88 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Practice of Nursing Staff towards Infection Control Measures in the Palestinian Hospitals

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    Health care professionals are constantly exposed to microorganisms. Many of which can cause serious or even lethal infections. Nurses in particular are often exposed to various infections during the course of carrying out their nursing activities. Therefore nurses should have sound knowledge and strict adherence to infection control practice. Aim of the study: The study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and practice of infection control among nurses in governmental hospitals of Palestine Methods: A  cross sectional study was conducted between November, 2014 and January, 2015 in governmental hospitals found in North West bank districts. Data were collected using pre tested questionnaire on 271 nurses selected by  purposive sample. Collected data were checked, coded and transferred to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Frequency, Mean and other statistics were calculated. P-value less than 0.05 were set as statistically significant. Results: the current study revealed that, approximately half (53.9%) of the studied sample had fair knowledge level (>80%). However, the majority (91.1%) of the studied sample had Good practice (>80%). No significant statistical differences were found between mean knowledge scores towards age, years of experience, and training course (f=2.263, 1.607, 0.210) respectively at p < 0.05(0.082, 0.188, 0.647) respectively. Significant statistical differences were found  between mean knowledge scores towards gender and qualification (F = 4.205, 4.531) respectively at p < 0.05 (0.041, 0.012 ) respectively. No significant statistical differences were found between mean practice scores towards age, years of experience, training course, and qualification(f=1.482, 2.625, 0.129, 0.727 ) respectively at p < 0.05(0.220, 0.051, 0.720, 0.484) respectively. Significant statistical differences were found in mean practice scores only in relation to gender, (F = 8.569) at p < 0.05 (0.004). Conclusion: Based on findings of the current study, it can be concluded that inspite of having good practice level regarding infection control, nurses had fair knowledge level. Recommendations: Updating knowledge and practice of nurses through continuing in-service educational programs; emphasizing the importance of following latest evidence-based practices of infection control in continuing education / training program; providing training programs for newly nurses about infection control and at regular intervals; and a replication of this study using observation checklist should be done to assess the level of practice. Keywords: Infection control, Knowledge, Practice, Nurs

    Aplikasi Lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan (LDKB) Berbasis Smartphone Android sebagai Penunjang Keselamatan dan Kinerja Riset Kimia

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    Pada zaman sekarang ini penggunaan smartphone merupakan hal yang sudah umum dalam masyarakat sekitar. Fleksibilitas merupakan alasan utama masyarakat dalam menggunakan smartphone, karena smartphone sangat membantu masyarakat dalam mencari informasi dengan praktis (portable) dan cepat. Disamping itu, kimia merupakan bidang yang tidak terlepas dari kegiatan riset. Para pelaku riset sangatlah wajib dalam memperhatikan aspek kesehatan dan keselamatan. Untuk itu diperlukan pengetahuan dan pengenalan aspek-aspek yang terkait pada suatu bahan kimia. Keterangan tersebut termuat secara rinci pada suatu dokumen yang disebut dengan Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) atau Lembar Data KeselamatanBahan (LDKB). Atas dasar inilah penulis ingin membuat suatu aplikasi Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) atau Lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan (LDKB) berbasis smartphone. Aplikasi tersebut berisi berbagai informasi tentang bahan kimia meliputi pengenalan umum, sifat-sifat bahan, cara penanganan, penyimpanan, pemindahan dan pengelolaan limbah buangan bahan kimia. Sehingga dengan dibangunnya aplikasi ini diharapkan akan menunjang kinerja dan meminimalkan potensi kecelakaan kerja para pelaku riset

