logro de los objetivos de la empresa, en el cual se establecen los objetivos, políticas, normas, procedimientos,formatos e instructivos para la ejecución del registro de lo antes mencionado

    Risk stratifiers for arrhythmic and non-arrhythmic mortality after acute myocardial infarction

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    Open Access. Publicado online: 2-Jul-2018The effective discrimination between patients at risk of Arrhythmic Mortality (AM) and Non-Arrhythmic Mortality (NAM) constitutes one of the important unmet clinical needs. Successful risk assessment based on Electrocardiography (ECG) records is greatly improved by the combination of different indices reflecting not only the pathological substrate but also the autonomic regulation of cardiac electrophysiology. This study assesses the cardiac risk stratification capacity of two new Heart Rate Variability (HRV) parameters, Breath Concurrence 6 (BC6) -sinusoidal RR variability of 6 heart beats per breath cycle- and Primary Ectopia (PE) -presence of early ventricular contractions of any etiology- together with the Deceleration Capacity (DC). While BC6 characterizes the response to physiological and pathophysiological stimuli, PE qualifies autonomic cardiac electrophysiology. The analysis of the European Myocardial Infarct Amiodarone Trial (EMIAT) database indicates that BC6 is related with the risk of Arrhythmic Mortality (AM) and PE with the risk of Non-Arrhythmic Mortality. BC6 is the only single parameter that significantly discriminates between AM and NAM. While the combination of BC6 and DC contributes to the identification of AM risk, PE together with DC improves the prediction of NAM in patients with severe ischemic heart disease

    Operaciones sistemáticas para el análisis y restitución del vacío urbano. Estrategias proyectuales en la morfológica de manzanas en un centro urbano consolidado.

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    La propuesta nace del interés por establecer estrategias proyectuales basados en el análisis de proyectos arquitectónicos, en los cuales podamos determinar patrones y estrategias que demuestren la toma de decisiones que enriquecen de manera teórica y conceptual el proyectar arquitectura. Adicional a esta propuesta individual, se sobrepone el marco general del programa de maestría, el Vacío Urbano, entendido como una porción de ciudad con un potencial invaluable que no solo puede enriquecer la actividad del sector aledaño, si no la de toda la cuidad. El proyecto arquitectónico que sirve sustentación del trabajo de grado se desarrolla con base en el análisis de proyectos que resuelven el vacío y en el esclarecer cuáles son sus características y fenómenos así como determinar las estrategias utilizadas para delimitar el área de influencia, el desmonte de barreras físicas, la restitución de la tipología de manzana y la definición de la morfología del bloque. El lugar escogido para desarrollar el proyecto que acompaña estas indagaciones teóricas, es la estación de la sabana, lugar caracterizado por 3 factores relevantes : 1. El deterioro generalizado en el sector causado por el impacto que tiene el desuso de la estación de ferrocarriles nacionales. 2. El impacto que significa un parque metropolitano en la zona. 3. La necesidad imperante de recuperar el transporte de pasajeros entre Bogotá y su área metropolitana por medio de un sistema de tren liviano.Abstract: The proposal arises from the interest to establish project strategies based on the analysis of architectural projects, in which we can determine patterns and strategies that demonstrate the decision making that theoretically and conceptually enrich the project architecture. In addition to this individual proposal, the general framework of the master's program, the Urban Void, is overlapped, understood as a portion of a city with an invaluable potential that can not only enrich the activity of the surrounding sector, but also the entire city. The architectural project that supports the work of the degree is developed based on the analysis of projects that resolve the gap and clarify what are their characteristics and phenomena as well as determine the strategies used to define the area of ​​influence, the removal of barriers physical, the restitution of the apple typology and the definition of the block morphology. The place chosen to develop the project that accompanies these theoretical inquiries, is the station of the savannah, a place characterized by 3 relevant factors: 1. The generalized deterioration in the sector caused by the impact of the disuse of the national railways station. 2. The impact of a metropolitan park in the area. 3. The prevailing need to recover passenger transport between Bogotá and its metropolitan area by means of a light rail system.Maestrí

    Synthesis, characterization and cyclic voltammetry studies of helical carbon nanostructures produced by thermal decomposition of ethanol on Cu-foils

