27 research outputs found

    Tara Gum as a Controlled Delivery System of Fluoride in Toothpaste: In Vitro Enamel Remineralization Study

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    Objective:  To evaluate the remineralizing potential of a hydrocolloid-based, controlled fluoride-releasing system added to dentifrice formulas. Material and Methods: Sixty-five human enamel blocks were prepared and the surface microhardness (SH0) values were determined. The artificial caries lesions were induced and the demineralization surface microhardness (SH1) was evaluated. The blocks were randomly allocated into five groups (n = 13): (1) 100-TGF (100% NaF with Tara gum added); (2) 50-TGF (50% free NaF + 50% NaF with Tara gum added); (3) 100% TG (100% Tara gum without fluoride); (4) 100% NaF (positive control); and (5) placebo (without Tara gum and NaF). The blocks were submitted to 7 days pH cycling and treated with dentifrice slurries twice a day. Finally, surface hardness (SH2) was assessed and the percentage of surface hardness recovery (%SMHR) was calculated. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni test was used for statistical analysis. Results: A positive %SMHR was found in the 100% NaF (5.07) and 50-TGF (0.64) groups, while the 100-TGF (-1.38), 100% TG (-3.88) and placebo (-0.52) did not undergo remineralization. Statistically significant differences were observed between 100% NaF and all the groups except for 50-TGF (p<0.05). Conclusion: The presence of hydrocolloid (Tara gum) promoted minimal remineralization when associated with NaF. In the applied model, Tara gum may have compromised remineralization, preventing free fluoride from acting effectively in the carious lesion

    Methodological discussion about prevalence of the dental fluorosis on dental health surveys

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar limitações do estudo de fluorose dentária em inquéritos transversais. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados dos estudos Condições de Saúde Bucal da População Brasileira (SBBrasil 2003) e da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal (SBBrasil 2010). A estimativa de tendência epidemiológica da fluorose na população de 12 anos, aspectos da confiabilidade dos dados, bem como a precisão das estimativas, foram avaliadas nessas duas pesquisas. A distribuição da prevalência de fluorose foi feita segundo os domínios de estudo (capitais e regiões) e o ano estudado. Foram expressos também os intervalos de confiança (IC95%) para a prevalência simples (sem considerar os estágios de gravidade). RESULTADOS: A prevalência da fluorose dentária apresentou uma variação considerável, de 0% a 61% em 2003 e de 0% e 59% em 2010. Foram observadas inconsistências nos dados em termos individuais (por ano e por domínio) e no comportamento da tendência. Considerando a expectativa de prevalência e os dados disponíveis nas duas pesquisas, o tamanho mínimo da amostra deveria ser de 1.500 indivíduos para se obterem intervalos de 3,4% e 6,6% de confiança, considerando um coeficiente de variação mínimo de 15%. Dada a subjetividade na natureza de sua classificação, exames de fluorose dentária podem apresentar mais variação do que aqueles realizados para outras condições de saúde bucal. O poder para estabelecer diferenças entre os domínios do estudo com a amostra do SBBrasil 2010 é bastante limitado. CONCLUSÕES: Não foi possível analisar a tendência da fluorose dentária no Brasil com base nos estudos de 2003 e 2010; esses dados são apenas indicadores exploratórios da prevalência de fluorose. A comparação fica impossibilitada pelo fato de terem sido utilizados modelos de análise diferentes nos dois inquéritos. A investigação da fluorose dentária em inquéritos de base populacional não é viável técnica nem economicamente, a realização de estudos epidemiológicos localizados com plano amostral é mais adequada.OBJETIVO: Analizar limitaciones del estudio de fluorosis dentaria en pesquisas transversales. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron datos de estudios de de Condiciones de Salud Bucal de la Población Brasileña (SBBrasil 2003) y de la Investigación Nacional de la Salud Bucal (SBBrasil 2010). La estimativa de tendencia epidemiológica de la fluorosis en la población de 12 años, aspectos de la confiabilidad de los datos, así como la precisión de las estimativas, fueron evaluadas en estas dos investigaciones. La distribución de la prevalencia de la fluorosis fue hecha de acuerdo con los dominios de estudio (capitales y regiones) y el año estudiado. Se expresaron también los intervalos de confianza (IC95%) para la prevalencia simple (sin considerar las fases de la gravedad). RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de la fluorosis dentaria presentó una variación considerable, de 0 a 61% en 2003 y de 0 a 59% en 2010. Se observaron inconsistencias en los datos en términos individuales (por año y por dominio) y en el comportamiento de la tendencia. Considerando la expectativa de prevalencia y los datos disponibles en las dos investigaciones, el tamaño mínimo de la muestra debería ser de 1.500 individuos para obtener intervalos de 3,4% y 6,6% de confianza, considerando un coeficiente de variación mínimo de 15%. Dada la subjetividad en la naturaleza de su clasificación, exámenes de fluorosis dentaria pueden presentar más variación de los realizados para otras condiciones de salud bucal. El poder para establecer diferencias entre los dominios del estudio con la muestra de SBBrasil 2010 es bastante limitado. CONCLUSIONES: No fue posible analizar la tendencia de la fluorosis dentaria en Brasil con base en los estudios de 2003 y 2010; esos datos son sólo indicadores exploratorios de la prevalencia de la fluorosis. La comparación se hace imposible por el hecho de haber sido utilizado modelos de análisis diferentes en las dos pesquisas. La investigación de la fluorosis dentaria en pesquisas de base poblacional no es viable técnica y económicamente, la realización de estudios epidemiológicos localizados con plan de muestreo es más adecuada.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of social inequalities of individual and contextual nature on untreated dental caries in Brazilian children. METHODS: The data on the prevalence of dental caries were obtained from the Brazilian Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil 2010) Project, an epidemiological survey of oral health with a representative sample for the country and each of the geographical micro-regions. Children aged five (n = 7,217) in 177 municipalities were examined and their parents/guardians completed a questionnaire. Contextual characteristics referring to the municipalities in 2010 (mean income, fluorodized water and proportion of residences with water supply) were supplied by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística . Multilevel Poisson regression analysis models were used to assess associations. RESULTS: The prevalence of non-treated dental caries was 48.2%; more than half of the sample had at least one deciduous tooth affected by dental caries. The index of dental caries in deciduous teeth was 2.41, with higher figures in the North and North East. Black and brown children and those from lower income families had a higher prevalence of untreated dental caries. With regards context, the mean income in the municipality and the addition of fluoride to the water supply were inversely associated with the prevalence of the outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Inequalities in the prevalence of untreated dental caries remain, affecting deciduous teeth of children in Brazil. Planning public policies to promote oral health should consider the effect of contextual factors as a determinant of individual risk

