92 research outputs found


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    Currently Indonesian companies began to publish sustainability report as a corporate responsibility to the environment. To increase the credibility of the sustainability report, the company did assurance, but not much research the topic of assurance. This study aimed to analyze the effect of assurance on the sustainability report to the market value of the company. This study used independent assurance, size, leverage, ROA, the type of industry to measure the market value of the company. This study used secondary data documentation, they were sustainability report and annual report companies that listed on the Stock Exchange in 2011- 2013. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling with some requirements. The number of samples obtained from these criteria were 36 companies with a total of 108 samples. in This study used multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis. The results showed that the assurance negative and not significant effect to the market value of the company. Other variables such as the size (the size of the company), leverage, and the type of industry also did not have a significant effect. Only ROA which had a positive and significant effect to the market value of the company

    Pengaruh Assurance Sustainability Report Terhadap Market Value Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Pada Tahun 2011-2013

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    Currently Indonesian companies began to publish sustainability report as a corporate responsibility to the environment. To increase the credibility of the sustainability report, the company did assurance, but not much research the topic of assurance. This study aimed to analyze the effect of assurance on the sustainability report to the market value of the company. This study used independent assurance, size, leverage, ROA, the type of industry to measure the market value of the company.This study used secondary data documentation, they were sustainability report and annual report companies that listed on the Stock Exchange in 2011-2013. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling with some requirements. The number of samples obtained from these criteria were 36 companies with a total of 108 samples. in This study used multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis.The results showed that the assurance negative and not significant effect to the market value of the company. Other variables such as the size (the size of the company), leverage, and the type of industry also did not have a significant effect. Only ROA which had a positive and significant effect to the market value of the company


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    Abstrak Dalam penelitian rancang bangun sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework laravel ini memiliki tujuan yaitu (1) Mengetahui validasi kelayakan sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework Laravel. (2) Mengetahui respon siswa (user) dan guru terdadap sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework Laravel. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunkanan penelitian berdasarakan model 4D yang memiliki tahap yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop), dan tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk berupa ujian online berbasis website dengan framework laravel untuk siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Mojokerto. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XI DKV SMK Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto sebanayak 31 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen validasi dan angket respon dalam pengumpulan data penelitiannya. Instrumen validasi tersebut terdiri dari validasi media, validasi soal, dan validasi respon. Berdasarkan hasil kevalidan oleh keempat validator ahli pada pada validasi media diperoleh presentase sebesar 89%, serta soal mendapat presentase sebesar 94%, dan angket respon mendapat presentase sebesar 91% . Dengan ini, dapat dikategorikan bahwa media Rancang Bangun Sistem Ujian Online Berbasis Website Dengan Framework Laravel sangat valid dan dapat digunakan sebagai fasilitas media ujian online bagi siswa. Hasil respon siswa terhadap rancang bangun sistem ujian online berbasis website dengan framework laravel sebesar 80,76%. Hasil angket respon disimpulkan bahwa mendapat respon baik atau positif dari responden. Kata Kunci : Sistem Ujian Online, Website, Laravel, Kevalidan, Hasil Respon Abstract In the research design of a website-based online examination system with this laravel framework, the objectives are (1) Knowing the validity of the feasibility of a website-based online examination system with the Laravel framework. (2) Knowing the response of students (users) and teachers towards an online website-based examination system with Laravel framework. The type of research carried out in the research "Building a Website-Based Online Examination System with Laravel Framework" is a type of research based on the 4D model which has stages namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study produced a product in the form of a website-based online exam with a laravel framework for class XI students of SMKN 2 Mojokerto. The subjects in this study were class XI DKV of SMK Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto as many as 31 students. The research instrument used in this study used instruments of validation and response questionnaires in the collection of research data. The instrument of validation consisted of media validation, question validation, and validation of responses. Based on the results of validity by the four expert validators on media validation, the percentage was 89%, and the questions got a percentage of 94%, and the questionnaire responses received a percentage of 91%. With this, it can be categorized that the Website Designing Online Test System Based on the Website with the Laravel Framework is very valid and can be used as an online media examination facility for students. The results of student responses to the design of a website-based online exam system with a laravel framework of 80.76%. The results of the response questionnaire concluded that they received a good or positive response from the respondents Keyword : Online, Website, Laravel, Validity, Test Results, Response System