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    Cu-foils have been used intensively to fabricate graphene and other carbon nanostructures. Several routes have been implemented to improve the synthesis of such carbonaceous nanomaterials. We investigated the growth of carbon materials on Cu-foils by mapping the reactor in a chemical vapor deposition method. Several Cu-foils were pretreated by sonication to modify their surface and were placed alongside the reactor and exposed to a flow of ethanol vapor. After carbon materials deposition, the Cu-foils were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry (CV). It was demonstrated that the type of synthesized carbon nanostructure depends strongly on the position where the Cu-foils were placed. XRD characterizations revealed the presence of graphite materials, Cu, and CuO crystal structures. SEM characterizations revealed the presence of helical, herringbone and straight multiwalled carbon nanotubes with internal bamboo-shape morphology and formation of Cu nanoparticles. Important electrochemical properties of Cu-foils rich in helical carbon nanostructures were observed, suggesting this material can be used for redox reactions (RR) promotion. In addition, the hydrophobic properties were evaluated by contact angle measurements

    Outstanding inhibition of H2O2 generation in doubly doped graphene: The synergy of two heteroatoms opens a new chemical path

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    Dual sulfur-nitrogen (SN) doped graphene surfaces have been revealed as a powerful active material in fuel cell applications. The experimental results presented in this work show a clear preference of the material doped with SN towards a 4-electron mechanism, almost completely inhibiting the formation of H2O2. However, materials doped only with nitrogen (N) or sulfur (S) favor the 2-electron mechanism, and therefore, the production of H2O2. A reasonable theoretical explanation is proposed to justify the inhibition of the H2O2 reaction with the use of SN doped graphenes in accordance with the experimental results. The interactions and charge transfer between N and S are the origin of an alternative dissociative step that inhibits the generation of H2O2, which is energetically favored, according to Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. These two dopant atoms generate a frustrated Lewis pair (FLP), resulting in an enhancement of the catalytic activity of the graphene. Atomic Dipole Corrected Hirshfeld charges (ADCH model) and Non-Covalent Interactions (NCI) are employed to identify the most active sites and support the explanation of the dissociative pathway which inhibits H2O2 formationP2018/EMT-4344 BIOTRES-CM, PID2020-116712RBC21, PID2020-117586RB-I00, PID2022-138470NB-I00, PID2019-110091 GB-I0

    El papel de las medidas cautelares innominadas en el derecho laboral colombiano

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    En el escenario garantista y protector que plantea el Estado Social de Derecho Colombiano, es posible encontrar diversos mecanismos, instituciones jurídicas y acciones legales que aseguran mediante el tramite de estas, el restablecimiento de derechos y el pago de indemnizaciones como consecuencia del sufrimiento de daños materiales e inmateriales, de ser el caso. Una de estas herramientas jurídicas, son las medidas cautelares contenidas en el derecho laboral colombiano, las cuales surgen en general aún más proteccionistas cuando son innominadas porque se liberan del imperio taxativo, para ubicarsen en el campo de los instrumentos que permiten la protección efectiva de derechos, máxime; si se trata entre la órbita del derecho laboral, lo que determina su verdadero papel en el ordenamiento legal y constitucional colombiano, es decir, que su connotación de ser innominadas representa la vital importancia de construir, formular y desarrollar este artículo.In the guarantee and protective scenario posed by the Colombian Social Rule of Law, it is possible to find various mechanisms, legal institutions and legal actions that ensure through the processing of legal institutions, the restoration of rights and the payment of compensation as a result of the suffering of material and immaterial damage, if any. One of these legal tools is the precautionary measures contained in Colombian labour law, which generally arise even more protectionist when they are innominated because they are liberated from the taxative empire, maximum; whether it is between the orbit of labour law, which determines its true role in Colombian legal and constitutional law, that is, its connotation of being unnamed represents the vital importance of building, formulating and developing this article

    Sonamu-Do: Caminho das guerreiras", uma proposta pedagógica para a educação de jovens e adultos

