4,718 research outputs found

    Efeitos do consumo de soja ou prote?na isolada de soja por ratas na lacta??o sobre a fun??o da medula adrenal e resposta antioxidante na prog?nie adulta.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de e Nutri??o. Escola de Nutri??o, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Introdu??o: Estudos t?m relacionado o consumo de soja com efeitos ben?ficos ao organismo. Entretanto, por ser rica em fitoestrog?nios, tem sido questionada a seguran?a do seu consumo e de seus derivados em fases cr?ticas da vida. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do consumo de dieta a base de soja ou prote?na isolada de soja durante a lacta??o sobre a fun??o da medula adrenal, atividade antioxidante e ?ndices de aterogenicidade em ratas lactantes e suas proles ao desmame e na idade adulta. Metodologia: Ratas Wistar lactantes com 6 filhotes machos foram divididas: Controle Case?na (C): dieta ? base de case?na (ptn:16,3%; lip:7%); Prote?na isolada de soja (PIS): dieta ? base de prote?na isolada de soja (ptn:18,3%; lip:7%); Soja (S): dieta ? base de soja (ptn:20,1%; lip:16,8%). Ao desmame, 3 filhotes/ninhada, receberam ra??o comercial at? os 150 dias. Ao final da lacta??o (21 dias) e na idade adulta (150 dias) avaliou-se ingest?o alimentar (IA), massa corporal (MC); ?ndices de aterogenicidade 1 (CT/HDL), 2 (LDL/HDL) e 3 [(CT?HDL)/HDL], atividade hep?tica da super?xido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa peroxidase (GPx), glutationa redutase (GR) e biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo: TBARS e rela??o redox (glutationa reduzida/glutationa oxidada [GSH/GSSG]); colesterol e triglicer?deo (TG) hep?tico; conte?do absoluto e relativo de catecolaminas, secre??o in vitro de catecolaminas e express?o da tirosina hidroxilase (TH) na adrenal; al?m do 17?estradiol s?rico materno. An?lises foram realizadas pelo teste One-way ANOVA e p?s-teste Newman-Keuls (p<0,05). Resultados: As m?es S apresentaram diminui??o do 17 ?-estradiol (vs.C-41,6%; p=0,0186), da SOD (vs.C -26,04%; vs.PIS-22,10%; p=0,0025) e aumento de CAT (vs.PIS +29,12%; p=0,0462). As m?es PIS apresentaram redu??o de TBARS (vs.C -38,24%; p=0,0462). Aos 21 dias, as proles S e PIS apresentaram redu??o nos ?ndices 1 (-22,02%; -27,36%; p=0,0273, respectivamente), 2 (-28,3%; -34,62%; p=0,0014, respectivamente) e 3 (-26,82%; - 33,05%; p=0,0273, respectivamente); a prole S apresentou redu??o do TG hep?tico (vs.PIS-23,66%;p=0,0313); aumento da SOD (vs.C+10,87%;vs.PIS+9,18%;p=0,039), de TBARS (vs.C+127,27%, vs.PIS+143,9%; p=0,0151) e da GPx (vs.C +137,69%; p=0,0125) e GR (vs.C+33,01%; p=0,0231). As proles S e PIS apresentaram redu??o da GSSG (vs.C: -22,09%; -33,97%; p=0,0017, respectivamente); a prole PIS apresentou maior rela??o GSH/GSSG (vs.C+39,44%; vs.S+47,22%; p=0,0053); aumento do TG hep?tico vs.C (+28,95%; p=0,0313). J? aos 150 dias, a prole PIS apresentou, vs. C, aumento do ?ndice 1 (+57,72%; p=0,0082) e 3 (+104,13%; p=0,0082), do colesterol hep?tico (+82,97%; p=0,0322) e da GR (+53,68%; p=0,0231), diminui??o do TBARS (-39,82%; p=0,0103), menor conte?do absoluto (vs. C: -15,82%, vs. S: -14,68%; p= 0,0436) e relativo (vs. C: -17,96%, vs. S: - 29,45%; p=0,0081) de catecolaminas na adrenal, devido ? maior secre??o quando estimulada por cafe?na. A prole S mostrou diminui??o dos ?ndices 1, 2 e 3 e do colesterol hep?tico vs. PIS (-41,2%, p=0,0082; -54%, p=0,0293; -57,89%, p=0,0082; -45,76%, p=0,0322, respectivamente) e aumento da atividade da CAT (vs. C:+16,3%, vs. PIS:+17,55%; p=0,0061). Conclus?o: O consumo materno de S na lacta??o programou a prog?nie adulta para melhores ?ndices de aterogenicidade e maior atividade da CAT, sem altera??o da fun??o adrenal. J? o consumo de PIS programou para aumento dos ?ndices de aterogenicidade 1 e 3, maior colesterol hep?tico e diminui??o do conte?do de catecolaminas na adrenal devido ? maior secre??o. Desta forma, ? plaus?vel