208 research outputs found

    Engenhos e Artes no Ofício de Ensinar: PCDA, Programa Brasileiro

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    As artes e os ofícios do ensino estão em crise e em transformação no cenário de mudanças aceleradas que afetam radicalmente os sentidos e significados da universidade brasileira. A docência é um ofício? O quanto de arte existe neste ofício? Ofício evoca maestria e qualificação, identidade corporativa e comunidade de práticas. O ofício remete, como lembra Arroyo (2000), a um passado artesanal, ao saber fazer perito e criativo. O mestre de ofícios mantém e reproduz uma tradição, reinventando a prática no cotidiano, incorporando tecnologias como fazem os professores em aulas magistrais ou em redes de aprendizagem. Mudam os contextos, os espaços de ensino e aprendizagem, os modos e meios de ensinar. Permanecem constantes o professor e os alunos e a tensa relação em que o primeiro organiza as condições para a aprendizagem; procurando um equilíbrio impossível entre rigidez e plasticidade (Novoa, 2001), pois, paradoxalmente, os professores são, ao mesmo tempo sensíveis e resistentes à inovação. Morandi (2002) lembra a diversidade e a incerteza presentes na ação docente que John Dewey chama de “reconstrução contínua que vai de experiência sempre mutante do aluno às verdades organizadas que se chama de ensino” (Dewey,1968)

    Language models, surprisal and fantasy in Slavic intercomprehension

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    In monolingual human language processing, the predictability of a word given its surrounding sentential context is crucial. With regard to receptive multilingualism, it is unclear to what extent predictability in context interplays with other linguistic factors in understanding a related but unknown language – a process called intercomprehension. We distinguish two dimensions influencing processing effort during intercomprehension: surprisal in sentential context and linguistic distance. Based on this hypothesis, we formulate expectations regarding the difficulty of designed experimental stimuli and compare them to the results from think-aloud protocols of experiments in which Czech native speakers decode Polish sentences by agreeing on an appropriate translation. On the one hand, orthographic and lexical distances are reliable predictors of linguistic similarity. On the other hand, we obtain the predictability of words in a sentence with the help of trigram language models. We find that linguistic distance (encoding similarity) and in-context surprisal (predictability in context) appear to be complementary, with neither factor outweighing the other, and that our distinguishing of these two measurable dimensions is helpful in understanding certain unexpected effects in human behaviour

    Countermeasure against the SPA attack on an embedded McEliece cryptosystem

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    International audience—In this paper, we present a novel countermeasure against a simple power analysis based side channel attack on a software implementation of the McEliece public key cryptosys-tem. First, we attack a straightforward C implementation of the Goppa codes based McEliece decryption running on an ARM Cortex-M3 microprocessor. Next, we demonstrate on a realistic example that using a " chosen ciphertext attack " method, it is possible to recover the complete secret permutation matrix. We show that this matrix can be completely recovered by an analysis of a dynamic power consumption of the microprocessor. Then, we estimate the brute-force attack complexity reduction depending on the knowledge of the permutation matrix. Finally, we propose an efficient software countermeasure having low computational complexity. Of course, we provide all the necessary details regarding the attack implementation and all the consequences of the proposed countermeasure especially in terms of power consumption

    Privatização, Mudança & Evolução da Estrutura Organizacional em Três Momentos: Tebasa, Telebahia e Telemar

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    Este trabalho apresenta o processo de transformação da Telebahia S/A, antiga empresa-pólo do Sistema Telebrás, estatal e prestadora de serviços em telecomunicações no Estado da Bahia -no contexto da reconfiguração do Setor de Telecomunicações e da privatização desses serviços. A Telebahia S/A foi privatizada em julho de 1998, passando a integrar a Tele Norte Leste Participações S/A. O presente artigo enfoca a análise das transformações ocorridas na estrutura da organização- aqui entendida como as relações entre as partes de um todo organizado (Hatch, 1997). Com o objetivo de ilustrar esse processo de mudança estrutural, utiliza-se de forma complementar a Teoria de Ciclo de Vida, de Greiner (1972), e as configurações de Mintzberg (1995) -tipos ideais- identificando a trajetória da empresa e seus respecitvos desenhos ao longo do tempo. O estudo de caso demonstra que a organização passou por uma série de modificações anteriores ao período de privatização, que a fizeram aproximar-se de um modelo híbrido, mais flexível. A hipótese é de que haveria, com a privatização, um processo de continuidade no sentido de um aumento dessa flexibilização em toda empresa. No entanto, as evidências mostram um processo predominante de centralização na matriz

    Care coordination in homecare and its relationship with quality of care: A national multicenter cross-sectional study

