14 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Pendukung Pembelajaran Daring (Online Learning) di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Pembelajaran online menawarkan beberapa manfaat, seperti akses ke kursus yang lebih luas, fleksibilitas, dan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan pemikiran kritis yang penting dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah. Hal ini memicu banyaknya penelitian terkait online learning dan mulai dari tahun 2019 online learning ini mulai lebih banyak lagi digunakan karena pada saat itu ialah masa pandemic. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menangkap lanskap penelitian tekait online learning in high school. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis bibliometric. Data diperoleh dari database scopus yang telah disemournakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah publikasi terkait online learning in high school meningkat setiap tahunnya dari tahun 2018 hingga tahun 2022, Adapun jumlah dokumen terbanyak yaitu pada negara Indonesia, jumlah dokumen terbanyak yaitu pada lembaga atau universitas “Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia” dan pada jurnal “National Science Foundation”. Fokus penelitian yaitu 1) human dan pandemic; 2)online learning, e-learning dan covid-19; 3)blended learning dan motivation. Keyword yang menjadi tema baru adalah adolescent, dan learning strategies. &nbsp

    PERAN TECHNOPRENEURIAL SELF-EFFICACY DALAM MEMEDIASI PENGARUH TECHNOPRENEURIAL LEARNING DAN LITERASI DIGITAL TERHADAP TECHNOPRENEURIAL INTENTION: Studi Korelasional Pada Mahasiswa yang Telah Lulus Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan di Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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    Technopreneurial intention atau niat berwirausaha menggunakan teknologi adalah isu penting dalam konteks perkembangan teknologi dan bisnis di era digital ini. Technopreneurial intention mengacu pada kecenderungan individu untuk menjalani peran sebagai pengusaha yang menggunakan teknologi. Penting bagi mahasiswa untuk memiliki niat berwirausaha menggunakan teknologi sebagai upaya menciptakan peluang usaha baru di era digital. Melalui pendekatan Theory of Entrepreneurial Event, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara prediktor technopreneurial intention seperti technopreneurial intention dan literasi digital terhadap technopreneurial intention, serta bagaimana technopreneurial self-efficacy memediasi hubungan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu survey explanatory dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner yang disebar kepada 141 mahasiswa Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis UPI. Data dianalisis dengan PLS-SEM menggunakan aplikasi program Smart-PLS 3. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1). Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan technopreneurial learning terhadap technopreneurial intention; 2). Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan literasi digital terhadap technopreneurial intention; 3) Terdapat efek mediasi positif dan signifikan technopreneurial self-efficacy terhadap pengaruh technopreneurial learning terhadap technopreneurial intention; 4) Terdapat efek mediasi positif dan signifikan technopreneurial self-efficacy terhadap pengaruh literasi digital terhadap technopreneurial intention. Adapun saran pada penelitian ini adalah pada variabel technopreneurial learning mahasiswa harus meningkatkan personal and social emergence, pada variabel literasi digital meningkatkan cultural and social understanding, pada variabel technopreneurial self-efficacy meningkatkan decision making, dan pada variabel technopreneurial intention meningkatkan preferences untuk meningkatkan technopreneurial intention. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu pentingnya meningkatkan literasi digital, pembelajaran technopreneurial, dan self-efficacy dalam pengambilan keputusan di kalangan mahasiswa, sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan niat berwirausaha menggunakan teknologi. Technopreneurial intention is an essential issue in the context of technology and business development in this digital era. Technopreneurial intention refers to an individual's tendency to take on the role of an entrepreneur using technology. Students need to have entrepreneurial intentions using technology in an effort to create new business opportunities in the digital era. Through the Theory of Entrepreneurial Event approach, this study aims to explore the relationship between predictors of technopreneurial intention, such as technopreneurial intention and digital literacy to technopreneurial intention, as well as how technopreneurial self-efficacy mediates the relationship. The research method used is an explanatory survey with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires distributed to 141 students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Education UPI. Data were analyzed with PLS-SEM using the Smart-PLS 3 program application. The results of the study showed that 1). There is a positive and significant influence of technopreneurial learning on technopreneurial intention; 2). There is a positive and significant influence of digital literacy on technopreneurial intention; 3). There is a positive and significant mediating effect of technopreneurial self-efficacy on the effect of technopreneurial learning on technopreneurial intention; 4). There is a positive and significant mediating effect of technopreneurial self-efficacy on the effect of digital literacy on technopreneurial intention. The suggestions in this study are that in the technopreneurial learning variable, students must increase personal and social emergence; in the digital literacy variable, increase cultural and social understanding; in the technopreneurial self-efficacy variable, increase decision-making; and in the technopreneurial intention variable, increase preferences to increase technopreneurial intention. The implication of this research is the importance of improving digital literacy, technopreneurial learning, and self-efficacy in decision-making among students as a strategy to increase entrepreneurial intention using technology

