909 research outputs found

    Siaga Penanganan Awal Mengenal Faktor Penyebab Gagal Jantung

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    Pandemic Covid 19 menyebabkan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang rutin diadakan oleh prodi farmasi harus dilakukan secara daring. Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam bentuk webinar ini bertujuan agar masyarakat dapat memahami terkait penyebab dari gagal jantung dan pertolongan pertama yang dapat dilakukan dirumah saat orang terdekat mengalami serangan jantung. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan tekhnologi digital, yaitu zoom dengan total peserta 65 orang. Abdimas dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 November 2021 jam 09.00 wib sampai 10.00 wib. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni berupa pre test dan postest yang di isi oleh peserta webinar melalui google form. Hasil dari webinar ini yaitu peserta webinar telah mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan terkait penyebab gagal jantung dan cara awal mengatasi serangan jantung. Kesimpulan dari webinar ini adalah webinar telah berjalan lancar dan berhasil menciptakan pemahaman kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya mengetahui penyebab gagal jantung dan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegahan dan penanganan awal

    Use of G3-DHS Bioreactor for Secondary Treatment of Septic Tank Desludging Wastewater

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    Study was done for the use of the third-generation of downflow hanging sponge (G3-DHS) bioreactor for secondary treatment of septic tank desludging wastewater. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the prospective system of G3-DHS bioreactor to be applied in Indonesia. During experiment, the G3-DHS bioreactor kept a relatively high dissolved oxygen concentration under natural aeration. At a relatively short hydraulic retention (HRT) of 3 h, the G3-DHS bioreactor could remove up to 21% (SD = 15%) of total COD, 21% (SD = 7%) of filtered-COD, 58% (SD = 24%) of unfiltered-BOD, and 33% (SD = 24%) of ammonium removal. The final effluent had an unfiltered-BOD of only 46 mg/L (SD = 20 mg/L) that it was below the Indonesian standard (unfiltered-BOD = 100 mg/L) for thresholds of domestic wastewater treatment plants effluent

    Time-Loop Formalism for Irreversible Quantum Problems: Steady State Transport in Junctions with Asymmetric Dynamics

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    Non-unitary quantum mechanics has been used in the past to study irreversibility, dissipation and decay in a variety of physical systems. In this letter, we propose a general scheme to deal with systems governed by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We argue that the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism gives a natural description for those problems. To elucidate the method, we study a simple model inspired by mesoscopic physics --an asymmetric junction. The system is governed by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian which captures essential aspects of irreversibility.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Placental Morphology of Pregnant Iraqi Women with Rheumatic Heart Disease

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    Background: Placental morphology and cellular arrangement can be altered in maternal diseases. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a chronic heart condition that can lead to death in pregnant women. The aim of this study is to determine the histological changes of the placenta in pregnant women suffering from RHD. Methods: Placentae were collected from 10 healthy pregnant women, and 31 pregnant women with heart conditions (26 with RHD and 5 with NRHD) who had been admitted to the Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Placental tissues were fixed in 10% formal-saline and were processed for light microscopy. Measurements including the placental weight and diameter of the chorionic villi capillaries were recorded. Results: The results indicate that there are many histological changes in pregnant women with RHD such as hyalinisation, fibrosis of the chorionic villi, proliferation of trophoblastic cells, and thickening of its membrane. Additionally, expectant mothers with RHD experience a reduction in capillary diameter and thickening of the capillary walls, and decreased size and weight of their placenta when compared with the control. Conclusions: Heart diseases, especially RHD, are associated with developmental damage of the placenta in pregnant women by injuring the endothelial cells of the placentas capillaries

    Uji Organoleptis, PH, Uji Eber dan Cemaran Bakteri pada Karkas yang Diisolasi dari Kios di Banyuwangi

