701 research outputs found

    Insider trading: a study from US origins to a comparison with the European discipline

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    openThe following thesis aims to analyse the issue of misuse of insider information that could give rise to contrasting phenomenon of insider trading. Subsequently, it is intended to develop a comparative study of the different legislations between the two largest areas of interest: the United States and the European Union. This analysis will be carried out from both a legal and an economic point of view by pursuing these two areas of study in parallel.The following thesis aims to analyse the issue of misuse of insider information that could give rise to contrasting phenomenon of insider trading. Subsequently, it is intended to develop a comparative study of the different legislations between the two largest areas of interest: the United States and the European Union. This analysis will be carried out from both a legal and an economic point of view by pursuing these two areas of study in parallel

    Role of calcitonin gene-related peptide and brain natriuretic peptide to modulate the excitability state of trigeminal neurons : relevance to migraine pathology and treatment

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    Sandra Vilotti,1 Elsa Fabbretti,2 Andrea Nistri1 1Neuroscience Department, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy; 2Center for Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Abstract: Hyperactivity of trigeminal sensory neurons is a major process to generate recurrent headache, typical of migraine attacks. How physiological nociception is converted into strong pathological pain remains, however, poorly understood. In recent years, certain neuropeptides and their receptors have been shown to modulate sensory neuron nociception and to contribute to the persistent hyperalgesia due to the sensory stimulus sensitization that defines the clinical experience of chronic pain syndromes, including migraine. Using calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) as examples, this review addresses the mechanisms through which neuropeptides might modulate nociceptor activity. One attractive notion is that pain signaling by trigeminal sensory neurons is potently regulated by the ambient levels of these peptides: CGRP is thought to facilitate neuronal firing responsible for trigeminal sensitization necessary to trigger headache, whereas BNP is proposed to act as a negative regulator of trigeminal neuron activity. For either peptide, the key target appears to be the ATP-gated P2X3 receptor that, widely expressed by trigeminal sensory neurons, generates fast, large excitation to release glutamate onto second-order brain neurons. The fine balance between the activities of these peptides is suggested to ultimately determine whether nociception is perceived at higher center as a physiological or pathological response. Hence, the clinical goal of CGRP antagonism using either pharmacological receptor blockers or monoclonal antibodies (to sequester this peptide or to directly inhibit its receptor) is currently considered a novel approach for migraine prophylaxis and to treat acute headache attacks. Keywords: trigeminal ganglion, headache, sensory neurons, P2X3, TRPV

    Mechanisms Mediating the Enhanced Gene Transcription of P2X3 Receptor by Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide in Trigeminal Sensory Neurons

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    The molecular mechanisms underlying migraine pain remain unclear and probably require sustained facilitation in pain-sensing P2X(3) receptors gated by extracellular ATP in nociceptive sensory neurons. The major migraine mediator calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is known to sensitize P2X(3) receptors to increase impulse flow to brainstem trigeminal nuclei. This process is mediated via changes in the expression and function of P2X(3) receptors initially through enhanced trafficking and, later, perhaps through augmented synthesis of P2X(3) receptors. To clarify the mechanisms responsible for CGRP-evoked long lasting alterations in P2X(3) receptors, we used as a model mouse trigeminal ganglion neurons in culture. CGRP activated Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent kinase II, which became localized to the perimembrane region and neuronal processes, a phenomenon already apparent after 30 min and accompanied by a parallel increase in cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation and nuclear translocation. These effects triggered increased P2X(3) receptor transcription and were prevented by expressing a dominant negative form of CREB. Increased P2X(3) receptor synthesis was partly mediated by endogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) because of its block by anti-BDNF antibodies and mimicry by exogenous BDNF. Immunocytochemistry experiments indicated distinct subpopulations of BDNF- or CGRP-sensitive trigeminal neurons with only partial overlap. The present data indicate a novel mechanism for enhancing P2X(3) receptor expression and function in trigeminal sensory neurons by CGRP via CREB phosphorylation. BDNF was an intermediate to extend the sensitizing effect of CGRP also to CGRP-insensitive neurons. This combinatorial action could serve as a powerful process to amplify and prolong pain mediated by P2X(3) receptors

    Screening, isolation, and purification of active compounds against Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    The spread of multi-resistant bacteria is a contemporary real threat that constitutes a public health risk. Resistance to antibiotics has increased progressively since their discovery due to their misuse and abuse. Therefore, finding new antimicrobial compounds has become a worldwide task.By screening a culture collection, this study aimed to find bacteria and fungi able to inhibit the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Replica plating, SPE-X columns, disk- diffusion assays, and agar-well diffusion assays are some of the techniques that have been used to isolate and purify the active compounds.Of all microorganisms tested, Epicoccum nigrum (MES 1587) showed the most promising results. It was able to inhibit not only K. pneumoniae, but also S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis, E. faecalis, and E. coli in both disk-diffusion assays and agar- well diffusion assays. It was also shown that its inhibition started upon 8 days of culture and increased over time.Regarding the rest of the microorganisms that inhibited K. pneumoniae in replica plating, it was impossible to reproduce the positive results after SPE-X purification.<br /

    The use of translation notes in manga scanlation

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    This article investigates the use of translation notes to deal with translation problems. In Translation Studies, the presence of translation notes in a translation is considered particularly significant because they clearly indicate what features of the source text the translator considered important for the comprehension of the text and therefore necessary to retain or explain. In the field of comics in translation, the use of T/N is rather uncommon, and can be considered the main translation strategy that distinguishes scanlation from other types of translations. In the first part of this article, the structure of the English-language manga scanlation communities is examined; following this, the way culture-specific items are dealt with by manga scanlators is analysed; and finally, an explanatory hypothesis linking the broader structure of participation to individual translation strategies is presented. The argument put forward in this article is that translation notes are used in scanlation both to solve translation problems and as a way for scanlators to communicate directly with their readers, thereby foregrounding their mediating presence directly on the pages of scanlated manga

    Museo nazionale di Ravenna: Memoria e narrazione della citta riorganizzazione ed allestimento di un palinsesto urbano

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    L’obiettivo principale del progetto è di fare assumere al Museo Nazionale di Ravenna un ruolo attivo nella narrazione della storia della città. Questo era l’intento dei suoi fondatori, ma la vocazione iniziale si è indebolita nel tempo con l’aggiunta di collezioni piuttosto eterogenee, che oggi assumono un’importanza quasi paritaria a quella dei numerosi pezzi provenienti da edifici ravennati, in gran parte bizantini. Il Museo è ospitato nell’ex Monastero benedettino di San Vitale, che, oltre al Museo, accoglie la sede della Soprintendenza, l’Archivio di stato e vari laboratori. Il primo passo è dunque una nuova suddivisione di queste attività e una riprogettazione degli spazi aperti che circondano l’edificio, mirando, inoltre, ad una migliore lettura della stratificazione del complesso. Cuore del progetto sono la realizzazione di alcuni nuovi volumi (quali la hall, le addizioni per il lapidario e una sala per le mostre temporanee), l’aggiunta e la risistemazione dei servizi (accoglienza dei visitatori, archivi, laboratori), la revisione del percorso museale ed, infine, un sistema allestitivo modulare che possa adattarsi alle diverse necessità di un museo di queste dimensioni