5 research outputs found

    Conocimiento tradicional sobre el uso y conservaci贸n del tequelite chico en Chipahuatlan, Olintla, Puebla.

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    The small tequelite (Peperomia peltilimba C. DC. ex Trelease) is a wild plant, native to Mexico, considered vulnerable to extinction. The aim of this study was to document knowledge and attitudes towards conservation and use of the small tequelite in the Totonac community of Chipahuatlan, Olintla, in the state of Puebla (Mexico). 53 semi-structured interviews were applied to a sample of the population; the number of families was considered to be representative. The interview consisted of the following sections; knowledge about the species, conservation, commercialization, uses and benefits. We explored the natural habitat of the species to document accompanying flora and fauna. Results indicated that the stems and leaves of the small tequelite are used to prepare traditional foods such as mole (sauce), broths, tamales, and boiled beans; with or without sesame seeds. The species is obtained from its natural habitat and in local markets, although some families grow plants in their home gardens. Traditional knowledge about the small tequelite relates to flora and fauna; only the most developed plants are used and those with buds or inflorescences are preserved. We discovered interest in conserving this resource because of its cultural and economic importance; although its commercial value is low, it offers additional income for families, who are dedicated to its collection. These results summarize Totonac knowledge and the perception they have regarding the conservation and use of small tequelite.El tequelite chico (Peperomia peltilimba C. DC. ex Trelease) es una planta nativa y silvestre de M茅xico, considerada vulnerable a la extinci贸n. El objetivo de este estudio fue documentar el conocimiento y la percepci贸n sobre la conservaci贸n y el uso del tequelite chico en la comunidad totonaca de Chipahuatlan, Olintla, en el estado de Puebla (M茅xico). Se aplicaron 53 entrevistas semiestructuradas a una muestra representativa de la poblaci贸n; se consider贸 como universo al n煤mero de familias. La entrevista estuvo conformada por las secciones, conocimiento de la especie, conservaci贸n, comercializaci贸n, usos y beneficios. Se realizaron recorridos en el h谩bitat natural de la especie para documentar flora y fauna acompa帽antes. Los resultados indicaron que los tallos y hojas del tequelite chico se utilizan para la elaboraci贸n de alimentos tradicionales como mole, caldos, tamales y frijoles hervidos con o sin ajonjol铆. La especie se obtiene a trav茅s de su h谩bitat natural y en tianguis locales, aunque algunas familias tienen plantas en sus traspatios. Los conocimientos tradicionales sobre el tequelite chico est谩n relacionados con la flora y la fauna, se aprovechan solo las plantas m谩s desarrolladas y se conservan las que presentan brotes o inflorescencias. Se identific贸 inter茅s por conservar este recurso debido a su importancia cultural y econ贸mica; aunque su valor comercial es bajo, representa un ingreso adicional para las familias que se dedican a su recolecci贸n. Estos resultados son una aproximaci贸n al conocimiento totonaca y su percepci贸n en torno a la conservaci贸n y el aprovechamiento del tequelite chico

    Practices and perceptions of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) and striped grass looper (Mocis latipes Guen茅e) management in maize

