971 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation on concentration profiles and fluctuations of dense gases in wind tunnel

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    One of the most frequent accident scenario following a loss of containment during HazMat transportation or processing is represented by the dispersion of a dense gas release. Several dispersion models are available to this purpose, more or less rigorously accounting for gravity slumping, air entrainment and possible heat transfer. Under confined geometry, the correct evaluation of possible concentration fluctuations represent an up-to-date research topic, both considering the process sector and a peculiar application represented by operating theaters for surgery. In this last context, the use of heavier than air gas is usually performed for anaesthetic application, while few validation data are available on the dispersion behavior following a fugitive emission and exposure of persons inside the enclosure. On these bases, the experimental phase of this paper was performed in a laboratory-scale wind tunnel of circular section, under different Reynolds number regimes, considering a continuous release scenario of two tracer gases, namely carbon dioxide and sulphur hexafluoride, at different low release rates. A detailed study on concentration fluctuations and time series is presented yielding reliable information on the influence of the different source types and flow rates. Conclusions are drawn on practical feasibility and application of the experimental results, in view of safe optimization of the design and mode of operation of ventilation systems in the considered settings


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    This paper reports a first step towards the implementation of a digital twin of an upper tier Seveso plant, which can predict the behavior of the system (failures, risks, malfunctions, errors) in order to operate effectively in safety. The system, based on machine learning algorithms and Bayesian reasoning, learns continuously from the data provided by the physical system. From the operational experience of the coastal storage facility, it is clear how most of the accidental events are due to a wrong arrangement of the valves, to abnormal transfer pressures, to pump failures and pipe deterioration. This paper is focused on building an operational management system, based on the operational instruction, suitable to predict operational errors and accordingly avoiding them and thus protecting asset integrity and improve aging management

    IFRS, sincronicidade e crise financeira: a dinâmica da informação contábil para o mercado de capitais brasileiro

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    This study aims is to investigate the synchronicity levels of shares traded on the spot market of the São Paulo Stock, Commodities , and Futures Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) in relation to the accounting convergence process towards International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil. The term synchronicity refers to the amount that company-specific information and market information are reflected in stock prices. The more share prices reflect company-specific information rather than market information, the greater the informational content of these prices will be in terms of representing the economic value of a particular company. For this investigation, information on companies and shares from 2005 to 2015 was collected, excluding the financial sector. The data were analyzed using cross-sectional and panel regressions. The results indicate a reduction in the synchronicity levels of stocks in the period of full adoption of IFRS in Brazil from 2010 onwards. From 2008 to 2009, which includes the partial adoption of IFRS in Brazil, statistically significant results were not found for the synchronicity levels of shares. However, for times of financial crisis, evidence was found of a reduction in the relevance of accounting information even with the adoption of international accounting standards. The results obtained for the Brazilian context do not support the idea that the adoption of IFRS necessarily causes an increase in the informational content of financial statements and that relevant information is consequently reflected in stock prices.O objetivo deste estudo é investigar os níveis de sincronicidade das ações negociadas no mercado à vista da Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&FBOVESPA) no que se refere ao processo de convergência para as normas contábeis do International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) no Brasil. O termo sincronicidade diz respeito à magnitude em que informações específicas da empresa e de mercado estão refletidas nos preços das ações. Quanto mais os preços das ações refletirem as informações específicas das empresas, em detrimento das informações de mercado, maior tende a ser o conteúdo informacional desses preços em representar o valor econômico de uma determinada empresa. Para essa investigação, coletaram-se informações de empresas e ações, excetuando-se as informações do setor financeiro, no período de 2005 a 2015. Os dados foram analisados por meio de regressões em corte transversal e em painel. Os resultados apontaram redução nos níveis de sincronicidade das ações no período que compreende a adoção integral das normas contábeis do IFRS no Brasil, a partir de 2010. Para o período de 2008 a 2009, que compreende a adoção parcial do IFRS, não foram encontrados resultados estatisticamente significativos para os níveis de sincronicidade das ações. Contudo, em períodos de crise financeira, houve indícios de redução da relevância da informação contábil, mesmo ela advindo de padrões internacionais de contabilidade. Os resultados obtidos para o cenário brasileiro não corroboram a ideia de que a adoção das IFRS provoca, necessariamente, aumento do conteúdo informacional das demonstrações contábeis e, por conseguinte, reflexo de informações relevantes nos preços das ações

    Operational parameter influence on heavy metal removal from metal plating wastewater by electrocoagulation process

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    Among the different treatment processes available for industrial wastewater treatment, electrocoagulation represents a challenging option due to several features, such as environmental compatibility, inherent safety, energy and cost effectiveness. The effectiveness of electrocoagulation process (ECP) using aluminium and iron electrodes for the removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater has been investigated, with particular attention to the effects of operating parameters (pH, inter-electrode distance, hydraulic retention time and current density) on removal efficiency. In the first step of the experimental phase, a laboratory-made artificial wastewater containing heavy metals (Cu, Ni and Pb) was adopted in order to identify the optimum conditions that were subsequently applied to treat a metal plating industrial wastewater. Experimental results revealed that under the optimal experimental conditions (actual pH 6.32, current density 0.026 A cm-2), the removal efficiency of heavy metals from artificial wastewater was higher than 95 %


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    Neste trabalho, apresentamos nossa proposta inicial de pesquisa: cremos que um tradutor novato deva ter bons instrumentos cognitivos para mobilizar recursos e habilidades como atenção, atitudes e tomadas de decisões para seu trabalho; deve conseguir gerenciar seu estresse para ter uma produção que pelo menos atinja as expectativas de quem o contrata. Graças à multiplicidade de assuntos, terminologias e responsabilidades, há esgotamento. Intentamos descrever o problema, equacioná-lo e apontar alternativas parciais para a formação desses profissionais, atendendo, assim, mais atentamente, às exigências do mercado. No que segue, há uma proposta de reformulação ad hoc do modelo holístico de PACTE com relação à prática de tradutores novatos. Neste contexto, nossa atenção recai sobre o aspecto textual da (T/t)erminologia

    Conflitos socioambientais e gestão integrada e sustentável de recursos pesqueiros

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    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia Polític


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    By exposing the reflections on interpretation and translation by the Italian semiologist and novelistUmberto Eco, we intend to make it clear that his ideas and theories are of great value to any current reflectionon translation – mainly literary translation. Albeit chiefly based upon linguistics, the semiologist’s ideas areloaded with a wide range of knowledge from many fields, which only contributes to a firmly based “theory” oftranslation

    Hydrogen jet-fire: Accident investigation and implementation of safety measures for the design of a downstream oil plant

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    As amply known, hydrogen plays a very significant role in the process industry exerting a vital functionality in oil refineries, namely for secondary level refining units such hydro-treating and hydrocracking sections. This paper starts from a statistical analysis on hydrogen accidents and a thorough investigation on the sequence and causes of an accident involving a hydrogen leakage in a downstream oil industry. We present some key features of the accident and comment some practical implications for setting up risk reduction options at the plant level. The applicative phase of the paper states the main prevention strategies and suggest possible mitigation measures for hydrogen leaks events, discussing some practical solutions applied in the design of a large refinery. The experience and lessons learned gained from the event investigation and the comparison of the accident with the predictions of the safety report leads to the formulation of proposals and design modifications aiming at preventing or at least minimizing the consequences