147 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y validación de la escala de relajación-mindfulness para adolescentes (EREMIND-A)

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background: The aim of this investigation was to validate the Relaxation- Mindfulness Scale for Adolescents (EREMIND-A), consisting of 18 items and three factors (Attention-Concentration in the present moment; Relaxation (abilities and attitudes); and Sensory awareness/Contemplation/ Interiority). Method: The validation was done with a sample of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate students from four different centres in Spain (n = 1.120). EFA and CFA of the EREMIND-A were performed and construct and incremental validities calculated. Results: Initial results confi rm the validity and reliability of the scale. Conclusions: There is a need for a broader conceptualization of mindfulness, as well as the inclusion and analysis of other related and cross-cutting concepts. The research in this sense will propitiate the adaptation of the Mindfulness- Based Interventions to the reality of the adolescents in the educational centers, where relaxation and the interiority are aspects to be taken into consideration. © 2018 Psicothema.Antecedentes: el objetivo de esta investigación fue validar la Escala de relajación-Mindfulness para Adolescentes (EREMIND-A), que contiene 18 ítems y tres factores (Atención-Concentración en el momento presente; Relajación (habilidades y actitudes); Consciencia Sensorial/Contemplación/Interioridad. Método: la validación se realizó con una muestra de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato de cuatro centros diferentes en España (n = 1.120). Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios de la escala y se calcularon la validez de constructo e incremental. Resultados: los resultados iniciales confirman la fiabilidad y validez de la escala. Conclusiones: es necesaria una conceptualización más amplia de la atención plena, así como la inclusión y análisis de otros conceptos relacionados y transversales. La investigación en este sentido propiciará la adaptación de las intervenciones basadas en mindfulness a la realidad de los adolescentes en los centros educativos, donde la relajación y la interioridad son aspectos a tener en consideración.http://www.psicothema.com/pdf/4475.pd

    An explanatory model of sexual satisfaction in adults with a same-sex partner: An analysis based on gender differences

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    This study aimed to develop an explanatory model of sexual satisfaction in same-sex attracted individuals with a partner, based on personal and interpersonal variables. The participants were 410 men (mean age = 29.24, SD = 9.84) and 410 women (mean age = 29, SD = 8.57) who maintained a relationship with another person of the same sex. Internalized homophobia was considered as a personal variable, and as interpersonal variables, the dimensions of attachment (anxiety and avoidance), sexual functioning, dyadic adjustment, relationship satisfaction, the components of the Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction, the number of sexual costs and the number of sexual rewards were considered. The degree to which sexual satisfaction was related to these variables was examined separately, for both men and women, through multiple linear regression models within the framework of structural equation models. The results indicated that sexual satisfaction is associated in a negative sense with internalized homophobia, the number of sexual costs, anxiety, and avoidance, and in a positive sense with the remaining variables. Relational variables were more relevant in the explanation of sexual satisfaction. The clinical implications are discussed

    Protection against sexual violence in the Colombian legal framework: obstacles and consequences for women victims

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    Sexual violence is a type of gender-based violence (GBV), as it is one of the different types of violence that is exerted against women. Sexual violence infringes fundamental human rights, and denies women’s dignity and self-determination, personal development, and well-being. Despite international treaties and a regulatory framework that legally protects Colombian women against sexual violence, it is necessary to know the effectiveness of this regulatory framework in Colombia. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to examine criminal legislation on crimes of sexual violence in Colombia with a dual purpose: first, to analyze procedural guarantees for women victims of sexual violence; second, to determine obstacles for victims of sexual violence in accordance with the legal framework. We used a legal interpretation method to perform an analysis and interpret the law. The results found that, although sexual violence is considered a type of crime, procedural guarantees are not effective as victims encounter serious obstacles with negative consequences, such as the violation of fundamental human rights

    Transphobia and gender identity: Social representations of trans women from brazil and colombia [Transfobia e identidade de gênero: Representações sociais de mulheres trans do brasil e colômbia]

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    The present research aimed to identify and discuss the social representations of trans women related to gender identity and transphobia in Brazil and Colombia. In this study participated 43 Trans women, 22 from Brazil, aged between 18 and 55 years (M=29.09, SD=8.53) and 21 from Colombia, aged between 21 and 41 years (M=28.19, SD=7.63). This study adopted a qualitative approach in which semi-structured interviews were used. The data were analyzed by the Iramuteq software, which identified the social representations in classes. The results showed what the participants understood about transphobia and how they regarded their experiences with this gender identity. The participants presented negative social representations, aiming at their personal experiences related to their social context. Themes related to violence, discrimination, prejudice, denial of rights and family support emerged from both the Brazilian and Colombian sample. Implications for Tran´s quality of life are discussed. © 2021, Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude Coletiva. All rights reserved

