25 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kecemasan Siswa Smu Dalam Menghadapi Umptn

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    The purpose of this research was to know the difference of Senior High School student's anxiety level in facing the university enrollment selection (UMPTN), viewed from academic achievement, study program background, and their sexes. The descriptive method was used in this research in the causal comparative approach. The population of this research was students of Senior High School I in Mojogedang Karanganyar, and the samples were 90 students. The members of the samples were designed in purposive random sampling. The data were collected by using questionnaires and examination documents. To analyze the data, the Chisquare technique was used. The result of analysis showed that there was a different anxiety level of student viewed from academic achievement (Xh>Xt or 4,481>3,481); but if it was viewed from study program background there was no difference (Xh<Xt or 0,216<3,841); and if it was viewed from the sexes there was a difference (Xh<Xt or 2,58<3,841)

    A Training Model of Self - Regulated Learning Skills For Increasing Strong Character and High Intelligence

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    The final product as an expected research goal is to develop a training model of self-regulated learning skillsfor increasing strong character and high intelligence. Self-regulated learning skills are very important for thestudents either to influence their learning outcomes or their student life in his society.  Such skills areabsolutely parts of student strong character and high intelligence. This study represents a research and development (R&D), containing two designs: survey and evaluative.The survey is conducted as a preliminary research to know supportive conditions related to the research or aproduct model to be developed. The evaluative research is done by expert and practitioner judgment todevelop a final product. Samples of 288 students of state secondary schools are recruited by purposive clustersampling. Meanwhile, data are compiled by observation, interview, and inventory. Then the data areanalyzed by using percentage and descriptive and qualitative methods (or mixed methods). In the first year ofmulti-year research have been developed such products: (1) a guide book of self-regulated learning skills; (2)a task book of self-reguleted learning skills; and (3) a measuring instrument of strong character and highintelligence.  Eighty percent of experts and practitioners state that such a training model of self-regulatedlearning skills for increasing strong character and high intelligence is suitable to guide the students to reachtheir works in short time, while 20% of them state that such a training model is very suitable

    Meningkatkan Kematangan Karier Mahasiswa

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    The aims of this research are (1) to design a model of development guidance toimprove the student\u27s career maturity, and (2) to find out the effectiveness of a such model.This research is research and development which use qualitative and quantitativeexploratory mixed methods implementing an experimental with pretest–posttest controlgroup design. It was carried out through the following phases: (1) reviewing relatedtheories and assessing the students\u27 needs; (2) designing the hypothetical model ofdevelopment guidance; (3) validating the model by a number of experts, practitioners,and several students; and (4) trying out in the field which involved a number of samples ofthe research to find out the effectiveness of the model. The research used a clustersampling technique to determine the samples. The samples were 120 students of theexperimental group and 116 ones of the control group. The data were gathered throughinterview, questionnaire, and career maturity measurement tools of Form 1 and Form 2.The results of the analysis show that according to the experts\u27 and practitioners\u27 assessment,the designed model of the development guidance is feasible to be implemented, itmeans that the designed model has fulfilled such required aspects such as contentvalidity, language, and writing, consisting of the guidance guidelines as well as theguidance materials used by the counselors to give guidance to the students. Results ofexperiment show that in experimental group, student\u27s attitude and student\u27s competencefor career are very significant. It means that by giving treatment of guidance there is avery significant difference between pretest and posttest. In control group, student\u27sattitude and competence for career are noteworthy. It means that without treatment ofguidance there is an important difference between pretest and posttest, but slightdifference. Based on the series of phases, the research reveals that the designed model ofdevelopment guidance is effective to improve the student\u27s career maturity


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    Secara keseluruhan mahasiswa UNS dapat dikatakan sebagai mahasiswa yang berpotensi, karena telah dinyatakan lulus dan berhasil mengikuti Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN). Namun dalam pencapaian keberhasilan belajar masih banyak mahasiswa yang lulus:  IP tidak tinggi, tidak tepat waktu, bahkan ada yang mengalami kegagalan belajar. Ini berarti program keberhasilan teaching university masih perlu ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model bimbingan karier untuk mewujudkan teaching university dengan pendekatan multikultural. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and development), dengan dua rancangan, yaitu: survai, dan evaluatif. Survai dilakukan sebagai penelitian pendahuluan untuk mengetahui kondisi pendukung yang terkait dengan produk model yang akan dikembangkan. Penelitian evaluatif, digunakan dalam uji ahli dan praktisi terhadap pengembangan produk. Populasi yang digunakan sebagai subyek  dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), yang terdiri dari sembilan fakultas (Hukum, Ekonomi, ISIP, Sastra, KIP, MIPA, Pertanian, Kedokteran, dan Teknik). Sampel  penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 6 sampai 8 Progdi PKh di Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP, Biologi F..MIPA, dan Sastra  Indonesia F. Sastra. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive cluster sampling. Jumlah sampel 121 orang mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpul data menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan persentase dan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis T test menunjukkan bahwa model bimbingan karier dengan pendekatan multikultural efektif untuk mewujudkan teaching university, yaitu IP tinggi dan studi tepat waktu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, maka dapat dikemukan rekomendasi sebagai berikut: Kepada Lembaga UNS, hendaknya memperhatikan kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang mutlak diperlukan mahasiswa, apabila mereka diharapkan dapat mengembangkan potensinya secara optimal,memiliki IP tinggi dan studi tepat waktu.

