274 research outputs found

    Some approximation results for generalized Kantorovich-type operators

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    In this paper, we construct a new family of operators, prove some approximation results in A-statistical sense and establish some direct theorems for Kantorovich-type integral operators

    Frequency of preoperative anxiety in Pakistani surgical patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To measure the frequency of preoperative anxiety in patients coming to our hospital and to correlate Visual analogue scale (VAS) with State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire. METHODS: This cross sectional study included 300 ASA I and II adult surgical in-patients admitted over a period of one year. STAI questionnaire and VAS was used as study tools. STAI score of \u3e 44 or VAS score of \u3e or = 50 were considered as significant anxiety. Enrolled patients were visited by primary investigator the day before surgery and patients were asked to fill the STAI questionnaire and VAS score. RESULTS: Significant preoperative anxiety was seen in 62% patients (73% females and 42% males). Frequency of anxiety decreased with advancing age but increased with higher educational status. A total of 77% of patients with no previous exposure to surgery and 26% of patients who had previous surgery, were anxious. Also 49% of patients who had visited the clinic and 86% of patients who had not visited the clinic were anxious. VAS correlated with STAI in 90% cases. Cut off value of VAS which showed positive correlation with STAI was 45. CONCLUSION: Frequency of preoperative anxiety was 62%. Female gender, younger age and higher educational status were positively correlated while prior experience of surgery while preoperative anaesthesia clinic visit were negatively correlated with anxiety. VAS correlated well with STAI

    A Time-Series Analysis of Economic Growth in the Context of Indian Economy

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    India has a sizable and successful consumer class, which is critical given that household consumption accounts for 60% of GDP. Total market value is calculated by adding the monetary or market values of all final goods and services produced inside a nation's borders. Additionally, the gross domestic product at market value (GDP at market value) may be employed to reflect this total market value. Total domestic production is defined in terms of GDP to assess the economy's health. GDP is computed on a quarterly or yearly basis, depending on the state of the economy at the moment. Human capital is a country's most important natural resource, and it must be used appropriately and acknowledged to accomplish long-term economic goals sustainably. India is the world's second-most populated nation, with 1.3 billion people behind China. According to the World Bank, India's global influence has grown in lockstep with its consistent economic success. Compared to wealthier nations, emerging countries have several obstacles, including a lack of infrastructure and a low per capita income. Another issue that has to be addressed is the growth of rural economic systems. According to some experts, India's current economic instability will culminate in an unprecedented economic boom, which they believe has already begun

    Prospects and Challenges of Journalism in Northern Divisions of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study

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    Journalists are highly respected members of our society usually known as mass media personalities who make important contributions to the promotion of economy education safety security peace loveand overall prosperity of the country They also up hold public opinions sufferings as well as all the happenings of every nook and corner of our society through electronic and print media so that the people all over the country as well as the government can know the overall aspects and situation of the country which could help all the organs of government to take propersteps in case of necessary and emergenc

    An Empirical Study of Technological Innovations in the Field of Accounting - Boon or Bane

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    In this paper researchers make an attempt by doing intense work that how technological innovations make jobs of accountant so easy from their routine jobs from posting to generating accounting statements etc. with the help of available software and technology in accounting field.Technological innovations have changed an obstructed job of accountant into easier one and that too rapid and accurate, with these developments researchers have found and witnessed that it has affected erstwhile as it has restricted entry for so many into an accounting field  as jobs of accountants have shrunk and in few hands who are technology accelerators and technology driven.Researchers have shown how technology has affected the outcome and impact on business in terms of accuracy, pace and swiftness.Researchers have made an attempt to explore various cause and effect relationship between available software in accounting, technology and accountants.In their intense and in depth research we have designed questionnaire comprised of many questions in which respondents are selected from top management, employees and included job seekers too in order to receive their unbiased responses during primary data collection.Wherever found necessary researchers have taken secondary data also to make study more accurate, interesting and feasible

    Accidental release of Liquefied Natural Gas in a processing facility: Effect of equipment congestion level on dispersion behaviour of the flammable vapour

