1,552 research outputs found

    Personal Unique Time Table Generator For Students in UTP

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    This project is to create a new system that generate unique timetable for students in Universiti Teknologi Petronas which include function for reducing time consumption and automate student manual process during timetabling or find alternative of slot. EasyPHP is use to create dynamic web application including the algorithm. Other than that, this project also aims to improvise the current timetable in term of Human Computer Interaction where better visual design and application of colour are included. As add on, this project can provide backup timetable in various medium such as smartphone, social network and email as both of them are the most gadget and site used by students nowadays. At same time, students can do discussion from the medium aforementioned such as Facebook’s group and GoogleGroup’s thread

    ANALISA PERBEDAAN KANDUNGAN KLOROFIL PADA DAUN BELIMBING MANIS (Averrhoa carambola L) DAN BELIMBING WULUH (Averrhoa bilimbi L) MENGGUNAKAN SPEKTROFOTOMETER VISIBLE Analysis of Difference Chlorophyll Content on Sweet Starfruit Leaves (Averrhoa carambola L) and Wuluh Starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L) Using Spectrophotometer Visible

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    Spektrofotometri merupakan salah satu metode analisis instrumental yang menggunakan dasar interaksi energi dan materi. Spektrofotometri dapat dipakai untuk menentukan konsentrasi suatu larutan melalui intensitas serapan pada panjang gelombang tertentu. Panjang gelombang yang dipakai adalah panjang gelombang maksimum yang memberikan absorbansi maksimum . Salah satu prinsip kerja spektrofotometer didasarkan pada fenomena penyerapan sinar oleh spesi kimia tertentu di daerah sinar tampak (visible). Klorofil adalah pigmen warna hijau yang berperan dalam proses fotosintesis dengan menyerap dan mengubah energi cahaya menjadi energi kimia. Kandungan klorofil pada daun pepaya cukup besar dibandingkan dengan daun lainnya. semakin tinggi kadar klorofil kemampuan daun pepaya dalam menangkap energi radiasi cahaya sangat efisien. Bahan–bahan yang diperlukan dalam uji kadar klorofil pada ekstrak daun belimbing antara lain: daun belimbing, serta aseton dengan variabel berbeda. Alat utama yang diperlukan dalam uji kadar klorofil pada ekstrak daun belimbing adalah alat Spektrofotometer Visible Genesys 20. Prinsip kerja alat ini didasarkan pada fenomena penyerapan sinar oleh spesi kimia tertentu di daerah sinar tampak (visible). Dari kedua percobaan yang telah diuji diketahui bahwa kadar klorofil optimal yaitu pada masing-masing percobaan keempat dengan variabel 1;1,75 untuk daun belimbing manis nilai klorofil a yaitu 4,06609 mg/L, kloorofil b yaitu 5,75324 mg/L dan total klorofil adalah 5,07554 mg/L. Dan untuk daun belimbing wuluh klorofil a yaitu 4,81989 mg/L, klorofil b yaitu 6,4413 mg/L dan total klorofil adalah 5,6826 mg/L. Hal ini terjadi karena pelarut aseton yang dipakai. Sehingga semakin banyak pelarut aseton yang dipakai semakin banyak klorofil yang terikat dan mempengaruhi hasil kadar klorofil


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah lemak dan cuka aren yang ditambahkan terhadap mutu sensorik sie reuboh. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial yang terdiri atas dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu jumlah lemak yang ditambahkan yang terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu 0% (L1), 25% (L2) dan 50% (L3) dari jumlah daging sapi. Faktor kedua yaitu jumlah cuka aren yang ditambahkan yang terdiri dari dua taraf yaitu 2,5% (C1) dan 5% (C2) dari jumlah daging sapi. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji organoleptik (uji deskripsi) sie reuboh. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA). Uji lanjut Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) dilakukan jika perlakuan berpengaruh nyata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, jumlah lemak yang ditambahkan berpengaruh sangat nyata (

    The Effect of Foreign Remittances on Schooling: Evidence from Pakistan

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    The underlying study intends to show the impact of foreign remittances on the educational performance of children in the households receiving these remittances. Much of the literature in this area covers the effects of remittances on poverty, consumption, and investment behaviour of the receiving households. The literature on the impact of remittances on educational performance, however, is rare, especially in Pakistan. To investigate the impact of remittances on educational performance, primary data at the household level is collected from four main cities of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. The OLS results illustrate that, without considering parental education, remittances have significant adverse effects on educational performance. However, the effect becomes insignificant once parental education is included, as a control variable, in the regression. The results also reveal that the low level of parental education, current income, assets, family type, and family size play an important role in the educational performance of children.Remittances , Education, Parental Absence


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    Salah seorang pakar hadits dari Indonesia yang menguasai hadits dan ulum al-Hadits, serta memiliki peranan penting dalam perkembangan ulum al-Hadits pada dekade abad yang ke 20 ini adalah Syaikh Muhammad Yasin Al-Fadani. Syaikh Muhammad Yasin Al-Fadani adalah salah seorang ulama Indosnesia yang reputasi dan beberapa karyanya dalam bidang hadits diakui secara Internasional. memperjelas sejarah perkembangan hadis di Indoneisa. Untuk lebih meningkatkan perkembangan ilmu hadis di Indonesia maka perlu dilakukannya kajian terhadap sebuah kitab hadis karya asli ulama Indonesia, sehingga benar-benar dapat menggambarkan perkembangan kajian hadis di Indonesia, akan ada beberapa kitab hadis yang bisa diajukan untuk dikaji salah satu diantaranya adalah, kitab Al-Arba’un Haditsan yang di tulis oleh Syaikh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani, ulama asal Indonesia, tepatnya Padang. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (Llibrary Research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan pemikiran dan analisis melalui literatur serta bahan pustaka lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan, bahwa peranan yang disumbangkan Syaikh Muhammad Yasin Al-Fadani dalam perkembangan hadits adalah menulis beberapa kitab dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan, termasuk dalam bidang ilmu hadits. Motivasi Syaykh Yasin dalam menyusun kitab ini adalah ingin menegaskan reputasinya di kalangan para ulama besar abad XX, sebagai ulama yang mempunyai pengetahuan hadis yang cukup luas, karena penguasaan terhadap empat puluh kitab koleksi hadis bukanlah perkara yang mudah dan sudah langka. Sistematika penyusunan kitab ini adalah: Pertama, Pemilihan bab tidak berdasarkan matan (subyek) hadis dan tidak disusun berdasarkan abjad, tetapi berdasarkan sanad hadis dan terbagi kedalam empat puluh bab. Kedua, Jumlah hadis adalah empat puluh buah hadis, sesuai dengan namanya, Arba’un, yang berarti empat puluh. Ketiga, Takhrij hadis diberikan setelah menyebutkan sanad dan matan hadis dengan menunjukkan lokasi hadis tersebut dalam kitab-kitab induk, baik dalam kelompok al-Kutub al-Sittah maupun di luar kelompok tersebut, dan menyebutkan derajat kekuatan pada tiga puluh lima hadisnya. Keempat, Semua sanad hadis dalam kitab ini bersambung kepada penulis kitab hadis rujukan, dan berujung kepada Nabi SAW

    Poket Musafir: a guide for smart muslim travelers

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    Prayer (solat) is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith and it has been stated in the hadeeth of Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) who said; I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say; “Between a man and shirik and kufr there stands his giving up prayer”. In other words, it is prayer that distinguished the believer from the disbeliever. Given the importance for Muslims to perform their five daily prayers even during travel, an android application, Poket Musafir was developed to guide them in performing their obligations. Poket Musafir included in its menu details on rulings regarding Jamak and Qasr (combining and shortening of prayers) during travel, calculation on distance to see whether one is eligible to perform Jamak and Qasr prayers, common Q&A faced by Muslim travellers in performing their prayers. This application also has quizzes, and can be used by school students to help them understand the topic and test their knowledge, on what they have learnt in a more dynamic way instead of static text in the textbook. Poket Musafir was developed using Android Studio, Adobe Photoshop CS6, GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) and Adobe Illustrator

    The influence of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid concentration and light condition via rice callus induction varieties MR219, MR220 and MR297 / Muhammad Faiz Rosli

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    The Malaysian population rely heavily on the rice as their staple food for daily consumption. Currently, Malaysia has about 71.4% rice self-sufficiency level (SSL). Tissue culture of Malaysian rice is important in improving tissue culture protocol. Objectives of the study were to study the effect of different 2, 4-D hormone concentrations and culture condition towards rice (Oryza Sativa L.) variety via callus induction and plant regeneration. In this study, three varieties of rice were selected which are MR219, MR220 and MR297 with different 2, 4-D concentrations (1.5mg/L, 2.0mg/L and 2.5mg/L). The seeds were cultured in 16/8 h photoperiod and completely dark condition. Three replications were done and the results were taken after four weeks. The average percentage for callus induction, roots and shoots initiation were calculated. Among these three samples, MR220 exhibited the highest frequency (66.67%) of callus induction in 16/8 h photoperiod at 2.5mg/L 2, 4-D and MR219 showed highest frequency (66.67%) for completely dark condition at 2.5mg/L 2, 4-D. Overall results indicated that the best callus frequency (66.67%) was induced when supplemented with 2.5mg/L 2, 4-D in 16/8 h photoperiod for variety MR220

    The mediating role of innovation in the relationship between market orientation and university performance in Pakistan

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    Universities globally are going through a paradigm shift with a need to become more innovatively market-oriented to handle the issue of growing competition for funding, as well as attracting/retaining the international/local competent students and academicians. However, there appears to be a dearth of research on how such state of affairs could be addressed, particularly in the emerging economies like Pakistan. In the light of resource-based theory (RBT), as well as organizational-learning theory (OLT), literature suggests that market-orientation (MO) and innovation are to be the desirable unique resources, as well as the guiding philosophies, to enable universities for a more competitive performance. Hence, this study investigated how resources like marketorientation (MO), and innovation, can influence university performance (UP). The study also tested empirically the potential mediating effect of innovation on the MOUP relationship. In addition, how the dimensions of MO influenced the innovation and university performance (UP) were also tested empirically in the universities of Pakistan. Results of the PLS path modelling (with 369 respondents from the target public-sector universities) firstly confirmed significant effect of the “universal construct of MO” and two of its dimensions “the advising and mentoring, as well as the intelligencegeneration and response” on UP. However, one dimension of MO, which is the administration-leadership, was not significantly supported to directly influence the UP. Secondly, the study confirmed that there were significant direct effects of the “universal construct of MO”, as well as all of its dimensions, on innovation. Thirdly, the study also found that there was a significant effect of innovation on UP. Furthermore, the bootstrapping results found significant mediation of innovation between the MO-UP relationship. Hence, the results show that UP can be directly enhanced through MO and innovation. Even the use of innovation as a mediator can further strengthen the MO-UP relationship. Based on the findings, the study offers theoretical and practical implications, followed by its limitations and directions, for future research

    Pakistan: The Landmine Problem in Federally Administered Tribal Areas

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    After a decade of fighting, the effects of conflict beyond Pakistan\u27s border with Afghanistan are seen everyday in border regions. With little government aid available, agencies like HSD are taking the initiative in the country\u27s battle against mines
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