1,272 research outputs found

    An Effective Semiclassical Approach to IR Spectroscopy

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    We present a novel approach to calculate molecular IR spectra based on semiclassical molecular dynamics. The main advance from a previous semiclassical method [M. Micciarelli, R. Conte, J. Suarez, M. Ceotto J. Chem. Phys. 149, 064115 (2018)] consists in the possibility to avoid state-to-state calculations making applications to systems characterized by sizable densities of vibrational states feasible. Furthermore, this new method accounts not only for positions and intensities of the several absorption bands which make up the IR spectrum, but also for their shapes. We show that accurate semiclassical IR spectra including quantum effects and anharmonicities for both frequencies and intensities can be obtained starting from semiclassical power spectra. The approach is first tested against the water molecule, and then applied to the 10-atom glycine aminoacid

    Assessing the Impact of Real-Time Machine Translation on Multilingual Meetings in Global Software Projects

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    Communication in global software development is hindered by language differences in countries with a lack of English speaking professionals. Machine translation is a technology that uses software to translate from one natural language to another. The progress of machine translation systems has been steady in the last decade. As for now, machine translation technology is particularly appealing because it might be used, in the form of cross-language chat services, in countries that are entering into global software projects. However, despite the recent progress of the technology, we still lack a thorough understanding of how real-time machine translation affects communication. In this paper, we present a set of empirical studies with the goal of assessing to what extent real-time machine translation can be used in distributed, multilingual requirements meetings instead of English. Results suggest that, despite far from 100% accurate, real-time machine translation is not disruptive of the conversation flow and, therefore, is accepted with favor by participants. However, stronger effects can be expected to emerge when language barriers are more critical. Our findings add to the evidence about the recent advances of machine translation technology and provide some guidance to global software engineering practitioners in regarding the losses and gains of using English as a lingua franca in multilingual group communication, as in the case of computer-mediated requirements meetings

    An Efficiency-Based Power Management Strategy for an Isolated Microgrid Project

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    The microgrids design for remote locations represents one of the most important and critical applications of the microgrid concept. It requires the correct sizing and the proper utilization of the different sources to guarantee the economical feasibility and the reliability of the supply. This study illustrates an efficiency-based power management strategy, designed for an undergoing microgrid project, where the sizing process of the resources (diesel generators, battery energy storage system, and PV plant) is obtained using a mixed-integer optimization algorithm. The proposed power management strategy guarantees the efficient exploitation of the power sources, which is one of the key elements of the optimal sizing process, being naturally included in the definition of the energy cost functions. The effectiveness of the power control strategy is validated by means of quasi-dynamic simulations on the complete microgrid model, where sources are defined by the optimal problem solution, while the cabling (size and length) and the main switchboards location reflect the expected system layout. Results obtained from the simulation of the microgrid electrical system include losses, and allow to verify and to highlight the desired quantities, such as the quality of supply at each busbar (voltage magnitude), and the state of charge of the energy storage system

    A comprehensive approach to dark matter studies: exploration of simplified top-philic models

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    Studies of dark matter lie at the interface of collider physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Constraining models featuring dark matter candidates entails the capability to provide accurate predictions for large sets of observables and compare them to a wide spectrum of data. We present a framework which, starting from a model lagrangian, allows one to consistently and systematically make predictions, as well as to confront those predictions with a multitude of experimental results. As an application, we consider a class of simplified dark matter models where a scalar mediator couples only to the top quark and a fermionic dark sector (i.e. the simplified top-philic dark matter model). We study in detail the complementarity of relic density, direct/indirect detection and collider searches in constraining the multi-dimensional model parameter space, and efficiently identify regions where individual approaches to dark matter detection provide the most stringent bounds. In the context of collider studies of dark matter, we point out the complementarity of LHC searches in probing different regions of the model parameter space with final states involving top quarks, photons, jets and/or missing energy. Our study of dark matter production at the LHC goes beyond the tree-level approximation and we show examples of how higher-order corrections to dark matter production processes can affect the interpretation of the experimental results.Comment: 52 pages, 23 figure

    MARS Bulletin Vol 17 No 1

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    The annexed document is the template for the bulletin that will be issued on the 10th March. This bulletin covers meteorological analysis and crop yield forecasts for the period 21 November 2008 - 28 February 2009 (since the day after the last covered period, to the last day of the decade before)JRC.G.3-Monitoring agricultural resource

