852 research outputs found

    Mid-cervical spinal cord contusion causes robust deficits in respiratory parameters and pattern variability

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    Mid-cervical spinal cord contusion disrupts both the pathways and motoneurons vital to the activity of inspiratory muscles. The present study was designed to determine if a rat contusion model could result in a measurable deficit to both ventilatory and respiratory motor function under “normal” breathing conditions at acute to chronic stages post trauma. Through whole body plethysmography and electromyography we assessed respiratory output from three days to twelve weeks after a cervical level 3 (C3) contusion. Contused animals showed significant deficits in both tidal and minute volumes which were sustained from acute to chronic time points. We also examined the degree to which the contusion injury impacted ventilatory pattern variability through assessment of Mutual Information and Sample Entropy. Mid-cervical contusion significantly and robustly decreased the variability of ventilatory patterns. The enduring deficit to the respiratory motor system caused by contusion was further confirmed through electromyography recordings in multiple respiratory muscles. When isolated via a lesion, these contused pathways were insufficient to maintain respiratory activity at all time points post injury. Collectively these data illustrate that, counter to the prevailing literature, a profound and lasting ventilatory and respiratory motor deficit may be modelled and measured through multiple physiological assessments at all time points after cervical contusion injury

    Temporally Arrested Breath Figure.

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    Since its original conception as a tool for manufacturing porous materials, the breath figure method (BF) and its variations have been frequently used for the fabrication of numerous micro- and nanopatterned functional surfaces. In classical BF, reliable design of the final pattern has been hindered by the dual role of solvent evaporation to initiate/control the dropwise condensation and induce polymerization, alongside the complex effects of local humidity and temperature influence. Herein, we provide a deterministic method for reliable control of BF pore diameters over a wide range of length scales and environmental conditions. To this end, we employ an adapted methodology that decouples cooling from polymerization by using a combination of initiative cooling and quasi-instantaneous UV curing to deliberately arrest the desired BF patterns in time. Through in situ real-time optical microscopy analysis of the condensation kinetics, we demonstrate that an analytically predictable self-similar regime is the predominant arrangement from early to late times O(10-100 s), when high-density condensation nucleation is initially achieved on the polymer films. In this regime, the temporal growth of condensation droplets follows a unified power law of D ∝ t. Identification and quantitative characterization of the scale-invariant self-similar BF regime allow fabrication of programmed pore size, ranging from hundreds of nanometers to tens of micrometers, at high surface coverage of around 40%. Finally, we show that temporal arresting of BF patterns can be further extended for selective surface patterning and/or pore size modulation by spatially masking the UV curing illumination source. Our findings bridge the gap between fundamental knowledge of dropwise condensation and applied breath figure patterning techniques, thus enabling mechanistic design and fabrication of porous materials and interfaces

    Exploiting breath figure reversibility for in situ pattern modulation and hierarchical design

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    The breath figure (BF) method employs condensation droplets as dynamic templates for patterning polymer films. In the classical approach, dropwise condensation and film solidification are simultaneously induced through solvent evaporation, leading to empirically derived patterns with limited predictability of the final design. Here we use the temporally arrested BF methodology, controlling condensation and polymerisation independently to create diverse BF patterns with varied pore size, arrangement and distribution. External temperature control enables us to further investigate and exploit the inherent reversibility of the phase change process that governs the pattern formation. We modulate the level of subcooling and superheating to achieve subsequent regimes of condensation and evaporation, permitting in situ regulation of the droplet growth and shrinkage kinetics. The full reversibility of the phase change processes joined with active photopolymerisation in the current approach thus allows arresting of predictable BF kinetics at intermediate stages, thereby accessing patterns with varied pore size and spacing for unchanged material properties and environmental conditions. This simultaneous active control over both the kinetics of phase change and polymer solidification offers affordable routes for the fabrication of diverse predictable porous surfaces; manufacture of monolithic hierarchical BF patterns are ultimately facilitated through the advanced control of the BF assembly using the method presented here

    Vestibular Facilitation of Optic Flow Parsing

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    Simultaneous object motion and self-motion give rise to complex patterns of retinal image motion. In order to estimate object motion accurately, the brain must parse this complex retinal motion into self-motion and object motion components. Although this computational problem can be solved, in principle, through purely visual mechanisms, extra-retinal information that arises from the vestibular system during self-motion may also play an important role. Here we investigate whether combining vestibular and visual self-motion information improves the precision of object motion estimates. Subjects were asked to discriminate the direction of object motion in the presence of simultaneous self-motion, depicted either by visual cues alone (i.e. optic flow) or by combined visual/vestibular stimuli. We report a small but significant improvement in object motion discrimination thresholds with the addition of vestibular cues. This improvement was greatest for eccentric heading directions and negligible for forward movement, a finding that could reflect increased relative reliability of vestibular versus visual cues for eccentric heading directions. Overall, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that vestibular inputs can help parse retinal image motion into self-motion and object motion components

    Bridging Time Scales in Cellular Decision Making with a Stochastic Bistable Switch

