377 research outputs found

    Estimating the economic impact of a possible equine and human epidemic of West Nile virus infection in Belgium

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    This study aimed at estimating, in a prospective scenario, the potential economic impact of a possible epidemic of WNV infection in Belgium, based on 2012 values for the equine and human health sectors, in order to increase preparedness and help decision-makers. Modelling of risk areas, based on the habitat suitable for Culex pipiens, the main vector of the virus, allowed us to determine equine and human populations at risk. Characteristics of the different clinical forms of the disease based on past epidemics in Europe allowed morbidity among horses and humans to be estimated. The main costs for the equine sector were vaccination and replacement value of dead or euthanised horses. The choice of the vaccination strategy would have important consequences in terms of cost. Vaccination of the country's whole population of horses, based on a worst-case scenario, would cost more than EUR 30 million; for areas at risk, the cost would be around EUR 16–17 million. Regarding the impact on human health, short-term costs and socio-economic losses were estimated for patients who developed the neuroinvasive form of the disease, as no vaccine is available yet for humans. Hospital charges of around EUR 3,600 for a case of West Nile neuroinvasive disease and EUR 4,500 for a case of acute flaccid paralysis would be the major financial consequence of an epidemic of West Nile virus infection in humans in Belgium. (Résumé d'auteur

    Categorizing chlordecone potential degradation products to explore their environmental fate

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    EA BIOmE SUPDAT INRAInternational audienceChlordecone (C10Cl10O; CAS number 143-50-0) has been used extensively as an organochlorine insecticide but is nowadays banned and listed on annex A in The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Although experimental evidences of biodegradation of this compound are scarce, several dechlorination products have been proposed by Dolfing et al. (2012) using Gibbs free energy calculations to explore different potential transformation routes. We here present the results of an in silico classification (TyPol - Typology of Pollutants) of chlordecone transformation products (TPs) based on statistical analyses combining several environmental endpoints and structural molecular descriptors. Starting from the list of putative chlordecone TPs and considering available data on degradation routes of other organochlorine compounds, we used different clustering strategies to explore the potential environmental behaviour of putative chlordecone TPs from the knowledge on their molecular descriptors. The method offers the possibility to focus on TPs present in different classes and to infer their environmental fate. Thus, we have deduced some hypothetical trends for the environmental behaviour of TPs of chlordecone assuming that TPs, which were clustered away from chlordecone, would have different environmental fate and ecotoxicological impact compared to chlordecone. Our findings suggest that mono- and di-hydrochlordecone, which are TPs of chlordecone often found in contaminated soils, may have similar environmental behaviour in terms of persistence

    TBK1 is part of a galectin 8 dependent membrane damage recognition complex and drives autophagy upon Adenovirus endosomal escape.

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    Intracellular pathogens cause membrane distortion and damage as they enter host cells. Cells perceive these membrane alterations as danger signals and respond by activating autophagy. This response has primarily been studied during bacterial invasion, and only rarely in viral infections. Here, we investigate the cellular response to membrane damage during adenoviral entry. Adenoviruses and their vector derivatives, that are an important vaccine platform against SARS-CoV-2, enter the host cell by endocytosis followed by lysis of the endosomal membrane. We previously showed that cells mount a locally confined autophagy response at the site of endosomal membrane lysis. Here we describe the mechanism of autophagy induction: endosomal membrane damage activates the kinase TBK1 that accumulates in its phosphorylated form at the penetration site. Activation and recruitment of TBK1 require detection of membrane damage by galectin 8 but occur independently of classical autophagy receptors or functional autophagy. Instead, TBK1 itself promotes subsequent autophagy that adenoviruses need to take control of. Depletion of TBK1 reduces LC3 lipidation during adenovirus infection and restores the infectivity of an adenovirus mutant that is restricted by autophagy. By comparing adenovirus-induced membrane damage to sterile lysosomal damage, we implicate TBK1 in the response to a broader range of types of membrane damage. Our study thus highlights an important role for TBK1 in the cellular response to adenoviral endosome penetration and places TBK1 early in the pathway leading to autophagy in response to membrane damage

    Qualification sanitaire des troupeaux, représentations du risque selon les acteurs et les disciplines

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    La qualification sanitaire vise à établir de manière objective et fiable le statut sanitaire d'un animal ou d'un ensemble d'animaux au regard d'une maladie infectieuse. Concevoir une qualification sanitaire repose sur des connaissances biologiques concernant l'agent pathogène, ses voies de transmission et les moyens de détection de la maladie. Les modèles mathématiques et les outils statistiques et probabilistes permettent d'intégrer ces connaissances tout en prenant en compte l'incertitude et la variabilité des données biologiques. Les sciences humaines apportent un éclairage sur les enjeux, les perceptions et les logiques des individus et des collectifs, afin d'étudier la demande et l'acceptabilité de la qualification sanitaire. Chaque discipline apporte ainsi son point de vue sur la notion de risque sous-jacente à la démarche de qualification. Cette approche interdisciplinaire nécessite une coconstruction de la recherche, qui doit dépasser les différences culturelles et épistémologiques entre disciplines. Elle n'obéit pas à un seul type de rationalité, scientifique ou juridico-administrative ; elle mobilise nécessairement des connaissances savantes et des savoirs empiriques et dépend de nombreuses décisions pouvant engendrer convergences ou contradictions. (Résumé d'auteur

    Demonstration of a partially integrated silicon photonics ONU in a self-coherent reflective FDMA PON

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    We report about the final results of the FABULOUS European project, demonstrating the feasibility of real-time Ethernet transmission on a self-coherent reflective passive optical network, using an optical network unit (ONU) whose main optical functions are performed by a silicon-photonics device; 500 Mbps per user with a power budget of 24 dB in offline processing and 21 dB in real time is shown. We also report details about the packaging process and the special technique developed for the flip-chipping of a CMOS electrical driver, used for driving the ONU with low voltage, onto a silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator

    PLoS Pathog

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    Cells employ active measures to restrict infection by pathogens, even prior to responses from the innate and humoral immune defenses. In this context selective autophagy is activated upon pathogen induced membrane rupture to sequester and deliver membrane fragments and their pathogen contents for lysosomal degradation. Adenoviruses, which breach the endosome upon entry, escape this fate by penetrating into the cytosol prior to autophagosome sequestration of the ruptured endosome. We show that virus induced membrane damage is recognized through Galectin-8 and sequesters the autophagy receptors NDP52 and p62. We further show that a conserved PPxY motif in the viral membrane lytic protein VI is critical for efficient viral evasion of autophagic sequestration after endosomal lysis. Comparing the wildtype with a PPxY-mutant virus we show that depletion of Galectin-8 or suppression of autophagy in ATG5-/- MEFs rescues infectivity of the PPxY-mutant virus while depletion of the autophagy receptors NDP52, p62 has only minor effects. Furthermore we show that wildtype viruses exploit the autophagic machinery for efficient nuclear genome delivery and control autophagosome formation via the cellular ubiquitin ligase Nedd4.2 resulting in reduced antigenic presentation. Our data thus demonstrate that a short PPxY-peptide motif in the adenoviral capsid permits multi-layered viral control of autophagic processes during entry
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