295 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Edukasi Grup terhadap Management Self Care Fatigue pada Klien End Stage Renal Disease (Esrd) yang Menjalankan Hemodialisa

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    Penyakit ginjal kronik adalah kerusakan ginjal progresif yang berakibat fatal dan ditandai dengan uremia (urea dan limbah nitrogen lainnya beredar dalam darah serta komplikasinya jika tidak dilakukan dialisis atau transplantasi ginjal). Hemodialisa masih sebagai terapi utama dalam penanganan gangguan ginjal kronik, namun memiliki dampak bervariasi, salah satunya berupa fatigue. Fatigue merupakan salah satu masalah keperawatan, sehingga perlu diatasi dengan metode management self care fatigue. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas edukasi grup terhadap management self care fatigue klien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani terapi hemodialisa. penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperiment pre and post test with control group, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 26 responden yang terdiri dari kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Rata-rata management self care fatigue setelah perlakuan pada kelompok intervensi mengalami peningkatan, diperoleh hasil adanya perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata management self care fatigue antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol setelah di lakukan edukasi grup (p= 0,001). Tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin (p= 0,213), usia (p=0,477), tingkat pendidikan (p=0,063) dengan management self care fatigue. Sedangkan management self care fatigue akan meningkat setelah dilakukan edukasi grup dan dikontrol oleh pengetahuan (p=0,000). Edukasi grup dapat meningkatkan management self care fatigue pada klien menjalani hemodialisia, diharapkan dapat diterapkan di tatanan klinik terutama klien yang mengalami keluhan yang sama seperti fatigue. &nbsp


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    Perangkat penyimpanan merupakan teknologi yang dapat membantu untuk mempermudah menyimpan dan membukanya kembali pada saat yang inginkan. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi perangkat penyimpanan dapat terkoneksi jaringan dengan memiliki alamat IP. Perangkat ini disebut Network-Attached Storage. Pada umumnya NAS memiliki sebuah board computer sebagai penghubung komponen hardware sebagaimana fungsi motherboard pada personal computer. Hal ini yang menjadi kendala jika NAS harus digunakan dengan fleksibilitas tinggi namun tetap dengan biaya seminimal mungkin. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, maka pada Proyek Akhir ini dibangun teknologi Network-Attached Storage dengan menggunakan single-board computer Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi difungsikan sebagai mainboard pada NAS. Meskipun dimensi yang lebih kecil serta daya yang digunakan relatif lebih kecil dari board computer pada umumnya namun Raspberry Pi dapat diimplementasikan sebagai mainboard pada perangkat NAS. Pada implementasinya ditambahkan OpenMediaVault sebagai sistem utama NAS dan fitur SMB/CIFS sebagai protokol file sharing yang digunakan. Kata Kunci: NAS, single-board computer, Raspberry Pi, OpenMediaVault, SMB/CIF

    Super-Group Field Cosmology

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    In this paper we construct a model for group field cosmology. The classical equations of motion for the non-interactive part of this model generate the Hamiltonian constraint of loop quantum gravity for a homogeneous isotropic universe filled with a scalar matter field. The interactions represent topology changing processes that occurs due to joining and splitting of universes. These universes in the multiverse are assumed to obey both bosonic and fermionic statistics, and so a supersymmetric multiverse is constructed using superspace formalism. We also introduce gauge symmetry in this model. The supersymmetry and gauge symmetry are introduced at the level of third quantized fields, and not the second quantized ones. This is the first time that supersymmetry has been discussed at the level of third quantized fields.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Wireless structural health monitoring (SHM) system for damage detection using ultrasonic guided waveform response

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    This paper presents an improved version of a wireless device embedded with a smart PZT sensor to detect flaws and structural defects on selected investigated structure. Smart PZT sensors were used as an actuator and sensor, coupled with two XBee's and one signal generator IC chip. Programme execution on transmitting and receiving the ultrasonic guided wave via the PZT sensor had been written in MATLAB. The developed source code is basically to receive serial data from one Xbee to another remote Xbee attached to the investigated structural system. The refined waveform response is utilised for prognosis of the true structural status. The 4-mm simulated holed into one of the aluminium structural plate is benchmarked with its pristine condition in validating the effectiveness of the developed SHM wireless module. Results showed that the wave is more even in non-defected area and disrupted in affected area. Ultrasonic waves increase continuously for non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring in various structural applications because the guided wave can propagate long distances and reach difficult-to-access regions; for inspecting porous and some non-porous materials ultrasonic waves attenuate fast and are very useful. Recent advances in ultrasonic wave application model and results are discussed in this paper