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    Objective: To describe the practices and perception of the management of fall armyworm and striped grass looper in corn cultivation, in La Pahua, Francisco. Z. Mena, Puebla.  Design/methodology/approach: The study was descriptive, for which a probabilistic sampling was carried out. 79 semi-structured interviews were conducted during april to june 2021. Results: The management of fall armyworm and striped grass looper is carried out through the application of synthetic insecticides, predominating chlorpyrifos ethyl (81 %). The population is unaware of the damage they cause to health in the short, medium and long term, which is reflect-ed in the minimum use of protective equipment in the application (75%), however, there is interest in receiving technical advice (56%) and open-ness to use alternatives such as the use of traps (1%) and plant extracts (66%). Limitations on study/implications: It is a particular case study therefore the results are limited to establishing descriptive statements of the study area. Findings/conclusions: The control of fall armyworm and striped grass looper is done through chemical control formulated from chlorpyrifos Ethyl alone or combined with permethrin and without proper protective equipment. The population showed interest in incorporating other alternatives to the management of synthetic insecticides, highlighting the use of plant extracts and traps respectively.Objective: To describe practices and perceptions about the fall armyworm and striped grass looper management in maize crops in La Pahua, Francisco Z. Mena, Puebla. Design/Methodology/Approach: A descriptive study with probability sampling was performed. From April to June 2021, n=79 semi-structured interviews were conducted. Results: The management of the fall armyworm and striped grass looper is carried out through the application of synthetic insecticides, mainly chlorpyrifos ethyl (81%). The minimal use of personal protective equipment for its application (75%) reflects the lack of knowledge of the population about health risks in the short, medium, and long term; however, producers are interested in receiving technical advice (56%) and are open to the use of alternatives, such as the use of traps (1%) and plant extracts (66%). Study Limitations/Implications: This is a specific case study; therefore, the results are limited to descriptive statements about the study area. Findings/Conclusions: The fall armyworm and striped grass looper are controlled with chemicals formulated with chlorpyrifos-ethyl alone or combined with permethrin. These chemicals are applied without the use of appropriate protective equipment. The population showed interest in incorporating other alternatives to synthetic insecticides, especially plant extracts and traps

    Characterization of mamey [Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) Moore & Stearn] in the Totonacapan Poblano region of Puebla, Mexico

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    Abstract The mamey is a fruit tree that is distributed in the Totonacapan Poblano, which has the potential to generate development in that region. It is part of an environmental ecological system that presents morphological variations in size, leaves and fruit. The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize the mamey in 10 municipalities of the Sierra Nororiental of Puebla (Totonacapan Poblano), Mexico. 206 samples were evaluated using qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors, using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Eight groups were formed; the tree and leaf variables turned out to be the most important for grouping the samples. The descriptors that contributed the most to the group were those related to the shape, height and size of the tree, the weight, size and shape of the leaf and in relation to the fruit the descriptor that contributed the most was the shape. Keywords: morphological diversity, conglomerates, Sierra Norte of Puebla, Sapotaceae.Objective: The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize mamey in 10 municipalities of the Sierra Nororiental of Puebla (Totonacapan Poblano), Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: In the study, 206 accessions obtained from simple random sampling using qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors were evaluated, using an analysis of variance, principal components and hierarchical cluster analysis with the Gower distance and the Ward grouping method. Results: Quantitative descriptors had high coefficients of variability (12.66% to 43.40%). The principal components analysis indicated that components 1 (41.66%), 2 (19.97%) and 3 (16.62%) accounted for 78.25% of the variance and the cluster analysis identified eight groups; the tree and leaf variables turned out to be the most important to group the samples. Limitations on study/implications: For greater accuracy on the morphological diversity of mamey, it is necessary to include more descriptors of the fruit and the flower. Findings/conclusions: The descriptors that contributed the most to the grouping were those related to the shape, height and size of the tree, and the weight, size and shape of the leaf; in relation to the fruit, the descriptor that contributed the most was the shape. These results could be useful in programs of conservation, improvement, and use of the mamey

    Epidemiolog铆a y manejo de la cenicilla (Leveillula taurica) del tomate en la Comarca Lagunera, Coahuila

