39 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy in Improving Learning Motivation and Discipline

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    This meta-analytical study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reality therapy in enhancing students learning motivation and discipline. Seven experimental studies were selected as the sample of the study using purposive sampling technique. These selected studies reported the effect of reality therapy on learning motivation and discipline. The analysis was done using pre-post contrast meta-analysis. The calculation result showed a weighted mean effect score of 2.818. The mean effect size score is the parameter that represents effective contribution. This positive score indicates that the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score. Accordingly, it could be concluded that reality therapy is effective for enhancing learning motivation and discipline

    Analisis Perkembangan tentang Manajemen Dakwah dari Tahun 2019 Hingga 2023

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    The study of da'wah management is becoming increasingly important because da'wah as part of Islamic da'wah efforts is very vital in dealing with various problems and social shifts. The purpose of this study is to analyse the development of research related to the topic of dawah management. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a bibliometric. Data were taken in 2019-2023 with a total of 800 publications. Limitations made in the year of publication have only been carried out in the last five years with document data of the type of journal article. Data source is done on database dimensions. The analysis was carried out with the help of vosviewer and Rstudio software. The results showed that currently the top authors in publications on the theme of da'wah management were Herman H, Indrawati I and Sanusi I. Meanwhile, the university that did the most publications related to this theme was Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. Furthermore, the highest published journals are Tadbir Journal of Dakwah Management and Managing Learning Organisation in Industry 4.

    Sistem sosial budaya masyarakat Indonesia dalam kurikulum pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial tingkat menengah pertama

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    Education has a very close relationship to the change of values and culture, therefore in order to achieve the purity of the culture, education needs to form a strong individual person, in order to achieve a golden Indonesia by not softening existing values and cultures. Therefore, it is important to conduct this research aiming to find out the socio-cultural system of the Indonesian people in the social science learning curriculum for the junior secondary level in the province of Riau. This study uses descriptive evaluative design with mixed method type that mixed method. Purposive smpling is a sampling technique used by researchers, with several stages of data collection including: observation, interview, documentation and questionnaires. After research and results were obtained that the 2013 curriculum is better used in junior high school students compared to KTSP, by using the 2013 curriculum and a qualified strategy in the learning process can increase students' curiosity towards learning and social problems in the environment, students can understand the learning well and deeper into the value of Malay culture

    An Analysis of the Students' Ability in Comprehending Recount Text at the Second Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru

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    This research was designed to describe the students' ability in comprehending recount text. The aim was to find out students ability in comprehending the text. This descriptive research took place in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru from March to April 2015. The sample was 40 students from VIII2 class that took by using cluster random sampling. In collecting the data, there were 30 questions that included in this test. The duration time for doing the test was 40 minutes. The data was analyzed by calculating the students' score individually and finding out the mean score. The students' score classified into four level mastery; they are: poor, poor to average, average to good, and good to excellent. The data was presented by using graphic. Based on the result finding of this research, the students' ability in comprehending recount text at second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru was in poor to average level. Meanwhile, the mean score of the whole students' scores was 52.6

    Pemahaman Konselor Sekolah tentang Tugas Perkembangan Siswa dan Layanan yang Diberikan

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    The Guidance and counseling service aims to enable students to realize himself as a person independent, responsible, creative students and productive workers. This study aims to clarify understanding counselor about the developmental tasks of students with a service that is based on the developmental tasks of students, research methods including quantitative descriptive with explaining what the circumstances are. The results of the analysis of the developmental tasks of understanding counselor SMAN Pekanbaru showed that overall results of the analysis showed that the overall average school counselors understand the duties and responsibilities as a school counselor to provide services based on their students' progress


