2,024 research outputs found

    Modifying the New York State Public School Financing Formula After \u3ci\u3eLevittown\u3ci\u3e

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    Spending on public education is primarily an obligation of state legislature and local school districts in the United States. Legislatures determine not only the amount of education spending, but also how much money is to be given to specific school districts. As a result, there have been growing discrepancies over how much financial assistance one district will have over another, leaving children from poor and fiscally overburdened districts at a disadvantage. This Note focuses on the New York case, Levittown v. Nyquist, as well as the New York funding formula, and ultimately recommends adoption of a school finance system that guarantees each school district sufficient funds to match the current average of state spending per pupil

    An Equilibrium Model of Health Insurance Provision and Wage Determination

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    We investigate the e_ect of employer-provided health insurance on job mobility rates and economic welfare. In particular, we develop and estimate an equilibrium model of wage and health insurance determination that yields implications that are empirically observed. Namely, not all jobs provide health insurance and jobs with insurance pay higher wages than those without insurance. Using data from the 1990 to 1993 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation, we find that jobs that do provide health insurance last almost five times longer than jobs that do not. While this implies that the mobility rate for jobs without insurance is significantly higher than the mobility rate for jobs with insurance, this di_erence is welfare enhancing since jobs with health insurance are more productive jobs. Furthermore, simulations reveal that decreasing the health insurance premium paid by employers increases the steady state health insurance coverage rate, decreases the unemployment rate, but may or may not lead to productivity gains in the economy.HEALTH INSURANCE; EQUILIBRIUM MODELS; WAGE BARGAINING; JOB MOBILITY

    Characterisation of the ATP binding motif of PRP2

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    Unit Testing of Energy Consumption of Software Libraries

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    International audienceThe development of energy-efficient software has become a key requirement for a large number of devices, from smartphones to data centers. However, measuring accurately this consumption is a major challenge that state-of-the-art approaches have tried to tackle with a limited success. While monitoring applications' consumption offers a clear insight on where the energy is being spent, it does not help in understanding how the energy is consumed. In this paper, we therefore introduce Jalen Unit, a software framework that infers the energy consumption model of software libraries from execution traces. This model can then be used to diagnose application code for detecting energy bugs, understanding energy distribution, establishing energy profiles and classifications, and comparing software libraries against their energy consumption

    Structural heat treatments against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): effect of flour depth, life stage and floor.

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    The effect of high temperatures (50-60°C) and two levels of sanitation (~0.5 and 43 g of flour), on mortality of eggs, young larvae, old larvae, pupae, and adults of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, were evaluated during heat treatment of a pilot flour mill at Kansas State University. The mill was heated once during 13-14 May 2009 and once during 25-26 August 2009. Each of the heat treatments lasted 24 h. Bioassay boxes, with life stages of T. castaneum and temperature sensors confined in small compartments, were placed in 25 locations across all five mill floors. Temperature data showed that the mean time to 50°C based on the two treatments ranged from 10.39 to 17.18 h, and the mean time above 50°C ranged from 6.01 to 13.63 h. The mean maximum temperatures attained ranged from 50.7 to 61.4°C. In general, temperatures were lower in compartments with 43 g of flour when compared with compartments with 0.5 g of flour. Temperatures were also lower on the first floor than on the remaining floors. In box bioassays, essentially none of the life stages survived the 24 h heat treatment (99-100% mortality), except on the first floor. The survival of insects, especially on the first floor, is related to how quickly temperatures reached 50°C and how long temperatures were held between 50 and 60°C, and the maximum temperatures attained at a given location. There were only small differences in mortality between the two levels of sanitation. These results show that heat treatment of flour mills can control all life stages of T. castaneum in 24 h. Keywords: Tribolium castaneum, Heat treatment, Sanitation, Life stages, Methyl bromide alternative

    Assessment of hygienic conditions of ground pepper (Piper nigrum L.) on the market in São Paulo city, by means of two methodologies for detecting the light filth

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    Pepper should to be collected, processed, and packed under optimum conditions to avoid the presence of foreign matter. The hygienic conditions of ground pepper marketted in São Paulo city were assessed in determining the presence of foreign matter by means of two extraction methodologies. This study was carried out during a six-month time period from May to September 2006. The occurrence of light impurities was determined either by the flotation technique following the methodology recommended by AOAC or by enzyme – linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It was observed that 100% of the examined samples contained insect fragments, and many samples were housing more than one type of foreign matter. Twentytwo percent of samples were unqualified for consumption owing to the occurrence of rodent hairs. For the calibration of ELISA test for quantification of insect contamination level in pepper samples, a range of standard-infested samples was prepared in adding 1, 2, 4, 8 and 10 insects in a control sample to estimate the number of insects in the analyzed samples by measuring optical densities (OD) values with a spectrophotometer. Among the 22 samples, 36.4% of samples presented OD values close to that corresponding to the standard infested with eight insects, 40.9% of samples were comparable to OD of the standard infested with four insects, 18.2% comparable to standard with 10 insects, and 4.5% to the standard with two insects. According to the results observed in the present study, the technique described in AOAC official methods manual was found more suitable for detecting not only the insects but also the additional impurities in analyzed samples, while ELISA is specific to detect myosin from the insect muscle, which undergoes serious degradation with time. Keywords: Pepper, ELISA test , Light filth, AOAC official method