    Biochemical characterisation of a PL24 ulvan lyase from seaweed-associated Vibrio sp. FNV38

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    Ulvan is a green macroalgal cell wall polysaccharide that has tremendous potential for valorisation due to its unique composition of sulphated rhamnose, glucuronic acid, iduronic acid and xylose. Several potential applications such as production of biofuels, bioplastics and other value-added products necessitate the breakdown of the polysaccharide to oligomers or monomers. Research on ulvan saccharifying enzymes has been continually increasing over the last decade, with the increasing focus on valorisation of seaweed biomass for a biobased economy. Lyases are the first of several enzymes that are involved in saccharifying the polysaccharide and several ulvan lyases have been structurally and biochemically characterised to enable their effective use in the valorisation processes. This study investigates the whole genome of Vibrio sp. FNV38, an ulvan metabolising organism and biochemical characteristics of a PL24 ulvan lyase that it possesses. The genome of Vibrio sp. FNV38 has a diverse CAZy profile with several genes involved in the metabolism of ulvan, cellulose, agar, and alginate. The enzyme exhibits optimal activity at pH 8.5 in 100 mM Tris–HCl buffer and 30 °C. However, its thermal stability is poor with significant loss of activity after 2 h of incubation at temperatures above 25 °C. Breakdown product analysis reveals that the enzyme depolymerised the polysaccharide predominantly to disaccharides and tetrasaccharides.</p

    Short-term variability in the activity and composition of the diazotroph community in a coastal upwelling system

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    Today we know that diazotrophs are common and active in nitrogen (N) replete regions, however the factors controlling their distribution remain elusive. Previous studies in upwelling regions revealed that the composition of diazotrophs responded to changes in hydrodynamic forcing over seasonal scales. Here we used high-frequency observations collected during a 3-week cruise in the upwelling region off NW Iberia to describe changes in the activity and composition of diazotrophs over shorter temporal scales. The cruise started after a strong upwelling event followed by a few days of relaxation-downwelling, and soon after another upwelling pulse. Higher N2 fixation rates (2.2 ± 0.7 µmol m-3 d-1) were measured during relaxation-downwelling, when surface nitrate concentration was low. During the fertilization associated with the upwelling, N2 fixation dramatically decreased to 0.10 ± 0.09 µmol m-3 d-1. The comparison with nitrate consumption and diffusion confirmed the minor role of N2 fixation (<1%) as a source of new N for primary production. The unicellular cyanobacterium UCYN-A2 was the dominant diazotroph during the cruise. UCYN-A2 abundance was four times higher during relaxation-downwelling (4x104 copies L-1) compared to upwelling conditions (0.2x104 copies L-1), when the unusual Epsilonproteobacteria increased their relative abundance. These results indicate that diazotrophs can respond rapidly to changes in the environment, and point out to the availability of N as a key factor controlling the activity, composition and distribution of diazotrophs in eutrophic regions

    Epidemiología del tabaquismo en los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud

