548 research outputs found

    Effort Reward Imbalance in the Nursing Profession - A Novel Way of Gathering Data

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    The effort-reward imbalance model allows us to see disparity in effort and reward and how this can be a predictor for a variety of constructs. The present study seeks to gather data utilizing the ERI modal in the nursing profession. Previous research has utilized the ERI model but methods for gathering data were not quick and efficient. This study seeks to utilize a database called Glassdoor to rapidly and effectively gather data. The researchers are interested in seeing the likelihood of nurses to recommend their company to a friend based on perceived effort and rewards. The sample included a random selection of 40 reviews from 40 randomly selected hospitals. To collect these random samplings, we used an excel random generator formula. We selected the 40 hospitals based on the corresponding number of the excel random generator and utilized the same method to select the 40 reviews. Sample words were developed through reviewing previous research. The frequency of each type of word was summed to create a numerical variable for effort and reward. Not only was the actual content of the review assessed, but the overall rating the user gave on Glassdoor for each particular variable was also used as reference to maintain accuracy. Bivariate correlations were conducted on the data to determine the strength of the effort-likelihood to recommend relationship and the reward-likelihood to recommend relationship. Results indicated that nurses who reported putting more effort into their company, were significantly more likely to recommend their company to a friend. Results also indicated that nurses who reported more rewards such as raises, compensation, and benefits were significantly more likely to recommend their company to a friend

    Days of War, Nights of Love: Love & Politics in the Time of Cholera

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    Upon first reading, El amor en los tiempos del cólera may seem to be nothing more than a romantic story of unrequited love, drawing on the tropes of nineteenth century Romantic literature, realist fiction techniques and pastoral imagery. However, the thin, sentimental veneer of the novel masks an unsettling and contradictory message about the very ideals that it seems to endorse

    Apuntes sobre el Silbo Gomero

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    Número dedicado a: Islas de San Miguel de la Palma y La Gomer

    Itinerario poético de Concha Zardoya

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    Hierarchical modeling for reliability analysis using Markov models

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1994.Includes bibliographical references (p. 118-119).by Arturo Fagundo.M.S

    Epidemiología del melanoma cutáneo del Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Valoración clínica y anatomopatológica

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    Estudio de los melanomas cutáneos diagnosticados en el área Norte Sanitaria de la Provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife durante el período comprendido entre 1999-2005. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de los melanomas según sus características epidemiológicas, anatomoclínicas e histológicas y se valoran las variables pronósticas como el índice de Clark, Breslow, ulceración, regresión, número de ganglios afectos, localización de las metástasis, elevación de la enzima láctico deshidrogenasa y estadio. Se evalúan los diferentes protocolos de tratamiento realizados y se describen las características fenotípicas, fototipos, exposición a radiación ultravioleta y uso de factor de protección solar

    The Phlyogenetics And Biogeography Of The Freshwater Pearly Mussel Genus Elliptio (Bivalvia:Unionidae)

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    Elliptio is thought to be the most speciose genus of Unionids. Early taxonomists described hundreds of taxa and despite once being synonymized to 13 species, there currently are upwards of 38 recognized species. With the advent of molecular techniques, there have been many attempts to resolve this troubled nomenclature and to better understand the evolutionary relationships of both Elliptio and Unionid taxa as a whole. This study utilized 311 sequences of mtDNA gene regions COI and ND1, representing 27 currently recognized species of 25 river basins. Both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses indicate polyphyly on a genus and species level. Haplotype reconstructions of currently recognized species of the Elliptio sensu stricto failed to uphold the current nomenclature in this group. Haplotypes were shared between numerous species and basins across vast distances. Although a conclusion cannot be reached as to how nomenclature can be improved based upon this study, it reveals new avenues of investigation in order to do so. In conjunction with a better life history understanding, the use of more recent molecular techniques may help elucidate the evolutionary relationships of this group

    Elaboración de nanopartículas híbridas para la vectorización activa de oligonucleótidos.