    Asistencia de enfermería a un paciente con Diabetes Mellitus

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    Trata-se de um estudo de caso, desenvolvido num Centro de Saúde, do Distrito Federal, com o propósito de relatar a Assistência de Enfermagem a um paciente com Diabetes Mellitus. Para desenvolver este estudo foi aplicado o Processo de Enfermagem, nas etapas: Coleta de Dados; Diagnósticos de Enfermagem; Planejamento; Intervenções e Avaliação da Assistência proporcionada. Os Diagnósticos encontrados foram: Controle Ineficaz do Regime Terapêutico; Adaptação prejudicada; Imagem Corporal perturbada e Risco para Integridade da Pele Prejudicada. O Planejamento da Assistência de enfermagem visou principalmente contribuir para a adesão ao tratamento e diminuir riscos potenciais, fazendo uso da educação para saúde. Com a interação e o uso da comunicação terapêutica, observou-se uma pequena mudança nos hábitos de vida do paciente. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIt's a case study, developed in a Health Center, of the Federal District, with the purpose of describing the Nursing Attendance to a patient with Diabetes Mellitus. To develop this study the Nursing Process was applied, in the stages: Data Collection; Nursing Diagnoses; Planning; Interventions and Evaluation of the given assistance. It were found the following Diagnoses: Ineffective control of the therapeutic regimen; prejudiced Adaptation; disturbed image Corporal and Risk for the Integrity of Harmed Skin. The nursing assistance Planning sought mainly to contribute for the adhesion to the treatment and to reduce potential risks, making use of the health education. With the interaction and the use of the therapeutic communication, a small change was observed in the habits of the patient's life. ______________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENSe trata de un estudio de caso, que desarrolló en un Centro de Salud, del Distrito Federal, con el propósito de describir el asistencia de Enfermería a un paciente con la Diabetes Mellitus. Para desarrollar este estudio fue aplicado el Proceso de Enfermería, en las fases: colección de Datos; Diagnósticos de Enfermería; Planeando; Intervenciones y Evaluación de la Asistencia proporcionada. Los Diagnósticos fueran: Control Ineficaz del Régimen Terapéutico; Adaptación perjudicada del Imagen Corpórea y Riesgo para la Integridad de Pele Dañado. La Planificación de la Asistencia de enfermería buscó contribuir para la adherencia al tratamiento y reducir los riesgos potenciales, principalmente, mientras haciendo uso de la educación para la salud. Con la interacción y el uso de la comunicación terapéutica, un cambio se observó en los hábitos de vida del paciente


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    O direito de acesso à justiça e de defesa está garantido na Constituição e não deve ser entendido apenas como acesso ao judiciário nem pode ser obstaculizado pela falta de recursos financeiros daquele que foi reconhecido pobre na forma da lei. É dever do Estado propiciar a essas pessoas a possibilidade de conhecimento e defesa de seus direitos e isto deveria ser feito através de seu órgão competente, que é a Defensoria Pública. Infelizmente a realidade atual demonstra que há uma grande deficiência nesse atendimento, seja por falta de estruturação e apoio dado pelos governos estaduais, seja por outros problemas no serviço que é oferecido à população marginalizada socialmente. Tendo em vista as dificuldades que se apresentam, surge a necessidade de se encontrar novos meios que facilitem o acesso à justiça por todos os cidadãos. Daí a idéia de estimular e incentivar os Núcleos de Prática Jurídica das Faculdades de Direito que, através dos Escritórios Modelo de Aplicação, prestam um grande serviço no âmbito social voltado ao atendimento dos menos favorecidos, permitindo a todos, sem distinção, o acesso pleno à justiça

    The Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Palliative Care

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    Background: Palliative care (PC) is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification, impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems like physical, psychosocial and spiritual.  Palliative care is traditionally viewed as being the intense care of a patient who is close to death. In recent years, the scope of palliative care has expanded to include patients who may live for many years with end stage organ failure or cancer. Aim of the Study: The study aimed to assess the nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards PC among nurses working in selected hospitals in Northern districts, Palestine. Subjects and methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study was used for conducting the study, A purposive sample consisted of 96 nurses invited to participate in the study. Data collected through; nurses’ socio-demographic characteristic, knowledge level, and Attitude level towards PC which is developed by the researchers. Validity and pilot study were examined . Results: Study results have shown that 20.8 % of the respondents had good overall knowledge towards PC, 59.4 % had training of palliative care, and 6.2 % of participants had good attitude towards PC. There was a significant difference between Nurses' qualification, experience, and training of palliative care towards Knowledge of PC. Conclusion: The nurses had poor knowledge, but their attitude towards PC was moderate. Recommendations are that due attention should be given towards PC by the national health policy and needs to be incorporated in the national curriculum of nurse education. Keywords: Knowledge, Nurses, Palliative care.

