184 research outputs found

    A propósito do centenário de Hitchcock em 1999

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    Hitchcock nasceu em Agosto de 1899, tinha o próprio cinematógrafo quatro anos, e aos nove anos de idade pode ver os primeiros Griffth e aos quinze os primeiros Chaplins, podendo aos vinte e sete realizar os seus primeiros filmes (mudos) e, logo um ano depois, "The Lodger" – "o primeiro verdadeiro Hitchcock", Hitchcock "dixit". Mais um ano passado, foi "Blackmail", primeiro filme sonoro, ou meio sonoro. Desde então foram várias dezenas, em Inglaterra e, logo desde 1940, em Hollywood, depois de "The Lady vanishes" e de "Jamaica Inn", "Rebecca" com Laurence Olivier, como pareceu acertado ao argumento adaptado, britânico de nascença

    Nota breve sobre a utopia urbana em Lisboa

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    Dez notas sobre Vieira da Silva

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    Sistema para reportar problemas e sugestões na estrutura física de um campus universitário

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.As universidades estão em constante processo de manutenção e melhoria de sua estrutura física a fim de proporcionar a toda comunidade acadêmica um ambiente que apoie o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão. Desta forma, visando fomentar um processo colaborativo entre os membros das comunidades com suas instituições, este trabalho implementa um sistema que ajude os membros da comunidade acadêmica a reportarem problemas de infra-estrutura e a fazerem sugestões de melhorias sobre estrutura física de um campus universitário. Para este trabalho utilizou-se o contexto do Campus Reitor João David Ferreira Lima da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, por meio de um sistema web para receber os pedidos de manutenções. O software em questão visa diminuir a distância na comunicação entre os membros da comunidade universitária e a instituição, possibilitando à universidade identificar as áreas que necessitam mais atenção através da interação dos usuários atestando a existência das demandas. E possibilitando à comunidade acadêmica ter conhecimento se a Universidade está trabalhando em uma solicitação ou se ela já foi resolvida.Universities are in a constant process of maintenance and improvement of their physical structure in order to provide the entire academic community with an environment that supports teaching, research and extension. Thus, aiming to foster a collaborative process between community members and their institutions, this work implements a system that helps members of the academic community to report infrastructure problems and make suggestions for improvements on the physical structure of a university campus. For this work, the context of the Campus Reitor João David Ferreira Lima of the Federal University of Santa Catarina was used, through a web system to receive maintenance requests. The software in question aims to reduce the distance in communication between the members of the university community and the institution, allowing the university to identify the areas that need more attention through the interaction of users, attesting to the existence of demands. And allowing the academic community to know if the University is working on a request or if it has already been resolved

    Entrevista com José-Augusto França

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    ENTREVISTA com José-Augusto França conduzida por Raquel Henriques da Silva


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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the management of tourism in the Bosque de Pómac Historic Sanctuary, in the region of Lambayeque, Peru, by developing a methodology using criteria and variables related to the sustainability of the protected natural area and the activity. Although several methodologies can be used to evaluate the general management of natural protected areas, this study focuses exclusively on tourism-related activities in one specific area. To develop the methodology, international documents related to tourism, nature, and culture were reviewed, and six criteria were obtained to evaluate the progress of tourism management in natural protected areas: Management Governance, Heritage Conservation, Identity and Authenticity, Equity and Inclusion, Marketing and Commercialization, and Visitor Experience. Subsequently, fifty-six variables were determined to be evaluated within the six criteria. A numerical evaluation matrix was designed in order to be applied to the criteria and variables with four rating levels; semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-five specialists in the area of tourism and natural protected areas (businesspeople, academics, consultants, public officials, as well as local entrepreneurs) linked to the protected area, and information was obtained from technical reports and field inspections. Using the scores, it was determined that the sanctuary has positively developed the criteria of Governance, Conservation, and Visitor Experience, while the issues related to Cultural Identity and Authenticity, as well as Inclusion and Equity, still need to be improved.Keywords: governance, sustainability, protected areas, sustainable tourism.

    Validade da Psychological Well-Being Scale com Obesidade Mórbida Feminina

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    Psychological well-being is an important indicator of psychological adjustment. Obesity is considered a progressive disease that results in serious public health problems. This investigation sought validity evidence for the Psychological Well-Being Scale in 293 morbidly obese Brazilian women, aged between 18 and 61 years, who were awaiting bariatric surgery. The scores were submitted to Confirmatory Factor Analysis and several theoretical models were tested. According to the results, an oblique six-dimensional structure presented a good fit to the empirical data. Acceptable indices of internal consistency for the measurement factors were also obtained. The scale may contribute to the development of programs aimed at improving the psychological well-being of people with morbid obesity, before and after bariatric surgery.O bem-estar psicológico é um importante indicador de ajustamento psicológico. A obesidade é considerada uma doença progressiva, que resulta em sérios problemas de saúde pública. Esta pesquisa buscou evidências de validade para a Psychological Well-Being Scale, com 293 mulheres brasileiras com obesidade mórbida, de 18 a 61 anos de idade, que aguardavam a cirurgia bariátrica. Os escores brutos foram submetidos à Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e vários modelos teóricos foram testados. Nos resultados, uma estrutura de seis dimensões oblíquas apresentou bom ajuste aos dados empíricos. Também foram obtidos índices aceitáveis de consistência interna para os fatores da medida. A escala poderá contribuir para programas que visem melhorar o bem-estar psicológico de pessoas com obesidade mórbida, antes e depois da cirurgia bariátrica

    Joaquim Rodrigo’s Painting : A Particularity in the Portuguese Case

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    Capítulo da obra "RETHINKING EUROPE: ARTISTIC PRODUCTION AND DISCOURSES OF ART IN THE LATE 1940S AND 1950S.", que resultou da conferência ocorrida em 2018.In the postwar period, Portuguese art faced a politically-imposed isolation that prevented emerging artists from engaging and interacting with the rest of Europe. For these artisits, other geographical, cultural contexts were no more than remote possibilities of exchange: sometimes mythical places of an avant-garde known through magazine articles, sometimes places they had briefly visited in search of a more direct link with their time. Portugal lived in an established dictatorship known as Estado Novo (New State) that lasted until 1974. The regime's anti-modernism sought to eliminate all modern artistic practices in an attempt to preserve its traditional cultural values, strongly dominated by the government's fascist ideology. The absence of structures for the production, exhibition, and reception of modern art during the twentieth century contributed towards the lessening of modern pratices in the national context, hindering the development of knowledge updated by artists, critics, and audiences. In spite of these setbacks, overall Portuguese artists succeded in overcoming this aloofness to which the regime condemned them. Over time, these artists managed to find ways to a distant modernity - which had become predominant in the process of reconstructing a new world in the postwar period in Wetern Europe. [com o apoio à tradução da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pseudoaneurisma de artéria ulnar superficial

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    Resumo A artéria ulnar é o maior ramo terminal da artéria braquial, ela apresenta origem na fossa cubital e é coberta pelos músculos flexores do antebraço. Reportamos uma variação anatômica, na qual a artéria ulnar situava-se em posição superficial no antebraço. Por falta de conhecimento sobre essa variação, ocorreu a lesão após uma tentativa de punção venosa, a qual levou à formação de um pseudoaneurisma