53 research outputs found

    Does the somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold change over time in focal dystonia?

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    BACKGROUND: The somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) is defined as the shortest interval at which an individual recognizes two stimuli as asynchronous. Some evidence suggests that STDT depends on cortical inhibitory interneurons in the basal ganglia and in primary somatosensory cortex. Several studies have reported that the STDT in patients with dystonia is abnormal. No longitudinal studies have yet investigated whether STDT values in different forms of focal dystonia change during the course of the disease. METHODS: We designed a follow-up study on 25 patients with dystonia (15 with blepharospasm and 10 with cervical dystonia) who were tested twice: upon enrolment and 8 years later. STDT values from dystonic patients at the baseline were also compared with those from a group of 30 age-matched healthy subjects. RESULTS: Our findings show that the abnormally high STDT values observed in patients with focal dystonia remained unchanged at the 8-year follow-up assessment whereas disease severity worsened. CONCLUSIONS: Our observation that STDT abnormalities in dystonia remain unmodified during the course of the disease suggests that the altered activity of inhibitory interneurons-either at cortical or at subcortical level-responsible for the increased STDT does not deteriorate as the disease progresses

    Neurophysiological and clinical biomarkers of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: A cross-sectional study

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    Timely diagnosis of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) represents a clinical challenge. The Frailty Index, a quantitative frailty measure, and the Neurophysiological Index, a combined measure of sensorimotor cortex inhibitory mechanism parameters, have recently emerged as promising tools to support SPMS diagnosis. The aim of this study was to explore the possible relationship between these two indices in MS. MS participants underwent a clinical evaluation, Frailty Index administration, and neurophysiological assessment. Frailty and Neurophysiological Index scores were found to be higher in SPMS and correlated with each other, thus suggesting that they may capture similar SPMS-related pathophysiological mechanisms

    Cortico-Subcortical White Matter Bundle Changes in Cervical Dystonia and Blepharospasm

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    Dystonia is thought to be a network disorder due to abnormalities in the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuit. We aimed to investigate the white matter (WM) microstructural damage of bundles connecting pre-defined subcortical and cortical regions in cervical dystonia (CD) and blepharospasm (BSP). Thirty-five patients (17 with CD and 18 with BSP) and 17 healthy subjects underwent MRI, including diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Probabilistic tractography (BedpostX) was performed to reconstruct WM tracts connecting the globus pallidus, putamen and thalamus with the primary motor, primary sensory and supplementary motor cortices. WM tract integrity was evaluated by deriving their DTI metrics. Significant differences in mean, radial and axial diffusivity between CD and HS and between BSP and HS were found in the majority of the reconstructed WM tracts, while no differences were found between the two groups of patients. The observation of abnormalities in DTI metrics of specific WM tracts suggests a diffuse and extensive loss of WM integrity as a common feature of CD and BSP, aligning with the increasing evidence of microstructural damage of several brain regions belonging to specific circuits, such as the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuit, which likely reflects a common pathophysiological mechanism of focal dystonia

    Data-driven clustering of combined Functional Motor Disorders based on the Italian registry

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    Functional Motor Disorders (FMDs) represent nosological entities with no clear phenotypic characterization, especially in patients with multiple (combined FMDs) motor manifestations. A data-driven approach using cluster analysis of clinical data has been proposed as an analytic method to obtain non-hierarchical unbiased classifications. The study aimed to identify clinical subtypes of combined FMDs using a data-driven approach to overcome possible limits related to "a priori" classifications and clinical overlapping

