1,660 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Iterative DBD Procedures for Bridges

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    This report addresses the problem of the Displacement Based Evaluation/Design (DBE/D) of reinforced concrete bridges. Throughout the report, the aims and limitations of current seismic evaluation and design practice and the tendencies of the displacement-based seismic evaluation/design are discussed. It presents a state-of-the-art review on the most important results and lessons derived from previous works, and based on them, two evaluation/design methods consistent with the performance-based seismic design philosophy are presentedJRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Validation of Simplified Procedures for Predicting Global Response in the Context of DBD of Bridges, Including the Flexibility of Foundations / Case Study Comparison of DBD Iterative Procedures for Bridges

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    The present report collects the work performed in Deliverable 112 "Validation of simplified procedures for predicting global response in the context of DBD of bridges, including the flexibility of foundations" and in the chapter corresponding to Displacement Based Design of Deliverable 113 "Case study comparison of DBD iterative procedures for bridges" of the LESSLOSS Project, dealing with three main subjects: verifying that the concept of the Substitute Structure constitutes a valid means of predicting the response of a bridge structure undergoing plastic deformations; formulating a procedure for the displacement based design performance of bridges; defining the parameters of a Takeda Model to be used within the context of non-linear time history analysis of bridges with RC rectangular hollow columns.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen


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    The present paper presents aspects of the morphological behavior of Rio das Pacas Beach, situated in the Southeast portion of the Island of Santa Catarina - SC. The methodology adopted consisted in the monitoring of three beaches profiles, every twenty days, during the period of one year. Besides the topographical survey, there were also carried out observation on height and wave periods, wind direction and intensity and current direction. The results indicated a great variation on the profiles throughout the monitored period, especially evidenced in the values of width and sedimentary supply of the beach (highest variations reaching 30m and 40m3/m between two consecutive expeditions), where it was possible to identify seasonal behavior characterized by accretion during the end of spring and summer and erosion in autumn and winter. The erosive periods were of bigger magnitude than the accretion, and in the extremities of the beach, the complete recovery of sediments was not reached during the monitored period. Events of high energy (undertows) that reached the beach revealed capacity to modify the morphology of the beach system, also eroding frontal dunes settled for vegetation and partially destroying anthropic structures – such as walls, poles, props and fences - constructed on the frontal dune and backshore

    Simplified Models/Procedures for Estimation of Secant-to-Yielding Stiffness, Equivalent Damping, Ultimate Deformations and Shear Capacity of Bridge Piers on the Basis of Numerical Analysis

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    The present report gives charts and expressions for computing the equivalent stiffness and damping of bridge piers of rectangular hollow cross section at maximum displacement within the framework of displacement based design and assessment of bridges, based on the results of parametric non-linear cyclic fibre section analysis calibrated from full-scale experimental results. A state of the art review is presented concerning the different approaches that may be adopted to model shear effects in reinforced concrete columns concerning the different approaches that may be adopted to model the shear effects in reinforced concrete columns.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Trichomegaly of the eyelashes during therapy with epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors: report of 3 cases

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    A wide spectrum of skin toxicities has been described in patients receiving epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), inhibitors, including papulopustular rash, xerosis and fissures, pruritus, mucositis, paronychia, and hair changes.Trichomegaly of the eyelashes is a rare adverse effect of EGFR inhibitor therapy and is characterized by a paradoxical overgrowth of eyelashes. We present 3 cases of trichomegaly occurred during EGFR inhibitor therap

    Diseño estructural del pavimento del AA.HH. Santa Lucía, Cacique de Lloc y Avenida Tacna del Distrito San Pedro de Lloc

