94 research outputs found

    The ScanMars Subsurface Radar Sounding Experiment on AMADEE-18

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    Terrestrial simulations for crewed missions are critically important for testing technologies and improving methods and procedures for future robotic and human planetary exploration. In February 2018, AMADEE-18 simulated a mission to Mars in the Dhofar region of Oman. During the mission, a field crew coordinated by the Österreichisches Weltraum Forum (OeWF) accomplished several experiments in the fields of astrobiology, space physiology and medicine, geology, and geophysics. Within the scientific payload of AMADEE-18, ScanMars provided geophysical radar imaging of the subsurface at the simulated landing site and was operated by analog astronauts wearing spacesuits during extra-vehicular activities. The analog astronauts were trained to operate a ground-penetrating radar instrument that transmits and then collects radio waves carrying information about the geological setting of the first few meters of the subsurface. The data presented in this work show signal returns from structures down to 4 m depth, associated with the geology of the investigated rocks. Integrating radar data and the analog astronauts' observations of the geology at the surface, it was possible to identify the contact between shallow sediments and bedrock, the local occurrence of conductive soils, and the presence of pebbly materials in the shallow subsurface, which together describe the geology of recent loose sediments overlying an older deformed bedrock. The results obtained by ScanMars confirm that subsurface radar sounding at martian landing sites is key for the geological characterization at shallow depths. The geologic model of the subsurface can be used as the basis for reconstructing palaeoenvironments and paleo-habitats, thus assisting scientific investigations looking for traces of present or past life on the Red Planet. The ScanMars radar was operated following procedures and training developed before the mission. Approximately 2000 m of radar data profiles have been acquired during the analog mission. Combining the results for ScanMars, orbital remote sensing data, and first-person observation in the field while wearing spacesuits (analog astronauts), it was possible to generate a geological model at the AMADEE-18 study site.</sec

    Spatial ecological complexity measures in GRASS GIS

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    Good estimates of ecosystem complexity are essential for a number of ecological tasks: from biodiversity estimation, to forest structure variable retrieval, to feature extraction by edge detection and generation of multifractal surface as neutral models for e.g. feature change assessment. Hence, measuring ecological complexity over space becomes crucial in macroecology and geography. Many geospatial tools have been advocated in spatial ecology to estimate ecosystem complexity and its changes over space and time. Among these tools, free and open source options especially offer opportunities to guarantee the robustness of algorithms and reproducibility. In this paper we will summarize the most straightforward measures of spatial complexity available in the Free and Open Source Software GRASS GIS, relating them to key ecological patterns and processes

    Thermal stability of water ice in Ceres' crater Oxo

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    Dwarf planet Ceres, target of the NASA Dawn mission, exhibits evidences of ammoniated phyllosilicates on its surface [1], compatible with a likely outer Solar System origin. Considerable amounts of water ice have recently been detected in some craters by the Visible InfraRed mapping spectrometer (VIR) onboard Dawn in some small fresh crater, such as Oxo, located at about 40° N. The exposure mechanism of water ice is unknown: cryovolcanism, cometary type sublimation/recondensation [2]or impacts with other bodies are likely mechanisms. The evaluation of the time stability of the water ice is crucial to understand the plausible mechanism for its existence. For this purpose, we developed a 3D finite-elements model (FEM) by using the topography given by the shape model of Ceres derived on the basis of images acquired by the Framing Camera in the Survey mission phase. The illumination conditions are provided by the SPICE toolkit. We performed several simulations by analyzing the effect of thermal inertia and albedo on the temperature and rate of ice sublimation. The results of the simulations about the stability of water ice will be presented.[1] De Sanctis et al. NATURE, doi:10.1038/nature16172[2] Formisano et al. MNRAS, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stv234

    Surface Temperatures and Water Ice Sublimation Rate of Oxo Crater: A Comparison With Juling Crater

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    Dwarf planet Ceres is characterized by several sites hosting (or have hosted) ice-rich patches as revealed by the Dawn's Visible and InfraRed spectrometer. The study of the illumination conditions including the effects of the local topography become critical in the estimation of the ice lifetime as well as the water vapor production rate. In this work we applied a 3-D thermophysical model in order to study the illumination conditions on the shape model, derived on the basis of the images acquired by the Dawn's Framing Camera during the Survey mission phase, and to calculate the surface temperatures and water sublimation rates. We are interested in a crater in the northern hemisphere (42°), Oxo, which hosts water ice in its southern wall. A comparison with the surface temperatures and water sublimation rates of another Ceres' crater, Juling, is carried out. Water ice sublimation rate of its ice-rich patch suggests that the Oxo crater probably is not the source of the emission detected by Herschel, a source that could be represented instead by the Juling crater

    Variations in the amount of water ice on Ceres' surface suggest a seasonal water cycle.

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    The dwarf planet Ceres is known to host a considerable amount of water in its interior, and areas of water ice were detected by the Dawn spacecraft on its surface. Moreover, sporadic water and hydroxyl emissions have been observed from space telescopes. We report the detection of water ice in a mid-latitude crater and its unexpected variation with time. The Dawn spectrometer data show a change of water ice signatures over a period of 6 months, which is well modeled as ~2-km2 increase of water ice. The observed increase, coupled with Ceres' orbital parameters, points to an ongoing process that seems correlated with solar flux. The reported variation on Ceres' surface indicates that this body is chemically and physically active at the present time

    Marsis The North Polar Cap Campaign

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    we have designed a special MARSIS on-board configuration, of the main operative parameters of the radar, in order to collect High Resolution Data and to improve the science investigation of the North Polar Deposits of Mars (Planum Boreum). This special configuration provided data of unprecedented quality that contributed to the reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure of the icy North Polar Layered Deposits and of the enigmatic Basal Unit beneath

    Facilitating Reuse of Planetary Spatial Research Data - Conceptualizing an Open Map Repository as Part of a Planetary Research Data Infrastructure

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    In recent decades, the research community has been dealing with a growing amount and variety of new research data and derived research information. While primary research data, as derived from instruments, are commonly well maintained, derived research data might not always share the same fate. Scientific studies, resulting in further derived data, what we will call here as research data, does not often share the same attention. Fortunately, in the planetary sciences, most primary research data are commonly freely accessible for researchers to use, while research results have commonly not been re-inserted into the research cycle and a discussion about the process has only recently been initiated but there are not concrete methods or efforts to maintain this derived research data. We here discuss the requirements and needs in the planetary sciences to develop and coordinate a platform for research data and develop this idea using planetary cartographic products as an example of a higher-level research product that undergoes various development stages across different organizational levels. We here will visit the current practice and provide a number of scenarios showing how such a research-data life-cycle could look like in the field of planetary research. In order to develop a conceptual framework, experience from established terrestrial research-data frameworks and spatial data infrastructures are integrated into the discussion