128 research outputs found

    Influence of Prenatal Class to the Practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication)

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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the influence of prenatal class to the practice of P4K (Birth Planning And Prevention Of Birth Complication).Materials and Methods: This study applied analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken was as many as 30 mothers, using simple random sampling. Analysis of data was carried out using ordinal wilcoxon sign rank test. Datas were obtained from interviews and questionnaire.Result: The influence of prenatal class to practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication) (p = 0,0000). Conclusion: Prental class can influence to practic of P4K

    Efisiensi Beberapa Substrat Dalam Pengujian Viabilitas Benih Berukuran Besar Dan Kecil (Efficiency of Several Substrates for Seed Viability Testing of Large and Small Seeds)

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    The quality of paper substrate for seed viability testing is determined mainly by the variety and amount of the papers. A study was conducted to find alternative paper and the optimum amount of paper for testing the viability of large and small seed with the rolled paper method. Two experiments were carried out at the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University during April-September 2004 and July-December 2007. First experiment: large and small seeds represented by 5 plants (angled loofah, pumpkin, garden pea, bitter gourd, yam bean) and 7 plants (sorghum, cucumber, mungbean, soybean, horenzo, radish and wheat), respectively, were tested on 4 different paper substrates (straw, stencil, CD, and HVS) following the rolled paper method. Second experiment: large seeds of maize and ground nut, and small seeds of rice and mungbean were tested on paper substrates selected from the first experiment, straw, stencil, and CD, with different number of sheet, i.e. 2, 3, 4, and 5 sheets. Each plant seed was considered as an experiment and a randomized block design was applied to all experiments. The result indicated that for the large seeds, stencil and CD papers had equal and high similarity with the reference straw paper substrate, 100% and 80% for germination percentage and dry weight of normal seedlings, respectively. For the small seeds, only stencil paper showed high similarity for germination percentage variable, 86%, with the reference paper, whereas the other paper showed lower similarity, 57% for both CD and HVS papers. The second experiment showed that 2 sheets of straw, stencil or CD papers were enough for testing viability of large and small seeds to obtain germination percentage, but ground nut needs 4 sheets of straw paper. For vigor index variable, efficiency of substrate paper on large and small seeds varied from 2 to 4 sheets

    Continuous Knowledge Contribution Behavior in Business Online Communities

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    An online community’s (OC) long term success depends on its members’ willingness to stay and continue using the OC. Continuous use of an OC is closely related to knowledge sharing activity. However there is a limited understanding of this behavior especially within business online communities. This paper proposes an integrated approach combining motivational, sociological and technological perspectives to model this behavior. The model is grounded in Expectation-Confirmation Theory and the antecedents of this behavior are predicted using Expectancy-Value of Achievement model and Technology Acceptance Model

    Detection of Coronavirus illness using Techniques of Deep Learning and CNN

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    A year has been passed with the global pandemic creating havocs in everyone’s life. The novel Coronavirus is still raging around the globe causing catastrophic consequences on the entire health and wealth of humankind. Tests are being conducted in an insane amount on the suspected individuals. Infections that are gained through respiratory course, for example, the lethal SARS-CoV-2, are determined to have the assistance of direct identification of viral parts in respiratory examples. The two most generally utilized techniques to do this are nucleic corrosive enhancement tests through polymerase chain response/reaction (PCR) or antigen-based tests. This can take a while to generate results as there is steady increase in number of cases and causing delay in laboratories. Early detection of the virus is life saviour, if the virus is left unnoticed it can be fatal for ones’ life. The current industrial era is ruled by fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning; hence this paper is an attempt to use one of these practices for novel corona virus prediction using chest radiogram images. Here dataset of Chest Roentgenogram images of patients infected with the corona virus and normal Chest Roentgenogram images are used to detect coronavirus infection. The study employs an efficient approach of application Convolutional Neural Network in predicting if the patient is affected and unaffected with the virus. The prepared model created a precision pace of 92.77% at the time of the performance preparation

    Practice of written feedback in nursing degree programmes in Karachi: the students\u27 perspective

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    Objective: To identify students\u27 perceptions about the practices of provision and utilization of written feedback in the nursing degree programmes in Karachi. Study Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Nine Nursing Institutions in Karachi, Pakistan were selected for the study, from February to October 2011. Methodology: The sample consisted of 379 second year nursing students from nine institutions in Karachi. The data was collected through a modified Assessment Experience Questionnaire (AEQ) developed by Gibbs and Simpson. The data obtained through AEQ was analyzed in the SPPS. Results: Students reported wide variations in the practices related to written assignments, and the provision of written feedback. Although 80% of the students, reported receiving written feedback with or without oral feedback, 20% of them, received only verbal feedback on their assignments. For 44 - 46% of the students, the quality, quantity, timing, and utilization of feedback was below the reference scores, which is indicative of negative perceptions. Only 40% reported receiving feedback on regular basis. Assignment guidelines were not always provided in a written form. In most cases, the guidelines were ambiguous as well as the feedback was not always reflective of the guidelines. Conclusion: The findings have implications for teachers, students, and institutions similar to the context of this study. Teachers need to be aware of the role and the impact of written feedback on students\u27 learning and develop competence for giving effective feedback. Finally, institutional commitment and policies are needed to promote the practices of written feedback