    Factors of Indonesia Economic Growth (2017-2022)

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    Economic growth is measured by changes in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which can be unraveled into the population and economic elements. This research is conducted to find trends and identify publications on economic growth in Indonesia in the 2017–2022 period. The data collection techniques by downloading files from the Scopus database to see publication trends with the highest number of documents, ranking classifications of institutions or universities, journals, and documents, and using shared keywords. The method used is bibliometric analysis. A total of 168 documents collected from the Publish or Perish (PoP) application using the Scopus database were combined into one file in RIS format and entered into the VOSviewer application to obtain network visualization and overlay visualization. The study results show that the trend of publications related to economic growth in Indonesia for the last six years has decreased yearly. The highest number of documents is in the “International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy,” with 20 documents, followed by the Haseeb (2019) article, totaling 120 citations. Based on the keywords that have been visualized, several keywords are factors of economic growth in Indonesia from 2017 to 2022, namely Energy Consumption, Investment, CO2 Emissions, Education, GDP, Inflation, FDI, Exchange Rate, Export, Government Expenditure, Income Inequality, Inequality, Human Capital, Human Development Index, and Sustainable Development. &nbsp

    Green Finance and Sustainability: A Systematic Review

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    This research aims to explore and analyze the recent focus on green finance and sustainability from 2022 to 2023. It employs a systematic review approach to understand the predominant areas of study during this two-year period. The data search revealed that research focusing on the impact of green finance on decarbonization has gained significant popularity in the past two years. Additionally, other studies have delved into various variables such as Environmental (Management, Economics, Performance, and sustainability), Technology (AI, Blockchain, Smart, and adoption), and Renewable Energy & its Output. This research primarily concentrates on topics that have emerged as trends in the last two years. However, it's noteworthy that among these studies, there are 14 research topics that have been explored less frequently. These include Green Financing, Insurance, Non-Performing Loan Ratio, Ecological Footprints, Climate Mitigation Finance, Solvency, Biofuel, Fuel Cell, Geothermal, Solar, and Wind. Keywords: Green Finance; Sustainability; Systematic Review; Economics; EnvironmentalPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kajian dan fokus penelitian dengan tema green finance dan keberlanjutan dalam 2 tahun terakhir 2022-2023. Studi ini menggunakan tinjauan sistematis dari tahun 2022-2023 tentang keuangan hijau dan Keberlanjutan. Dari hasil penelusuran data diketahui bahwa fokus kajian penelitian mengenai pengaruh Green Finance terhadap Dekarbonisasi cukup populer dalam 2 tahun terakhir. Selain itu penelitian lain dilakukan dengan variable Environmental (Management, Ekonomics, Performance & Sustainability), Technology (AI, Blockchain, Smart, & Adoption), and Renewable Energy & its Output. Penelitian ini berfokus pada topik-topik yang menjadi tren dalam dua tahun terakhir, namun dari hasil penelitian terdapat 14 penelitian dengan topik-topik yang jarang dilakukan, antara lain Green Financing, Green Insurance, Non-Performing Loan Ratio, Ecological Footprints, Climate Mitigation Finance, Solvabilitas, Biofuel, Fuel Cell, Geothermal, Solar, dan Wind. Kata Kunci: Keuangan Hijau; Keberlanjutan; Tinjauan Sistematik; Ekonomi; Lingkunga

    Creating Students with Superior Character: Implementation of P5 Project in Mobilizing Schools

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    This study aims to show and describe the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) at Bina Mulya High School, one of the pioneers of mobilizing schools in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province. The implementation of the project is crucial because there have been many incidents of violence, discrimination, and disrespect between religious communities in Indonesia due to a lack of understanding of the values of Pancasila as the basis of national unity and unity to realize the strengthening of the profile of Pancasila students and prepare a superior generation in the 21st century. The research method used is Descriptive Qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the P5 Pancasila student profile strengthening project positively impacted students' understanding of Pancasila values and students' activeness in applying these values in daily life. The themes used by Bina Mulya High School are Voice of Democracy (24 Activities), Entrepreneurship (17 Activities), and Building His Spirit to Build His Body (19 Activities) which are carried out in 5 stages of the activity flow, namely Introduction, Contextualization, Action, Reflection, and Follow-up

