279 research outputs found

    A retrospective evaluation of the impact of a dedicated obstetric and neonatal transport service on transport times within an urban setting

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    OBJECTIVE:To determine whether the establishment of a dedicated obstetric and neonatal flying squad resulted in improved performance within the setting of a major metropolitan area.DESIGN AND SETTING:The Cape Town metropolitan service of the Emergency Medical Services was selected for a retrospective review of the transit times for the newly implemented Flying Squad programme. Data were imported from the Computer Aided Dispatch programme. Dispatch, Response, Mean Transit and Total Pre-hospital times relating to the obstetric and neonatal incidents was analysed for 2005 and 2008. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement between 2005 and 2008 in all incidents evaluated. Flying Squad dispatch performance improved from 11.7% to 46.6% of all incidents dispatched within 4 min (p < 0.0001). Response time performance at the 15-min threshold did not demonstrate a statistically significant improvement (p = 0.4), although the improvement in the 30-min performance category was statistically significant in both maternity and neonatal incidents. Maternity incidents displayed the greatest improvement with the 30-min performance increasing from 30.3% to 72.9%. The analysis of the mean transit times demonstrated that neonatal transfers displayed the longest status time in all but one of the categories. Even so, the introduction of the Flying Squad programme resulted in a reduction in a total pre-hospital time from 177 to 128 min. CONCLUSION: The introduction of the Flying Squad programme has resulted in significant improvement in the transit times of both neonatal and obstetric patients. In spite of the severe resource constraints facing developing nations, the model employed offers significant gains

    Interference, reduced action, and trajectories

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    Instead of investigating the interference between two stationary, rectilinear wave functions in a trajectory representation by examining the two rectilinear wave functions individually, we examine a dichromatic wave function that is synthesized from the two interfering wave functions. The physics of interference is contained in the reduced action for the dichromatic wave function. As this reduced action is a generator of the motion for the dichromatic wave function, it determines the dichromatic wave function's trajectory. The quantum effective mass renders insight into the behavior of the trajectory. The trajectory in turn renders insight into quantum nonlocality.Comment: 12 pages text, 5 figures. Typos corrected. Author's final submission. A companion paper to "Welcher Weg? A trajectory representation of a quantum Young's diffraction experiment", quant-ph/0605121. Keywords: interference, nonlocality, trajectory representation, entanglement, dwell time, determinis

    Extreme Ultra-Violet Spectroscopy of the Lower Solar Atmosphere During Solar Flares

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    The extreme ultraviolet portion of the solar spectrum contains a wealth of diagnostic tools for probing the lower solar atmosphere in response to an injection of energy, particularly during the impulsive phase of solar flares. These include temperature and density sensitive line ratios, Doppler shifted emission lines and nonthermal broadening, abundance measurements, differential emission measure profiles, and continuum temperatures and energetics, among others. In this paper I shall review some of the advances made in recent years using these techniques, focusing primarily on studies that have utilized data from Hinode/EIS and SDO/EVE, while also providing some historical background and a summary of future spectroscopic instrumentation.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Solar Physics as part of the Topical Issue on Solar and Stellar Flare

    New Insights into White-Light Flare Emission from Radiative-Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Chromospheric Condensation

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    (abridged) The heating mechanism at high densities during M dwarf flares is poorly understood. Spectra of M dwarf flares in the optical and near-ultraviolet wavelength regimes have revealed three continuum components during the impulsive phase: 1) an energetically dominant blackbody component with a color temperature of T \sim 10,000 K in the blue-optical, 2) a smaller amount of Balmer continuum emission in the near-ultraviolet at lambda << 3646 Angstroms and 3) an apparent pseudo-continuum of blended high-order Balmer lines. These properties are not reproduced by models that employ a typical "solar-type" flare heating level in nonthermal electrons, and therefore our understanding of these spectra is limited to a phenomenological interpretation. We present a new 1D radiative-hydrodynamic model of an M dwarf flare from precipitating nonthermal electrons with a large energy flux of 101310^{13} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}. The simulation produces bright continuum emission from a dense, hot chromospheric condensation. For the first time, the observed color temperature and Balmer jump ratio are produced self-consistently in a radiative-hydrodynamic flare model. We find that a T \sim 10,000 K blackbody-like continuum component and a small Balmer jump ratio result from optically thick Balmer and Paschen recombination radiation, and thus the properties of the flux spectrum are caused by blue light escaping over a larger physical depth range compared to red and near-ultraviolet light. To model the near-ultraviolet pseudo-continuum previously attributed to overlapping Balmer lines, we include the extra Balmer continuum opacity from Landau-Zener transitions that result from merged, high order energy levels of hydrogen in a dense, partially ionized atmosphere. This reveals a new diagnostic of ambient charge density in the densest regions of the atmosphere that are heated during dMe and solar flares.Comment: 50 pages, 2 tables, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Solar Physics Topical Issue, "Solar and Stellar Flares". Version 2 (June 22, 2015): updated to include comments by Guest Editor. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11207-015-0708-

    Molecular interactions of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2 at pre- and post-synaptic sites in rat cerebellum.

