2,230 research outputs found

    Revival-collapse phenomenon in the quadrature squeezing of the multiphoton intensity-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model

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    For multiphoton intensity-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM), which is described by two-level atom interacting with a radiation field, we prove that there is a relationship between the atomic inversion and the quadrature squeezing. We give the required condition to obtain best information from this relation. Also we show that this relation is only sensitive to large values of the detuning parameter. Furthermore, we discuss briefly such relation for the off-resonance standard JCM.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    The first dinuclear zinc(II) dithiocarbarnate complex with butyl substituent groups

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, bis( -N,N- dibutyldithiocarbamato- 2S:S0)bis[(N,N-dibutyldithiocarba\- forcelb]mato- 2S,S0)zinc(II)], [Zn2(C9H18NS2)4], has been determined at 180 K. The structure contains two crystallographically unique Zn2+ metal centres, showing almost identical slightly distorted tetrahedral coordination environments, and forming a dinuclear complex with two skew-bridging syn-N,N-dibutyldithiocarbamate ligands. Two other dithiocarbamate ligands are connected to the Zn2+ centres in a syn,syn-chelate coordination mode

    The influence of socio-technical factors on knowledge-sharing towards innovation in Saudi Arabia : a knowledge-based innovation capability prespective

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The Saudi Arabian Government has recognised the need for an alternative path to national development in the form of a knowledge-based economy (KBE). So that they can achieve this aim, it is important to understand the socio-technical enablers (STE) of a KBE initiative, particularly with regards to the phenomenon of knowledge-sharing. One of the key drivers of a knowledge-based economy KBE is innovation. A must-have core competency for the adopting organisation is the ability to manage their innovation capability. A conceptual model developed in the thesis to investigate what is required to achieve that organisational innovation capability contains four construct domains: socio-technical enablers (STEF); diffusion of innovation (DOI) dimensions; knowledge-sharing processes (KSP); and organisational innovation capability (OIC). This thesis demonstrates the extent to which STE combine with the dimensions of the DOI to result in processes of knowledge-sharing. Ultimately, successful OIC will depend on the interrelation of these factors. This empirical research study was conducted to provide a better understanding on the model interrelationships among the key constructs: knowledge-sharing, socio-technical factors, DOI adoption characteristics, KSP and OIC, within the Saudi Arabian organisational context. The key participants for this study are both managers and employees. Participants were selected from different levels in the organisation because it is very important to understand the current knowledge sharing processes underpinning innovation across the different layers and structures in the organisation. Moreover, including employees from both different levels relates to both top-down and bottom-up decision-making processes in Saudi organisations. As a result, the main objective of this study was to develop a research model that depicts the relationships between the enablers, processes and outcome constructs in Saudi Arabian firms. To empirically validate the conceptual model, this research study deployed a sequential mixed method that incorporated both quantitative and qualitative approaches of analysis. Phase one of the research study employed a quantitative method to develop the conceptual model, based on the collected data from a questionnaire targeting Saudi Arabian firms from different sectors and industries. The quantitative method used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). EFA and CFA were carried out to find the suitable model structures and then SEM and correlation analysis were performed to assess and refine the conceptual model by evaluating the relationships and test the hypotheses between the constructs. The results reveal three statistically significant relationships: STF→ KSP→ OIC, which shaped an essential part of the final empirical model as the relationships among the Enablers → Processes → Outcomes. Based on the phase one results, a qualitative research method was carried out as a second phase of the analysis phase, which supports the validity of the structural and measurement final model. Thus, explanatory case studies were conducted of six different Saudi Arabian organisations using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with key personnel within the firms. The purpose out of this phase was to discover whether the empirical model can be validated by a sequential qualitative data collected from certain organisational work settings. This phase was accomplished through a technique called pattern matching, where the patterns of relationships between the constructs depicted in the empirical model was compared with those identified from the case studies. The case studies all demonstrated overall good matches between the patterns of relationships uncovered from the case studies and the relationships hypothesised in the empirical model. These findings provided support for the validity of the research model in terms of representing the current phenomena of this research study. From these empirical findings, the study is able to offer a number of implications that are beneficial to Saudi Arabia’s initiative towards adoption of KBE seeking to enhance the Saudi organisations to enable knowledge-sharing and enrich the company’s OIC. Finally, future research directions were identified to extend the final results of the current research study