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    As health care complexity increases, skilled care coordination is becoming increasingly necessary. This is especially true in homecare settings, where services tend to be highly interprofessional. Poor coordination can result in services being provided twice, at the wrong time, unnecessarily or not at all. In addition to risking harm to the client, such confusion leads to unnecessary costs. From the patient's perspective, then, professional coordination should help both to remove barriers limiting quality of care and to minimize costs. To date, though, studies examining the relationship between care coordination and care quality have faced multiple challenges, leading to mixed results. And in homecare contexts, where the clients are highly vulnerable and diverse care interfaces make coordination especially challenging, such studies are rare.; Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relationship, from the perspectives of clients and of homecare professionals, between coordination and quality of care. For both groups, we hypothesized that better coordination would correlate with higher ratings of quality of care. For the clients, we predicted that higher coordination ratings would lead to lower incidence of unplanned health care use, i.e., emergency department (ED) visits, unscheduled urgent medical visits and hospitalizations.; This study is part of a national multi-center cross-sectional study in the Swiss homecare setting. We recruited 88 homecare agencies and collected data between January and September 2021 through written questionnaires for agencies' managers, employees (n = 3223) and clients (n = 1509). To test our hypotheses, we conducted multilevel analyses.; Employee-perceived care coordination ratings correlated positively with employee-rated quality of care (OR = 2.78, p < .001); client-perceived care coordination problems correlated inversely with client-reported quality of care (β = -0.55, p < .001). Client-perceived coordination problems also correlated positively with hospitalizations (IRR = 1.20, p < .05) and unscheduled urgent medical visits (IRR = 1.18, p < .05), but not significantly with ED visits. No associations were discernible between employee-perceived coordination quality and either health care service use or client quality-of-care ratings.; While results indicate relationships between coordination and diverse aspects of care quality, various coordination gaps (e.g., poor information flow) also became apparent. The measurement of both care coordination and quality of care remains a challenge. Further research should focus on developing and validating a coordination questionnaire that measures care coordination

    Advanced qualification in regulation: institutional challenges to the interorganizations in the Brazilian power sector and critical alternatives to the competence rhetoric

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    Este artigo discute a retórica da competência utilizada na qualificação de quadros gestores de regulação do setor de energia elétrica no Brasil, como requisito para a institucionalização do modelo interorganizacional posto em prática após a privatização. O artigo analisa desenhos organizativos, cenário político e marcos reguladores, identificando estratégias de gestão e capacitações necessárias ao quadro gestor. Trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos, de teor descritivo-comparativo, que teve como unidades de análise a agência nacional (Aneel) e três agências estaduais (Agergs, no Rio Grande do Sul, Arcon, no Pará, e Agerba, na Bahia). O artigo faz considerações acerca do modelo de competências e da capacitação necessária ao corpo técnico de nível superior nas suas atividades de regulação para, finalmente, cruzar o elenco das competências essenciais com as ofertas de capacitação oferecidas pelas instituições do país.This paper discusses the competence rhetoric used for the qualification of the managerial staff in the Brazilian power sector, as a condition to the institutionalization of the interorganizational model adopted after privatization. It discusses organizational designs, political scenario and regulatory landmarks, and identifies managerial strategies and the necessary qualifications for the the managerial staff. As a multiple case study, this paper analyzes the national agency (Aneel) and three state agencies (Agergs, Arcon, and Agerba), adopting a descriptive-comparative point of view. It also discusses the competence and qualification model that the graduated technical team needs for its regulatory activities, and, finally, it compares the required basic competences with the qualification offered by Brazilian institutions

    Aos Mestres em Administração

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    A O&S abriu espaço para os professores e para o ensino de Administração. Mas, de quem, para quem e de quem falamos? Quem são os professores de Administração no Brasil? O que é o ensino considerado como campo de conhecimento e de práticas? Coletivo de grande diversidade, é o maior no ensino de graduação, oferecido por quase 2000 instituições e, aproximadamente, 3000 cursos, distribuídos entre cursos generalistas e perto de 300 habilitações, remanescentes da explosão da oferta dos anos 90

    Ttc7a regulates hematopoietic stem cell functions while controlling the stress-induced response

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    The molecular machinery that regulates the balance between self-renewal and differentiation properties of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) has yet to be characterized in detail. Here we found that the tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7 A (Ttc7a) protein, a putative scaffold protein expressed by HSC, acts as an intrinsic regulator of the proliferative response and the self-renewal potential of murine HSC in vivo. Loss of Ttc7a consistently enhanced the competitive repopulating ability of HSC and their intrinsic capacity to replenish the hematopoietic system after serial cell transplantations, relative to wildtype cells. Ttc7a-deficient HSC exhibit a different transcriptomic profile for a set of genes controlling the cellular response to stress, which was associated with increased proliferation in response to chemically induced stress in vitro and myeloablative stress in vivo. Our results therefore revealed a previously unrecognized role of Ttc7a as a critical regulator of HSC stemness. This role is related, at least in part, to regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response.</p

    New perspectives in oral peptide delivery

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    Owing to their structural diversity, peptides are a unique source of innovative active ingredients. However, their development has been challenging because of their disadvantageous pharmacokinetic (PK) properties. Over the past decade, many attempts have been made to improve the oral bioavailability of peptide drugs. In this review, we highlight the most recent and promising techniques aimed at the improvement of the oral bioavailability of peptides. The most recent findings will influence future approaches of pharmaceutical companies in the development of new, more efficient, and safer orally delivered peptides