153 research outputs found

    A conjecture about Gauss sums and bentness of binomial Boolean functions

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    In this note, the polar decomposition of binary fields of even extension degree is used to reduce the evaluation of the Walsh transform of binomial Boolean functions to that of Gauss sums. In the case of extensions of degree four times an odd number, an explicit formula involving a Kloosterman sum is conjectured, proved with further restrictions, and supported by extensive experimental data in the general case. In particular, the validity of this formula is shown to be equivalent to a simple and efficient characterization for bentness previously conjectured by Mesnager

    Simulation of a viscous fluid spreading by a bidimensional shallow water model

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    In this paper we propose a numerical method to solve the Cauchy problem based on the viscous shallow water equations in an horizontally moving domain. More precisely, we are interested in a flooding and drying model, used to modelize the overflow of a river or the intrusion of a tsunami on ground. We use a non conservative form of the two-dimensional shallow water equations, in eight velocity formulation and we build a numerical approximation, based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation, in order to compute the solution in the moving domain

    TAMARIS : Traitement et Authentification des MenAces et RISques en mer

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    National audienceL'objectif du projet de démonstrateur TAMARIS est d'intégrer un processus et des outils innovants de traitement de l'information pour l'analyse d'une situation qui comporte une série d'alertes correspondant à un comportement suspect de navire. Ce comportement suspect peut se dérouler dans le temps (sur plusieurs jours, voir mois) et sur un espace maritime étendu (plusieurs centaines de miles nautiques). L'analyse est traduite par l'élaboration, en temps réel, d'un dossier d'interprétation électronique. Ce dernier est standardisé, et permet de rassembler l'ensemble des informations et l'analyse sur un seul support réactualisé au fil du déroulement de la situation. Ce dossier peut être transmis aux autorités décisionnelles afin de suivre en permanence les évolutions et d'être informées de l'identification progressive du comportement suspect durant son déroulement. Une table tactile permet de constituer et visualiser ce dossier, mais aussi à une équipe d'experts de différentes organisations de travailler ensemble ou à distance de façon interactive. Enfin, le dossier constitue une archive quasi complète et chronologique qui peut être transmise également à des enquêteurs pour mener des investigations ultérieures suites à une plainte

    Diversity and Transparency for ECC

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    Generating and standardizing elliptic curves to use them in a cryptographic context is a hard task. In this note, we don’t make an explicit proposal for an elliptic curve, but we deal with the following issues. Security: We give a list of criteria that should be satisfied by a secure elliptic curve. Although a few of these criteria are incompatible, we detail what we think are the best choices for optimal security. Transparency: We sketch a way to generate a curve in a fully transparent way so that it can be trusted and not suspected to belong to a (not publicly known to be) vulnerable class. In particular, since the computational cost of verifying the output of such a process may be quite high, we sketch out the format of a certificate that eases the computations. We think that this format might deserve being standardized

    Deciphering the genetic control of innate and adaptive immune responses in pig: a combined genetic and genomic study

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    Improving animal robustness and resistance to pathogens by adding health criteria in selection schemes is one of the challenging objectives of the next decade. In order to better understand the genetic control of immunity in French Large White pigs, we have launched a program combining genetic and genomic studies not focussing on any particular pathogen. Animals recorded for production traits were scored for a wide range of immunity parameters three weeks after vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: i) total white blood cells and lymphocyte counts and proportions of various leucocyte subsets including cells harbouring IgM, γδTCR, CD4/CD8, CD16/CD2 and CD16/CD172a/MHCII, ii) innate immune response parameters (phagocytosis and in vitro production of IL1B, IL6, IL8, TNF, IL12 and IFNαafter blood stimulation), iii) adaptive immune response parameters (lymphocyte proliferation, in vitro production of IL2, IL4, IL10 and IFNγ after blood stimulation, total IgG, IgA, IgM and specific IgG levels) and iv) two acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein and haploglobin). Across traits, heritability estimates reached 0.4 on average (se=0.1) and 42 of the 54 measured parameters showed moderate to high heritabilities (≥0.2), confirming that many parameters are under genetic control and could be included in selection protocols. Functional analyses revealed that the blood transcriptome is informative for part of the immunity traits and should provide relevant phenotypic information to better characterize some immunity traits

    Cryptosporidium spp. , Giardia duodenalis and Toxoplasma gondii detection in fresh vegetables consumed in Marrakech, Morocco

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    Background: Protozoan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, Giardia duodenalis, and Cryptosporidium spp., can be transmitted to humans via accidental consumption of contaminated water, fresh produce and foodstuffs. There is a lack of epidemiological data about these pathogens in Morocco. Hence the aim of this study, which is the determination of their prevalence in some leafy greens and root vegetables sold in Marrakech. Methods: A total of 132 vegetable samples including carrot, coriander, lettuce, parsley and radish were purchased monthly from three different markets in Marrakech from March 2017 to January 2018, pre-treated and subjected to microscopic and molecular analyses. Results: Of the 132 samples of vegetables analyzed by qPCR, the overall rate of protozoan was 21.21% (28/132); 22 samples were found to be contaminated with T. gondii, 6 with G. duodenalis, and none was positive for C. parvum / hominis . Whereas, modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining allowed the detection of Cryptosporidium spp. in 3% (4/132) of examined samples. Conclusion: This survey on the presence of protozoan parasites in fresh vegetables revealed that vegetables sold in Marrakech are contaminated by these protozoan parasites, as it showed that leafy green vegetables were more susceptible for parasitic contamination than root ones
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