    Cladribine and ocrelizumab induce differential miRNA profiles in peripheral blood mononucleated cells from relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background and objectivesMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive neurological disease characterized by early-stage neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, and demyelination that involves a spectrum of heterogeneous clinical manifestations in terms of disease course and response to therapy. Even though several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are available to prevent MS-related brain damage—acting on the peripheral immune system with an indirect effect on MS lesions—individualizing therapy according to disease characteristics and prognostic factors is still an unmet need. Given that deregulated miRNAs have been proposed as diagnostic tools in neurodegenerative/neuroinflammatory diseases such as MS, we aimed to explore miRNA profiles as potential classifiers of the relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS) patients’ prospects to gain a more effective DMT choice and achieve a preferential drug response.MethodsA total of 25 adult patients with RRMS were enrolled in a cohort study, according to the latest McDonald criteria before (pre-cladribine, pre-CLA; pre-ocrelizumab, pre-OCRE, time T0) and after high-efficacy DMTs, time T1, 6 months post-CLA (n = 10, 7 F and 3 M, age 39.0 ± 7.5) or post-OCRE (n = 15, 10 F and 5 M, age 40.5 ± 10.4) treatment. A total of 15 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects (9 F and 6 M, age 36.3 ± 3.0) were also selected. By using Agilent microarrays, we analyzed miRNA profiles from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). miRNA–target networks were obtained by miRTargetLink, and Pearson’s correlation served to estimate the association between miRNAs and outcome clinical features.ResultsFirst, the miRNA profiles of pre-CLA or pre-OCRE RRMS patients compared to healthy controls identified modulated miRNA patterns (40 and seven miRNAs, respectively). A direct comparison of the two pre-treatment groups at T0 and T1 revealed more pro-inflammatory patterns in the pre-CLA miRNA profiles. Moreover, both DMTs emerged as being capable of reverting some dysregulated miRNAs toward a protective phenotype. Both drug-dependent miRNA profiles and specific miRNAs, such as miR-199a-3p, miR-29b-3p, and miR-151a-3p, emerged as potentially involved in these drug-induced mechanisms. This enabled the selection of miRNAs correlated to clinical features and the related miRNA–mRNA network.DiscussionThese data support the hypothesis of specific deregulated miRNAs as putative biomarkers in RRMS patients’ stratification and DMT drug response

    Demographic and clinical determinants of neck pain in idiopathic cervical dystonia.

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    Cervical dystonia is associated with neck pain in a significant proportion of cases, but the mechanisms underlying pain are largely unknown. In this exploratory study, we compared demographic and clinical variables in cervical dystonia patients with and without neck pain from the Italian Dystonia Registry. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis indicated a higher frequency of sensory trick and a lower educational level among patients with pain

    Psychiatric disorders in blepharospasm. A 10-year follow-up study

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    Blepharospasm (BSP) is a cranial dystonia characterized by involuntary bilateral orbicularis oculi (OO) muscle spasms. BSP patients also display psychiatric disorders though the relationship between motor symptoms and psychiatric disorders in BSP is still a matter of debate (Conte et al., 2016). Previous observations have either suggested that psychiatric disorders in BSP are independent of motor symptoms or that they are consequences of motor symptoms (Fabbrini et al., 2010; Ferrazzano et al., 2019a). To investigate whether psychiatric disorders in BSP are part of the disease or merely consequences of the motor symptomatology, we performed a longitudinal assessment of psychiatric and motor symptoms to see whether psychiatric disorders changed over time independently of motor symptoms. We enrolled 14 patients with idiopathic BSP diagnosed according to clinical criteria. To exclude any confounding effects due to botulinum toxin (BoNT) injections, the clinical assessment was performed four months after the last BoNT injection. The experimental procedure was approved by the local institutional review board and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from each participant. A full psychiatric evaluation using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders (SCID-I) was performed. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) was used to measure the severity of anxiety symptoms, while the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to measure depressive s

    Clinical course of psychiatric disorders in patients with cervical dystonia

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    We assessed the course of psychiatric disorders in 23 cervical dystonia patients by using the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV and different rating scales. Patients were studied on two occasions 5 years apart. There were no differences in psychiatric disorders and severity of psychiatric symptoms between the two evaluations, whereas the severity of dystonia was milder at the second evaluation. Psychiatric symptoms likely represent a primary disorder in cervical dystonia patients
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