256 research outputs found

    Supervision in the extension service in Helmand Arghandab Valley Authority, Afganistan

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    "A special problem #400 presented to the Department of Extension Education, University of Missouri, Columbia, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Master of Science in Extension Education."Supervision is a process by which subordinates are assisted to perform their activities with increasing satisfaction to themselves, to people with whom they work and to the organization. The principal aim of Extension supervision is maximum growth and development of people. Yet, our recent supervisory practices are incongruent with this philosophy. Supervision is considered synonymous to administration and the supervisor major purpose is to make sure that subordinates do not deviate from the administrative rules and regulations. The chief duty of supervisor is inspection of the execution of plans, policies and procedures that are formulated at the higher level of administrative hierarchy. Extension activities are carried out through the H.A.V.A. Agricultural Division. The top administrative authorities who formulate the Extension programs are highly qualified experts; however, they should pay little attention to the significance of human relations. Supervision by most of them therefore, is conceived as a process of commanding subordinates to follow orders and to act according to direction given to them. The writer has a strong belief in the philosophy of democratic supervision. Democracy anywhere is participatory group life enjoyed by free individuals having the greatest opportunities for participation. Plans, policies, methods, techniques, and procedures of implementation are determined by the group. In here, central determination and direction techniques are replaced by a cooperative and coordinated group efforts. People are invited to take part in the development of plans and decisions which are likely to affect their lives. In the light of this philosophy, supervision must be based upon sound principles of human relations. Supervisor must possess a sound knowledge of the principles of supervision and continuous training in their application to his situation. With concept as such, this paper is condensed from reading of volumes of books and literature which are related to the subject. I hope this will be a valuable guide, not only to myself but to all of those who serve as supervisor in the Extension Service of Afghanistan.Introduction -- A look into the past history of extension service in Helmand-Arghandab Valley, Afghanistan -- The significance of extension supervision -- The supervisor as a leader -- Principles of supervision -- Characteristics of effective supervision -- Qualities necessary to the success of supervisors -- Characteristics and traits of extension supervisors -- Functions of the extension supervisor -- Evaluating the supervisor's performance -- Conclusion and recommendation for the extension service in Helmand-Arghandab Valley, Afghanistan.Includes bibliographical references (pages 78-82

    Pengontrolan Fluks Dan Torsi Pada Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Menggunakan Metode Direct Torque Control (Dtc) Berbasis Pi Dan Fuzzy Logic Controllers (Flc)

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    Kontroler Proporsional Integral (PI) merupakan sebuah metode kontrol yang banyak diterapkan di bidang industri sampai saat ini. Kontroler ini memiliki parameter-parameter pengontrol, yaitu konstanta proporsional (Kp) dan konstanta integral (Ki). Pada metode PI konvensional, kedua parameter tersebut diturunkan dari perhitungan matematis. Kesulitan penalaan atau Tuning parameter-parameter tersebut akan ditemui bila plant yang dikendalikan adalah sistem dengan orde tinggi. Maka dari itu, diperlukan suatu metode penala PI yang lebih baik dan dapat diterapkan dalam sistem orde tinggi. Metode penalaan PI dengan logika fuzzy dapat dilakukan secara otomatis tanpa melakukan pemodelan sistem. Pada metode ini nilai Kp dan Ki ditentukan berdasarkan sejumlah aturan-aturan yang ditetapkan oleh logika fuzzy. Input fuzzy berupa error dan delta error. Plant yang dikontrol adalah motor induksi 3 fasa dengan metode Dierect Torque Control (DTC). Pada pengujian didapatkan hasil penalaan parameter PI dengan logika fuzzy mampu menghasilkan tanggapan keluaran dengan rise time yang cepat, selisih tunak yang kecil, overshoot yang kecil, dan ketika sistem diberi gangguan, tanggapan keluaran akan tetap terjaga dalam kestabilan. Kata Kunci - Kontroler Proporsional Integral, Plant, fuzzy, rise time, Tuning, Overshoot, Dierect Torque Control, Motor Induksi

    A review of energy efficient systems integrated into building envelopes

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    There is an essential need to reduce energy consumption in building sector as it consumes about 40 percent of the world energy and causes environmental problems. About fifty percent of energy in the building sector is used for heating, cooling and air conditioning purposes. Considering building envelopes as particular building elements with many functions which its energetic function is the most important one influencing building energy consumption, enhancing the thermal and energy efficiency of envelopes would decrease energy consumption of the buildings. Building envelopes contain roofs, external walls which are in touch with the outside environment and the floors on the ground. This paper would review a brief history of envelopes evolution and introduce a categorization for the envelopes based on different strategies for enhancing energetic function. A huge literature review on building envelopes has been done to identify different techniques. The result is summarized in five strategies as energy generation, cooling and heating, sun radiation control, and Thermal moderation and adaptive

    The typology of connectivity in landscape architecture: a review of studies on landscape connectivity (LC)

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    Connectivity is an important landscape characteristic that is essential for health, welfare and aesthetic values in human societies as well as for the protection of native ecosystems. Diversity in objectives, approaches, definitions and methods in studies on connectivity and its widespread use in the field of landscape ecology are reasons why Landscape Connectivity (LC) in landscape architecture has been deemed as the counterpart of Ecological Connectivity leading to neglect of other aspects of this comprehensive concept. This study, reviews and classifies studies carried out in the field of landscape with a focus on connectivity in order to achieve a comprehensive definition of LC and its various components in landscape architecture literature. The research method used in this study was quantitative-qualitative. In the first phase, the literature was collected using library research and internet search via a descriptive-analytical approach. Then, an inductive constructionist strategy using Delphi technique was used to classify and categorize relevant studies, and logical argumentation was used to develop the concept of LC in landscape architecture literature. Finally, the objectivist Descriptive/Synthetic Modelling strategy was used to provide a conceptual model of urban landscape connectivity (ULC). The key finding of this study is the researcher-made conceptual model of ULC, its corresponding components and parameters with the viewpoint of landscape architecture

    Viscosity of fluid membranes measured from vesicle deformation

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    Viscosity is a key mechanical property of cell membranes that controls time-dependent processes such as membrane deformation and diffusion of embedded inclusions. Despite its importance, membrane viscosity remains poorly characterized because existing methods rely on complex experimental designs and/or analyses. Here, we describe a facile method to determine the viscosity of bilayer membranes from the transient deformation of giant unilamellar vesicles induced by a uniform electric field. The method is non-invasive, easy to implement, probe-independent, high-throughput, and sensitive enough to discern membrane viscosity of different lipid types, lipid phases, and polymers in a wide range, from 10−8^{-8} to 10−4^{-4} Pa.s.m. It enables fast and consistent collection of data that will advance understanding of biomembrane dynamics

    METAFORA DALAM PUISI-PUISI AFRIZAL MALNA (Metaphor in AfrizalMalna \u27s Poetries )

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to analyze metaphors in Afrizal Malna\u27s is poetries known as puisi gelap (in Dutch: duistere) by the community, and is also to identify their metaphor\u27s styles and effects to absurdity. The object of these four Afrizal Malna\u27s poetries research is to consider and represent the kind of metaphor used by their stiles. The four poetries are Kalung Dari Teman, Dalam Gereja Munster, Perempuan Dalam Novel, and Win¬ter Festival, The steps done are classifiying, interpreting, and analyzing them. The result of the research showes that Afrizal Malna used varieties of statement-metaphors in his poetries. The absurdity of the poetry appeares in tension between its resemblance and difference on sentence level and be¬tween one and other sentences on discourse levels. Keywords: Afizal Malna, Metaphor, Puisi Gelap

    2 and 3-dimensional Hamiltonians with Shape Invariance Symmetry

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    Via a special dimensional reduction, that is, Fourier transforming over one of the coordinates of Casimir operator of su(2) Lie algebra and 4-oscillator Hamiltonian, we have obtained 2 and 3 dimensional Hamiltonian with shape invariance symmetry. Using this symmetry we have obtained their eigenspectrum. In the mean time we show equivalence of shape invariance symmetry and Lie algebraic symmetry of these Hamiltonians.Comment: 24 Page

    Penerapan sistem distribusi pengairan otomatis berbasis teknologi IoT dalam pencegahan kekeringan pada tanaman cabe

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    Kelompok Tani Sejahtera Bersama memiliki 15 orang anggota kelompok yang berlokasi di Jl. Leseng Desa Sungai Alam Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis. Dalam proses pertanian, ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapai target hasil pertanian yaitu pembibitan, penanaman, penyiraman (irigasi), pemupukan, perawatan, panen, dan lain-lain. Proses penyiraman atau irigasi saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga membutuhkan tenaga dan waktu serta kurangnya efisiensi pada proses pengairan pada tanaman cabai, sehingga mengakibatkan kurangnya kesuburan pada tanaman.  Dari hasil survey yang dilakukan pada mitra Kelompok tani sejahtera bersama memiliki beberapa permasalahan antara lain metode pengairan masih menggunakan metode penyiraman manual sehingga menyebabkan distribusi air ke tanaman tidak seimbang, tingkat kelembapan pada tanah tidak bisa dimonitoring secara berkala dan menyebabkan ketidaksuburan pada tanah sebagai media tanam, menurunnya produksi dari panen diakibatkan tidak terpenuhinya asupan air dan tingkat kelembapan tanah yang berkurang pada musim kering. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka pada pengabdian ini akan melakukan suatu inovasi berbasis teknologi yang bisa meminimalisir terjadinya ketidakseimbangan asupan distribusi air ke tanaman cabe dan diharapkan bisa mengurangi dampak kekeringan pada cabe pada musim kering. Inovasi yang akan dikembangkan pada pengabdian ini adalah sebuah sistem pengairan secara otomatis dengan menggunakan teknologi IoT. Teknologi ini menggunakan sensor yang dapat mengukur tingkat kelembapan tanah pada media tanam sehingga secara otomatis terhubung ke mesin pompa air yang akan mengangkut air dari sumur galian ke media disitribusi air melalui pipa yang dirancang khusus dengan lubang untuk mengairi air ke tanaman, sistem ini disebut dengan sistem Irigasi Tetes


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan transformator step up untuk memanfaatkan daya listrik pada penghantar netral gardu distribusi.  Tujuan jangka panjang adalah menghasilkan desain dan karakteristik tranformator step up dalam pemanfaatan rugi-rugi daya dari penghantar netral sistem tiga fasa sistem empat kawat. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan prototipe lengkap telah didemonstrasikan pada simulasi jaringan distribusi. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai yaitu pemanfaatan daya pada penghantar netral yang belum digunakan secara maksimal sehingga rugi-rugi daya ini dapat menjadi sumber listrik sebagai lampu penerangan terutama untuk daerah pedesaan. Penelitian menggunakan metoda pengukuran, simulasi dengan software ETAP selanjutnya mendesain transformator step up.  Pada penelitian ini menggunakan penghantar netral (N) tranformator sebagai penghantar fasa dan penghantar pembumian (PE) sebagai penghantar netral. Tegangan yang dihasilkan dari sistem ini akan dikonversikan ke level yang standar yaitu 220 volt sehingga dapat mengoperasikan lampu penerangan
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