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    Menurut Undang-undang yang berlaku di Indonesia pemerintah bertanggungjawab memberikan rasa aman kepada masyarakat.Oleh sebab itu berbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk menciptakan rasa aman itu diantaranya melakukan upaya pencegahan munculnya kelompok Radikal dan Intoleransi.Yang menjadi Subjek Penelitian adalah Polri melalui fungsi Bhabinkamtibmas serta unsur terkait dan objek penelitian adalah sinergitas Polri bersama masyarakat dalam upaya pencegahan radikalisme dan Intoleransi serta pengamalan hadist. Setelah dilakukan penelusuran data lapangan maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Polres Karimun melalui fungsi Bhabinkamtibmas secara bersinergi dengan seluruh elemen masyarakat berupaya melakukan langkah pencegahan terjadinya tindakan radikalisme dan intoleransi seperti menyambangi warga masyarakat untuk mendengar secara langsung keluhan warga dan berupaya memberi solusi dari permasahan yang terjadi, menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis antara aparat kepolisian dengan masyarakat melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersentuhan langsung dengan warga, memberikan bimbingan atau penyuluhan agama tentang Jihad yang benar menurut Hadits, menyebarluaskan informasi terkait Harkamtibmas, menghidupkan pelaksanaan Siskamling, memberikan pelayanan kepolisian kepada masyarakat, memotivasi kegiatan masyarakat yang bersifat positif, berkoordinasi dengan perangkat desa/kelurahan dan pihak-pihak terkait lainnya serta bertindak sebagai mediator, negosiator dan fasilitator untuk kepentingan warga masyarakat dalam rangka pemecahan masalah kejahatan dan masalah sosial lainnya. Di sisi lain secara berkesinambungan Polres Karimun melaksanan Focus Grup Discussion (FGD) dengan masyarakat dalam hal sosialisasi upaya pencegahan radikalisme dan intoleransi melalui lembaga-lembaga seperti Kemenag, FKUB, Lembaga pendidikan, Lembaga Agama lembaga Eksekutif, Legislatif dan Yudikatif, Media serta LSM yang ada di Karimun.

    Implementation of a Remote Session of Practical Work in Nuclear Physics on the Backscattering of ?-Particles

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    This work presents the implementation of a hardware and software package used to conduct a physical experiment via the web to create remotely a practical work laboratory. For this reason, we chose to put online a model of experiment concerning the backscattering ?-particles on a target material

    The Effect of Online Game Addiction on Adjustment Social in Adolescents

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    Technology is currently developing rapidly, one of which is online games. Excessive online game play can give teens a lot of trouble. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of online game addiction on social adjustment. The populations in this study were adolescents in Kampung Dalam. The technique used is purposive so that the research sample is obtained as many as 23 adolescents in the inner village. The data collection method uses a questionnaire which will later be analyzed by SPSS. The results showed the value of r = 0.586 with a significance of 0.03 (p 0.05), which means that there is a negative influence between online game addiction and adolescent social adjustment. Keywords:  online game addiction, social adjustment, adolescent

    Isotropic Spin Trap EPR Spectra Simulation by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

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    The detection and investigation of free radicals forming in living systems became possible due to the introduction of the method of spin traps. In this work, the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of DMPO/HO. and MGD-Fe-NO adducts are reproduced by simulation, based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The calculated spectral parameters as the hyperfine coupling constants, agree reasonably with the experimental data and the results are discussed

    Fear of missing out mahasiswa; analisis gender, akses internet, dan tahun masuk universitas

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi  kondisi fear of missing out (FoMO) mahasiswa, dan FoMO berdasarkan gender, tahun masuk mahasiswa, serta akses internet perhari. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 202 mahasiswa (laki-laki = 22; perempuan = 174), individu yang menjadi sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dengan tahun masuk yang bervariasi (Tahun 2019 = 85, 2020 = 67, dan 2021 = 50). Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen FoMO (19 item), realiabilitas instrument FoMO sbesar (.98) pada kategori sangat baik. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan bantuan perangkat lunak JASP. Temuan pada penelitian menunjukkan fear of missing out mahasiswa berada pada kategori sedang dengan nilai 61,39%. Selain itu, kondisi fear of missing out menunjukkan mahasiswa laki-laki maupun perempuan tidak ada perbedaan, karena laki-laki dan perempuan sama khawatirnya saat kehilangan akses internetdan kecenderungan akses internet yang digunakan mahasiswa perhari lebih dari 6 Jam