388 research outputs found

    Psychological impact and health-related quality-of-life outcomes of Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome : A systematic review and narrative synthesis

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    Mayer-Rokitansky-K\ufcster-Hauser syndrome causes absence or underdevelopment of uterus and vagina, but women's subjective experience remains understudied. This systematic review was conducted to examine the psychological and health-related quality-of-life outcomes of Mayer-Rokitansky-K\ufcster-Hauser syndrome. In total, 22 articles identified through electronic search matched the inclusion criteria and were included in our review. Mayer-Rokitansky-K\ufcster-Hauser syndrome may be associated with psychological symptoms and impaired quality of life, but especially with poor sexual esteem and genital image. Women may experience difficulties managing intimacy and disclosing to partners. Mothers may be perceived as overinvolved, with consequent negative emotions in women with the disease

    Impact of delivery mode on the colostrum microbiota composition.

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    BACKGROUND: Breast milk is a rich nutrient with a temporally dynamic nature. In particular, numerous alterations in the nutritional, immunological and microbiological content occur during the transition from colostrum to mature milk. The objective of our study was to evaluate the potential impact of delivery mode on the microbiota of colostrum, at both the quantitative and qualitative levels (bacterial abundance and microbiota network). METHODS: Twenty-nine Italian mothers (15 vaginal deliveries vs 14 Cesarean sections) were enrolled in the study. The microbiota of colostrum samples was analyzed by next generation sequencing (Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine). The colostrum microbiota network associated with Cesarean section and vaginal delivery was evaluated by means of the Auto Contractive Map (AutoCM), a mathematical methodology based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) architecture. RESULTS: Numerous differences between Cesarean section and vaginal delivery colostrum were observed. Vaginal delivery colostrum had a significant lower abundance of Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Prevotella spp. when compared to Cesarean section colostrum samples. Furthermore, the mode of delivery had a strong influence on the microbiota network, as Cesarean section colostrum showed a higher number of bacterial hubs if compared to vaginal delivery, sharing only 5 hubs. Interestingly, the colostrum of mothers who had a Cesarean section was richer in environmental bacteria than mothers who underwent vaginal delivery. Finally, both Cesarean section and vaginal delivery colostrum contained a greater number of anaerobic bacteria genera. CONCLUSIONS: The mode of delivery had a large impact on the microbiota composition of colostrum. Further studies are needed to better define the meaning of the differences we observed between Cesarean section and vaginal delivery colostrum microbiota

    Intracrine endorphinergic systems in modulation of myocardial differentiation

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    A wide variety of peptides not only interact with the cell surface, but govern complex signaling from inside the cell. This has been referred to as an "intracrine" action, and the orchestrating molecules as "intracrines". Here, we review the intracrine action of dynorphin B, a bioactive end-product of the prodynorphin gene, on nuclear opioid receptors and nuclear protein kinase C signaling to stimulate the transcription of a gene program of cardiogenesis. The ability of intracrine dynorphin B to prime the transcription of its own coding gene in isolated nuclei is discussed as a feed-forward loop of gene expression amplification and synchronization. We describe the role of hyaluronan mixed esters of butyric and retinoic acids as synthetic intracrines, controlling prodynorphin gene expression, cardiogenesis, and cardiac repair. We also discuss the increase in prodynorphin gene transcription and intracellular dynorphin B afforded by electromagnetic fields in stem cells, as a mechanism of cardiogenic signaling and enhancement in the yield of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. We underline the possibility of using the diffusive features of physical energies to modulate intracrinergic systems without the needs of viral vector-mediated gene transfer technologies, and prompt the exploration of this hypothesis in the near future

    The SHOX gene and the short stature. Roundtable on diagnosis and treatment of short stature due to SHOX haploinsufficiency: How genetics, radiology and anthropometry can help the pediatrician in the diagnostic process padova (April 20th, 2011)