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    The plasma membrane calcium extrusion mechanism, PMCA (plasma membrane calcium ATPase) isoform 2 is richly expressed in the brain and particularly the cerebellum. Whilst PMCA2 is known to interact with a variety of proteins to participate in important signalling events [Strehler EE, Filoteo AG, Penniston JT, Caride AJ (2007) Plasma-membrane Ca(2+) pumps: structural diversity as the basis for functional versatility. Biochem Soc Trans 35 (Pt 5):919-922], its molecular interactions in brain synapse tissue are not well understood. An initial proteomics screen and a biochemical fractionation approach identified PMCA2 and potential partners at both pre- and post-synaptic sites in synapse-enriched brain tissue from rat. Reciprocal immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down approaches confirmed that PMCA2 interacts with the post-synaptic proteins PSD95 and the NMDA glutamate receptor subunits NR1 and NR2a, via its C-terminal PDZ (PSD95/Dlg/ZO-1) binding domain. Since PSD95 is a well-known partner for the NMDA receptor this raises the exciting possibility that all three interactions occur within the same post-synaptic signalling complex. At the pre-synapse, where PMCA2 was present in the pre-synapse web, reciprocal immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down approaches identified the pre-synaptic membrane protein syntaxin-1A, a member of the SNARE complex, as a potential partner for PMCA2. Both PSD95-PMCA2 and syntaxin-1A-PMCA2 interactions were also detected in the molecular and granule cell layers of rat cerebellar sagittal slices by immunohistochemistry. These specific molecular interactions at cerebellar synapses may allow PMCA2 to closely control local calcium dynamics as part of pre- and post-synaptic signalling complexes

    A Comprehensive Assessment of Anthropogenic and Natural Sources and Sinks of Australasia's Carbon Budget

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    Regional carbon budget assessments attribute and track changes in carbon sources and sinks and support the development and monitoring the efficacy of climate policies. We present a comprehensive assessment of the natural and anthropogenic carbon (C-CO2) fluxes for Australasia as a whole, as well as for Australia and New Zealand individually, for the period from 2010 to 2019, using two approaches: bottom-up methods that integrate flux estimates from land-surface models, data-driven models, and inventory estimates; and top-down atmospheric inversions based on satellite and in situ measurements. Our bottom-up decadal assessment suggests that Australasia's net carbon balance was close to carbon neutral (−0.4 ± 77.0 TgC yr−1). However, substantial uncertainties remain in this estimate, primarily driven by the large spread between our regional terrestrial biosphere simulations and predictions from global ecosystem models. Within Australasia, Australia was a net source of 38.2 ± 75.8 TgC yr−1, and New Zealand was a net CO2 sink of −38.6 ± 13.4 TgC yr−1. The top-down approach using atmospheric CO2 inversions indicates that fluxes derived from the latest satellite retrievals are consistent within the range of uncertainties with Australia's bottom-up budget. For New Zealand, the best agreement was found with a national scale flux inversion estimate based on in situ measurements, which provide better constrained of fluxes than satellite flux inversions. This study marks an important step toward a more comprehensive understanding of the net CO2 balance in both countries, facilitating the improvement of carbon accounting approaches and strategies to reduce emissions

    Origin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flare

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    Solar flares observed in the 200-400 GHz radio domain may exhibit a slowly varying and time-extended component which follows a short (few minutes) impulsive phase and which lasts for a few tens of minutes to more than one hour. The few examples discussed in the literature indicate that such long-lasting submillimeter emission is most likely thermal bremsstrahlung. We present a detailed analysis of the time-extended phase of the 2003 October 27 (M6.7) flare, combining 1-345 GHz total-flux radio measurements with X-ray, EUV, and H{\alpha} observations. We find that the time-extended radio emission is, as expected, radiated by thermal bremsstrahlung. Up to 230 GHz, it is entirely produced in the corona by hot and cool materials at 7-16 MK and 1-3 MK, respectively. At 345 GHz, there is an additional contribution from chromospheric material at a few 10^4 K. These results, which may also apply to other millimeter-submillimeter radio events, are not consistent with the expectations from standard semi-empirical models of the chromosphere and transition region during flares, which predict observable radio emission from the chromosphere at all frequencies where the corona is transparent.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure