80 research outputs found

    Alisis Perbandingan Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Prainstalasi Dengan Hasil Uji Pile Driving Analizer (PDA)

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    Dalam perencanaan pondasi diperlukan hasil analisis yang berasal dari penyelidikan tanah berupa daya dukung pondasi. Hasil daya dukung tersebut kemudian harus divalidasi, salah satunya adalah dengan uji PDA. Tetapi pada prakteknya, terjadi penyimpangan nilai antara hasil perhitungan teoritis daya dukung pondasi dan hasil uji PDA. Untuk itu, diperlukan sebuah metode teoritis yang mendekati akurat untuk perhitungan daya dukung pondasi yang mampu memikul beban diatasnya dengan baik. Untuk mendapatkan nilai daya dukung tersebut, data N-SPT diinput pada beberapa metode seperti metode Meyerhof (1976), metode Briaud & Tucker (1985), metode Aoki & de Alencar (1975), dan metode Luciano Decourt (1995). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, didapatkan pada pondasi borepile metode Meyerhof (1976) memiliki nilai rerata error terkecil pada Qult yaitu 0,46. Sedangkan pada tiang pancang metode Briaud & Tucker (1985) memiliki nilai rerata error terkecil pada Qult yaitu 0,09. Selain itu, grafik hubungan antara rasio daya dukung dengan waktu menunjukkan bahwa rasio daya dukung akan semakin besar seiring dengan bertambahnya waktu. Perbedaan jenis tanah, dimensi, dan kedalaman penetrasi tiang dapat mempengaruhi kecenderungan bentuk grafik


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    Penelitian pengembangan ini untuk mengembangkan produk berupa buku saku pada mata pelajaran IPS materi gempa bumi berjudul ā€œBuku Saku Siaga Gempa Bumiā€ untuk siswa kelas V SD. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D). Penelitian melibatkan siswa kelas V SD sebagai responden. Teknik pengembangan yang digunakan adalah teknik pengembangan model 4D Thiagarajan. Pengembangan dilakukan melalui 4 tahapan yaitu: (1) Define atau pendefinisian (2) Design atau perencanaan (3) Develop atau pengembangan (5) Disseminate atau penyebaran. Teknik evaluasi yang digunakan dan hasil penilaiannya adalah expert review oleh tiga ahli yaitu, ahli bahasa, ahli media, dan ahli materi mendapatkan presentase 86,4% dengan kriteria sangat valid, uji coba one to one dengan mendapatkan 100% dengan kriteria sangat valid, uji coba small group mendapatkan presentase 94,1% dengan kriteria sangat valid, dan uji coba field test mendapatkan presentase 95,6% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Rata-rata keseluruhan hasil penelitian buku saku gempa bumi untuk siswa kelas V SD yang telah dikembangkan dinilai sangat valid dengan presentase 94% yang bermakna buku saku gempa bumi dapat digunakan tanpa revisi oleh siswa kelas V SD pada mata pelajaran IPS

    Penggunaan Bahasa Daerah pada Buku Bacaan Siswa Terbitan Kemdikbud

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    This study aims to identify the use of regional languages in student reading books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The object of research is the local language in the student reading book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture entitled "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" and "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei". The data from this study are student reading books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture which contain local languages. The data source in this research is an archive or document in the form of a student reading book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture which contains local languages. Data collection techniques use the technique of listening and note taking, the researcher first reads the reading book "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" and "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei" published by the Ministry of Education and Culture to carefully determine the use of local languages, then record in full and then identify the use of local languages in the book reading. Data analysis techniques using flow analysis. The results showed that the Ministry of Education and Culture has efforts to preserve local languages, use Indonesian, and master foreign languages. The language used in the students' reading book "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" and "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei" is not purely using Indonesian, but there is interference with local languages. The percentage of the use of local languages in the reading books of "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" is 40%, while in the reading books of students "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei" 20%

    The Pollution Profile of Citarik, Cimande, and Cikijing Rivers in Rancaekek District, West Java, Indonesia

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the heavy metals pollution profile of Citarik, Cimande, and Cikijing Rivers. Methodology and Result: The method of this research to measured heavy metals was cadmium, chromium, copper and zinc. Determination of sampling point refers to SNI 03-7016-2004. The river water sampling procedure refers to SNI 6989.57-2008 on Water and Wastewater - Section 57. The water sample extraction method refers to Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Sediment sample extraction method refers to EPA Method 200.2-1994. The water sample extraction method refers to Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Sediment sample extraction method refers to EPA Method 200.2-1994. Based on test result and comparison to quality standard of Indonesian Government Regulation No. 82of 2001 on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control. The metal concentrations in the sediments were much higher than the concentrations of metals contained in water. This is due to the accumulation of metals in sediments that occur continuously. Conclusion, significance and impact study: The concentrations of four metals in water and sediments after river points higher than before passing the industrial area, it indicates that anthropogenic arising from agricultural activities and textile industry near the rivers of Citarik, Cikijing, and Cimande rivers. The degree of contamination and seasonal variation of heavy metals were high in water and sediment

