66 research outputs found

    PF-25 Cub Scout Leader Gathering for Zoonoses Awareness: A model for Community Participatory Program for Zoonotic Diseases Control in Indonesia

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    Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases such as avian influenza and rabies during the last decade have caused fatalities and fear among people in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as well as other international and domestic NGOs have been working together to control those diseases and prevent human pandemic. However, the zoonotic disease control programs will not succeed without active participation of local communities including young people.Indonesia Scout Movement (Gerakan Pramuka) is a non-formal educational organization having more than 20 million members that serve educational process outside the school and outside the family using basic principles and methods of scouting (GOI 2010). Members of Gerakan Pramuka consist young people of different age categories namely  Cub Scouts/Siaga (ages 7 to 10 y.o), Scouts/ Penggalang (ages 11 to 15 y.o), Rover Scouts/ Penegak  (ages 16 to 20 y.o), Pandega (ages 21 to 25 y.o), and Adult members/Pembina  (ages > 25 y.o, or married person).Nowadays, Gerakan Pramuka has more than 20 millions members distributed in all districts in Indonesia, and thus may become a potential media to enhance young people awareness on zoonotic diseases control programs. Dissemination of information on the diseases and its prevention can be done through scout regular events such as Pesta Siaga  (Cub Scout Gathering), Jamboree (Scout Gathering), Raimuna (Rover Scout Gathering), and Karang Pamitran (Adult Scout member Gathering).Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB, in collaboration with IPB Student Scouting Activity Unit, has developed a model for the community participatory program for zoonotic diseases control in Indonesia through scouting activities. Cub Scout Leader Gathering for Avian Influenza Awareness is a scout event that designed as a method for dissemination of information regarding prevention of avian influenza transmission to school age children and their relatives


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    A pair of cross-sectional studies was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of Strongyloides spp. (threadworm) infections in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the Regency of Bojonegoro. A total of 263 and 270 of local beef cattle with various age were selected  for faecal sample during dry season (August-October) and wet season (February-March), respectively. Feces were processed for counting the number of eggs per gram feces (EPG) using McMaster method. The prevalence of strongyloidosis was 4.56% and 7.04% in the dry season and the rainy season, respectively. The factors that associated with prevalence and intensity infection were age and sex of cattle. During the dry season and the rainy season, the calf  and weaner group (1 year) was more susceptible for Strongyloides infection than cattle with older age and showed higher intensity of infection (based on EPG values). The bulls showed a higher risk and intensity of infection than cows

    Dirofilaria Immitis (Leidy, 1856) dalam jantung anjing yang diseksi di fakultas kedokteran hewan institut pertanian bogor

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    Di dalam ventrikel kanan jantung anjing berbagai ras yang diseksi di laboratorium Patologi Fakultas kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor sejak awal 1970-an hingga tahun 1993 acap kali ditemukan cacing Dirojilaria immitis. Cacing-cacing tersebut berwarna putih, panjang, langsing dengan mulut tanpa bibir. Usofagus yang pendek terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu bagian anterior yang muskuler dan bagian posterior yang glanduler. Cacing betina panjangnya 20 - 29 cm dengan rataan 24,1 cm mempunyai ekor yang lurus dan berujung tumpul; vulvanya terletak di belakang ujung posterior usofagus. Cacing jantan panjangnya 14 - 20 cm dengan rataan 16,7 cm mempunyai ekor yang melingkar membentuk spiral yang dilengkapi lateral alae yang sempit; mempunyai dua spikulum yang asilnetrik tanpa bursa kopulatriks maupun gubernakulum. Didekat ujung ekor terdapat enam buah papila kaudal yang berbentuk kerucut.