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    Cellular transformations which involve a significant phenotypical change of the cell's state use bistable biochemical switches as underlying decision systems. In this work, we aim at linking cellular decisions taking place on a time scale of years to decades with the biochemical dynamics in signal transduction and gene regulation, occuring on a time scale of minutes to hours. We show that a stochastic bistable switch forms a viable biochemical mechanism to implement decision processes on long time scales. As a case study, the mechanism is applied to model the initiation of follicle growth in mammalian ovaries, where the physiological time scale of follicle pool depletion is on the order of the organism's lifespan. We construct a simple mathematical model for this process based on experimental evidence for the involved genetic mechanisms. Despite the underlying stochasticity, the proposed mechanism turns out to yield reliable behavior in large populations of cells subject to the considered decision process. Our model explains how the physiological time constant may emerge from the intrinsic stochasticity of the underlying gene regulatory network. Apart from ovarian follicles, the proposed mechanism may also be of relevance for other physiological systems where cells take binary decisions over a long time scale.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Correction for Colón-González et al., Limiting global-mean temperature increase to 1.5-2 °C could reduce the incidence and spatial spread of dengue fever in Latin America.

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    Correction for “Limiting global-mean temperature increase to 1.5–2 °C could reduce the incidence and spatial spread of dengue fever in Latin America,” by Felipe J. Colón-González, Ian Harris, Timothy J. Osborn, Christine Steiner São Bernardo, Carlos A. Peres, Paul R. Hunter, and Iain R. Lake, which was first published May 29, 2018; 10.1073/pnas.1718945115 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 6243–6248). The authors note that Rachel Warren and Detlef van Vuuren should be added to the author list. Rachel Warren should appear as the seventh author, following Paul R. Hunter. Detlef van Vuuren should appear as the eighth author, following Rachel Warren and preceding Iain R. Lake. Rachel Warren should be credited with designing research. Detlef van Vuuren should be credited with contributing data. The corrected author line, affiliation line, and author contributions appear below. The online version has been corrected. The authors also note that the following statement should be added to the Acknowledgments: “R.W. and D.v.V. also received funding from the United Kingdom government, Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, as part of the ‘Implications of Global Warming of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C Project.’

    Using computer-aided detection in mammography as a decision support

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    Contains fulltext : 87548.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: To evaluate an interactive computer-aided detection (CAD) system for reading mammograms to improve decision making. METHODS: A dedicated mammographic workstation has been developed in which readers can probe image locations for the presence of CAD information. If present, CAD findings are displayed with the computed malignancy rating. A reader study was conducted in which four screening radiologists and five non-radiologists participated to study the effect of this system on detection performance. The participants read 120 cases of which 40 cases had a malignant mass that was missed at the original screening. The readers read each mammogram both with and without CAD in separate sessions. Each reader reported localized findings and assigned a malignancy score per finding. Mean sensitivity was computed in an interval of false-positive fractions less than 10%. RESULTS: Mean sensitivity was 25.1% in the sessions without CAD and 34.8% in the CAD-assisted sessions. The increase in detection performance was significant (p = 0.012). Average reading time was 84.7 +/- 61.5 s/case in the unaided sessions and was not significantly higher when interactive CAD was used (85.9 +/- 57.8 s/case). CONCLUSION: Interactive use of CAD in mammography may be more effective than traditional CAD for improving mass detection without affecting reading time.1 oktober 201

    Intraspecific Variation in Pinus Pinaster PSII Photochemical Efficiency in Response to Winter Stress and Freezing Temperatures

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    As part of a program to select maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) genotypes for resistance to low winter temperatures, we examined variation in photosystem II activity by chlorophyll fluorescence. Populations and families within populations from contrasting climates were tested during two consecutive winters through two progeny trials, one located at a continental and xeric site and one at a mesic site with Atlantic influence. We also obtained the LT50, or the temperature that causes 50% damage, by controlled freezing and the subsequent analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence in needles and stems that were collected from populations at the continental trial site

    Seasonal changes in patterns of gene expression in avian song control brain regions.

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Photoperiod and hormonal cues drive dramatic seasonal changes in structure and function of the avian song control system. Little is known, however, about the patterns of gene expression associated with seasonal changes. Here we address this issue by altering the hormonal and photoperiodic conditions in seasonally-breeding Gambel's white-crowned sparrows and extracting RNA from the telencephalic song control nuclei HVC and RA across multiple time points that capture different stages of growth and regression. We chose HVC and RA because while both nuclei change in volume across seasons, the cellular mechanisms underlying these changes differ. We thus hypothesized that different genes would be expressed between HVC and RA. We tested this by using the extracted RNA to perform a cDNA microarray hybridization developed by the SoNG initiative. We then validated these results using qRT-PCR. We found that 363 genes varied by more than 1.5 fold (>log(2) 0.585) in expression in HVC and/or RA. Supporting our hypothesis, only 59 of these 363 genes were found to vary in both nuclei, while 132 gene expression changes were HVC specific and 172 were RA specific. We then assigned many of these genes to functional categories relevant to the different mechanisms underlying seasonal change in HVC and RA, including neurogenesis, apoptosis, cell growth, dendrite arborization and axonal growth, angiogenesis, endocrinology, growth factors, and electrophysiology. This revealed categorical differences in the kinds of genes regulated in HVC and RA. These results show that different molecular programs underlie seasonal changes in HVC and RA, and that gene expression is time specific across different reproductive conditions. Our results provide insights into the complex molecular pathways that underlie adult neural plasticity