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    Alkaline phosphotase enzyme was purified from bacteria Escherichia coli C90 grown in phosphate-poor medium as stationary phase; using an ion exchange column packed with DEAE-cellulose as matrix and size exclusion chromatography using Sepharcryl S-300HR, equilibrated with Buffer A. The enzyme was extracted from the periplasmic space, external to the cell membrane. Previous studies with E. coli have shown increase in alkaline phosphatase activity upon phosphate deprivation with much of the enzyme released into the medium during osmotic shock, indicating that the enzyme is located either in the periplasmic space or is loosely bound to the cell wall. Initially, a DEAE column was used leading to 28% yield and 77 times fold purification, followed by Sephacryl gel filtration column giving 25% yield and 72 times fold purification; indicating loss of enzyme in the subsequent purification step. SDS PAGE analysis was carried out as a control and to compare the results with the spectroscopy. There was no clear decrease in the yield seen in the bands and the loss of enzyme was not observed with the gel analysis. It may, therefore, be assumed that the decrease in yield was due to some pipetting errors in the spectroscopy measurements. The native gel results show clear distinct bands for the 3 alkaline phosphotase isoenzymes, confirming that, the purification procedure for the enzyme was a success.L\u2019enzyme phosphatase alkaline \ue9tait purifi\ue9 de la bact\ue9rie Escherichia coli C90 cultiv\ue9 dans un m\ue9dium pauvre en phosphate comme phase stationnaire utilisant une colonne d\u2019\ue9change d\u2019ion envelopp\ue9e avec une cellulose DEAE comme matrice et exclusion de taille chromographique utilisant le Sepharcryl S-300HR \ue9quilibr\ue9 avec le tampon A. L\u2019enzyme \ue9tait extra\ueet de l\u2019espace p\ue9riplasmique externe \ue0 la membrane cellulaire. Des \ue9tudes ant\ue9rieures avec E. coli ont montr\ue9 une augmentation en activit\ue9 de la phosphatase alkaline sur la d\ue9ficience en phosphate avec plus d\u2019enzymes eject\ue9s dans le media Durant le choc osmotique, montrant que l\u2019enzyme est situ\ue9 dans l\u2019espace p\ue9riplasmique ou simplement li\ue9 \ue0 la membrane cellulaire. Initialement, une colonne de DEAE \ue9tait utilis\ue9e avec pour rendement 28% et purifi\ue9e 77 fois, suivie d\u2019une colonne de gel de filtration Sephacryl produisant 25% et 72 fois de purification; indicant une perte d\u2019enzyme au cours de l\u2019\ue9tape suivante de purification. L\u2019analyse SDE PAGE \ue9tait conduite comme control et pour comparer les r\ue9sultats avec la spectroscopie. Il n\u2019y avait pas une diminution claire du rendement dans les bandes et la perte d\u2019enzyme n\u2019\ue9tait pas observ\ue9e par l\u2019analyse du gel. Il pourrait \ueatre pr\ue9sum\ue9 que la diminution du rendement \ue9tait due aux erreurs de pipettage lors des mesures spectroscopiques. Les r\ue9sultats du gel natif montrent clairement des bandes distinctes pour 3 isoenzymes alkalines phosphatases confirmant que, la proc\ue9dure de purification pour l\u2019enzyme \ue9tait un success

    Mekarsari Kelurahan Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang

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    Being successful enterpreneur is everyone?óÔé¼Ôäós passion. Enterpreneurship can be an alternative way to reach prosperity in life. It needs to be noticed that it takes a lot of effort , passion, patience and creativity to be a succesful?é?á enterpreneur. So many people have great eagerness to be enterpreneur, but they have less knowledge to make it true. That becomes the reason why this training is given to them. It aims to train the people to be more knowledgeable in enterpreneurship. It also trains them to be more creative by recycling?é?á used things to valuable one. It is hoped that this training can be useful for them. They can practice what they have already got in the training in their life. They can produce may new things from the used thing around them and sell them around to make money without money. It will help them to be more prosperous for their financial. ?é?áFurthermore, it will help them to open more job vacancies. This training was acknowledged to the Young Islamic association, Mekarsari,?é?á in Rowosari village. This training provides the young people knowledge, creativity and new experience to create useful and valuable things


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    Abstract: Early Bird is a current product applied in Elementary School as a media of English teaching. It implies the progress of teaching learning process which enhances students?óÔé¼Ôäó ability in understanding English vocabularies and teacher?óÔé¼Ôäós creativity. This media has been acknowledged to Elementary English teachers who join in Gubug English Teachers?óÔé¼Ôäó Association, Grobogan. This media can help the English teachers create an alternative media based on the mechanism of Early Bird. It means that Early Bird cannot only be used as a media, but also can inspire the teachers to create an alternative media in teaching English in the Elementary school.Key words: Early Bird, alternative media, English teachin
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