    ProYoungStock: un progetto per promuovere il legame naturale tra vacca e vitello

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    This web article informs ruminant farmers and ruminant enthusiasts about the ProYoungStock project, with a brief insight into the main objectives and activities

    Endocrine‐based treatments in clinically‐relevant subgroups of hormone receptor‐positive/HER2‐negative metastatic breast cancer: systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    A precise assessment of the efficacy of first‐/second‐line endocrine therapies (ET) ± target therapies (TT) in clinically‐relevant subgroups of hormone receptor‐positive (HR+)/HER2‐negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC) has not yet been conducted. To improve our current knowledge and support clinical decision‐making, we thus conducted a systematic literature search to identify all first‐/second‐line phase II/III randomized clinical trials (RCT) of currently approved or most promising ET ± TT. Then, we performed a meta‐analysis to assess progression‐free (PFS) and/or overall survival (OS) benefit in several clinically‐relevant prespecified subgroups. Thirty‐five RCT were included (17,595 patients). Pooled results show significant reductions in the risk of relapse or death of 26–41% and 12–27%, respectively, depending on the clinical subgroup. Combination strategies proved to be more effective than single‐agent ET (PFS hazard ratio (HR) range for combinations: 0.60–0.65 vs. HR range for single agent ET: 0.59–1.37; OS HR range for combinations: 0.74–0.87 vs. HR range for single agent ET: 0.68–0.98), with CDK4/6‐inhibitors(i) + ET being the most effective regimen. Single agent ET showed comparable efficacy with ET+TT combinations in nonvisceral (p = 0.63) and endocrine sensitive disease (p = 0.79), while mTORi‐based combinations proved to be a valid therapeutic option in endocrine‐resistant tumors, as well as PI3Ki + ET in PIK3CA‐mutant tumors. These results strengthen international treatment guidelines and can aid therapeutic decision‐making

    Rapporto tecnico sulle attività di campionamento della “Campagna Oceanografica CISAS_2” Crotone 07-12 dicembre 2017

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    Le attivitĂ  di campionamento ed acquisizione dati svolte durante la campagna CISAS_2 si inseriscono in seno al progetto “Centro internazionale di studi avanzati su ambiente ed impatti su ecosistema e salute umana (CISAS)” del CNR. L’obiettivo principale del progetto CISAS Ăš la comprensione dei processi e dei meccanismi di trasferimento di alcuni contaminanti convenzionali (metalli pesanti, POPs, radionuclidi, ecc.) e di alcuni contaminanti emergenti (PDBE, composti farmaceutici di nuova generazione, ecc.) dall’ambiente inteso come l’insieme di atmosfera-suoli-acque sotterranee-matrici marine (acque e sedimento) all’ecosistema e all’uomo. Le aree di indagine del progetto sono i Siti di Interesse Nazionale (SIN) di Priolo, Milazzo-Pace del Mela e Crotone che, per specificitĂ  e modalitĂ  di impatto antropogenico sull’ambiente, l’ecosistema e la salute umana, coprono un ampio spettro di tipologie di interesse. La campagna oceanografica CISAS_ 2 Ăš stata dedicata alla caratterizzazione ambientale del SIN di Crotone, nonchĂ© all’identificazione delle sorgenti dei contaminanti la cui distribuzione si ritiene di interesse (per i valori di concentrazione riscontrati nelle diverse matrici ambientali e per livello di tossicitĂ  associata agli effetti degli stessi sulla salute dell’ecosistema e dell’uomo) e i pathways di deposizione nelle aree di interesse

    gene expression profiling in breast cancer a clinical perspective

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    Gene expression profiling tests are used in an attempt to determine the right treatment for the right person with early-stage breast cancer that may have spread to nearby lymph nodes but not to distant parts of the body. These new diagnostic approaches are designed to spare people who do not need additional treatment (adjuvant therapy) the side effects of unnecessary treatment, and allow people who may benefit from adjuvant therapy to receive it. In the present review we discuss in detail the major diagnostic tests available such as MammaPrint dx, Oncotype dx, PAM50, Mammostrat, IHC4, MapQuant DX, Theros-Breast Cancer Gene Expression Ratio Assay, and their potential clinical applications