    Guide Discovery Learning (GDL) in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The learning model that is also widely used and applied to the learning process is the Guide Discovery Learning model. Guide Discovery Learning is the use of probing questions to direct students' attention to important features in a problem or example. This study aims to identify publications related to the Guide Discovery Learning learning model in the learning process and explain the characteristics of these studies. The descriptive bibliometric analysis method was used in this study. The results show that the trend of publications related to Guided Discovery learning in education has increased, especially in 2019 to 2020. Publications in 2018 have the highest h-index and g-index values compared to other years. The research focus related to Guided Discovery learning in education is 1) critical thinking and augmented reality; 2) addie, module and middle school; 3) motivation and achievements

    The Threshold Effect of Inflation on Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia

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    Recent studies state that the relationship between inflation and economic growth is not linear. When inflation exceeds a certain threshold, it will have a negative impact on economic growth. This study aims to investigate the linear and non-linear relationship between inflation and economic growth in Indonesia using provincial panel data. The linear relationship was tested using a panel regression fixed effect model, while a non-linear relationship was tested using a panel regression threshold fixed effect model. When a linear test is carried out, inflation in Indonesia does not affect economic growth. When conducting a non-linear test, inflation in Indonesia has a positive impact on economic growth only when the value is below 2.11 percent. Meanwhile, when inflation exceeded 2.11 percent, economic growth in Indonesia slowed down. Inflation control policies must still be carried out to reduce the negative effects of inflation because high and fluctuating inflation is not good for the economy

    Analisis Bibliometrik: Penelitian Game-Based Learning pada Sekolah Menengah 2005-2023

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    Game based learning merupakan pembelajaran berbasis game yang melibatkan permainan dalam proses pendidikan, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menangkap lansscpae penelitian terkait game based learning dalam pembelajaran di sekolah menengah dari tahun 2005 sampai dengan tahun 2023. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis bibliometrik. Database yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan informasi terkait yang diperlukan yaitu dari database scopus. Publikasi penelitian Game based learning pada sekolah menengah dari tahun 2005 hingga 2023 mangalami peningkatan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Jumlah kutipan terbanyak yaitu pada tahun 2013. Negara Amerika Serikat menjadi negara yang paling berpengaruh pada bidang ini. Fokus penelitian terkait Game based learning pada sekolah menengah yaitu, 1) computational thinking dan understanding; 2) science, teknologi dan development; 3) experience dan environment. Tema baru terkait penelitian Game based learning pada sekolah menegah yaitu self efficacy, computational creativity, inquiry, ar technology dan mathematical problem

    Membangun Jiwa Wirausaha Siswa Melalui Kegiatan Jual Beli (Analisis Kegiatan Market Day)

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of buying and selling activities, especially market-day activities, in building students' entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in preparing students to face the challenges of an increasingly complex and dynamic world of work. However, the development of entrepreneurial spirit is often not a major concern in formal education. Market Day activities in schools can be an effective means of building students' entrepreneurial spirit. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Through interviews and data analysis, it was found that implementing market days in schools can develop students' entrepreneurship skills. Students are actively, creatively, and innovatively involved in carrying out tasks related to the Market Day. They learn to create new ideas, interact with customers, manage finances, and deal with various situations and conditions. The results showed that Market Day activities were effective in instilling entrepreneurial spirit and mental character in the students. Several important entrepreneurial characteristics such as creativity, self-confidence, adaptability, financial responsibility, effective communication, cooperation, and decision-making skills can be developed through buying and selling activities on the Market Day. By understanding the positive influence of buying and selling activities in building students' entrepreneurial spirit, this research provides a better understanding of the importance of including such activities in the education curriculum. The results of this research are expected to be the basis for developing educational strategies and policies that are more effective in preparing students to become successful entrepreneurs in the future


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    Halal tourism is a type of tourism that follows the rules and principles of Islamic sharia. This includes services and facilities designed to meet the needs of Muslim travelers, such as Halal food, access to mosques or places of worship, separate accommodation for men and women, and recommended modest dress. This study utilised a systematic review on halal tourism promotion scopus database from 2021-2023. In this research, the keyword used is "Halal tourism promotion" in the Scopus database. After conducting the screening, the researchers found 6 articles that met the predetermined criteria. The focus of the entire research is Group model building, System dynamics, Causal loop diagram, Alternative tourism, Mass tourism, CrescentRating, Non-mass tourism, Sweden; secularism; adaptations; values; gender equity; Muslim friendly tourism, strategic model, tourism development, Destination image, Travel motivation, Religiosity, Islamic attributes of destination, Visiting intention, Destination competitiveness, Intention to visit, Perceived behavioral control, Perceived value, and Trust. The promotion of halal tourism is very important in meeting the increasing needs of Muslim tourists, boosting the local economy, building a positive image of a tourist destination, and increasing intercultural understanding and harmony