    Exploring the Work Related Stress Sources and Its Effect among the Palestinian Nurses at the Governmental Hospitals

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    Background: Nursing is a highly stressful occupation. Nurses are particularly at risk from stress-related problems, with high rates of turnover, absenteeism, and burnout. At the same time, it should be noted that stress is unavoidable and may even be desirable to a certain degree. At moderate levels, stress is a motivator and improves a worker's participation in his or her job. However, when stress becomes excessive, it may become distracting, de-motivating, and even hazardous. Aim of the Study: The study aimed to explore the work related stress sources and its effects on the physical and mental health among Palestinian nurses working at intensive care units and neonatal units at  ministry of health hospitals Rafedia, Thabet Thabet, and Khalil Solaiman hospitals at North West Bank Cities. Design: Descriptive, cross sectional design utilized in the current study. Sample: 82 Palestinian nurses were included and working in the 3 hospitals affiliated to ministry of health. Procedure: Data collected through nurses’ socio-demographic characteristic, work related stress, physical and mental health problems Scale which is developed by the researchers. Validity and pilot study were examined . Results: Study results have shown that the most common type of work-related stress for Palestinian nurses was due to dealing with death and dying followed by workload. Nearly half of nurses were suffering from physical and mental illnesses. Our study proved a highly statistically significant relation between mental problems and working stress and statistically significant relation between working stress, physical problems. Conclusion and recommendation: Work related stress affect physical and mental health of Palestinian nurses, so they need to provide continued administrative support, appropriate training programs to deal with potentially stressful conditions in the health facility. Keywords: work related stress, intensive care unit, neonatal uni

    Gestão do cuidado: concordância entre prescrições de enfermagem e necessidades de cuidados dos pacientes

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    Objectives: analyze agreement between nursing prescriptions recorded in medical files and patients' care needs; investigate the correlation between the nurses' professional background and agreement of prescriptions. Method: descriptive study with quantitative and documentary approach conducted in the medical clinic, surgical, and specialized units of a university hospital in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. The new validated version of a Patient Classification Instrument was used and 380 nursing prescriptions written at the times of hospital admission and discharge were assessed. Results: 75% of the nursing prescriptions items were compatible with the patients' care needs. Only low correlation between nursing prescription agreement and professional background was found. Conclusion: the nursing prescriptions did not fully meet the care needs of patients. The care context and work process should be analyzed to enable more effective prescriptions, while strategies to assess the care needs of patients are recommended.Resumen Objetivos: analizar la concordancia entre prescripciones de enfermería, registradas en las fichas médicas, y las necesidades de cuidados de los pacientes; investigar la correlación entre el perfil profesional de los enfermeros y la concordancia de las prescripciones. Método: estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo y documental, realizado en unidades de clínica médica, quirúrgica y especializada de un hospital de enseñanza, en el interior del Estado de Sao Paulo. Fue aplicada la nueva versión validada del Instrumento de Clasificación de Pacientes y, posteriormente, investigadas 380 prescripciones de enfermería en el momento de la admisión y alta hospitalaria. Resultados: fue identificado que 75% de los ítems de las prescripciones de enfermería eran compatibles con las necesidades de cuidados de los pacientes. Se encontró baja correlación entre la concordancia de la prescripción de enfermería y el perfil profesional. Conclusión: las prescripciones de enfermería no están siendo realizadas, en su totalidad, en consonancia con las necesidades de los pacientes. Para posibilitar prescripciones más efectivas, se recomienda analizar el contexto asistencial y el proceso de trabajo y el uso de estrategias de evaluación de las necesidades de cuidados de los pacientes.RESUMO Objetivos: analisar a concordância entre prescrições de enfermagem, registradas nos prontuários, e as necessidades de cuidados dos pacientes; investigar a correlação entre o perfil profissional dos enfermeiros e a concordância das prescrições. Método: estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa e documental, realizado em unidades de clínica médica, cirúrgica e especializada de um hospital de ensino, no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Foi aplicada a nova versão validada do Instrumento de Classificação de Pacientes e, posteriormente, investigadas 380 prescrições de enfermagem no momento da admissão e alta hospitalar. Resultados: foi identificado que 75% dos itens das prescrições de enfermagem estavam compatíveis com as necessidades cuidativas dos pacientes. Encontrou-se baixa correlação entre a concordância da prescrição de enfermagem e o perfil profissional. Conclusão: as prescrições de enfermagem não estão sendo realizadas, em sua totalidade, em consonância com as necessidades dos pacientes. Para possibilitar prescrições mais efetivas, recomenda-se análise do contexto assistencial e processo de trabalho e o uso de estratégias avaliativas das necessida¬des de cuidados dos pacientes