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    The characteristics of tobacco use by students of the Division of Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona have been studied. During the 1988-1989 school year, 382 students were individually interviewed about their use of tobacco by means of a questionnaire routinely used by the Department of Health and Social Security of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Spain), with pertinent modifications for this specific group. These interviews were performed by appropriately trained personnel. Information was also gathered on the influence of university-level studies on smoking habits, the effect of advertising and the efficacy of antitobacco programs and campaigns carried out by the government. The study sample was drawn from lists supplied by the registrars' offices, by means of a random sampling by school (Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Odontology and Nursing). The prevalence of tobacco use was 40.8% (29.8% daily smokers and 11% occasional smokers). These results are similar to those described in the literature, although these values are somewhat higher than those in more developed countries with a longer tradition of resistance to the use of tobacco. It is important to note that studying health sciences does not appera to be a major influence on the student's habits, but that the social and cultural environment is the factor which weighs the most in this respect. In conclusion, to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use in this important group, educational programs must be begun at the pre-university level (secundary school) and changes should be made in the curricula of the health professional so that areas related to tobacco use are more motivational for students.Las características del hábito tabáquico en los estudiantes de la División de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Barcelona han sido estudiadas en este trabajo. Durante el Curso Académico 1988-89, 382 alumnos han sido entrevistados individualmente en relación al tabaquismo, mediante el cuestionario utilizado habitualmente por el Departamento de Sanidad y Segundad Social de la Generalidad de Cataluña (España), con las modificaciones más oportunas para este colectivo específico. Asimismo se ha recogido información relacionada con la influencia de los estudios universitarios en el hábito de fumar, la autorización de la publicidad y la eficacia de los programas y campañas de lucha antitabaco desarrollados por las Administraciones públicas. La prevalencia de tabaquismo ha sido del 40,8% (29,8% de fumadores habituales y 11% de fumadores ocasionales). Hay que remarcar que los estudios relacionados con la salud no parecen influir de forma destacada en el hábito de los estudiantes, siendo el entorno cultural y social los factores que tienen un papel más determinante en este sentido. Como conclusión final señalar que, para disminuir la prevalencia de tabaquismo en este importante colectivo, hay que instaurar programas educativos a nivel de la escolarización pre-universitaria (bachillerato unificado polivalente y curso de orientación universitaria), e introducir modificaciones en los futuros planes de estudio de las profesiones sanitarias, de manera que los contenidos relacionados con el tabaco sean más motivadores para los alumnos.Foram estudadas as características do habito de fumar nos estudantes de ciências da saúde da Universidade de Barcelona. Durante o ano letivo 1988-89 foram entrevistados 382 alunos em relação ao uso do fumo, por meio de questionário rotinamente utilizado por um Departamento daquela Universidade, no qual foram efetuadas modificações pertinentes ao grupo estudado. Foram obtidas informações relacionadas com a influência dos estudos universitários no hábito de fumar, com os efeitos da publicidade e com a eficácia dos programas e das campanhas da luta anti-fumo desenvolvidos pelas administrações públicas. A amostra foi obtida a partir das listagens fornecidas pelas diferentes secretarias administrativas, por meio de uma amostragem aleatória estratificada por Faculdades (Medicina, Farmácia, Psicologia, Odontologia e Enfermagem). A prevalência do tabagismo foi de 40,8% (29,8% de fumantes habituais e 11% ocasionais). Os estudos relacionados com a saúde não parecem influir, de um forma destacada, no hábito dos estudantes, sendo o meio cultural e social o fator que exerce papel mais determinante nesse sentido. Assinala-se que, para poder diminuir a prevalência do fumo nesse importante grupo, devem-se iniciar programas educativos ao nível de escolarização pré-universitária (bacharelato unificado polivalente e curso de orientação universitária) e introduzir modificações nos futuros planos de estudo das profissões sanitárias, de forma a que os conteúdos relacionados com o fumo sejam canais motivadores para os alunos

    Early life risk factors and their cumulative effects as predictors of overweight in Spanish children

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    Objectives: To explore early life risk factors of overweight/obesity at age 6 years and their cumulative effects on overweight/obesity at ages 2, 4 and 6 years. Methods: Altogether 1031 Spanish children were evaluated at birth and during a 6-year follow-up. Early life risk factors included: parental overweight/obesity, parental origin/ethnicity, maternal smoking during pregnancy, gestational weight gain, gestational age, birth weight, caesarean section, breastfeeding practices and rapid infant weight gain collected via hospital records. Cumulative effects were assessed by adding up those early risk factors that significantly increased the risk of overweight/obesity. We conducted binary logistic regression models. Results: Rapid infant weight gain (OR 2.29, 99% CI 1.54–3.42), maternal overweight/obesity (OR 1.93, 99% CI 1.27–2.92), paternal overweight/obesity (OR 2.17, 99% CI 1.44–3.28), Latin American/Roma origin (OR 3.20, 99% CI 1.60–6.39) and smoking during pregnancy (OR 1.61, 99% CI 1.01–2.59) remained significant after adjusting for confounders. A higher number of early life risk factors accumulated was associated with overweight/obesity at age 6 years but not at age 2 and 4 years. Conclusions: Rapid infant weight gain, parental overweight/obesity, maternal smoking and origin/ethnicity predict childhood overweight/obesity and present cumulative effects. Monitoring children with rapid weight gain and supporting a healthy parental weight are important for childhood obesity prevention

    A review of the fossil record of turtles of the clade Pan-Carettochelys

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    Turtles of the total clade Pan-Carettochelys have a relatively poor fossil record that extends from the Early Cretaceous. The clade is only found in Asia during the Cretaceous, but spreads to Europe and North America during the Eocene. Neogene finds are restricted to Europe, Africa and Australia, whereas the only surviving species, Carettochelys insculpta, lives in New Guinea and the Northern Territories of Australia. The ecology of fossil pan-carettochelyids appears similar to that of the extant C. insculpta, although more primitive representatives were likely less adapted to brackish water. Current phylogenies only recognize three internested clades: Pan- Carettochelys, Carettochelyidae and Carettochelyinae. A taxonomic review of the group concludes that of 25 named taxa, 13 are nomina valida, 7 are nomina invalida, 3 are nomina dubia, and 2 are nomina nuda