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    An accidental leakage of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) can occur during processes of production, storage andtransportation. LNG has a complex dispersion characteristic after release into the atmosphere. This complexbehaviour demands a detailed description of the scientific phenomena involved in the dispersion of the releasedLNG. Moreover, a fugitive LNG leakage may remain undetected in complex geometry usually in semi-confined orconfined areas and is prone to fire and explosion events. To identify location of potential fire and/or explosionevents, resulting from accidental leakage and dispersion of LNG, a dispersion modelling of leakage is essential.This study proposes a methodology comprising of release scenarios, credible leak size, simulation, comparison ofcongestion level and mass of flammable vapour for modelling the dispersion of a small leakage of LNG and itsvapour in a typical layout using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach. The methodology is applied to acase study considering a small leakage of LNG in three levels of equipment congestion. The potential fire and/orexplosion hazard of small leaks is assessed considering both time dependent concentration analysis and areabased model. Mass of flammable vapour is estimated in each case and effect of equipment congestion on sourceterms and dispersion characteristics are analysed. The result demonstrates that the small leak of LNG can createhazardous scenarios for a fire and/or explosion event. It is also revealed that higher degree of equipmentcongestion increases the retention time of vapour and intensifies the formation of pockets of isolated vapourcloud. This study would help in designing appropriate leak and dispersion detection systems, effective monitoring procedures and risk assessmen


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    ABSTRACT In order to improve the acute scarcity of fresh fodder in the country, four local fodder legumes (cowpea) namely CP-1, CP-8, CP-31 and CP-801 were compared for plant characteristics and fresh fodder production potential at NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar. CP-1 required minimum days to emergence (4.7 days), flowering (87 days) and pod formation (94.7 days) and the shortest plant length (235 cm). CP-8 produced the longest plants (382 cm) though statistically not different than CP-31 and CP-801. CP-8 gave the maximum grain yield (969lg.ha -1 ); seeds pod -1 (11.3) and 100 seed weight (11.4g). The pods plant -1 and grain yield ha -1 produced by CP-1 were significantly lower than the other three germplasms. Generally the fresh fodder yield in all germplasms gradually increased from 14 ton ha -1 , 50 days after emergence to 64.2 ton ha -1 ,125 days after emergence. However, slight decline was observed with further interval of 25 days. CP-8 produced 30-40 percent more fresh fodder than the other germplasm, and accumulated 638 kg ha -1 fresh fodder compared with CP-1 (460 kg ha -1 ). It is concluded that maximum fresh fodder can be obtained 125 days after emergence and CP-8 gave the maximum grains as well as fresh fodder yield among the germplasms tested. Keywords: fodder production, cowpea, germplasm, plant characterization, yield. INTRODUCTION Although livestock is one of the major component of sustainable agriculture in NWFP particularly in mountainous areas, yet the scarcity of fodder is the major constraint in livestock production. The deficiency in nutrient supply has been estimated as 40.57 % in dry matter, 52.95 % in crude protein and 38.75 % in TDN, which will grow further due to increase in livestock population and diminishing trend in feed supply. The area occupied by fodder crops (6.84 %) supplies only 6.8 % of the feed resources of the province. Development in fodder and forages could be achieved through development in fodder research. Although Cowpea (Vigna ungiculata (L) Walp) is a minor component of sustainable agriculture, grown for its mature seeds, immature fruits and leaves and as feed for livestock, yet its potential as a quality fodder has not been explored. The present study aimed to characterize and determine the fodder production potential of local cowpea germplasm, while evaluating seventeen cowpea genotypes for forage production in potwar rainfed area. Bhatti et al. (1983) reported 27.25 t ha -1 fresh fodder and 5.7 t ha -1 DM for the top ranking genotype with the highest number of branches and leaves. Similarly Jatasra, (1983) testing twenty cowpea cultivars in semi arid tract of Havyana, India reported 5 t ha -1 fresh fodder and 1 t DM ha -1 for the two top varieties. Khan and Stoffella evaluated nine cultivars of cowpea in 1985 and ten in 1989 in Florida and Oklahoma, USA. Forage yields were high in Florida due to high nitrogen fertilization and seed yield and size was higher in Oklahoma. Generally 50 % of the seed came from main stem and 50 % form the branches with variable proportion in cultivars

    Lafora Disease Masquerading as Hepatic Dysfunction

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    Lafora disease is fatal intractable progressive myoclonic epilepsy. It is frequently characterized by epileptic seizures, difficulty walking, muscle spasms, and dementia in late childhood or adolescence. We chronicle here an unusual case of an asymptomatic young male soccer player who presented with elevated liver enzymes. Neurological examination was unremarkable. The diagnostic workup for hepatitis, infectious etiologies, autoimmune disorders, hemochromatosis, Wilson\u27s disease, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and other related diseases was inconclusive. He subsequently underwent an uneventful percutaneous liver biopsy. Based on the pathognomonic histopathological findings, Lafora disease was considered the likely etiology. The present study is a unique illustration of this rare disorder initially manifesting with abnormal liver enzymes. It underscores the importance of clinical suspicion of Lafora disease in cases with unexplained hepatic dysfunction. Prompt liver biopsy and genetic testing should be performed to antedate the onset of symptoms in these patients