    Breast Self-Examination in Terms of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Nursing Students of Arab American University/ Jenin

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    Background: Breast  self-examination is a simple, very low cost, noninvasive  with no special material/tool requirements; and it is an effective diagnostic method for breast cancer which only takes five minutes to apply. Aim of the Study: The study aimed to assess the level of BSE knowledge, attitude, and practice among female nursing students in AAUJ. Subjects and methods: Descriptive, cross sectional study was used for conducting the study, a regular random sample has been used, 97 female nurses students  from nursing department of Allied Medical Science Faculty/AAUJ  were included. Data collected through; nurses’ socio-demographic characteristic, knowledge level towards BSE, Attitude level about BSE, and practice level towards BSE Scale which is developed by the researchers. Validity and pilot study were examined . Results: Study results have shown that 15.5% of the respondents had good overall knowledge towards BSE, The major source of information about BSE (57.6 % ) was mass media in the study, 75.3% of participants had positive attitude towards BSE, and  4.1% practice BSE always every month. There was a significant difference between age and academic level towards Knowledge of BSE. At the same time, there  was a significant difference between overall knowledge and practice of BSE (P= 0.000). Conclusion and recommendation: Most female nursing students had poor knowledge about BSE and did not perform BSE. Mass Media is an important source of  information about  BSE to improve awareness among the community. Keywords: breast cancer, breast self exam, nursing female university student

    Penerapan Aplikasi TikTok Dalam Mendorong Kinerja UMKM di Kota Purwokerto

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    In 2022, as many as 13 percent of the total MSMEs (64.2 million) there are MSMEs that have low knowledge about technology and do not have high competitiveness. This study aims to determine the benefits of transforming Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the digital era through live streaming on the TikTok Application. This research is qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. The sample in this study was 20 MSME actors in the city of Purwokerto. The results of this study show that MSME players in the city of Purwokerto who implement live streaming and who have not implemented the business strategy are comparable, namely by 50 percent. MSME players who implement live streaming business strategies show an increase in income. MSME players are faced with several obstacles, including obstacles that have not reached the minimum limit of TikTok followers, HR constraints, namely MSME players are not yet confident to speak in front of the camera, and MSME players are not ready for business competition on TikTok, this raises fears of not selling the products sold. The implication of this study is that MSME actors must train good communication skills and have communication media that support live streaming business strategies

    Peranan Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dalam Pelaksanaan Rekrutmen Pejabat Struktural ( suatu Studidi Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Daerahkabupaten Halmahera Selatan)

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the role of the Regional EmploymentBoard in the implementation of recruitment Scope of Structural Officials in SouthHalmahera District Government. To explain Factors (Internal and External) thatmenpengaruhi Regional Employment Agency in peleksanaan recruitment of Civil Servants(PNS) in structural positions within the Government of South Halmahera.The method used is descriptive qualitative approach which describe answer theproblem of the role of the Regional Employment Board in the implementation of recruitment,where the collected data is processed and analyzed descriptively qualitative. The datacollection techniques done using observation, namely through direct observation in the fieldon the real conditions that occur and Interview namely through direct interviews withrespondents, informants or sources.Operationalization of recruitment normatively regulated by Government RegulationNo. 13 of 2002 on Appointment of Civil Servants (PNS) in structural positions, implementedbased on the principle of professionalism in accordance with kopentensi, perestasiemployment ladder rank set for the job, as well as objective conditions other regardless ofgender, ethnicity, race, religion and class.Based recruitment system structural position in South Halmahera Districtmenyisahkan various problems that can affect the performance and program implementationof development of personnel resources in the future. These conditions resulted in employeemotivation is less motivated to achieve organizational effectiveness. So as to apply thedevelopment of personnel resources, it is expected to achieve maximum effectiveness of work