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    Skripsiiniberjudul : “Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi MinatMenabungSantriPondokPesantrenDaarunNahdhaThawalibBangki nang padaBaitul Maal WatTamwil(BMT) An-Nur Bangkinang”. Pemberdayaan terhadap potensi pondok pesantren menjadi sebuah keharusan bahkan kewajiban yang tak terelakkan. Pemberdayaan terhadap komponen pondok pesantren secara tidak langsung merupakan pemberdayaan terhadap masyarakat indonesia. Dengan demikian, BMT di pondok pesantren merupakan suatu wadah untuk memberdayakaan seluruh komponen tersebut. Pondok pesantren Daarun Nahdha ThawalibBangkinang juga memperkuat perekonomiannya dengan mendirikan lembaga keuangan (BMT), menjadikannya sebagai pusat perekonomian, memberikan pelayanan kepada santri, guru dan masyarakat baik itu bersifat konsumtif atau finansial. BMT tersebutdibangununtukmemudahkansantridalammembayaruangsekolah, dan BMT tersebutbukanhanyauntukmembayaruangsekolah, tetapijugabiasuntukmenabungbagisantri, walimurid, tenagapengajaryang mengajar di PondokPesantrenDaarunNahdhaThawalibBangkinangdanuntukmasyarakatum um. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuifaktor- faktorYangMempengaruhiMinatMenabungSantriPondokPesantrenDaarunNah dha padaBaitul Maal WatTamwil (BMT) An-NurBangkinang. . Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Dhaarun Nahdha Tawalib Bangkinang yang beralamat di Jl. Letkol Syarifuddin Syarif Km.1 Bangkinang.Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi populasi adalah seluruh santri Daarun Nahdha yang berjumlah 1.300 orang. Karena jumlah anggota populasi banyak, maka pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan random sampling, yaitu melakukan penelitian secara acak pada 10% atau 130 santri Pondok Pesantren Daarun NahdhaThawalibBangkinang.Teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket penelitian, wawancara dan observasi. Untuk menganalisa data digunakan deskriptif kualitatif yaitumenganalisa data yang ada dengan mengklasifikasikan data-data berdasarkan kategori dari persamaan jenis data tersebut dan kemudian diuraikan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, Bahwa minat menabung nasabah/santri Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) An-Nur Bangkinang dipengaruhi oleh faktor budaya, faktor pribadi, dan faktor sosial. Berdasarkan hasil angket yang disebarkan kepada santri tentang Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat menabung santri pondok pesantren daarun nahdha padaBaitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) An-Nur Bangkinang adalahkurangnya minat para santri tersebut untuk menabung di baitul maal wat tamwil (BMT) tersebut, dikarnakan kurangnya pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pihak BMT kepada penabung/ santri/nasabah BMT An-nur tersebut

    An Implementation of the Joint Inheritance Division of Ethnic Groups in Lampung, Indonesia

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    Lampung is a distinct, diverse, and multi-ethnic province. Lampung's multi-ethnicity is worth investigating regarding inheritance distribution, specifically the inheritance of joint property. This study examines the implementation of ethnic group inheritance in Lampung and how it contributes to the paradigm shift of joint property. This investigation is field research in which data is gathered from informants and analyzed using a cultural approach. According to the analysis, implementing the division of joint property inheritance of ethnic groups in Lampung could be classified into multiple categories. First, the majority of joint inheritance property is distributed straight to offspring (both male and female. Second, only daughters are given the joint property inheritance. Third, only the son receives joint property inheritance. Fourth, if one of the parents passes away, some joint property inheritance is granted to the mother and father. Because the Lampung community is nearly entirely unfamiliar with joint property (gono gini), the joint property inheritance is promptly distributed into the four categories listed above. Although the cultural practice considerably influences the distribution of inheritance in connection to the family system and social protection factors, it has begun to shift with less to no influence by religious and social factors

    Electrographic seizure after neonatal and infant cardiac surgery

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    Dictionary using Text Recognition for Mobile App