    Parasites Infection OF Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) In East Sumba Regency

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    Swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) play an important role in supporting the economy and social life of the community in the East Sumba Regency. The prevalence and intensity One of the diseases still a health problem in livestock, including buffalo, is parasite infection. Research on cases of parasite infection in buffaloes in the East Sumba Regency has not been widely reported. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the parasites that infect the buffalo as well as to measure the prevalence and infection rates. The coprological examination of 105 samples of swamp buffalo feces from the East Sumba Regency was conducted in this study. The simple flotation and the modified McMaster method were used to identify and measure the degree of infection of Nematode, Cestode, and protozoan oocyst, while the modified Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory (DBL) method was used to detect the presence of Trematodes. The results showed that 67 out of 105 buffaloes (63.81%) had parasite infections, which were caused by a single (44.76%) and mix infection (19.05%). The prevalence of infection with Nematodes, Trematodes, and Protozoan oocysts in males (73.33%) was much higher than in female (60.00%) buffalo; nevertheless, the chi-square test results showed that sex was not associated with the prevalence of parasites infection cases (p>0.05). Age was a risk factor that had a significant effect (p<0.05), with the young age group having the highest odds ratio (OR) value (5.80), followed by the age group of the calf (3.10), and pre-weaned calf (2.98). The highest to lowest infection rates were observed in Cestodes (547.03 EPG), followed by Protozoa (220.70 PG), Nematodes (84.75 EPG), and Trematodes (2.18 EPG). The present study shows that buffalo in East Sumba Regency are infected with several parasites, so control must be made to prevent losses due to the infection.Keywords - Bubalus bubalis, East Sumba, fecal examination, gastrointestinal parasites, the prevalenc

    Pendeteksian secara Otomatis Telur Cacing Haemonchus contortus menggunakan Algoritma YOLOv3

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    Infeksi Haemonchus contortus atau haemonchosis umumnya terjadi pada ruminansia kecil seperti domba. Haemonchus contortus adalah spesies yang paling patogenik pada ruminansia kecil dan berhabitat di abomasum. Hewan yang terinfeksi Haemonchus contortus  secara berangsur-angsur akan mengalami anemia karena aktivitas cacing yang menghisap darah. Selain menimbulkan anemia, domba akan mengalami penurunan bobot badan akibat penurunan daya cerna. Infeksi tersebut dapat berjalan secara akut maupun kronis dan dalam kondisi tertentu dapat juga mengakibatkan kematian pada hewan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan perangkat yang efektif dan efisien untuk mengindentifikasi keberadaan telur cacing Haemonchus contortus sebagai alat deteksi cepat telur cacing. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat perangkat cerdas berbasis Algoritma YOLOv3 yang mampu mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi telur cacing Haemonchus contortus secara cepat.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Algoritma You Only Look Once (YOLO) versi 3 yang merupakan algoritma yang dikembangkan untuk membantu mendeteksi objek secara realtime. Algoritma YOLO dijalankan dalam framework aplikasi anaconda dengan menggunakan pycharm dan aplikasi OPENCV. Identifikasi telur Haemonchus contortus secara otomatis berhasil dilakukan dengan proses tagging pada dataset dan membuat file weight training bagi YOLO. Hasil uji coba menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan smartphone menunjukan bahwa bahwa Algoritma YOLO mampu mengidentifikasi telur Haemonchus contortus dengan nilai confidence lebih dari 90%. Penggunaan perangkat Dino-Lite yang terhubung pada mikroskop cahaya menunjukan algoritma YOLO tidak dapat berjalan karena adanya enkripsi pada perangkat tersebut. Otomatisasi pendeteksian telur Haemonchus contortus dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan Algoritma YOLOv3 yang dibantu dengan hardware berupa laptop dan smartphone android serta memiliki kemampuan identifikasi dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi.


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    This study aimed to determine whether the variant or biotype of Trypanosoma evansi can be seen from their polypeptide profiles using 12%sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) stained with Brilliant Blue Commasie. The results generally showed thatthe molecular weight (MW) of polypeptides from nine isolates from East Java, Central Java, Banten, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, andLampung provinces were in the range of 85.46 to 15.76 kD and each isolate has different polypeptide profile. Isolates A13 and A14 were isolatedfrom the same place but have different polypeptide profiles. Likewise, isolates S13 and S18 also have different polypeptide profiles despite beingisolated from the same place at the same time. On the other hand, isolate 372, 87, and 06 have different protein profiles but was classified in thesame biotype namely biotype I. Generally, the difference in protein profile actually more related to the biological diversity of the metabolism ofeach Trypanosoma evansi isolate from Indonesia

    Dirofilaria Immitis (Leidy, 1856) dalam Jantung Anjing yang Diseksi di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor

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    Di dalam ventrikel kanan jantung anjing berbagai ras yang diseksi di laboratorium Patologi Fakultas kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor sejak awal 1970-an hingga tahun 1993 acap kali ditemukan cacing Dirojilaria immitis. Cacing-cacing tersebut berwarna putih, panjang, langsing dengan mulut tanpa bibir. Usofagus yang pendek terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu bagian anterior yang muskuler dan bagian posterior yang glanduler. Cacing betina panjangnya 20 - 29 cm dengan rataan 24,1 cm mempunyai ekor yang lurus dan berujung tumpul; vulvanya terletak di belakang ujung posterior usofagus. Cacing jantan panjangnya 14 - 20 cm dengan rataan 16,7 cm mempunyai ekor yang melingkar membentuk spiral yang dilengkapi lateral alae yang sempit; mempunyai dua spikulum yang asilnetrik tanpa bursa kopulatriks maupun gubernakulum. Didekat ujung ekor terdapat enam buah papila kaudal yang berbentuk kerucut

    Pengaruh Klimat terhadap Infeksi Nematoda Saluran Pencernaan pada Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    This study aims to determine the effect of season on the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infections in beef cattle in Bojonegoro Regency. The study was conducted in the coverage area of the Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Mega Jaya, Kasiman District, Bojonegoro Regency. Fecal samples were taken from 263 heads cattle in the dry season and 270 headsin the rainy season. The local climatic data obtained from the One Stop Service Office of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). Results showed significant differences in the prevalence of nematodosis between the dry season to the rainy season. Prevalence of nematodosis in the dry season by 50.98%, significantly lower than the prevalence in the rainy season, which reached 67.78%

    Faktor Risiko dan Prevalensi Infeksi Toxocara vitulorum pada Sapi Potong di Kecamatan Kasiman, Kabupaten Bojonegoro

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    This study were conducted to determine the presence of toxocariosis in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the Regency of Bojonegoro kept under the Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) programme. The experiment were done to identify several risk factors that may play certain roles on the degree of prevalence and infection intensity. A total of 263 head of local beef cattle with various ages were taken for faecal samples and 80 farmers were interviewed. Results of the experiment indicated the prevalence of toxocariosis was 5.32% (CI 95% = 2.61-8.04%) influenced by age and gender which showed an effect on the risk of infection. The prevalence tends to decline by age group (p <0.001): calves under 6 months of age (23.68%), and between 6-12 months of age (7.41%), 1-2 years old calves (2.04%) and the above 2 years adults (1.34%). The prevalence is higher in the males group (12.7%) compared to the females group (3.0%), (p=0.003). Logistic regression analysis concluded that age was the only affecting variable to the rate of infection with mathematical models for toxocariosis. Logit toxocariosis = -0.058 -1.098 age.

    Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Daun Miana (Coleus Blumei Benth) pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    Coleus blumei memiliki berbagai khasiat untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit termasuk kecacingan. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui tingkat dosis yang menyebabkan toksisitas bagi pemakainya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi toksisitas akut ekstrak etanol daun miana pada mencit. Pengujian toksisitas dilakukan pada mencit dengan pemberian per oral untuk menentukan toksisitas akut dan dosis letal 50% (LD50). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak daun miana memiliki toksisitas yang rendah. Hasil analisis probit menunjukkan LD50 ekstrak etanol daun miana adalah 9757.14 mg/kg berat badan. Gejala klinis yang terlihat pada mencit sebelum mati adalah tidak aktif, lemah, ritme pernapasan menurun dan bulu berdiri. Pemeriksaan patologi anatomi menunjukkan perdarahan pada rongga perut ditemukan pada dosis 10000 mg/kg bb ekstrak etanol. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan adanya pembendungan, oedema, dilatasi tubuli pada organ ginjal. Degenerasi dan nekrosis ditemukan pada organ usus, hati dan ginjal yang meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan dosis ekstrak. Berdasarkan nilai LD50 ekstrak etanol daun miana termasuk dalam kategori toksik ringan. Walaupun termasuk dalam katagori toksik ringan, akan tetapi mulai pada dosis 4000 mg/kg bb ekstrak daun miana menyebabkan degenerasi dan nekrosa sel pada organ usus, hati, dan ginjal