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    Food borne disease merupakan isu bagi dunia kesehatan karena masih belum bisa dikendalikan secara tuntas. Daging merupakan salah satu agen tempat berkembangnya mikroba infeksius, cemaran kimia dan fisik yang memungkinkan timbulnya food poisoning. Penanganan masalah food borne disease melalui penatalaksanaan penyediaan pemotongan melalui Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) menjadi salah satu kunci untuk mengendalikan bahan pangan. Kualitas daging menjadi prioritas penting dalam menjamin mutu pangan. Penelitian menggunakan kajian cross sectional study dengan metode sampling purposive. Pengujian sampel di wilayah Kecamatan Banyuwangi, Genteng dan Kalibaru menjadi subjek utama dimana terdapat kios daging yang mensuplai kebutuhan konsumen sehingga akan diketahui kualitas daging yang dipotong melalui RPH. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil uji organoleptis warna 37% kelainan, bau normal, tekstur konsistensi keras 0,05%, uji pH 50% diatas ambang normal, uji Eber 45% positif mengalami awal kebusukan. Semua sampel daging negative Salmonella spp dan 50% melebihi ambang batas Standart Nasional Indonesia cemaran Escherichia coli

    Cost Estimation of Structural Work for Residential Building with Seismic Design Consideration

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    The Sumatra-Andaman earthquakes had triggered local earthquakes in Malaysia by reactivation of ancient inactive faults. Previously on 5th June 2015, Ranau, a region located in Sabah, Malaysia, had experienced a moderate earthquake of Mw6.1. The structural failures occurred because all existing buildings only designed for gravity load without any seismic provision. Recent research work exhibits the seismic designs’ impact on the cost of material and its parameters that impact the cost. There are two types reinforced concrete residential buildings called Type 1 and Type 2 for two storey and four storey which had been used as models. This research applied four seismicity levels to the reference peak ground acceleration value, αgR = 0.07g, 0.10g, 0.13g & 0.16g, and two soil types: Soil Types B and D. The result shows that for two storey reinforced concrete residential buildings on soil types B and D, seismic design increases structural work costs, which is around 0.62% to 1.31% and 0.61% to 2.16%, respectively, for Type 1 model compared to non-seismic design. Besides, model Type 2, the increment is around 0.24% to 1.22% and 0.20% to 1.71%, respectively. Otherwise, for reinforced concrete residential building with four storey on soil types B and D, the result shows that seismic design tends to have a higher structural work’s cost around 0.41% to 2.48% and 0.98% to 11.23%, respectively, for Type 1 model. Besides, for model Type 2 the increment is around 1.80% to 2.05% and 2.34% to 8.53%, respectively, compared to nonseismic design

    Cryptococcus--diversity of clinical presentation

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    Cost Estimation of Structural Work for Residential Building with Seismic Design Consideration

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    The Sumatra-Andaman earthquakes had triggered local earthquakes in Malaysia by reactivation of ancient inactive faults. Previously on 5th June 2015, Ranau, a region located in Sabah, Malaysia, had experienced a moderate earthquake of Mw6.1. The structural failures occurred because all existing buildings only designed for gravity load without any seismic provision. Recent research work exhibits the seismic designs’ impact on the cost of material and its parameters that impact the cost. There are two types reinforced concrete residential buildings called Type 1 and Type 2 for two storey and four storey which had been used as models. This research applied four seismicity levels to the reference peak ground acceleration value, αgR = 0.07g, 0.10g, 0.13g & 0.16g, and two soil types: Soil Types B and D. The result shows that for two storey reinforced concrete residential buildings on soil types B and D, seismic design increases structural work costs, which is around 0.62% to 1.31% and 0.61% to 2.16%, respectively, for Type 1 model compared to non-seismic design. Besides, model Type 2, the increment is around 0.24% to 1.22% and 0.20% to 1.71%, respectively. Otherwise, for reinforced concrete residential building with four storey on soil types B and D, the result shows that seismic design tends to have a higher structural work’s cost around 0.41% to 2.48% and 0.98% to 11.23%, respectively, for Type 1 model. Besides, for model Type 2 the increment is around 1.80% to 2.05% and 2.34% to 8.53%, respectively, compared to nonseismic design