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    The growth of the human body depends from a complex interaction between nutritional, environmental and hormonal factors and by a large number of different genes. One of these genes, short stature homeobox (SHOX), is believed to play a major role in growth. SHOX haploinsufficiency is associated with a wide spectrum of conditions, all characterized growth failure such as Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis , Turner syndrome, short stature with subtle auxological and radiological findings and the so called “idiopathic short stature” (short stature with no specific findings other than growth failure). The document was prepared by a multidisciplinary team (paediatric endocrinologists, paediatrician, radiologist, geneticist and epidemiologist) to focus on the investigation of children with suspected SHOX- deficiency (SHOX-D) for an early identification and a correct diagnostic work - up of this genetic disorder. On the basis of a number of screening studies, SHOX-D appears to be a relatively frequent cause of short stature. The following recommendations were suggested by our multidisciplinary team: (i) a careful family history, measurements of body proportions and detection of any dysmorphic features are important for the suspect of a genetic disorder ,(ii)the presence of any combination of the following physical findings, such as reduced arm span/ height ratio, increased sitting height/height ratio, above average BMI, Madelung deformity, cubitus valgus, short or bowed forearm, dislocation of the ulna at the elbow, or the appearance of muscular hypertrophy, should prompt the clinician to obtain a molecular analysis of the SHOX region, (iii) it is of practical importance to recognise early or mild signs of Madelung deformity on hand and wrist radiographs, (iv) growth hormone ,after stimulation test, is usually normal . However, treatment with rhGH may improve final adult height; the efficacy of treatment is similar to that observed in those treated for Turner syndrome

    In the Eye of the Covid-19 Storm: A Web-Based Survey of Psychological Distress Among People Living in Lombardy

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    In March 2020, the World Health Organization announced the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic and restrictive measures were enacted by the Governments to fight the spread of the virus. In Italy, these measures included a nationwide lockdown, with limited exceptions including grocery shopping, certain work activities, and healthcare. Consistently with findings from previous studies investigating the psychological impact of similar pandemics [e.g., Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)], there is evidence that Covid-19 is associated with negative mental health outcomes. Given this background, we conducted a cross-sectional study aimed at investigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent restrictive measures imposed by the Government on the psychological health of Italian men and women aged = 18 years and living in Lombardy, one of the worst-hit regions. The study also aimed at identifying what factors are associated with specific psychological outcomes. Thus, we developed an online survey that included a researcher-made questionnaire to collect sociodemographic, household, general health, and pandemic-related information. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and the Perceived Stress Scale were used to assess anxiety, depression, and perceived stress, respectively. We found that younger age, greater concerns about the pandemic, female gender, being unmarried, not having children, and being a student were associated with worse psychological health. These findings may provide further insight into the risk factors associated with negative psychological outcomes during the current pandemic, with identification of vulnerable groups. This body of evidence may help professionals implement targeted psychosocial treatment and prevention programs

    Lysosomal diseases : overview on current diagnosis and treatment

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    Lysosomal diseases (LDs), also known as lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), are a heterogeneous group of conditions caused by defects in lysosomal function. LDs may result from deficiency of lysosomal hydrolases, membrane-associated transporters or other non-enzymatic proteins. Interest in the LD field is growing each year, as more conditions are, or will soon be treatable. In this article, we review the diagnosis of LDs, from clinical suspicion and screening tests to the identification of enzyme or protein deficiencies and molecular genetic diagnosis. We also cover the treatment approaches that are currently available or in development, including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, enzyme replacement therapy, small molecules, and gene therapy

    Psychological profile in children and adolescents with severe course Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Objective. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is the most common chronic pediatric rheumatic disease. It is recognized that only reliance on clinical signs of disease outcome is inadequate for understanding the impact of illness and its treatment on child's life and functioning. There is a need for a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to children with arthritis which considers both physical and emotional functioning. This study investigated the psychosocial functioning of children and adolescent with JIA and the disease-related changes in their family. Methods. The sample consisted of 33 hospitalized patients, aged 6-16 years. Both parents and the children were given a number of questionnaire to fill out. Clinical information was extracted from the interviews. Results. Self-reported psychological functioning (depression, anxiety, and behavior) was not different from the normal population; however significant psychological suffering was detected by the clinical interview. Conclusions. Children and adolescents with JIA do not show overt psychopathology by structured assessment; nevertheless a more clinically oriented holistic approach confirms JIA as a disrupting event causing relevant changes in the quality of life of the affected families. Copyright © 2012 Emanuela Russo et al
