286 research outputs found

    Heat Transfer from a Cylinder in Cross-Flow of Single and Multiphase Flows

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    In this paper, the average heat transfer characteristics for a cross flow cylinder of 16 mm diameter in a vertical pipe has been studied for single-phase flow (water/oil) and multicomponent (non-boiling) flow (water-air, water-oil, oil-air and water-oil-air). The cylinder is uniformly heated by electrical heater placed at the centre of the element. The results show that the values of average heat transfer coefficients for water are around four times the values for oil flow. Introducing air as a second phase with water has very little effect on heat transfer rate, while the heat transfer increased by 70% in case of oil. For water–oil flow, the heat transfer coefficient values are reflecting the percentage of water up to 50%, but increasing the water more than 50% leads to a sharp increase in the heat transfer coefficients to become close to the values of pure water. The enhancement of heat transfer by mixing two phases may be attributed to the changes in flow structure near to cylinder surface which lead to thinner boundary layer and higher turbulence. For three-phase flow, the heat transfer coefficients for all cases fall within the limit of single-phase flow of water and oil and are very close to pure water values. The net effect of the turbulence augmentation due to the introduction of air and the attenuation due to the introduction of oil leads to a thinner boundary layer of oil over the cylinder surface covered by a mixture of water and air bubbles

    Hydrodynamic simulations of ion-beam heated foils for opacity measurements at FAIR

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    New laser energy deposition algorithm for the RALEF-2D code

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    Creation of a homogeneous plasma column by means of hohlraum radiation for ion-stopping measurements

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    In this work, we present the results of two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of a hohlraum target whose outgoing radiation is used to produce a homogeneously ionized carbon plasma for ion-beam stopping measurements. The cylindrical hohlraum with gold walls is heated by a frequency-doubled (λl=526.5\lambda_l = 526.5 μm\mu m) 1.41.4 nsns long laser pulse with the total energy of El=180E_l = 180 JJ. At the laser spot, the peak matter and radiation temperatures of, respectively, T380T \approx 380 eVeV and Tr120T_r \approx 120 eVeV are observed. X-rays from the hohlraum heat the attached carbon foam with a mean density of ρC=2\rho_C = 2 mg/cm3mg/cm^3 to a temperature of T25T \approx 25 eVeV. The simulation shows that the carbon ionization degree (Z3.75Z \approx 3.75) and its column density stay relatively stable (within variations of about ±7%\pm7\%) long enough to conduct the ion-stopping measurements. Also, it is found that a special attention should be paid to the shock wave, emerging from the X-ray heated copper support plate, which at later times may significantly distort the carbon column density traversed by the fast ions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Synthesis And Characterization Of Two New Antimony Phosphates Co0,5alsb(PO4)3 And Mg0,5fesb(PO4)3

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    Two new antimony phosphates Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 and Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 were synthesized for the first time by the solid-state reaction method. Their crystal structures have been refined at room temperature from X-ray powder diffraction data using Rietveld method. Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the space group R-3c (N°167) (ah = 8.23±0.01Ǻ, ch = 21.94±0.02Ǻ). Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n (N°14) (am =11.54 Ǻ, bm = 8.83± 0.02 Ǻ, cm = 8.39± 0.01 Ǻ, β = 96.67°± 0.09). Raman and infrared spectra were recorded and assignments of the stretching and bending vibrations of the PO43- tetrahedra were made. The number of the peaks observed is in good agreement with that predicted by the factor group analysis of the R-3c et P21/n space group respectively. Vibrational spectral studies of two antimony phosphates were collected in-situ at room-pressure and at elevated temperatures, up to 430 oC. At elevated temperatures in air, Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 seems to be stable, but Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 show a transition at 380°C and decomposes at 930°C. This result has been confirmed by differential scanning calorimetric study (DSC).Two new antimony phosphates Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 and Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 were synthesized for the first time by the solid-state reaction method. Their crystal structures have been refined at room temperature from X-ray powder diffraction data using Rietveld method. Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the space group R-3c (N°167) (ah = 8.23±0.01Ǻ, ch = 21.94±0.02Ǻ). Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n (N°14) (am =11.54 Ǻ, bm = 8.83± 0.02 Ǻ, cm = 8.39± 0.01 Ǻ, β = 96.67°± 0.09). Raman and infrared spectra were recorded and assignments of the stretching and bending vibrations of the PO43- tetrahedra were made. The number of the peaks observed is in good agreement with that predicted by the factor group analysis of the R-3c et P21/n space group respectively. Vibrational spectral studies of two antimony phosphates were collected in-situ at room-pressure and at elevated temperatures, up to 430 oC. At elevated temperatures in air, Mg0,5FeSb(PO4)3 seems to be stable, but Co0,5AlSb(PO4)3 show a transition at 380°C and decomposes at 930°C. This result has been confirmed by differential scanning calorimetric study (DSC)

    Treatment of age-related macular degeneration: focus on ranibizumab

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    Ranibizumab, a humanized antigen-binding fragment (Fab) that binds all isoforms of VEGF-A, significantly slows down loss of vision and causes significant visual improvement in many patients with choroidal neovascularization (CNV) due to exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). These benefits of intravitreal ranibizumab apply to all angiographic subtypes of neovascular AMD and across all lesion sizes when the drug is injected at monthly intervals as shown in two pivotal phase III trials (ANCHOR and MARINA). The results from the PrONTO study suggest that less frequent treatment with ranibizumab through a variable dosing regimen dependent on optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings is a treatment option that results in comparably favorable visual outcomes. Currently, it is unclear whether combination therapy of ranibizumab with photodynamic therapy (PDT) provides any significant advantage over ranibizumab monotherapy (FOCUS trial); however, the combination of PDT and ranibizumab may decrease the need for frequent retreatment. This question will be addressed in the SUMMIT trial. Therapy with ranibizumab is generally very well tolerated with a low rate of seriously adverse ocular events or systemic side-effects. The advent of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors has revolutionized the therapy of neovascular AMD. Ranibizumab at the moment appears to be the most effective approved treatment for neovascular AMD

    Effect of different light intensities on prolactin and cortisol plasma concentration in farming African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in RAS with low-water exchange

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    In the Bulgarian aquaculture sector, focusing research efforts on the technical specifications of the cultivation of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is important due to the need for more information. We aimed to assess the impact of light intensities on prolactin and cortisol levels as stress markers in African catfish. Fish were acclimated over an appropriate period to the short photoperiod (16D and 8L) and then distributed randomly to three groups, each separated by sex. Fish exposed to different light intensities (63, 51, and 40 lux, respectively) were followed for 45 days by lux meter. Blood samples were collected from the caudal vein using a 2 ml K2EDTA-coated syringe. A laser fluorescence reader assayed plasma prolactin and cortisol. The pituitary was removed from anesthetized fish and fixed for histological examinations. The results of our study suggest that increasing light intensity increases prolactin and cortisol levels in African catfish