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    Dictionary is reference wellspring of words in a dialect or order, organized sequentially. Notwithstanding characterizing the words, bigger lexicons additionally give data on the spellings, elocution, word sources (historical background), capacities, and diverse types of the word. Through modern years, technology has rapidly grown to serve humanity with better goods, hence dictionary should also abide to the growth of the technology. E-dictionary or online dictionary has served well for past few years since the introduction of smartphone which led to another possibilities and remove limitations of old age dictionary. With an Artificial Intelligence (AI) making debut as a new trend in passing years, integrating the AI technology into dictionary is the purpose of this study. Although, e-dictionary has solved most of readers problem which is searching the words manually rather consuming times, the search function in most advance e-dictionary prompt to human error such as mistyping and consuming time and limitation of input of language (i.e. Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, Arabic etc.) hence, the development of new kind of dictionary which integrate the AI technology using Android platform to solve these problems. Android is preferred since almost half of the world is using smartphones powered by operating system called Android. Android SDK will be used to develop this application integrating with the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, in other word is the AI technology in more specific term. Tesseract which is being maintained by Apache is the most accurate OCR software available. Integrating these two platforms is the challenge for this application. For translation note, Google Translate API will be used hence another integration will be done. Google Translate API is chosen since Google has updated several of languages at the time of this stud

    An Optimized and Cost Effective Power Management System for End-users of Electricity

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    This paper presents a novel technique of Optimized and Cost Effective Power Management System (OCEPMS) for end users of electricity. The technique incorporates all the three important aspects of a power management system and gives a complete microcontroller based low cost solution. These aspects include: power factor improvement, voltage optimization and surge / spike suppression. For power factor improvement, an algorithm is devised which automatically switches capacitors based on real time calculated requirements. A soft switching mechanism is used for the purpose of bringing capacitors in or out of the circuit depending upon the overall inductive load. For voltage optimization purpose, a circuitry is included in the design which manages incoming voltage and regulates it to a level more suitable for home appliances. Furthermore, to protect the system from dangerous and harmful surges and spikes transmitted through supply line, a surge suppression circuitry is also incorporated in the design. The proposed design is physically developed and experimentally tested with various domestic loads like compact florescent lamps, chokes, pumps and a combination of induction motors. Experimental results validate proposed approach and show that, up to 15% reduction in domestic electricity bills can be achieved by using the developed power management system


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    Air asam tambang merupakan salah satu side effect dari industri pertambangan yang memiliki dampak buruk bagi lingkungan. Air asam tambang mengandung beragam logam berat yang apabila mengontaminasi makhluk hidup, baik tumbuhan, hewan, atau bahkan manusia tentunya akan berakibat pada masalah yang serius. Beragam upaya dilakukan untuk menanggulangi masalah air asam tambang ini, mulai dari cara fisika-kimia biasa menggunakan zat-zat penetral tertentu hingga mulai dikembangkan cara lain seperti phytomining. Phytomining sendiri adalah proses penambangan suatu logam dengan bantuan tumbuhan, dan dalam kasus ini diharapkan bisa mengambil logam berat dari air asam tambang sehingga dapat meminimalisasi bahaya yang ditimbulkan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai phytomining logam tembaga dari air asam tambang menggunakan tanaman Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) atau eceng gondok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan cara penambangan logam tembaga dari air asam tambang dengan tanaman eceng gondok hingga proses pemurnian tembaga tersebut menjadi katoda tembaga, serta menjelaskan mengapa cara tersebut lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan penambangan biasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur, yaitu mencari penjelasan dan data mengenai pengolahan air asam tambang melalui jurnal, artikel dan buku-buku terkait. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, hasilnya adalah tahapan-tahapan phytomining logam tembaga dari air asam tambang yaitu fitoekstraksi dengan tanaman eceng gondok yang kemudian tanamannya dikeringkan dan dibakar hingga menjadi abu, dilanjutkan oleh bioleaching dengan bakteri Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans dan Acidithiobacillusthiooxidans yang kemudian disaring agar terpisah larutan hasil pelindian yang kaya akan tembaga dengan larutan sisa pelindiannya, kemudian dilakukan solvent extraction dengan Mextral 5460H, lalu dilakukan stripping untuk memperoleh larutan kaya tembaga, dan diakhiri dengan electrowinning hingga mendapatkan katoda tembaga. Pengolahan air asam tambang dengan metode ini terbukti lebih ramah lingkungan, lebih ekonomis, dan masih tetap akan mendapatkan logam tembaga dengan kemurnian tinggi
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