    Effectiveness of flameless catalytic infrared radiation against life stages of three stored-product insect species in stored wheat

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    A bench top flameless catalytic infrared emitter was evaluated in the laboratory to disinfest wheat containing different life stages (ages) of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica; rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae; and red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. The emitter produces infrared in the 3 to 7 um range. A noncontact infrared thermometer obtained real-time grain temperatures during exposures of uninfested and infested wheat containing various life stages of the three insect species. The grain temperatures attained were influenced by wheat quantity, distance from the emitter, and exposure time, which in turn influenced effectiveness against various life stages of the three species. In general, higher grain temperatures were attained in 113.5 g of wheat as opposed to 227.0 g, at 8.0 cm from the emitter surface rather than at 12.7 cm, and during a 60-sec exposure compared to a 45-sec exposure. Logistic regression indicated the probability of death of various life stages of R.  dominica, S. oryzae, and T. castaneum was temperature-dependent. About 99 to 100% mortality of all life stages of the three species occurred when the mean wheat temperatures were in the range of 108 to 114°C. The promising results show flameless catalytic infrared technology to be a viable option for disinfestation of stored wheat, provided such high temperatures do not affect grain quality.Keywords: Infrared radiation, Stored-product insects, Non-chemical method, Efficacy assessmen

    Identification of hydroxyapatite spherules provides new insight into subretinal pigment epithelial deposit formation in the aging eye.

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    Accumulation of protein- and lipid-containing deposits external to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is common in the aging eye, and has long been viewed as the hallmark of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The cause for the accumulation and retention of molecules in the sub-RPE space, however, remains an enigma. Here, we present fluorescence microscopy and X-ray diffraction evidence for the formation of small (0.5-20 μm in diameter), hollow, hydroxyapatite (HAP) spherules in Bruch's membrane in human eyes. These spherules are distinct in form, placement, and staining from the well-known calcification of the elastin layer of the aging Bruch's membrane. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) imaging confirmed the presence of calcium phosphate in the spherules and identified cholesterol enrichment in their core. Using HAP-selective fluorescent dyes, we show that all types of sub-RPE deposits in the macula, as well as in the periphery, contain numerous HAP spherules. Immunohistochemical labeling for proteins characteristic of sub-RPE deposits, such as complement factor H, vitronectin, and amyloid beta, revealed that HAP spherules were coated with these proteins. HAP spherules were also found outside the sub-RPE deposits, ready to bind proteins at the RPE/choroid interface. Based on these results, we propose a novel mechanism for the growth, and possibly even the formation, of sub-RPE deposits, namely, that the deposit growth and formation begin with the deposition of insoluble HAP shells around naturally occurring, cholesterol-containing extracellular lipid droplets at the RPE/choroid interface; proteins and lipids then attach to these shells, initiating or supporting the growth of sub-RPE deposits

    Homeless street children in Nepal : use of allostatic load to assess the burden of childhood adversity.

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    As challenges to child well-being through economic disadvantage, family disruption, and migration or displacement escalate world wide, the need for cross-culturally robust understanding of childhood adversity proportionately increases. Toward this end, developmental risk was assessed in four contrasting groups of 107 Nepali children ages 10–14 years that represent distinctive, common conditions in which contemporary children grow up. Relative cumulative burden (allostatic load) indexed by multiple dimensions of physical and psychosocial stress was ascertained among homeless street boys and three family-based groups, from poor urban squatter settlements, urban middle class, and a remote rural village. Biomarkers of stress and vulnerability to stress included growth status, salivary cortisol, antibodies to Epstein–Barr virus, acute phase inflammatory responses (alpha1-antichymotrypsin), and cardiovascular fitness and reactivity (flex heart rate and pressor response). Individual biomarkers of risk and allostatic load differed markedly among groups, were highest in villagers, and varied by components of allostatic load. Such data suggest a need for critical appraisal of homelessness and migration as a risk factor to youth, given prevailing local conditions such as rural poverty, and represents the only multidimensional study of childhood allostatic load and developmental risk in non-Western settings

    Assessing a Novel Adaptation to CCI Devices to Model Human Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Background: Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are a health crisis with over a million people suffering injuries each year in the United States. The majority of TBIs are mild injuries which often produce no period of unconsciousness and no gross damage to the brain or skull. A range of TBI animal models exist but many produce injuries too severe to characterize as mild. One TBI induction method commonly used is Controlled Cortical Impact (CCI) devices. New Method: The purpose of this study is to assess a novel adaptation to CCI devices that allows for the induction of mild injuries that mimic human mild TBI (mTBI). In this apparatus, the mouse is placed on an elevated platform which utilizes a sensor to collapse the platform as the impactor hits the head. Results: On the first day of injury, the repetitive dropping platform group had a significantly lower Time to Righting (TTR) than both control and single hit stationary platform groups. Additionally, on the first day of injury the single-hit stationary group had a significantly increased Time to Ambulation (TTA) compared to all other groups. Furthermore, this adaptation produces significantly less GFAP than CCI injuries performed without the falling platform. Comparison with existing models: This model incorporates the high control of the CCI device that may be lost in weight-drop models of mild injury while also producing translational mild injuries. Conclusion: This adaptation can be used in any CCI research lab to translationally study mild injuries. This will facilitate murine research into mTBI