345 research outputs found

    Seguimiento de resultados en la generación de políticas públicas en la formación del talento humano, dentro del marco del gran acuerdo social Barrancabermeja, como modelo de gestión participativa.

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    El estudio se fundamenta en la problemática generalizada en Colombia con respecto al desarrollo integral del talento humano a nivel nacional, y se hace muy interesante en razón de que el Gran Acuerdo Social Barrancabermeja ciudad región 100 años (GASB), es una apuesta de solución de los problemas regionales, a partir de la creatividad e innovación, resultante de la sumatoria de las voluntades de diferentes actores de la parte pública y de la empresa privada, los cuales unen sus esfuerzos para crear un ambiente social de derecho donde todos pueden tener las mismas oportunidades de desarrollo. Un análisis general del Gran Acuerdo Social Barrancabermeja ciudad región 100 años (GASB), permite señalar de manera resumida, cuales son los pilares encaminados a la consecución de esos objetivos: 1. Grupo familiar como soporte central de progreso; 2. Actividades para avance y mejoramiento del talento humano; 3. Cultura ciudadana; 4. Infraestructura para la sostenibilidad; 5. Fortalecimiento institucional; 6. Fortalecimiento económico.The study is based on the generalized problem in Colombia with respect to the integral development of human talent at a national level, and it is very interesting because the Great Social Agreement Barrancabermeja city region 100 years (GASB), is a solution bet of the regional problems, based on creativity and innovation, resulting from the sum of the wills of different actors of the public and private sector, which join their efforts to create a social environment of law where everyone can have the same development opportunities. A general analysis of the Great Social Agreement Barrancabermeja city region 100 years (GASB), allows to indicate in a summarized way, which are the pillars aimed at the achievement of those objectives: 1. Family group as a central support of progress; 2. Activities for the advancement and improvement of human talent; 3. Civic culture; 4. Infrastructure for sustainability; 5. Institutional strengthening; 6. Economic strengthening

    Evaluation between Virtual Acoustic Model and Real Acoustic Scenarios for Urban Representation

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    Audio representation is critical for immersive virtual environments. This article presents a quasi-experiment based on architecture students evaluating the immersive impact of 3D audio in the representation of urban environments. In the framework of acoustic urban heritage preservation, a set of city squares with varying acoustic features were used as case studies in a two-step process: an objective analysis of the acoustic properties of these spaces; and the users’ subjective perceptions of the virtual environment of the squares. The study shows that we can gain a better understanding of the objective parameters through the subjective views of users. Acoustic heritage can be assessed subjectively using an immersive system such as virtual reality, in which audio representation is a key factor

    Resistencia a Tuta absoluta en una entrada de la especie silvestre de tomate Solanum pimpinellifolium

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    2 páginas, 1 figura, 1 tabla.-- Artículo publicado en la revista profesional de sanidad vegetal.-- et al.[EN]: We previously found resistance to pests (twospotted spider mite and whitefly) based on type IV glandular trichomes and acylsucrose production in an accession of the wild tomato species S. pimpinellifolium from the germplasm collection at the Experimental Station La Mayora – CSIC. Resistance to the South American tomato pinworm of that accession and plant materials derived from it was investigated in greenhouse conditions at CNPH (Brasilia, Brazil) and, when Tuta absoluta was introduced into Spain, at Exp. Sta. La Mayora (Málaga, southern Spain). Genotypes carrying type IV glandular trichomes showed reduced pest damage, especially on young, apical leaves. Possibility for control of Tuta by the utilization of resistant tomato cultivars looks forward to future breeding programmes for the trait.[ES]: Una entrada de la especie silvestre de tomate S. pimpinellifolium del banco de germoplasma de la Estación Experimental La Mayora-CSIC presenta resistencia a plagas (araña roja y mosca blanca) merced a sus tricomas glandulares de tipo IV y producción de acilsacarosas. Con el fin de estudiar si esta entrada y otros genotipos de tomate de ella derivados eran también resistentes a T. absoluta, se realizaron experimentos en condiciones de invernadero en CNPH (Brasilia, Brasil) y, una vez que Tuta se introdujo en España, en la E.E. La Mayora (Algarrobo, Málaga). Los genotipos con tricomas de tipo IV sufrieron menores daños por la plaga, especialmente en las hojas apicales, más jóvenes. La posibilidad del control de Tuta mediante la utilización de variedades resistentes queda abierta a futuros programas de mejora genética del carácter.Trabajo financiado por MICINN-FEDER (Proyecto AGL2007-66760-C02-02/AGR).Peer reviewe

    External validity of clinical trials with diverse trastuzumab-based chemotherapy regimens in advanced gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma: data from the AGAMENON-SEOM registry

