502 research outputs found

    Kualitas Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah secara Manual dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah (Simda) secara Komputerisasi dalam Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan pada Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Koperasi Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara

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    .Apakah terdapat perbedaan kualitas pelaporan keuangan meliputi ketelitian, ketepatan, dan kecepatan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah secara Manual dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah secara Komputerisasi.Variabel Ketepatan (X1) Dari 30 Responden memberikan penilaian ketepatan program Simda Manual 1 orang ( 3,34% ) yang menyatakan sangat tepat, 2 orang (6,67%) menyatakan program tepat, sebanyak 4 orang (13,33%) menyatakan ketepatan program Sedang, 7 orang (23,33%) responden menyatakan program Simda Manual kurang tepat dan 16 orang (53,33%) yang menyatakan program Simda Manual sangat tidak tepat.Variabel Kecepatan (X2) Dari 30 responden program Simda Manual yang memberikan penilaian terhadap kecepatan program sebanyak 1 orang (3,34 %) yang menyatakan sangat cepat, 2 orang (6,66%) yang menyatakan cepat, 4 orang (13,34 %) menyatakan kecepatan program Sedang, sebanyak 9 orang (30,00%) yang menyatakan bahwa program kurang cepat, dan 14 orang (46,66%) responden yang menyatakan program sangat tidak cepat.Variabel Ketelitian (X3) Dari 30 responden program Simda Komputerisasi yang memberikan penilaian terhadap ketelitian program terdapat 1 orang ( 3,34% ) yang menyatakan sangat teliti, sebanyak 4 orang (13,34%) responden yang menyatakan program teliti, 10 orang (33,33%) responden memberikan penilaian Sedang, 8 orang (26,66%) responden yan


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    Awareness of organization with a very high effort and imbued with feelings of nationalism and religion led to developments and a new era in education and teaching. With full awareness, the leaders of the movement tried to change the backwardness of the Indonesian people through the implementation of national education. Their efforts are realized by establishing schools and madrasas with a modern system by adopting a Western education system that teaches general subjects and religious subjects. Evidence of this development is until the birth of Islamic universities in Indonesia. The role of these organizations can be extraordinary, both in the fields of economy, education, politics and in achieving independence for the Indonesian state. We also feel this until now where many Islamic organizations still exist and maintain stability in Indonesia within a government


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    The purpose of this research was to explore the concept of qalb which is explained in the Al-Quran in order to describe qalb according to the wishes that explain qalb, in this case is the Al-Quran. The research question was whether qalb in the Qur’an can be conceptualized based on the Qur’an and sunnah (hadith that explain the Qur’an). This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach to the Qur’an with the Qur’an. The primary data in this study were the Al-Quran and sunnah (hadith that explain the Qur’an) while the secondary data in this study were from books and journals whose explanations are related to qalb. The results of this study have theoretically proven that qalb can be conceptualized based on the Al-Quran and sunnah (hadith which explain the Al-Quran). It is hoped that the results of this research can be followed up by operationalizing based on the findings in this study to build a qalb measurement tool that have not been found around the world. Across-sector collaboration is also needed to continue this research which must also prioritize the Qur’an rather than human opinion so that it is clear to distinguish psychology in general from Islamic psychology

    PKM Pendampingan Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka di Perguruan Tinggi Pesantren Zona Tapal Kuda Jawa Timur

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    Di tahun 2020 Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan merilis kebijakan Kampus Merdeka Merdeka Balajar (MBKM) sebagai kerangka dalam menyiapkan mahasiswa menjadi sarjana yang tangguh, relevan dengan kebutuhan zaman, dan siap menjadi pemimpin dengan semangat kebangsaan yang tinggi. Pokok - pokok dari kebijakan MBKM meliputi: (1) pembukaan program studi baru; (2) sistem akreditasi perguruan tinggi; (3) perguruan tinggi badan hukum (4) hak belajar tiga semester di luar program studi. Dengan kebijakan tersebut Perguruan Tinggi Pesantren dituntut untuk dapat merancang dan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif agar mahasiswa dapat meraih capaian pembelajaran mencakup aspek sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan secara optimal dan selalu relevan melalui berbagai bentuk kegiatan belajar di luar perguruan tinggi. Tujuan PKM ini adalah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan perguruan tinggi pesantren zona tapal kuda Jawa Timur dapat mengimplementasikan program MBKM Mandiri dan kemitraan antar perguruan tinggi pesantren. Hasil yang dicapai dari PKM ini adalah tersusunnya dokumen kebijakan dan dokumen panduan teknis dan prosedur operasional baku program MBKM serta terlaksananya program MBKM Pertukaran santri yang diikuti oleh 40 mahasiswa dari 10 Perguruan Tinggi Pesantren Zona Tapal Kuda Jawa Timu


