1,015 research outputs found

    Aplicación de la gerencia de procesos para la toma de desiciones del Batallón de Alta Montaña No. 2, en el desarrollo de la misión

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    La calidad en la gestión pública representa uno de los rompimientos paradigmáticos más grandes de los últimos tiempos, en las metodologías de gestión administrativas públicas y, a pesar de tener un génesis privado, este aspecto de la función general de la organización, ha demostrado con sendos logros, su fortaleza y riqueza en el ámbito gerencial. La gestión por procesos, en el contexto anteriormente descrito, representa la ficha clave para cumplir con los requerimientos de los clientes y las partes interesadas, vale decir, para obtener calidad al facilitar la planeación, el hacer, el verificar y el actuar. La consecución de los objetivos se hace tangible y medible, asi como la participación de cada uno de los actores al interior de organización. Por tanto este trabajo pretende, desde la óptica de la gestión de calidad, reafirmar la importancia del levantamiento de procesos en una organización militar, para el caso puntual, aquellos relacionados con la sección de operaciones.Pregrad

    Risk stratifiers for arrhythmic and non-arrhythmic mortality after acute myocardial infarction

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    Open Access. Publicado online: 2-Jul-2018The effective discrimination between patients at risk of Arrhythmic Mortality (AM) and Non-Arrhythmic Mortality (NAM) constitutes one of the important unmet clinical needs. Successful risk assessment based on Electrocardiography (ECG) records is greatly improved by the combination of different indices reflecting not only the pathological substrate but also the autonomic regulation of cardiac electrophysiology. This study assesses the cardiac risk stratification capacity of two new Heart Rate Variability (HRV) parameters, Breath Concurrence 6 (BC6) -sinusoidal RR variability of 6 heart beats per breath cycle- and Primary Ectopia (PE) -presence of early ventricular contractions of any etiology- together with the Deceleration Capacity (DC). While BC6 characterizes the response to physiological and pathophysiological stimuli, PE qualifies autonomic cardiac electrophysiology. The analysis of the European Myocardial Infarct Amiodarone Trial (EMIAT) database indicates that BC6 is related with the risk of Arrhythmic Mortality (AM) and PE with the risk of Non-Arrhythmic Mortality. BC6 is the only single parameter that significantly discriminates between AM and NAM. While the combination of BC6 and DC contributes to the identification of AM risk, PE together with DC improves the prediction of NAM in patients with severe ischemic heart disease

    Universal structures of normal and pathological heart rate variability

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    The circulatory system of living organisms is an autonomous mechanical system softly tuned with the respiratory system, and both developed by evolution as a response to the complex oxygen demand patterns associated with motion. Circulatory health is rooted in adaptability, which entails an inherent variability. Here, we show that a generalized N-dimensional normalized graph representing heart rate variability reveals two universal arrhythmic patterns as specific signatures of health one reflects cardiac adaptability, and the other the cardiac-respiratory rate tuning. In addition, we identify at least three universal arrhythmic profiles whose presences raise in proportional detriment of the two healthy ones in pathological conditions (myocardial infarction; heart failure; and recovery from sudden death). The presence of the identified universal arrhythmic structures together with the position of the centre of mass of the heart rate variability graph provide a unique quantitative assessment of the healthpathology gradient

    La corte constitucional y la flexibilidad del mercado laboral

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    This document presents a number of theoretical and practical arguments to explain how constitutional jurisprudence (rulings on the constitutionality of laws and on the “acción de tutela”) has become a factor affecting the flexibility of labor legislation in Colombia. Two examples are presented. One of them deals with the acción de tutela, the other with a lawsuit demanding the unconstitutionality of a law. The latter example is formalized through a microeconomic model taken from the producer’s theory to demonstrate how a reduction in the degree of flexibility in labor contracts may affect decisions on wage levels and/or employment.constitution, labor legislation, contracts, labor market flexibility

    Propuesta del diseño de un manual de control interno contable del área de cuentas por cobrar en la empresa Finca Santa Clara, ubicada en el municipio de Jinotepe, departamento de Carazo durante el II semestre del año 2016

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    En la ejecución del presente trabajo se presenta una información general del quehacer de la Empresa Finca Santa Clara:antecedentes, breve reseña histórica, estructura organizacional, visión,misióny objetivos; seguidamente se abordó la fundamentación teórica relacionado a la temática del Control Interno y del Manual de Control Interno Contable tomando en consideración cada uno de sus componentes o elementos que sirvieron de insumo para elaborar la propuesta de diseño de este documentoaplicado al área de Cuentas por Cobrar de dicha empresa. Cabe mencionar que para la elaboración de esta propuesta fue necesario realizar un diagnóstico que nos permitióconocer las fortalezas, oportunidades, amenazas y debilidades de la empresa. Los resultados sirvieron de base para analizaren particularlas dificultades que presenta en la actualidad la ejecución del control interno donde se detectó la ausencia delárea de Cuentas por Cobrar. La propuesta de diseño de un Manual de Control Interno del área de Cuentas por Cobrar de Finca Santa Clara permitirá que las personas involucradas en la ejecución de las operaciones la realicen de forma eficiente y eficaz, contribuyendo al logro de los objetivos de la empresa, en el cual se establecen los objetivos, políticas, normas, procedimientos,formatos e instructivos para la ejecución del registro de lo antes mencionado