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    The discovery of genes involved in the regulation of bone regeneration together with theprogress of nanotechnology, can led to the development of gene therapy systems with specific vectorization to cellular targets using molecules such as aptamers or antibodies. In this work, the main objective was to obtain hybrid nanoparticles functionalized with an aptamer by surface adsorption able to present suitable physicochemical characteristics for their loading with antisense oligonucleotides for bone regenerative medicine. In this way, the influence of nanoparticles surface charge and aptamer- nanoparticles incubation conditions (ambient temperature for 1 hour, or 4ºC for 24 hours) on the adsorption efficiency of the aptamer was studied. Also, the modifications this adsorption produces on nanoparticles properties, specifically, size and Z potential was assessed. As result, an increase in the adsorption efficiency of the aptamer was observed with an increase in the positive surface charge of the nanoparticles, as well as an increase in the diameter and decrease of the Z potential at higher adsorption efficiency of the aptamer. No differences were observed in the adsorption efficiencies between both incubation conditions.La identificación de genes implicados en la regulación de la regeneración ósea y el avance de la nanotecnología permiten desarrollar sistemas de terapia génica para su vectorización a dianas celulares específicas mediante el empleo de moléculas como aptámeros o anticuerpos. En este trabajo, el principal objetivo fue la obtención de nanopartículas híbridas funcionalizadas con un aptámero mediante adsorción superficial con características fisicoquímicas adecuadas para la incorporación de oligonucleótidos antisentido en medicina regenerativa ósea. Para ello, se estudió la influencia de la carga superficial de las nanopartículas y de las condiciones de incubación (temperatura ambiente durante 1 hora, o 4ºC durante 24 horas) sobre la eficiencia de adsorción del aptámero a la superficie de las nanopartículas, así como las modificaciones que esta adsorción produce sobre las propiedades de las mismas, en concreto, tamaño y potencial Z. Los resultados indicaron un incremento en la eficiencia de adsorción del aptámero a medida que aumenta la carga superficial positiva de las nanopartículas, así como un aumento del diámetro y disminución del potencial Z con el incremento de la eficiencia de adsorción del aptámero. No se observaron diferencias en la eficiencia de adsorción entre ambas condiciones de incubación

    La educación escolarizada en Colón (1902-1958): formación axiológica desde la integración escuela, familia y comunidad

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    The paper seeks to reveal the teaching practices and the role they give to the axiological training of the new generations through school education in the city of Colón, Matanzas province, Cuba, between 1902 and 1958. Allusion is made to the different ways in which the teachers of the city empirically opted for the axiological formation of their students through the school, family and community relationship. In the work, reference is made to school civic ceremonies, inside and outside the school, with emphasis on the Colombian patriotic circuit and the description of this operation. Experiences of Colombian teachers aimed at promoting the axiological training of their students through the school, family and community relationship are introduced; using school recitals, pageants, parent-teacher organization, etc. From the methodological point of view, it corresponds to historical educational research and various documentary records are used as sources, such as the Colombian press of the time, the history of Columbus told by one of its protagonists Pelayo Villanueva, photographs of the time, among others.La investigación tiene como propósito identificar las prácticas magisteriales y el papel que le otorgaron a la formación axiológica de las nuevas generaciones mediante la educación escolarizada en la ciudad de Colón, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba, entre 1902 y 1958. Se hace alusión a las diferentes formas en que empíricamente los maestros de la ciudad apostaban por la formación axiológica de sus estudiantes mediante la relación escuela, familia y comunidad. En el trabajo se hace referencia a las ceremonias cívico escolares, dentro y fuera del colegio, con énfasis en el circuito patriótico colombino y la descripción de su funcionamiento. Se introducen experiencias de maestros colombinos dirigidas a potenciar la formación axiológica de sus estudiantes mediante la relación escuela, familia y comunidad; utilizando los recitales escolares, los concursos, organizaciones de padres y maestros, etc. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se corresponde con las investigaciones histórico educativas y se emplean como fuentes registros documentales variados, como la prensa colombina de la época, la historia de Colón contada por uno de sus protagonistas Pelayo Villanueva, fotografías de la época, entre otros