que o consumo materno de S na lacta??o tenha efeitos cardioprotetores em longo prazo, uma vez que os par?metros avaliados neste estudo t?m estreita rela??o com aspectos da fisiopatologia das DCV.Introduction: Studies have related soy consumption with beneficial effects to the organism. However, because it is rich in phytoestrogens, the safety of its consumption and its derivatives in critical phases of life has been questioned. Objective: To evaluate the effects of dietary intake of soy or soy protein isolated during lactation on adrenal medulla function, antioxidant activity and atherogenicity indexes in lactating rats and their offspring at weaning and in adulthood. Methods: Wistar rats with 6 male offspring were divided: Casein Control (C): casein-based diet (ptn: 16.3%, lip: 7%); Isolated soybean protein (SPI): soy protein isolated diet (ptn: 21.3%; lip: 7%); Soybean (S): soybean-based diet (ptn: 20.1%, lip: 16.8%). At weaning, 3 pups / litter received commercial feed up to 150 days. At the end of lactation (21 days) and in adulthood (150 days), was evaluated food intake (FI), body mass (BM); atherogenicity indexes 1 (CT/HDL), 2 (LDL/HDL) and 3 [(CT-HDL)/HDL], hepatic activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and oxidative stress biomarkers: TBARS and redox ratio (reduced glutathione / oxidized glutathione [GSH / GSSG]); absolute and relative adrenal catecholamines content, in vitro secretion of catecholamines as well as expression of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH); in addition to maternal serum 17?-estradiol. Analyzes were performed by the One-way ANOVA and Newman-Keuls post-test (p <0.05). Results: S-mothers showed a decrease in 17?-estradiol (vs.C-41.6%, p = 0.0186), SOD (vs. -26.04% vs. SPI22.10%; p = 0.0025) and increase CAT (vs. SPI + 29.12%, p = 0.0462). The SPI mothers presented reduction of TBARS (vs.C -38.24%, p = 0.0462). At 21 days, the S and SPI offspring presented a reduction in indices 1 (-22.02%, -27.36%, p = 0.0273, respectively), 2 (-28.3%, -34.62%; p = 0.0014, respectively) and 3 (-26.82%, -33.05%, p = 0.0273, respectively); the S offspring presented hepatic TG reduction (vs. SPI-23.66%, p = 0.0313); increase SOD (vs. C + 10.87%, vs. SPI + 9.18%, p = 0.039), TBARS (vs.C + 127.27%, vs.SPI + 143.9%, p = 0.0151) and GPx (vs.C + 137.69%, p = 0, 0125) and GR (vs. C + 33.01%, p = 0.0231). The S and SPI offspring presented GSSG reduction (vs. C: -22.09%, -33.97%, p = 0.0017, respectively); SPI showed higher GSH / GSSG ratio (vs. C + 39.44%, vs. S + 47.22%, p = 0.0053); increase in hepatic TG vs. C (+ 28.95%, p = 0.0313). Already at 150 days, the SPI offspring presented, vs. C, increase in index 1(+ 57.72%, p = 0.0082) and 3 (+ 104.13%, p = 0.0082), of hepatic cholesterol (+ 82.97%, p = 0.0322) and GR (+53.68%, p= 0.0231), decreased TBARS (-39.82%, p = 0.0103), lower catecholamines absolute (vs. C: -15.82%, vs. S: -14.68%; p= 0.0436) and relative (vs. C: -17.96%, vs. S: -29.45%; p=0.0081) contente in the adrenal, due to increased secretion when stimulated by caffeine. Offspring S showed a decrease in indices 1, 2 and 3 and of hepatic cholesterol vs. SPI (-41.2%, p = 0.0082, -54%, p = 0.0293, - 57.89%, p = 0.0082, -45.76%, p = 0.0322, respectively) and increase CAT activity (vs. C:+16.3%, vs. PIS:+17.55%; p=0.0061). Conclusion: Maternal consumption of S in lactation programmed adult progeny for better rates of atherogenicity, higher CAT activity and non-alteration of the adrenal medulla function. The consumption of SPI programmed for increase of the atherogenicity ?ndices 1 and 3, higher hepatic cholesterol and decrease in catecholamine content in the adrenal due to increased secretion.Thus, it is plausible that the maternal consumption of S in lactation has long-term cardioprotective effects, since the parameters evaluated in this study are closely related to aspects of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases

    Uso de diferentes estrat?gias de ensino no aprendizado de estudantes da ?rea da sa?de

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    ?rea de concentra??o: Pol?ticas de integra??o, sa?de e educa??o.Os cursos de gradua??o da ?rea da sa?de vivem uma nova realidade com a inclus?o de novas estrat?gias no seu processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Hoje, o conhecimento exigido para a pr?tica segura de cuidados aos doentes demanda uma estrat?gia de ensino que vai al?m do ensino did?tico tradicional. O processo tecnol?gico tem possibilitado novas formas de trabalhar o conhecimento no ensino superior, a simula??o ? um exemplo. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar o conhecimento, satisfa??o e autoconfian?a adquiridos com o uso de diferentes estrat?gias de ensino, em estudantes de Medicina e Enfermagem de uma Universidade P?blica. Trata-se de um estudo quase-experimental, explorat?rio e anal?tico, sobre a utiliza??o da metodologia tradicional com aula expositiva e da interven??o simulada, avaliando a autoconfian?a do estudante no atendimento ao paciente cr?tico. Na coleta de dados utilizou-se de formul?rio para obter a caracteriza??o do sujeito, provas te?ricas antes e depois, Escala de Satisfa??o dos Estudantes e Autoconfian?a na Aprendizagem para avalia??o da simula??o. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e analisados com software Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS), vers?o 23.0. Para verificar se houve diferen?a entre as pontua??es obtidas nas provas, os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de Friedman, com p?s-teste de Wilcoxon. A associa??o de dados categ?ricos foi verificada pelo teste Qui-quadrado. Foi adotado o n?vel de signific?ncia de 95% (p<0,05). Comparando as duas metodologias de ensino utilizadas nesse estudo, os testes demonstraram que os estudantes obtiveram maior ?ndice de acerto nas quest?es da prova, ap?s a simula??o real?stica (p<0,001). Em rela??o ? escala de satisfa??o e autoconfian?a, os dados demonstraram satisfa??o e autoconfian?a dos estudantes ap?s a simula??o real?stica (p<0.001). A integra??o da metodologia tradicional com a da simula??o, teoria e pr?tica, mostrou-se eficaz para a obten??o e consequentemente melhora do conhecimento. Conclui-se que a simula??o ? uma metodologia inovadora e ativa que permite melhorar o conhecimento do estudante, proporcionando maior satisfa??o e autoconfian?a na aprendizagem. Pode-se dizer que a simula??o melhorou o aprendizado ao proporcionar atrav?s da viv?ncia, experi?ncias que simulam a pr?tica cl?nica.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.The health of undergraduate living a new reality with the inclusion of new strategies in their teaching/learning process. Today, the knowledge required for the safe practice of patient care requires a teaching strategy that goes beyond the traditional didactic teaching. The technological process has enabled new ways of working knowledge in higher education; an example of this is the simulation. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, satisfaction e self-confidence acquired through the use of different teaching strategies in Medicine and Nursing students of a Public University. It is a quasi-experimental, exploratory and analytical study about the use of the traditional methodology with expository class and simulated intervention, evaluating the student's self-confidence in critical patient care. In the data collection, a form was used to obtain the characterization of the subject, theoretical tests before and after, Student Satisfaction Scale and Self-confidence in Learning to evaluate the simulation. Data were tabulated and analyzed with software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. To check whether there was difference between the scores obtained in the tests, the results were submitted to the Friedman test, with post Wilcoxon test. The categorical data binding was checked by chi-square test. The significance level of 95% (p <0.05) was adopted. Comparing the two teaching methods used in this study, the tests have shown that students had higher success rates after the realistic simulation (p<0.001). Regarding the scale of student satisfaction and self-confidence, the data showed satisfaction and self-confidence of students after realistic simulation (p<0.001). The integration of traditional methods with the simulation, theory and practice, proved to be effective to achieve and consequently improves knowledge. We conclude that the simulation is an innovative and active methodology to improve student knowledge, providing satisfaction and confidence in learning. It can be said that the simulation by providing improved learning by experience, experiments that simulate the clinical practice

    Utopia e progn?stico na hist?ria do Brasil imaginada por Joaquim Fel?cio dos Santos (1860-1873).

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria. Departamento de Hist?ria, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Esta disserta??o se desenvolveu a partir da an?lise do jornal O Jequitinhonha, que circulava em Diamantina-MG entre 1860-1873, e de seu principal colaborador e dono, Joaquim Fel?cio dos Santos. Utilizamos as publica??es dos anos de 1862 e de 1868 a 1873, per?odos nos quais foram publicados os folhetins: A Hist?ria do Bra-sil, escrita pelo Dr. Jeremias no ano de 2862 (1862) e P?ginas da Hist?ria do Bra-sil, escrita no ano de 2000 (1868-1873). As obras s?o proje??es sobre o futuro do Brasil nos anos 2000 e s?o analisadas em conjunto com duas outras obras de Fel?cio dos Santos: Mem?rias do Distrito Diamantino da Comarca do Serro Frio (1861-1862) e Acayaca: romance ind?gena (1862-1863). Al?m de realizar uma cronologia da vida de Fel?cio dos Santos e d?O Jequitinhonha, utilizamos basicamente duas categorias anal?ticas. A primeira envolve a forma??o do historiador oitocentista, empregando o conceito de historiador erudito e antiqu?rio para expressar as mu-dan?as ocorridas na segunda metade do s?culo XIX. Focamos em uma hist?ria es-crita fora do IHGB e como esta influenciou a escrita de uma hist?ria nacional. Na segunda categoria, utilizamos os conceitos trabalhados por Hans Gumbrecht sobre como o cron?topo tempo hist?rico, Stimmung e efeitos de presen?a ajudam a pensar o futuro criado por Fel?cio dos Santos, juntamente com o modelo de estratifica??es temporais de Reinhart Koselleck que temporaliza o futuro; definindo o car?ter ut?-pico ou progn?stico de determinados textos. Junto a esta an?lise utilizamos a no??o de responsabilidade da escrita da Hist?ria desenvolvida por Hayden White.This dissertation was developed from the analysis of the newspaper O Jequitin-honha, that circulated in Diamantina-MG between 1860-1873, and its main collab-orator and owner, Joaquim Fel?cio dos Santos. We use as publications from the years 1862 and 1868 to 1873 the periods in which the tracts were published: The History of Brazil, written by Dr. Jeremiah in the year 2862 (1862) and Pages of the History of Brazil, written in the year of 2000 (1868-1873). The works are projec-tions about the future of Brazil in the 2000s and are analyzed together with two other works by Fel?cio dos Santos: Memories of the Diamantino District of Serro Frio (1861-1862) and Acayaca: indigenous romance (1862-1863). In addition to performing a chronology of the life of Fel?cio dos Santos and Jequitinhonha, we basically use two analytical categories. The first involves a formation of the nine-teenth-century historian, employing the concept of an erudite historian and anti-quarian to ex-press as the media in the second half of the nineteenth century. We also focused on a story written for IHGB and how it influenced a writing of a na-tional history. In the second category, we use the concepts worked by Hans Gum-brecht, on how the historical time chronotope, Stimmung and reality effects help to think the future created by Fel?cio dos Santos, together with the time stratification model of Reinhart Koselleck The future Defining the utopian character or prognosis of textual adjustment. Together with this analysis he uses a notion of responsibility for the writing of History developed by Hayden White