    Urgensi Filsafat Islam di Era Modern

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    Islam adalah agama yang di utus ke dunia dengan misi yang sangat mulia yakni membebaskan umat manusia dari belenggu kebodohan.. Perkembangan keilmuan dalam Islam terus berlanjut sampai dengan masuknya peradaban dunia modern. Perkembangan dunia yang kian berlangsung dengan sangat pesat membawa umat manusia menuju kepada era dimana hampir semua  lini kehidupan tidak terleps dari teknologi. Kehidupan dizaman modern dinilai telah berhasil menciptaka terobsan baru melalui penggabungan antara filsafat dengan sains. Namun, walaupun sudah mencapai peradaban yang dinilai sangat maju, peradaban di era modern masih saja menghadapi berbagai macam kendala. Diantara kendalanya adalah krisis lingkungan dan moral yang kerap kali memicu para ilmuan untuk mencari solusi terkait masalah yang dihadapi oleh mansia dizaman modern. Oleh karenanya, dunia membutuhkan suatu strategi pemecahan masalah yang dinilai konktret yang dalam hal ini filsafat Islam dapat menjadi jawabannya. Dalam penelitian kali ini, penulis akan mencoba memaparkan beberapa kajian mengenai urgensi filsafat Islam dalam kehidupan dizaman modern. Penulis mengunakan metode kajian Pustaka dalam mencari sumber  informasi. Hal ini bertujuan agar ditemukannya suatu teroban baru di dalam kajian filsafat Islam sebagai sarana untuk membentengi lajunya arus perkembangan zaman.&nbsp

    Improving Knowledge and Creativity of Students UPTD SD Negeri 13 Sosopan KKN 158 UINSU

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    Creativity is part of the characteristics of human courage that echoes who he is and what humans become in the future. In every act of creativity, individuals will feel a good relationship between themselves and others. This study aims to determine the development of creativity of students in UPTD SD Negeri 13 Sosopan. This research is a research with phenomenology research method because in this journal there is a lot of income and studying various disclosures of phenomena that occur and are experienced by many individuals so that it can produce various conscious life experiences. The results showed that KKN 158 student service activities took the initiative to help teaching activities at UPTD SD 13 Sosopan, Sosopan Village to increase students' knowledge and creativity. The conclusion obtained is that it is very important for us to develop creativity and knowledge for students. So that students can be more active in working with various kinds of knowledge they have

    Reformulation of Leā€™NaturaĀ® Biscuit: Effects on Textural, Sensorial, Nutritional and Glycemic Index Values

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to reformulate Leā€™NaturaĀ® biscuit for textural, sensorial, nutritional and glycemic index properties improvement. The original biscuit had a brittle and coarse texture with a bitter after-taste. It also contained high carbohydrate which made the biscuit unsuitable for diabetic patients and less desirable to the health-conscious consumers. Methods and Results: Several ingredients from the original formulation were either eliminated, reduced or substituted in order to modify the texture and taste, to obtain a low glycemic index (GI) value and to increase acceptability. The ingredients involved in reformulation were wheat flour, milk powder, maltodextrin, atta flour, green bean flour, polydextrose, palm oil, and leavening agents. The final reformulated biscuit showed improvements in thickness, spread ratio, fracturability and firmness properties. The improved biscuit also scored higher acceptability for appearance, texture, sweetness, after-taste and overall acceptability attributes. The in vivo GI measured indicates that the improved biscuit was in the low GI range of 44.7Ā±4.7 compared to the original biscuit (63.5Ā±7.7, moderate GI). The nutrients composition of total energy, fat, protein, dietary fiber, iron, and calcium content were increased while total carbohydrate and sodium levels were decreased. Conclusions: With the improvements, Leā€™NaturaĀ® biscuit is expected to capture the functional food market segment more competitively. Keywords: functional food; biscuit; glycemic index; high fibe

    Pengembangan dan Validasi Skala Keberfungsian Keluarga Menggunakan Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori

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    Family functioning is a pivotal factor influencing childā€™s problems including mental, behavioral, and developmental disorder. This study aimed to assemble and validate family functioning scale using confirmatory factor analysis. The research was done on 134 late adolescences, age ranges were between 18-22 y.o. Family functioning scale was developed from the process model of family functioning which has seven components i.e., task accomplishment, role performance, communication, affective expression, affective involvement, control, and value and norm. The result shows that all components have significant factor loadings, and the scale is reliable. However, the data has shown that the model is not fit enough indicated by underperformed CFI. TLI, and RMSEA. Suggestions for future development were discussed.Keberfungsian keluarga merupakan faktor penting dalam mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan anak seperti gangguan mental, perilaku, dan perkembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun dan memvalidasi skala keberfungsian keluarga menggunakan analisis faktor konfirmatori. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 134 remaja akhir dengan rentang usia 18-22 tahun. Instrumen skala keberfungsian keluarga dikembangkan berdasarkan teori proses keberfungsian keluarga yang memiliki tujuh komponen yaitu pencapaian tugas, kinerja peran, komunikasi, ekspresi afektif, keterlibatan afektif, kontrol, dan nilai serta norma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua komponen memiliki Factor Loading yang signifikan dan skala bersifat sangat reliabel. Hanya saja, skala belum menunjukkan model fit yang cukup karena nilai CFI, TLI, dan RMSEA yang belum mencapai standar. Saran untuk perkembangan penelitian ini telah didiskusikan
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