    Analisis Pengaruh Bangunan Groundsill 5 Dan 6 Terhadap Perubahan Dasar Sungai Cipamingkis Di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Sungai Cipamingkis mengalami degradasi yang cukup parah kurang lebih sepanjang 10 km, mulai dari Bendung Cipamingkis sampai dengan Jembatan Cibarusah. Salah satu akibatnya, terjadi keruntuhan Jembatan Jonggol-Cariu pada ruas sungai tersebut. Upaya penanganan yang dilakukan adalah dengan membangun Groundsill 5 dan Groundsill 6. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bangunan Groundsill 5 dan Groundsill 6 terhadap perubahan dasar Sungai Cipamingkis di sekitar Jembatan Jonggol-Cariu menggunakan HEC-RAS 2D. Simulasi pemodelan dilakukan dengan debit banjir rencana periode ulang 2 dan 100 tahun. Persamaan angkutan sedimen potensial yang digunakan adalah MPM-Toffaletti. Analisis model numerik dibagi menjadi 8 skenario pemodelan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ruas Sungai Cipamingkis dari hulu Jembatan Jonggol-Cariu sampai dengan hilir Groundsill 6 berpotensi mengalami degradasi dasar sungai maksimum mencapai 3,3 m dan pada lokasi sekitar Jembatan Jonggol-Cariu mencapai 2,8 m. Bangunan Groundsill 5 dan Groundsill 6 dapat mengurangi potensi degradasi di sekitar Jembatan Jonggol-Cariu menjadi 0,24 m atau berkurang sebesar 91,1%. Tetapi di hilir bangunan Groundsill 6 potensi degradasi masih cukup tinggi sehingga masih diperlukan upaya penanganan degradasi di hilirnya untuk mengendalikan degradasi Sungai Cipamingkis secara keseluruhan

    Molecularly imprinted membrane applied for selective separation

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    Molecular Imprinting Polymer (VHP) technique is well known for creating polymer materials with molecule selectivity in adsorption and separation. MIPs have mostly been prepared by bulk polymerization and grinding the resulting brittle polymer to prepare particles of the desired dimensions. However, this technique also suffered some backdrops such as limitation in its application due to powder shape and limitation in binding ability. To circumvent these problems, we had extended such technique on formation of membrane adsorbents using phase inversion imprinting technique. Namely, copolymerization of a template-containing monomers with commercial scaffold monomer was achieved such membranes in order to selectively separate the target molecules. One main feature of this system is the imprinted polymer forming film which is possible to be use as filtration materials for selective separation. In the present study, we prepared the imprinted membranes by copolymerization of covalently linked tocopherol methacrylate (α-TMA) monomer and acrylonitrile (AN) followed by phase inversion in water non-solvent for membrane formation. Herein, the evidence included advantage in phase inversion covalently imprinting technique in their binding natures to tocopherol (Toe) and phenol derivatives and was studied on basis of selectivity of the imprinted membrane. Scatchard analysis indicated that the imprinted membranes exhibited high affinity and good selective binding of α-Toc relative to its analogs, δ-Toc and 4-chromanol (4-Chr). Results of permeation of Toes and phenol mixture showed that the imprinted membranes were achieved higher separation factor of α-Toc and 4-Chr as compared to the non-imprinted membrane. This indicated that the covalent imprinting of α-Toc in AN segment scaffold was able to recognize both chemical structures with or without methyl group in the Toe derivatives. © 2011 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Antibacterial activity of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. A. extract against Escherichia coli

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    An awareness of Escherichia coli as a foodborne pathogen and illness causing bacterium has been increased among consumers. Moreover, there is demand for natural product in order to reduce synthetic product that can cause toxic to the human. In this study, antibacterial activity, in term of MIC, MBC and killing-time curve of methanolic extract of Boesenbergia rotunda have been tested against a standard E. coli ATCC 25922 and two E. coli isolated from milk products using Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) methods. The results show that B. rotunda extract was susceptible to all E. coli strains. The MIC and MBC values of B. rotunda extract against E. coli ranged 0.019 mg/mL 2.5 mg/mL and 0.039 mg/mL – 5.0 μg/mL, respectively. Killing-time curves were constructed at concentrations of 0x MIC, 1/2x MIC, 1x MIC, and 2x MIC. All E. coli strains can be killed with concentration of 2x MIC after 2 hours. The results show that B. rotunda extract has potential antibacterial activity against E. coli