    The role of Comprehension in Requirements and Implications for Use Case Descriptions

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    Within requirements engineering it is generally accepted that in writing specifications (or indeed any requirements phase document), one attempts to produce an artefact which will be simple to comprehend for the user. That is, whether the document is intended for customers to validate requirements, or engineers to understand what the design must deliver, comprehension is an important goal for the author. Indeed, advice on producing ‘readable’ or ‘understandable’ documents is often included in courses on requirements engineering. However, few researchers, particularly within the software engineering domain, have attempted either to define or to understand the nature of comprehension and it’s implications for guidance on the production of quality requirements. Therefore, this paper examines thoroughly the nature of textual comprehension, drawing heavily from research in discourse process, and suggests some implications for requirements (and other) software documentation. In essence, we find that the guidance on writing requirements, often prevalent within software engineering, may be based upon assumptions which are an oversimplification of the nature of comprehension. Hence, the paper examines guidelines which have been proposed, in this case for use case descriptions, and the extent to which they agree with discourse process theory; before suggesting refinements to the guidelines which attempt to utilise lessons learned from our richer understanding of the underlying discourse process theory. For example, we suggest subtly different sets of writing guidelines for the different tasks of requirements, specification and design

    Early Clinical and Subclinical Visual Evoked Potential and Humphrey's Visual Field Defects in Cryptococcal Meningitis.

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    Cryptococcal induced visual loss is a devastating complication in survivors of cryptococcal meningitis (CM). Early detection is paramount in prevention and treatment. Subclinical optic nerve dysfunction in CM has not hitherto been investigated by electrophysiological means. We undertook a prospective study on 90 HIV sero-positive patients with culture confirmed CM. Seventy-four patients underwent visual evoked potential (VEP) testing and 47 patients underwent Humphrey's visual field (HVF) testing. Decreased best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was detected in 46.5% of patients. VEP was abnormal in 51/74 (68.9%) right eyes and 50/74 (67.6%) left eyes. VEP P100 latency was the main abnormality with mean latency values of 118.9 (±16.5) ms and 119.8 (±15.7) ms for the right and left eyes respectively, mildly prolonged when compared to our laboratory references of 104 (±10) ms (p<0.001). Subclinical VEP abnormality was detected in 56.5% of normal eyes and constituted mostly latency abnormality. VEP amplitude was also significantly reduced in this cohort but minimally so in the visually unimpaired. HVF was abnormal in 36/47 (76.6%) right eyes and 32/45 (71.1%) left eyes. The predominant field defect was peripheral constriction with an enlarged blind spot suggesting the greater impact by raised intracranial pressure over that of optic neuritis. Whether this was due to papilloedema or a compartment syndrome is open to further investigation. Subclinical HVF abnormalities were minimal and therefore a poor screening test for early optic nerve dysfunction. However, early optic nerve dysfunction can be detected by testing of VEP P100 latency, which may precede the onset of visual loss in CM

    Polyvalent horse F(Ab`)2 snake antivenom: Development of process to produce polyvalent horse F(Ab`)2 antibodies anti-african snake venom

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    A method to obtain polyvalent anti-Bitis and polyvalent-anti-Naja antibodies was developed by immunizing horses with B. arietans, B. nasicornis, B. rhinoceros, N. melanoleuca and N. mossambicacrude venoms. Antibody production was followed by the ELISA method during the immunization procedure. Once the desired anti-venom antibody titers were attained, horses were bled and the immunoglobulins were separated from the sera by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, cleaved with pepsin and filtered through a 30 kDa ultrafiltration membrane. F(ab&#180;)2 fragments were further purified by Q-Fast Flow chromatography, concentrated by molecular ultrafiltration and sterilized by filtration through 0.22 m membranes. The resulting F(ab&#180;)2 preparations were rich in intact L and in pieces of H IgG(T) chains, as demonstrated by electrophoresis and Western blot and exhibited high antibody titers, as assayed by the ELISA method. In addition, the preparations possess a significant capacity to neutralize the lethality of venoms, as estimated by ED50 determination in mouse assay and are free of toxic substances, pyrogen and bacterial or fungal contaminations

