82 research outputs found

    Rare non-Wilms' tumors in children

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    We report our institutional experience of the management of 2 cases of rare non-Wilms' tumors; a rhabdoid tumor in a 17-month old boy and a clear cell sarcoma in a 5-year old girl. The two patients were treated with ifosfamide/carboplatin/etoposide (ICE) alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (VDC) and cyclophosphamide/etoposide (CE) alternating with vincristine/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (VDC) and radiotherapy, respectively. Both patients showed full response with no significant adverse events. At 2-year follow up, they are disease and relapse free. Although contemporary treatment regimens are very promising, multicenter collaborative studies are needed in order to define a standard treatment for non-Wilms' tumors

    Depression literacy among Australians of Chinese-speaking background in Melbourne, Australia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study investigated the knowledge of depression and preference for professional help, medications and treatment methods among Australians of Chinese-speaking background, and the perceptions of this population of the causes of mental illness.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adopting a cluster convenience sampling method, the study recruited 200 Chinese-speaking subjects from four major areas in metropolitan Melbourne where many Chinese live. The respondents were presented with a vignette describing an individual with depression and then asked questions to assess their understanding of depression and preference for professional help, medications and treatment methods. A comparative approach was used to compare the findings with those of a previous study of the mental health literacy of Australian and Japanese adults.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to the Australian and Japanese samples, a much lower percentage of Chinese-speaking Australians (14%) could correctly identify major depression described in the vignette, and a higher percentage believed that counseling professionals could be helpful. Higher percentages of those who believed that close family members could be helpful were found in the Chinese-speaking Australian and Japanese samples, and these two groups also expressed more uncertainty about the usefulness or harmfulness of certain medications compared to the Australian sample. Higher percentages of respondents in both the Chinese-speaking Australian and the Australian sample considered "lifestyle changes" to be helpful compared to the Japanese sample. In the Chinese-speaking sample, 30%, 17.4%, 33% and 27% of the respondents rated "traditional Chinese medicine doctors," "Chinese herbal medications," "taking Chinese nutritional foods/supplements" and "<it>qiqong</it>" as helpful. Many perceived "changing <it>fungshui</it>" and "traditional Chinese worship" to be harmful. Regarding the perception of causes of mental illness, items related to psychosocial perspectives including "life stress" and "interpersonal conflict" were rated highly by the respondents, whereas traditional beliefs including "punishment for misdeeds conducted by ancestors" and "demon possession" had the lowest ratings.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Campaigns to increase the mental health literacy of Chinese-speaking Australians are needed. The abovementioned socially and culturally driven beliefs need to be taken into consideration in the development of culturally relevant education programs.</p

    Dynamic Mechanisms of Cell Rigidity Sensing: Insights from a Computational Model of Actomyosin Networks

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    Cells modulate themselves in response to the surrounding environment like substrate elasticity, exhibiting structural reorganization driven by the contractility of cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is the scaffolding structure of eukaryotic cells, playing a central role in many mechanical and biological functions. It is composed of a network of actins, actin cross-linking proteins (ACPs), and molecular motors. The motors generate contractile forces by sliding couples of actin filaments in a polar fashion, and the contractile response of the cytoskeleton network is known to be modulated also by external stimuli, such as substrate stiffness. This implies an important role of actomyosin contractility in the cell mechano-sensing. However, how cells sense matrix stiffness via the contractility remains an open question. Here, we present a 3-D Brownian dynamics computational model of a cross-linked actin network including the dynamics of molecular motors and ACPs. The mechano-sensing properties of this active network are investigated by evaluating contraction and stress in response to different substrate stiffness. Results demonstrate two mechanisms that act to limit internal stress: (i) In stiff substrates, motors walk until they exert their maximum force, leading to a plateau stress that is independent of substrate stiffness, whereas (ii) in soft substrates, motors walk until they become blocked by other motors or ACPs, leading to submaximal stress levels. Therefore, this study provides new insights into the role of molecular motors in the contraction and rigidity sensing of cells

    Mifamurtide for the treatment of nonmetastatic osteosarcoma

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: The standard treatment for osteosarcoma requires both macroscopic surgical wide resection and postoperative multi-drug chemotherapy in neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings. However, the 5-year event-free survival has remained at a plateau of 60-70% of patients with nonmetastatic osteosarcoma for more than 30 years. AREAS COVERED: Mifamurtide (liposomal muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine; L-MTP-PE) is a new agent. L-MTP-PE is a nonspecific immunomodulator, which is a synthetic analog of a component of bacterial cell walls. L-MTP-PE activates macrophages and monocytes as a potent activator of immune response in addition to standard chemotherapy. It also improves the overall survival from 70 to 78% and results in a one-third reduction in the risk of death from osteosarcoma. This review summarizes the most recent findings about L-MTP-PE and its therapeutic application for nonmetastatic osteosarcoma. EXPERT OPINION: Recently, L-MTP-PE has been approved in Europe for the treatment of nonmetastatic osteosarcoma with chemotherapy. L-MTP-PE in combination with traditional treatment is expected to go mainstream and to be beneficial for patients with osteosarcoma. Information about potential benefit regarding mifamurtide use in the neoadjuvant setting (i.e., before surgery) and/or usefulness of L-MTP-PE in metastatic in relapsed and metastatic osteosarcoma requires analysis of expanded access and/or future clinical trials of L-MTP-PE in high-burden and low-burden situations

    Thermodynamics of Aryl-Dihydroxyphenyl-Thiadiazole Binding to Human Hsp90

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    The design of specific inhibitors against the Hsp90 chaperone and other enzyme relies on the detailed and correct understanding of both the thermodynamics of inhibitor binding and the structural features of the protein-inhibitor complex. Here we present a detailed thermodynamic study of binding of aryl-dihydroxyphenyl-thiadiazole inhibitor series to recombinant human Hsp90 alpha isozyme. The inhibitors are highly potent, with the intrinsic Kd approximately equal to 1 nM as determined by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and thermal shift assay (TSA). Dissection of protonation contributions yielded the intrinsic thermodynamic parameters of binding, such as enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy, and the heat capacity. The differences in binding thermodynamic parameters between the series of inhibitors revealed contributions of the functional groups, thus providing insight into molecular reasons for improved or diminished binding efficiency. The inhibitor binding to Hsp90 alpha primarily depended on a large favorable enthalpic contribution combined with the smaller favorable entropic contribution, thus suggesting that their binding was both enthalpically and entropically optimized. The enthalpy-entropy compensation phenomenon was highly evident when comparing the inhibitor binding enthalpies and entropies. This study illustrates how detailed thermodynamic analysis helps to understand energetic reasons for the binding efficiency and develop more potent inhibitors that could be applied for therapeutic use as Hsp90 inhibitors

    Fatty-Acid Preference Changes during Development in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Fatty-acids (FAs) are required in the diet of many animals throughout their life. However, the mechanisms involved in the perception of and preferences for dietary saturated and unsaturated FAs (SFAs and UFAs, respectively) remain poorly explored, especially in insects. Using the model species Drosophila melanogaster, we measured the responses of wild-type larvae and adults to pure SFAs (14, 16, and 18 carbons) and UFAs (C18 with 1, 2, or 3 double-bonds). Individual and group behavioral tests revealed different preferences in larvae and adults. Larvae preferred UFAs whereas SFAs tended to induce both a strong aversion and a persistent aggregation behavior. Adults generally preferred SFAs, and laid more eggs and had a longer life span when ingesting these substances as compared to UFAs. Our data suggest that insects can discriminate long-chain dietary FAs. The developmental change in preference shown by this species might reflect functional variation in use of FAs or stage-specific nutritional requirements, and may be fundamental for insect use of these major dietary components

    A benzene-degrading nitrate-reducing microbial consortium displays aerobic and anaerobic benzene degradation pathways

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    All sequence data from this study were deposited at the European Bioinformatics Institute under the accession numbers ERS1670018 to ERS1670023. Further, all assigned genes, taxonomy, function, sequences of contigs, genes and proteins can be found in Table S3.In this study, we report transcription of genes involved in aerobic and anaerobic benzene degradation pathways in a benzene-degrading denitrifying continuous culture. Transcripts associated with the family Peptococcaceae dominated all samples (2136% relative abundance) indicating their key role in the community. We found a highly transcribed gene cluster encoding a presumed anaerobic benzene carboxylase (AbcA and AbcD) and a benzoate-coenzyme A ligase (BzlA). Predicted gene products showed >96% amino acid identity and similar gene order to the corresponding benzene degradation gene cluster described previously, providing further evidence for anaerobic benzene activation via carboxylation. For subsequent benzoyl-CoA dearomatization, bam-like genes analogous to the ones found in other strict anaerobes were transcribed, whereas gene transcripts involved in downstream benzoyl-CoA degradation were mostly analogous to the ones described in facultative anaerobes. The concurrent transcription of genes encoding enzymes involved in oxygenase-mediated aerobic benzene degradation suggested oxygen presence in the culture, possibly formed via a recently identified nitric oxide dismutase (Nod). Although we were unable to detect transcription of Nod-encoding genes, addition of nitrite and formate to the continuous culture showed indication for oxygen production. Such an oxygen production would enable aerobic microbes to thrive in oxygen-depleted and nitrate-containing subsurface environments contaminated with hydrocarbons.This study was supported by a grant of BE-Basic-FES funds from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The research of A.J.M. Stams is supported by an ERC grant (project 323009) and the gravitation grant “Microbes for Health and Environment” (project 024.002.002) of the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. F. Hugenholtz was supported by the same gravitation grant (project 024.002.002). B. Hornung is supported by Wageningen University and the Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research (WIMEK) through the IP/OP program Systems Biology (project KB-17-003.02-023).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio