
ABSTRAKLatarbelakang:Retardasimentalmerupakansuatukeadaanfungsiintelektualdibawahrata-rata(IQ dibawah 70) yang disertai dengan keterbatasan fungsi adaptif sehingga menimbulkan masalah kemampuan merawat diri, yaitu personal hygiene. WHO pada tahun 2019 memperkirakan lebih dari 450 juta anak mengalami tunagrahita di dunia. Pravelensi penduduk Indonesia dengan disabilitas mentalsedangdanberatberdasarkanhasilRiskesdaspada tahun2018 menunjukkananak indonesia penyandangketerbelakangan mentalsebanyak 962.011 orang.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orang tua terhadap kemandirianpersonalhygienepadaanakdenganretadasimental.Metode:penelitianliteraturreview yangmenggunakanbeberapasumberyangdipilihberdasarkankriteria inklusidanekslusiyangtelah ditetapkan peneliti, pencarian literatur menggunakan google scholar, pubmed, scincedirect menggunakan kata kunci “Parenting Style”, “Personal Hygine”, “Mental retardation ”. Didapatkan 10 artikelyang diperoleh dari hasil screening. Hasil: Hasil review dari beberapa artikel tersebut menunjukan keseluruhan 10 artikel didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua terhadap kemandirian personalhygine pada anak reterdasi mental.Kesimpulan:Berdasarkanhasilstudiliterature adanyapengaruhyangsignifikanantara pola asuh terhadap kemandirian pada anak reterdasimental.Kata Kunci: “Parenting Style”, “Personal Hygine”, “Mental retardation ”. ABSTRACKBackground: Mental retardation is a state of intellectual function below average (IQ below 70) which is accompanied by limited adaptive functions that cause problems with the ability to take care of themselves, namely personal hygiene. Who in 2019 estimate d that more than 450 million children are experiencing mental impairment in the world. The prevalence of Indonesian residents with moderate and severe mental disabilities based on the results of Riskesdas in 2018 showed that indonesian children with mental retardation were 962,011 people. The role of parents, especially parental parenting, is very influential for personal hygiene independence in mentally retarded children. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of parental parenting to p ersonal hygiene independence in children with mental retadation. Methods: literature review research using several sources selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria that the researcher has set, literature search using google scholar, pubmed, scincedirect using the keywords "Parenting Style", "Personal Hygine", "Mental retardation". 10 articles were obtained from the screening results. Results: The results of a review of some of these articles showed that a total of 10 articles found that there was a significant influence between parental parenting and personalhygine independence in mentally reterded children. Conclusion: Based on the results of a literature study, there is a significant influence between parenting and independence in mentally re terdated children. Keywords: "Parenting Style", "Personal Hygine", "Mental retardation"

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