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    ABSTRAKLatarbelakang:Retardasimentalmerupakansuatukeadaanfungsiintelektualdibawahrata-rata(IQ dibawah 70) yang disertai dengan keterbatasan fungsi adaptif sehingga menimbulkan masalah kemampuan merawat diri, yaitu personal hygiene. WHO pada tahun 2019 memperkirakan lebih dari 450 juta anak mengalami tunagrahita di dunia. Pravelensi penduduk Indonesia dengan disabilitas mentalsedangdanberatberdasarkanhasilRiskesdaspada tahun2018 menunjukkananak indonesia penyandangketerbelakangan mentalsebanyak 962.011 orang.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orang tua terhadap kemandirianpersonalhygienepadaanakdenganretadasimental.Metode:penelitianliteraturreview yangmenggunakanbeberapasumberyangdipilihberdasarkankriteria inklusidanekslusiyangtelah ditetapkan peneliti, pencarian literatur menggunakan google scholar, pubmed, scincedirect menggunakan kata kunci “Parenting Style”, “Personal Hygine”, “Mental retardation ”. Didapatkan 10 artikelyang diperoleh dari hasil screening. Hasil: Hasil review dari beberapa artikel tersebut menunjukan keseluruhan 10 artikel didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua terhadap kemandirian personalhygine pada anak reterdasi mental.Kesimpulan:Berdasarkanhasilstudiliterature adanyapengaruhyangsignifikanantara pola asuh terhadap kemandirian pada anak reterdasimental.Kata Kunci: “Parenting Style”, “Personal Hygine”, “Mental retardation ”. ABSTRACKBackground: Mental retardation is a state of intellectual function below average (IQ below 70) which is accompanied by limited adaptive functions that cause problems with the ability to take care of themselves, namely personal hygiene. Who in 2019 estimate d that more than 450 million children are experiencing mental impairment in the world. The prevalence of Indonesian residents with moderate and severe mental disabilities based on the results of Riskesdas in 2018 showed that indonesian children with mental retardation were 962,011 people. The role of parents, especially parental parenting, is very influential for personal hygiene independence in mentally retarded children. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of parental parenting to p ersonal hygiene independence in children with mental retadation. Methods: literature review research using several sources selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria that the researcher has set, literature search using google scholar, pubmed, scincedirect using the keywords "Parenting Style", "Personal Hygine", "Mental retardation". 10 articles were obtained from the screening results. Results: The results of a review of some of these articles showed that a total of 10 articles found that there was a significant influence between parental parenting and personalhygine independence in mentally reterded children. Conclusion: Based on the results of a literature study, there is a significant influence between parenting and independence in mentally re terdated children. Keywords: "Parenting Style", "Personal Hygine", "Mental retardation"

    Tax Compliance Behaviour of Individuals under Self Assessment System

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    Tax non-compliance has always been a major concern for all tax administrations, more so in a self assessment environment where it is dependent on voluntary compliance. In Malaysia, there is a dearth of empirical research on tax compliance in relation to the implementation of self assessment which only began in 2001 for corporations and 2004 for individual taxpayers. One of the objectives for implementing self assessment is to increase voluntary tax compliance. As such, in a tax system based largely on voluntary compliance, understanding factors that affect compliance amongst individual taxpayers is of vital importance. This thesis integrates two important approaches, namely, the economic and behavioral approaches in examining factors affecting tax compliance. The factors examined include perceived probability of detection, prior tax audit, sanction perception, perception of fairness, perceived moral intensity and peer influence. The data for this study were gathered by using a mail survey. Descriptive analysis and multivariate analysis were performed on the data to determine how the above mentioned factors affect tax compliance behavior. The findings showed that four factors, namely, perceived probability of detection, sanction perception, perceived moral intensity and peer influence were found to have significa~t relationships with tax compliance. On the other hand, perception of fairness and prior tax audit were found to have insignificant relationships with tax compliance. However, even though prior tax audit did not have a direct effect on tax compliance, it was found to be significantly associated with perceived probability of detection which is significantly related to tax compliance. This implies that prior tax audit has an indirect effect on tax compliance. Apart from prior tax audit affecting perceived probability of detection, another factor examined namely sanction perception was found to affect perceived probability of detection. In relation to perceived probability of detection and perceived moral intensity which had significant relationships with tax compliance respectively, the findings also indicated that both perceived probability of detection and perceived moral intensity had significant relationships with perception of fairness. Understanding these relationships is important as it not only extends knowledge on improving tax compliance but also provides useful information for the revenue collection authorities in designing better tax policies

    Lunch and Keynote Panel

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    Aerosol-assisted metallo-organic chemical vapour deposition of Bi2Se3 films using single-molecule precursors: the crystal structure of bismuth(m) dibutyldiselenocarbamate

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    The complexes [Bi{Se2CN(C2H5)2}3], [Bi{Se2CN(C4H9)2}3], [Bi{Se2CN(CH3)(C4H9)}3] and [Bi{Se2CN(CH3)(C6H13)}3] have been synthesized and characterized structurally using IR, 1H and 13C NMR. In addition, the crystal structure of [Bi{Se2CN(C4H9)2}3] was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, showing the bismuth centre coordinated to three dialkyldiselenocarbamate ligands through the selenium donor atoms. The Bi(III) compounds were used as precursors for the deposition of Bi2Se3 films on glass substrates through aerosol-assisted metallo-organic chemical vapour deposition (AA-MOCVD)

    Nothing more than a pair of curvatures: A common mechanism for the detection of both radial and non-radial frequency patterns.

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    Radial frequency (RF) patterns, which are sinusoidal modulations of a radius in polar coordinates, are commonly used to study shape perception. Previous studies have argued that the detection of RF patterns is either achieved globally by a specialized global shape mechanism, or locally using as cue the maximum tangent orientation difference between the RF pattern and the circle. Here we challenge both ideas and suggest instead a model that accounts not only for the detection of RF patterns but also for line frequency patterns (LF), i.e. contours sinusoidally modulated around a straight line. The model has two features. The first is that the detection of both RF and LF patterns is based on curvature differences along the contour. The second is that this curvature metric is subject to what we term the Curve Frequency Sensitivity Function, or CFSF, which is characterized by a flat followed by declining response to curvature as a function of modulation frequency, analogous to the modulation transfer function of the eye. The evidence that curvature forms the basis for detection is that at very low modulation frequencies (1-3 cycles for the RF pattern) there is a dramatic difference in thresholds between the RF and LF patterns, a difference however that disappears at medium and high modulation frequencies. The CFSF feature on the other hand explains why thresholds, rather than continuously declining with modulation frequency, asymptote at medium and high modulation frequencies. In summary, our analysis suggests that the detection of shape modulations is processed by a common curvature-sensitive mechanism that is subject to a shape-frequency-dependent transfer function. This mechanism is independent of whether the modulation is applied to a circle or a straight line