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menghafal Al-Quran melalui Media Website di SMP Baitul Qur'an Boarding School Kabupaten Sragen

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    Kemampuan menghafal Al-Quran merupakan suatu kewajiban peserta didik yang menempuh pendidikan di SMP Baitul Quran Boarding School Sragen. Peserta didik diwajibkan menghafal Al-Quran sebanyak 11 juz dengan rincian kelas VII sebanyak 4 juz, kelas VIII sebanyak 3 juz, dan kelas IX 4 juz. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis (1) pencapaian peserta didik dalam menghafal Al-Quran dengan metode konvensional dan (2) penggunaan media yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menghafal Al-Quran. Subyek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMP Baitul Quran Boading School Sragen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data interaktif model meliputi koleksi data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan memverivikasi data. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) peserta didik kelas VII dalam menghafal Al-Quran mencapai 12-13 halaman setiap bulannya, (2) kemampuan menghafal Al-Quran dengan media website mencapai 4-5 halaman dalam waktu 12 jam

    Analysis of Sentences for Deaf Children in Primary School

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    This study aims to find out the ability to compose sentences of deaf children in outstanding schools. This study was conducted using qualitative case study method in the form of interviews and documentation studies of students' learning outcomes, interviews were conducted on 14 elementary school teachers. This research was conducted by two schools, namely in SLB-B YRTRW and SLB YAAT surakarta. The results showed that deaf children have problems in composing sentences and understanding the meaning of sentences. This is due to, 1) the receptive ability of children who are hampered by hearing ability, 2) the interest in learning deaf children in indonesian language is low, and 3) the use of non-standard sign language systems in communication between deaf children in activities outside the classroom. According to the class teacher, most deaf children also think that indonesian language is a difficult and boring lesson. Therefore, teachers need to increase innovation and creativity in the delivery of Indonesian language materials to be more interesting, either by using media or props that are fun and worth using to increase the motivation of learning deaf children and help the understanding of materials composing Indonesian sentences

    The Improvement of Down Syndrome Children’s Independency Through Vocational Skill Training

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    This research aimed to find out the down syndrome children’s independency using vocational skill training. The research method employed was classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of research were four children with down syndrome. Techniques of collecting data used were a documentation study, test, and observation. The data analyzed by an interactive model by comparing prior data before and after the action through 2 cycles. The result showed that the mean score of down syndrome children independency increased. The implementation of the vocational skill training in local content subject material successfully improved the down syndrome independency

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menghafal Al-Quran melalui Media Website di SMP Baitul Qur’an Boarding School Kabupaten Sragen

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    AbstrakKemampuan menghafal Al-Quran merupakan suatu kewajiban peserta didik yang menempuh pendidikan di SMP Baitul Quran Boarding School Sragen. Peserta didik diwajibkan menghafal Al-Quran sebanyak 11 juz dengan rincian kelas VII sebanyak 4 juz, kelas VIII sebanyak 3 juz, dan kelas IX 4 juz. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis (1) pencapaian peserta didik dalam menghafal Al-Quran dengan metode konvensional dan (2) penggunaan media yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menghafal Al-Quran. Subyek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMP Baitul Quran Boading School Sragen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data interaktif model meliputi koleksi data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan memverivikasi data. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) peserta didik kelas VII dalam menghafal Al-Quran mencapai 12-13 halaman setiap bulannya, (2) kemampuan menghafal Al-Quran dengan media website mencapai 4-5 halaman dalam waktu 12 jam. Kata kunci: menghafal; media; website; al-quran.

    Analysis of Mathematical Calculation Skill on Slow Learning Students in Inclusive School

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    This study aimed to describe slow learner learning math interest, calculation skill, and mathematics performance of slow learning students in inclusive school. This study used qualitative case study method. It was conducted in SDN Bromantakan, SDN 1 Pajang, and SDN Kartodipuran. The result of the study showed that slow learning students had low interest in learning math. They also faced difficulty in learning mathematics using direct learning. Slow learning students faced difficulty without using instructional media in learning mathematics. Their math performance in division and multiplication were also under school’s standard