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    Quimioteràpia; Càncer gàstric; TrastuzumabQuimioterapia; Cáncer gástrico; TrastuzumabChemotherapy; Gastric cancer; TrastuzumabBackground: Trastuzumab combined with cisplatin and fluoropyrimidines, either capecitabine or 5-fluorouracile (XP/FP), is the standard first-line treatment for advanced, HER2-positive, gastric cancer patients based on the ToGA trial. Despite the lack of phase III trials, many clinicians administer trastuzumab with alternative regimens. One meta-analysis suggests that substituting cisplatin for oxaliplatin might lead to greater efficacy and less toxicity. Methods: 594 patients with HER2-positive gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma were recruited from the AGAMENON-SEOM registry. The objective was to evaluate the external validity of clinical trials with chemotherapy and trastuzumab. Results: The regimens used in at least 5% of the patients were XP (27%), oxaliplatin and capecitabine (CAPOX) (26%), oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil (FOLFOX) (14%), FP (14%), triplet with anthracycline/docetaxel (7%), and carboplatin-FU (5%). Median exposure to trastuzumab was longer with FOLFOX (11.4 months, 95% CI, 9.1–21.0) versus ToGA regimens (7.5, 6.4–8.5), p < 0.001. Patients with HER2-IHC 3+ cancers had higher response rates than those with IHC 2+/FISH+, odds-ratio 1.97 (95% CI, 1.25–3.09). The results achieved with CAPOX–trastuzumab were comparable to those attained with ToGA regimens. FOLFOX–trastuzumab was superior to ToGA schemes in terms of overall survival (OS), with a greater magnitude of effect in IHC 2+/FISH+ tumors (HR 0.47, 0.24–0.92) compared with IHC 3+ (HR 0.69, 0.49–0.96), and in diffuse (HR 0.37, 0.20–0.69) versus intestinal-type tumors (HR 0.76, 0.54–1.06). Conclusion: We have updated the external validity of clinical trials with trastuzumab in first-line treatment of gastric cancer. Our data confirm the comparable outcomes of ToGA regimens and CAPOX–trastuzumab in clinical practice and point toward a possible benefit of FOLFOX–trastuzumab, contingent on the subtypes typically less sensitive to trastuzumab, to be confirmed in clinical trials.The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article

    Plan de Negocios: "Producción y exportación de pico tostado a Chile" DEGUSTA S.A..

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    De acuerdo a las exigencias del mercado chileno, constituye las características generadas en el proceso de producción,el ser un producto libre de preservantes y por su forma de empaque al vacío, que garantiza un mayor periodo de vida y facilita el almacenamiento del mismo por parte del consumidor como es nuestro pico tostado. Este escenario nos indica que existe un buen ambiente de inversiones en nuestro país, lo que se puede aprovechar para desarrollar los sectores industriales que pueda invertir en los mercados internacionales con un producto de mayor calidad

    ABPI. Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Integrados y acción tutorial del profesorado. Una innovación metodológica global en la formación de estudiantes de Magisterio

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    [EN] This paper presents an innovation proposal based on ABPI ©, or Integrated Project-Based Learning, a new methodology developed at the CSEU La Salle in Madrid, in both Early and Primary Teaching Education Degrees. As part of the research carried out, following a mixed design and convergent triangulation, the effect of the tutorial action on student perception was studied. Obtained results show up significant differences over teacher’s performance, related to subtle but significant differences on student assesment in some methodological application aspects. In this particular viewpoint students identified that attitude teacher cues were centered around 6 variables: valence of the relationship, total duration of sessions, feedback and follow-up, concern about peer relationship, motivation towards learning and quality of the evaluation. Data collection allows defining new lines of action for improving tutorial practices in project-based working, which serve as a key model over this kind of methodological changemaking processes.[ES] El presente trabajo presenta una propuesta de innovación basada en ABPI ©, o Aprendizaje Basada en Proyectos Integrados, una nueva metodología desarrollada en el CSEU La Salle de Madrid, en los Grados de Magisterio de Educación Infantil y Primaria. Como parte de la investigación realizada, siguiendo un diseño mixto de triangulación convergente, se estudió, en particular, el efecto de la acción tutorial sobre la percepción de los estudiantes. Los resultados obtenidos hallaron diferencias significativas en la actuación del profesorado, relacionadas con sutiles pero significativas diferencias en la valoración de los alumnos sobre algunos aspectos particulares de la aplicación metodológica. En particular, los alumnos identificaron que las claves actitudinales de los profesores se centraban alrededor de 6 variables: valencia de la relación, duración de la sesión de tutorización, feedback y seguimiento, preocupación por la relación entre iguales, motivación hacia el aprendizaje y calidad de la evaluación. Los datos recogidos permiten definir nuevas líneas de actuación para la mejora de los procesos de acción tutorial en el trabajo por proyectos, que sirvan como modelo a seguir en los procesos en este tipo de transformaciones metodológicas.Herrero, J.; Valdivielso Alba, R.; Fonseca Escudero, D.; Canaleta Llamapallas, X. (2021). ABPI. Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Integrados y acción tutorial del profesorado. Una innovación metodológica global en la formación de estudiantes de Magisterio. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 158-168. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13661OCS15816


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    Land slope contributes to decrease the productivity in the forestry sector activities, including skidding operations. Thus, it is important to study it in order to improve the forest operations planning. Based on this hypothesis, this study aims to analyze the times of the operational cycle and the productivity of the skidder in slope terrain. The study was conducted in Pinus taeda plantations of a forest company located in the CentralWest region of the state of Paraná, Brazil, in three slope classes: flat to moderate, steep and very steep. The data were obtained by the continuous timing method in a time study. Productivity and mean effective cycle time were determined for the three slope classes. The results show that the search and load and the unloading slopes are the ones that consume less time between the activities evaluated in the operational cycle. Considering the slope classes evaluated, flat to moderate and steep require less time to perform all activities of the operational cycle, and their productivities are higher, when compared to the very steep slope class. The productivity of the very steep slope class was 35.3% and 45.0% lower than the flat to moderate and steep classes, respectively. Skidding with skidder on slopes over 26.1º should be avoided because the productivity is negatively influenced in this condition