    Continuous heating of a giant X-ray flare on Algol

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    Giant flares can release large amounts of energy within a few days: X-ray emission alone can be up to ten percent of the star's bolometric luminosity. These flares exceed the luminosities of the largest solar flares by many orders of magnitude, which suggests that the underlying physical mechanisms supplying the energy are different from those on the Sun. Magnetic coupling between the components in a binary system or between a young star and an accretion disk has been proposed as a prerequisite for giant flares. Here we report X-ray observations of a giant flare on Algol B, a giant star in an eclipsing binary system. We observed a total X-ray eclipse of the flare, which demonstrates that the plasma was confined to Algol B, and reached a maximum height of 0.6 stellar radii above its surface. The flare occurred around the south pole of Algol B, and energy must have been released continously throughout its life. We conclude that a specific extrastellar environment is not required for the presence of a flare, and that the processes at work are therefore similar to those on the Sun.Comment: Nature, Sept. 2 199

    A methodology for parameter estimation in seaweed productivity modelling

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    This paper presents a combined approach for parameter estimation in models of primary production. The focus is on gross primary production and nutrient assimilation by seaweeds. A database of productivity determinations, biomass and mortality measurements and nutrient uptake rates obtained over one year for Gelidium sesquipedale in the Atlantic Ocean off Portugal has been used. Annual productivity was estimated by harvesting methods, and empirical relationships using mortality/ wave energy and respiration rates have been derived to correct for losses and to convert the estimates to gross production. In situ determinations of productivity have been combined with data on the light climate (radiation periods, intensity, mean turbidity) to give daily and annual productivity estimates. The theoretical nutrient uptake calculated using a 'Redfield ratio' approach and determinations of in situ N and P consumption by the algae during incubation periods have also been compared. The results of the biomass difference and incubation approaches are discussed in order to assess the utility of coefficients determined in situ for parameter estimation in seaweed production models

    The GATA1s isoform is normally down-regulated during terminal haematopoietic differentiation and over-expression leads to failure to repress MYB, CCND2 and SKI during erythroid differentiation of K562 cells

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    Background: Although GATA1 is one of the most extensively studied haematopoietic transcription factors little is currently known about the physiological functions of its naturally occurring isoforms GATA1s and GATA1FL in humans—particularly whether the isoforms have distinct roles in different lineages and whether they have non-redundant roles in haematopoietic differentiation. As well as being of general interest to understanding of haematopoiesis, GATA1 isoform biology is important for children with Down syndrome associated acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia (DS-AMKL) where GATA1FL mutations are an essential driver for disease pathogenesis. &lt;p/&gt;Methods: Human primary cells and cell lines were analyzed using GATA1 isoform specific PCR. K562 cells expressing GATA1s or GATA1FL transgenes were used to model the effects of the two isoforms on in vitro haematopoietic differentiation. &lt;p/&gt;Results: We found no evidence for lineage specific use of GATA1 isoforms; however GATA1s transcripts, but not GATA1FL transcripts, are down-regulated during in vitro induction of terminal megakaryocytic and erythroid differentiation in the cell line K562. In addition, transgenic K562-GATA1s and K562-GATA1FL cells have distinct gene expression profiles both in steady state and during terminal erythroid differentiation, with GATA1s expression characterised by lack of repression of MYB, CCND2 and SKI. &lt;p/&gt;Conclusions: These findings support the theory that the GATA1s isoform plays a role in the maintenance of proliferative multipotent megakaryocyte-erythroid precursor cells and must be down-regulated prior to terminal differentiation. In addition our data suggest that SKI may be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of children with DS-AMKL