METAFORA DALAM PUISI-PUISI AFRIZAL MALNA (Metaphor in AfrizalMalna \u27s Poetries )


ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to analyze metaphors in Afrizal Malna\u27s is poetries known as puisi gelap (in Dutch: duistere) by the community, and is also to identify their metaphor\u27s styles and effects to absurdity. The object of these four Afrizal Malna\u27s poetries research is to consider and represent the kind of metaphor used by their stiles. The four poetries are Kalung Dari Teman, Dalam Gereja Munster, Perempuan Dalam Novel, and Win¬ter Festival, The steps done are classifiying, interpreting, and analyzing them. The result of the research showes that Afrizal Malna used varieties of statement-metaphors in his poetries. The absurdity of the poetry appeares in tension between its resemblance and difference on sentence level and be¬tween one and other sentences on discourse levels. Keywords: Afizal Malna, Metaphor, Puisi Gelap

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