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    La presente investigación realizada en los asentamientos humanos Santa Lucía, Cacique de Lloc y en la avenida Tacna entre la calle Balta y la calle Callao, ubicados en el distrito de San Pedro de Lloc, Pacasmayo en la región de La Libertad, tiene como objetivo realizar un diseño estructural del pavimento rígido y articulado con adoquines de concreto mediante la metodología AASHTO 93, para lo cual tenemos como guía el Manual de Carreteras, la norma CE.020 Suelos y taludes, la norma CE.010 Pavimentos Urbanos y Componentes de Diseño Urbano, y recomendaciones del Manual de Ensayo de Materiales; asimismo para el análisis y observación de todas las condiciones de nuestra zona de estudio. El trabajo de investigación presenta los siguientes capítulos: En el capítulo I, está la introducción y se explica la problemática encontrada en el desarrollo de nuestro proyecto, donde también nos enfocamos en la realidad problemática de los sectores de estudio, de igual manera exponiendo el objetivo general, objetivos específicos y la justificación del desarrollo del presente trabajo de investigación. En el capítulo II, presentamos la descripción de los antecedentes internacionales, nacionales y locales, además de conceptos y definiciones la cual nos brinda un aporte para el desarrollo del trabajo de investigación. En el capítulo III, se hace una síntesis de los materiales y métodos que son utilizados en el desarrollo del trabajo de investigación, del mismo modo los procedimientos para el diseño planteado, que llevaran a cabo mediante el estudio y análisis de datos. En el capítulo IV, se muestra los estudios básicos para mecánicas de suelos se realizó para ello se realizaron 4 calicatas respectivamente y se obtuvo los siguiente resultados: 2 calicatas (C-01 y C-02) en la avenida Tacna presentando un suelo SC, con clasificación A-2-4(0) Arena arcillosa en ambas muestras, y se determinó un CBR de 5.20% y 6.63%, 1 calicata (C-03) en el ix asentamiento humano Santa Lucía presentando un suelo SC, con clasificación A-2-4(0) Arena arcillosa y un CBR de 6.01% y por último en el asentamiento humano Cacique de Lloc presentando un suelo SC, con clasificación A-2-4(0) Arena arcillosa y un CBR de 6.32%; de la misma manera, se realiza el procedimiento de cálculo de espesores mediante el método AASHTO 93 de ambos tipo de pavimentos estructurales y resultados obtenidos del diseño estructural del pavimento rígido obtuvimos una losa de concreto de 25.50 cm para la Avenida Tacna entre la calle Balta y la calle Callao, con una base de 15 cm, para el asentamiento humano Santa Lucía obtuvimos una losa de concreto de 25 cm, con una base de 15 cm y por último para el asentamiento humano Cacique de Lloc obtuvimos una losa de concreto de 22.50 cm, con una base de 15 cm; y para el diseño estructural del pavimento articulado obtuvimos un adoquinado de 8 cm para la Avenida Tacna entre la calle Balta y la calle Callao, en los asentamientos humanos Santa Lucía y Cacique de Lloc, con una base granular de 30 cm con una subbase granular de 27 cm. En el capítulo V, enunciamos las discusiones obtenidas en el resultado de diseño de cada diseño de pavimento estructural, donde comenzamos a exponer la comparación técnica entre ellos, por la cual tenemos como resultados finales para el presupuesto del diseño de pavimento obtenido para la Avenida Tanca obteniendo un monto de S/ 3,725,672.26 para el pavimento rígido y S/ 3,313,168.98 para el pavimento articulado; para el Asentamiento Humano de Santa Lucía con un monto de S/ 2,295,211.98 para el pavimento rígido y S/ 1,858,873.85 para el pavimento articulado; y por ultimo para el Asentamiento Humano de Cacique de Lloc con un monto de S/ 2,012,352.38 para el pavimento rígido y S/ 1,707,712.52 para el pavimento articulado y definimos que el pavimento articulado es menos costoso dándonos un ahorro de 12.45 %, 23.47% y 17.84% frente al pavimento rígido en la Avenida Tacna y en los asentamientos humanos de Santa Lucía y Cacique de Lloc respectivamente. Finalmente se formulan las conclusiones y recomendaciones, seguidamente las referencias bibliográficas y anexos del proyectoThe present investigation carried out in the Santa Lucia, Cacique de Lloc and Tacna avenue between Balta Street and Callao Street, located in the district of San Pedro de Lloc, Pacasmayo in the region of La Libertad., aims to carry out a structural design of the rigid and articulated pavement. with concrete pavers using the AASHTO 93 methodology, for which we have as a guide the Highway Manual, the CE.020 standard for Soils and slopes, the CE.010 standard for Urban Pavements and Urban Design Components, and recommendations from the Test Manual for Materials; also for the analysis and observation of all the conditions of our study area. The research work presents the following chapters: In chapter I, there is the introduction and the problems found in the development of our project are explained, where we also focus on the problematic reality of the study sectors, in the same way exposing the general objective, specific objectives and the justification of the development. of this research work. In chapter II, we present the description of the international, national and local background, as well as concepts and definitions which gives us a contribution for the development of the research work. In chapter III, a synthesis of the materials and methods that are used in the development of the research work is made, in the same way the procedures for the proposed design, which will be carried out through the study and analysis of data. In chapter IV, the basic studies for soil mechanics are shown, for which 4 pits were carried out respectively and the following results were obtained: 2 pits (C-01 and C-02) on Tacna Avenue presenting a SC soil, with classification A-2- 4(0) Clayey sand in both samples, and a CBR of 5.20% and 6.63% was determined, 1 pit (C-03) in the Santa Lucía human settlement presenting a SC soil, with classification A- 2-4(0) Clayey sand and a CBR of 6.01% and finally in the human settlement Cacique de Lloc presenting a SC soil, with classification A- xi 2-4(0) Clayey sand and a CBR of 6.32%; in the same way, the thickness calculation procedure is carried out using the AASHTO 93 method of both types of structural pavements and results obtained from the structural design of the rigid pavement, we obtained a 25.50 cm concrete slab for Tacna Avenue between Balta Street and Calle Balta. Callao street, with a base of 15 cm, for the Santa Lucía human settlement we obtained a 25 cm concrete slab, with a 15 cm base and finally for the Cacique de Lloc human settlement we obtained a 22.50 cm concrete slab, with a base of 15 cm; and for the structural design of the articulated pavement, we obtained an 8 cm paving for Tacna Avenue between Balta Street and Callao Street, in the Santa Lucía and Cacique de Lloc human settlements, with a 30 cm granular base with a 30 cm granular sub-base. 27cm. In chapter V, we state the discussions obtained in the design result of each structural pavement design, where we begin to expose the technical comparison between them, for which we have as final results for the pavement design budget obtained for Tanca Avenue. obtaining an amount of S/ 3,725,672.26 for the rigid pavement and S/ 3,313,168.98 for the articulated pavement; for the Human Settlement of Santa Lucía with an amount of S/ 2,295,211.98 for the rigid pavement and S/ 1,858,873.85 for the articulated pavement; and finally for the Human Settlement of Cacique de Lloc with an amount of S/ 2,012,352.38 for the rigid pavement and S/ 1,707,712.52 for the articulated pavement and we define that the articulated pavement is less expensive giving us savings of 12.45%, 23.47% and 17.84 % compared to rigid pavement on Avenida Tacna and in the human settlements of Santa Lucía and Cacique de Lloc, respectively.Tesi