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    México ha cruzado el umbral entre la disponibilidad media a baja, ya que dispone de menos de 5 mil m3 de agua anual por habitante. El trabajo se realza en los municipios Lerma y San Mateo Atenco por la sobreexplotación del acuífero del Valle de Toluca y la demanda de agua por parte de la ciudad de México, lo que ha puesto a los municipios en situación vulnerable a la escasez del agua. Por ello el objetivo es ubicar el umbral aceptable que permita a los municipios tomar medidas estratégicas para mantener disponible el agua ante la creciente demanda de los usuarios. Los resultados obtenidos se refleja en la disponibilidad alta del agua, sin embargo con el paso de los años seguirá disminuyendo, también las acciones realizadas por los habitantes son determinantes para cuidar el agua y una crisis fomenta y refuerza la estabilidad de la ciudad para afrontar la vulnerabilidad y aumentar la resiliencia urbana

    New Perspectives Related to the Bioluminescent System in Dinoflagellates: Pyrocystis lunula, a Case Study

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    Pyrocystis lunula is considered a model organism due to its bioluminescence capacity linked to circadian rhythms. The mechanisms underlying the bioluminescent phenomenon have been well characterized in dinoflagellates; however, there are still some aspects that remain an enigma. Such is the case of the presence and diversity of the luciferin-binding protein (LBP), as well as the synthesis process of luciferin. Here we carry out a review of the literature in relation to the molecular players responsible for bioluminescence in dinoflagellates, with particular interest in P. lunula. We also carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the conservation of protein sequence, structure and evolutionary pattern of these key players. The basic structure of the luciferase (LCF) is quite conserved among the sequences reported to date for dinoflagellate species, but not in the case of the LBP, which has proven to be more variable in terms of sequence and structure. In the case of luciferin, its synthesis has been shown to be complex process with more than one metabolic pathway involved. The glutathione S-transferase (GST) and the P630 or blue compound, seem to be involved in this process. In the same way, various hypotheses regarding the role of bioluminescence in dinoflagellates are exposed

    Entrepreneurship as Boundary Object: Toward Reintegration of Colombia’s Ex-Militants into Civil Society

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    War and other violent conflicts greatly degrade a country’s economic, social, and marketing systems. In the aftermath of conflict, national and international organizations develop different strategies, such as business development, aimed at the reconstruction of these systems. This article draws on boundary theory to frame the way in which entrepreneurship can help ex-militants to discard war-activities and to reintegrate peacefully and productively into a peace-time economy. An interpretive study examining the life-narratives of former militants of illegal groups involved in Colombia’s armed conflict – the world’s longest, lasting 52 years – regarding their business start-ups was designed and administered. Findings extend current Macromarketing and Entrepreneurship literature by showing how policies and entrepreneurial business practices in recovering marketing systems can help ex-militants to overcome discrimination, to transform their identities and to reintegrate peacefully into civil society, which in turn may portend a more inclusive and equitable marketing system and robust national economy

    Advanced exergetic analysis of preheat train of a crude oil distillation unit

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    In this investigation, the conventional and advanced exergy analysis is used to obtain information about the conditions of the heat exchangers belonging to a crude oil distillation unit, previously to future studies to establish the most cost-efficient moments for the execution of maintenance activities in the exchangers. Conventional, unavoidable, avoidable, endogenous, and exogenous exergy destruction is calculated and the combinations between these last four terms. Mexogenous analysis is applied to individualize the relationships between the exchangers of the network. The results put the total exergy destruction at over 61.6 MW, being 63% avoidable. Five heat exchangers are considered critical because they concentrate the highest rates of exergy destruction, corresponding to 39% of the total exergy destruction in the network, this categorization allows focusing the improvement works on heat exchangers that will produce a substantial increase in the efficiency of the preheat train. Additionally, to evaluate the performance in a better way, the effect of unavoidable exergy destruction on performance measurement of exchangers through the exergy efficiency is studied, indicating that in some cases removing the unavoidable part can increase the second law efficiency by more than fifteen percentage point


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    Established or create new ones to plan the cleaning tasks of the heat exchangers. In this work, a maintenance strategy is developed for a preheating train under the Maintenance Centered on Energy Efficiency (MCEE) philosophy, where it is sought to integrate the information of the principles of the second law of thermodynamics with economic variables to use parameters. The modification of the maintenance justification parameter (J) is proposed, adding to the introduction of two new maintenance indicators (W and X). Each one seeks to evaluate an essential criterion for the maintenance area: economic viability, technical feasibility, and benefits. Towards the other exchangers in the network after cleaning a specific component. A criticality diagram and a criticality matrix are used. The heat exchangers are grouped into sub-assemblies, with the leading group consisting of the key heat exchangers (KHEX), the elements of which have a significant impact on the efficiency of the preheat train. For their part, the regions are composed of components whose performance is less considerable than that of the KHEX. In total, 34 maintenance activities will be carried out, distributed among the 25 interchanges of the network. The planning of a program of cleaning activities according to the maintenance strategy based on the philosophy of the MCEE establishes a substantial scientific contribution due to the almost null existence of exergetic studies applied to the management of maintenance tasks and focused mainly on the preheating of trains. Copyright © 2022 by ASME