    Calcium glycerophosphate supplemented to soft drinks reduces bovine enamel erosion

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    Objective: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) supplemented to soft drinks on bovine enamel erosion. Material and methods: Four pH-cycles were performed, alternating demineralization by the beverage and remineralization in artificial saliva. Results: Mean wear (+/- SD, mu m) was 7.91 +/- 1.13, 7.39 +/- 1.01, 7.50 +/- 0.91 and 5.21 +/- 1.08 for Coca-Cola (TM) without CaGP or containing CaGP at 0.1, 1.0 or 2.0 mM, respectively, while no wear was detected for CaGP at 5.0 and 10.0 mM. Corresponding figures for Sprite Zero (TM) without CaGP or containing CaGP at 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 or 10.0 mM were 8.04 +/- 1.30, 7.84 +/- 0.71, 7.47 +/- 0.80, 4.96 +/- 0.81, 3.99 +/- 0.10 and 1.87 +/- 0.12, respectively. Conclusion: Supplementation of both beverages with CaGP seems to be an alternative to reduce their erosive potential.PIBIC-CNPq/USPPIBICCNPq/US

    Fluoride varnishes with calcium glycerophosphate: fluoride release and effect on in vitro enamel demineralization

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    The aims of this study were (1) to assess the amount of fluoride (F) released from varnishes containing calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP) and (2) to assess the effect of the experimental varnishes on in vitro demineralization. Six test groups using 5 varnishes: base varnish (no active ingredients); Duraphat® (2.26% NaF); Duofluorid® (5.63% NaF/CaF2); experimental varnish 1 (1% CaGP/5.63% NaF/CaF2); experimental varnish 2 (5% CaGP/5.63% NaF/CaF2); and no varnish were set up. In stage 1, 60 acrylic blocks were randomly distributed into 6 groups (n = 10). Then 300 µg of each varnish was applied to each block. The blocks were immersed in deionized water, which was changed after 1, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Fluoride concentration in the water was analyzed using a fluoride electrode. In stage 2, 60 bovine enamel samples were distributed into 6 groups (n = 10), and treated with 300 µg of the respective varnish. After 6 h the varnish was removed and the samples were subjected to a 7-day in vitro pH cycle (6 h demineralization/18 h remineralization per day). The demineralization was measured using surface hardness. The results showed that both experimental varnishes released more fluoride than Duofluorid® and Duraphat® (p < 0.05), but Duraphat® showed the best preventive effect by decreasing enamel hardness loss (p < 0.05). Therefore, we conclude that even though (1) the experimental varnishes containing CaGP released greater amounts of F, (2) they did not increase in the preventive effect against enamel demineralization