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    ABSTRAK Judul penelitian ini adalah Pengaruh  Metode  Resitasi  Terhadap  Perkembangan Kognitif  Siswa Pada Kemahiran Mendengar di MAN 1 Langsa. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk  mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Metode ResitasiTerhadap Perkembangan Kognitif  Siswa Pada Kemahiran Mendengar di MAN 1 Langsa, dan Apa saja pengaruh penggunaan metode resitasi terhadap Kognitif  Siswa Pada Kemahiran Mendengar di MAN 1 Langsa. Peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian eksperimen menggunakan metode resitasi. Ini adalah cara yang cocok untuk digunakan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan mendengar. Dan adapun metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan adalah metode eksperimen quasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini meliputi 118 siswa kelas XI di MAN 1 Langsa tahun pelajaran 2019-2020 dengan jumlah sampel 22 siswa dari kelas kontrol dan 22 siswa dari kelas eksperimen. Dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan tes. Setelah peneliti menganalisis data maka peneliti menemukan hasil penelitian yaitu:  metode resitasi berpengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan kognitif siswa khususnya kemahiran mendengar, ini di buktikan dengan nilai t-hitung 2,04 lebih besar dari pada nilai t-tabel 1.697, dan macam-macam pengaruh dari penggunaan metode resitasi terhadap perkembangan kognitif siswa pada kemahiran mendengarkan di MAN 1 Langsa yaitu : siswa dapat memahami materi pelajaran dengan baik, siswa dapat memecahkan masalah dan siswa mengetahui materi yang baru dari materi yang di ajarkan oleh guru

    A holistic overview of Qatar's (Built) cultural heritage; Towards an integrated sustainable conservation strategy

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    Historic urban cores are the backbone of a city's cultural identity. Maintaining and preserving the socio-cultural, environmental and economic characteristics of the built heritage is vital for cultural identity survival. The Gulf region gathered important architectural and urban richness observed through the massive military towers, mosques, houses, palaces and grand souks. The state of Qatar is under huge pressure to preserve its cultural identity,which resulted fromthe rapid development, population growth, urban expansion and economic boom since the 1970s. The cities of Qatar are facing difficult challenges to preserve the cultural identity and built heritage without compromising the need for development. Consequently, this study aims to define a set of heritage restoration-preservation tools and an integrated sustainable conservation strategy as part of deliberate planning and design processes. This, certainly, will help achieve sustainable future scenarios for the survival of vernacular architecture and historic buildings in Qatar through their sustained adaptive (re)use.This publication was made possible by a UREP award [UREP 10-068-6-007] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation)Scopu

    Prediction of Patients' Illness Based on Average Temperature and Rainfall In Az-Zainiyah Clinic Using Backpropagation Method

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    The purpose of this study is to predict the type of disease in students based on the average temperature and rainfall at the Az-Zainiyah clinic using the backpropagation method. With this research, we hope that the prediction/estimation process on the type of patient's disease using the backpropagation artificial neural network method provides a solution with precise and accurate prediction results based on data on many patients, average temperature, and previous rainfall. This research is carried out through a process of predicting the type of disease by collecting time-series data from patient visit reports. The raw data obtained are examined for completeness and quality of the data. Then, the data was analyzed and applied to an artificial neural network method to predict the type of patient's disease based on many patients, average temperature, and rainfall. Furthermore, the artificial neural network will be optimized by the backpropagation algorithm. From this study, we find that the percentage of precision obtained in the experimental type of pharyngitis/sore throat disease in November 2020 with an average precision percentage is 68.92%, the best precision percentage is 90.25%, and the worst precision percentage 47.59%. In December 2020, the average precision percentage is 41.46%, with the best precision percentage being 65.55%, and the worst precision percentage 4.92%. In the type of dermatitis/itching disease in November 2020, the best precision percentage is 98.81%, the average precision percentage is 68.31%, and the worst precision percentage is -21.57 %. For December 2020, the average precision percentage is -63.27%, the best precision percentage is 48.37%, and the worst precision percentage is -183.85%

    Digitizing vanishing architectural heritage; The design and development of Qatar historic buildings information modeling [Q-HBIM] platform

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    The documentation of vanishing architectural heritage includes intensive information and data gathering, filtering, classification and digitization. Enabling such an endeavor necessitates the act of documentation, which requires the cooperation of several professionals from different fields, extensive resources, precise organization, and robust structuring. Therefore, the design and development of an innovative digital platform to facilitate the interaction between users from different specialties is highly desirable to enable dynamic real-time preservation and protection of such invaluable heritage. The aim of this study is to investigate the existing Qatari built heritage, urban conservation methods and the principles of modern digitizing and archiving techniques to create a sustainable and interactive archiving platform-Qatar Historic Buildings Information Modeling (Q-HBIM) platform. This unique digital platform aims to respond to the needs of the society as well as the experts in the fields of urban heritage conservation and buildings restoration. A literature review was conducted on topics relating to Qatar urban heritage and the principles of three-dimensional digitization technology including an exploration of the aspects of sustainable urban preservation. Accordingly, site analysis (physical, photogrammetric and 3D scanning techniques were used), and in-depth interviews were adopted as the main data collection techniques. The findings of this study elucidate the principles of innovative architectural heritage digitization tools involving Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology and processes. It is anticipated that the present work will formulate an advanced and unique interactive archiving tool in the context of Qatar and GCC/MENA regions in the shape of the: Qatar Historic Building Information Modeling (Q-HBIM) platform.This publication was made possible by a UREP award [UREP 10-068-6-007] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation).Scopu
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