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    La cenicilla del tomate (Leveillula taurica) est谩 presente en diferentes regiones del norte de M茅xico, como la Comarca Lagunera en el estado de Coahuila. Para su control en esta regi贸n se realizan aplicaciones intensivas de fungicidas durante todo el ciclo de la planta. L. taurica es un microorganismo altamente susceptible a las condiciones microclim谩ticas del cultivo. Sobre esta base, en 1997 Guzm谩n-Plazola desarroll贸 un modelo (TOMATO.PM) que permite categorizar el microclima a nivel del dosel vegetal, determinar niveles de riesgo de da帽o econ贸mico de la enfermedad y generar recomendaciones sobre la conveniencia de aplicar o no fungicidas para su control. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la epidemiolog铆a de la cenicilla (L. taurica) del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) en la Comarca Lagunera, Coahuila y su efecto en el rendimiento del cultivo. Se evaluaron diferentes estrategias de manejo en cuatro experimentos, utilizando las variedades de tomate Sun 7705, Sahel y Romana Elite. Se compar贸 la aplicaci贸n semanal de azufre humectable, myclobutanil y azoxystrobin con la aspersi贸n con base en las recomendaciones del modelo (CBRM) TOMATO.PM utilizando los mismos fungicidas. Se observ贸 una diferencia significativa en la tolerancia a la enfermedad entre variedades, donde los cv. Romana Elite y Sahel fueron m谩s tolerantes al ataque por cenicilla. El uso del modelo permiti贸 reducir el n煤mero de aplicaciones necesarias para el control de L. taurica de 13-18 a 1-3, sin afectar negativamente el rendimiento y la calidad del fruto. En la mayor铆a de los casos las aspersiones realizadas con azufre CBRM resultaron en rendimientos totales acumulados y de las calidades XXL, XL, M y S, significativamente mayores que el resto de tratamientos. _______________ ABSTRACT: Tomato powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) is a common disease in Northern Mexico. The disease attacks tomatoes in the Comarca Lagunera, state of Coahuila. Intensive fungicide sprays are applied along the crop cycle in the region to control the disease. Since L. taurica development is highly dependent upon crop microclimate, in 1997 Guzm谩n-Plazola proposed a spray forecast model (TOMATO.PM) that categorize microclimate in tomato canopies, evaluate the risk of economic damage to the crop, and issues a spray recommendation when microclimate becomes conducive for the disease. In this work, development of tomato powdery mildew, fruit yield and quality of three tomato cultivars under the effect of different powdery mildew control strategies were assessed. Four experiments were carried out on tomato Sun 7705, Sahel and Romana Elite cultivars. The effects of weekly sprays of wettable sulfur, myclobutanil and azoxystrobin were compared against the same fungicides sprayed by following TOMATO.PM recommendations. Romana Elite and Sahel were more tolerant to powdery mildew than Sun 7705. Use of TOMATO.PM for timing fungicide applications allowed a significant reduction of fungicide sprays, from 13-18 to 1-3, with no negative effects on total fruit yield and quality. In most cases, sulfur sprays timed according to TOMATO.PM recommendations resulted in higher fruit yield and quality (XXL, XL, M and S) than the rest of treatments.Tesis (Maestr铆a en Ciencias, Especialista en Fitopatolog铆a).- Colegio de Postgraduados, 2010.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (CONACYT). The University of California Institute for Mexico and the United States (UC MEXUS

    Pr谩cticas y saberes comunitarios en la Sierra Norte de Puebla: el caso del caf茅, sus plagas y enfermedades

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    Los saberes comunitarios son conocimientos y experiencias acumuladas de los pueblos que son transmitidos mediante la observaci贸n, la pr谩ctica, la reproducci贸n, leyendas, mitos, historias de vida y en general mediante la oralidad, a las nuevas generaciones. Estos conocimientos implican organizaci贸n social, actividades econ贸micas, cosmovisiones, t茅cnicas y tecnolog铆as donde ha incidido una serie de aspectos (econ贸micos, institucionales y de saberes tradicionales). Las comunidades de la Sierra Norte de Puebla pertenecen principalmente a pueblos originarios, conservan diversas experiencias sobre el cultivo del caf茅, sus plagas y enfermedades, y es por lo tanto una actividad ligada al saber popular. El presente an谩lisis se enfoca a la exploraci贸n de casos en comunidades de pueblos originarios en la Sierra Norte del estado de Puebla, pertenecientes a los municipios de Pahuatl谩n, Ixtepec y Cuatempan. Los hallazgos dan como resultado c贸mo se construye la percepci贸n, de acuerdo con el historial de experiencia y trayectoria en el manejo de plagas y enfermedades que vienen afrontando a lo largo de los a帽os, as铆 como el significado de la introducci贸n del caf茅 en su vida cotidiana