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the incidence of a pedagogical proposal of taekwondo in the formation of values, raised from the ethics of care for the youth and adults education of the Panamericano I.E.D. College, therefore, the categories of analysis in this project are values, taekwondo and youth and adult education. The study has a mixed approach, with nested or embedded concurrent design of dominant qualitative model, the instruments used were the values questionnaire for students of youth and adult education; discussion group on sport and the perception of values for youth and adult education; discussion group on the impact of the pedagogical proposal on the perception of sport and values for youth and adult education; and field diaries. As a result, it is possible to show a percentage improvement in the frequency of the values proposed in the pedagogical proposal, in addition to an assertive perception of taekwondo and values by students. To conclude, there is a positive impact on the student’s axiological formation, after participating in the pedagogical proposal "Sonamu-Do: Way of warriors" linked to the recognition of taekwondo as a sport that allows to be taught and practiced within an unconventional school environment, which provides benefits such as motivation and formation of socio-affective bondsEl objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la incidencia de una propuesta pedagógica de taekwondo en la formación de valores, planteada desde la ética del cuidado para la educación de jóvenes y adultos del colegio Panamericano I.E.D. por lo tanto, las categorías de análisis del presente proyecto son: la formación en valores, el Taekwondo y la educación de jóvenes y adultos. El estudio tiene un enfoque mixto, con diseño anidado o incrustado concurrente de modelo cualitativo dominante, los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario de valores para estudiantes de la educación de jóvenes y adultos, grupo de discusión acerca del deporte y la percepción de valores para la educación de jóvenes y adultos; grupo de discusión acerca de la incidencia de la propuesta pedagógica en la percepción del deporte y los valores para la educación de jóvenes y adultos; y diarios de campo. Como resultado se logra evidenciar una mejora porcentual en los cuestionarios aplicados sobre de los valores planteados en la propuesta pedagógica, además de una percepción asertiva del taekwondo y los valores por parte de los estudiantes. Para concluir, existe una incidencia positiva en la formación axiológica de la población tras participar de la propuesta pedagógica “Sonamu-Do: Camino de guerreros”, vinculado a el reconocimiento del taekwondo como un deporte que permite ser enseñado y practicado dentro de un ámbito escolar no convencional, que brinda beneficios como la motivación y formación de vínculos socioafectivos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a incidência de uma proposta pedagógica de taekwondo na formação de valores, baseada na ética do cuidado com a educação de jovens e adultos na escola Panamericano I.E.D. As categorias de análise deste projeto são valores, o taekwondo e a educação de jovens e adultos. O estudo tem uma abordagem mista, com um desenho encaixado ou simultâneo com um modelo qualitativo dominante, os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário de valores para estudantes de educação de jovens e adultos, um grupo de discussão sobre esporte e a percepção de valores para a educação de jovens e adultos, um grupo de discussão sobre o impacto da proposta pedagógica na percepção do esporte e valores para a educação de jovens e adultos, e diários de campo. Como resultado, há evidência de uma melhoria percentual na frequência dos valores promovidos na proposta pedagógica, bem como uma percepção assertiva do taekwondo e dos valores dos estudantes. Para concluir, há um impacto positivo na formação axiológica da população após a participação na proposta pedagógica "Sonamu-Do: Caminho dos guerreiros", ligado ao reconhecimento do taekwondo como um esporte que pode ser ensinado e praticado num ambiente escolar não convencional, o que proporciona benefícios como a motivação e a formação de laços sócio-afectivos

    Estudio comparativo del método de cálculo de carga térmica para sistemas de aire acondicionado en buques

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    This article presents a comparative study between the practices recommended by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers –SNAME– for the design of air conditioning systems on ships and the methodology of thermal charge calculation CLTD/CLF developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers –ASHRAE–. To verify the difference in the results obtainedwhen applying the proposed considerations and equations of calculus, ship design data of the VI riverine patrol and supply ship built by Cotecmar, it demonstrated that by means of the use of the methodology of the SNAME, over-sized air conditioning systems are obtained. And the global coefficients of heat transference were also evaluated comparing the results tabulated by the SNAME with the values obtained through zone method. Finally, the influence of the calculated thermal charges in the capacity of the equipment of cooling required on the premises of the ship was determined.Este artículo presenta el estudio comparativo entre las prácticas recomendadas por la Sociedad de Arquitectos Navales e Ingenieros Marinos –Sname– para el diseño de sistemas de acondicionamiento de aire en buques y la metodología de cálculo de carga térmica CLTD/CLF desarrollada por la Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros de Calefacción, Refrigeración y Acondicionamiento de Aire –Ashrae–. Para verificar la diferencia en los resultados obtenidos al emplear las consideraciones y ecuaciones de cálculo propuestas se utilizaron datos de diseño del buque de río tipo nodriza VI construido por Cotecmar, y se demostró que mediante el uso de la metodología de la Sname se obtienen sistemas de acondicionamiento de aire sobredimensionados.También se evaluaron los coeficientes globales de transferencia de calor comparando los resultados tabulados por la Sname con los valores obtenidos a través del método de zona. Por último, se determinó la influencia de las cargas térmicas calculadas en la capacidad del equipo de enfriamiento requerido en un local del buque