305 research outputs found

    Chronic administration of Bauhinia forficata link reduced exploratory activity without affecting blood glucose in healthy rats.

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    Abstract: This study provides information about the effect of chronic ingestion of a decoction of Bauhinia forficata on the behavior of rats. The aim of this study was to investigate the exploratory activity, anxiety level, and blood glucose of healthy rats submitted to prolonged treatment with a decoction of B. forficata. Twenty male rats, aged two months and weighing approximately 145g were randomly distributed into two groups. The Bauhinia group freely ingested a decoction of B.forficata for 4 weeks, while the control group received water. Body weight, food and fluid intake, and glycemic index were quantified. The open field (OF) and elevated plus maze (EPM) tests were applied at the end of the experiment. Data were analyzed by Student?s t test for unpaired samples, with a significance level of P<0.05. The results of the EPM test were analyzed by the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and blood glucose by the Bonferroni test. There were no significant differences in body weight, food intake or glycemic index between the Bauhinia and control groups. Net liquid intake was higher in the Bauhinia group. EPM results did not differ between groups, but in the OF test, the frequencies of rearing and locomotion were lower and immobility time was increased for rats in the Bauhinia group. In conclusion, B. forficata reduced exploratory activity and did not alter blood glucose in healthy rats

    Maturação e determinação do ponto de colheita de frutos de envira-caju.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou identificar o ponto de colheita, os índices de maturação e a qualidade dos frutos da envireira-caju (Onychopetalum periquino). Os frutos foram colhidos em cinco estádios de maturação (1-verde; 2-verde-laranja; 3-laranja; 4-laranja-vinho, e 5-vinho), sendo o estádio 5 colhido já amadurecido na planta e usado como padrão na determinação do ponto de colheita e do índice de qualidade do fruto. Os frutos colhidos foram armazenados a 26 ± 3 ºC e 85-90% de UR. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcela subdividida no tempo com tratamento adicional, com quatro repetições de três frutos cada. As parcelas compreenderam os estádios de maturação na colheita, e as subparcelas, a maturação no dia da análise (0 dia para todos os estádios, 4 dias para os estádios 1 e 2, e 2 dias para os estádios 3 e 4). A interação entre o ponto de colheita e o armazenamento afetou significativamente todas as variáveis analisadas, exceto o rendimento de polpa. Os frutos colhidos no estádio verde-laranja atingiram índices de qualidade equivalente aos frutos amadurecidos na planta, após o amadurecimento. O ponto de colheita dos frutos corresponde à cor verde-laranja da casca, contendo 0,14% de acidez total titulável (AT); 8,62% de sólidos solúveis (SS); 64,17 de SS/AT; 60,55 g de peso médio, e 60,37% de rendimento de polpa, constituindo índices confiáveis do ponto de colheita

    On the Stability of the Satellites of Asteroid 87 Sylvia

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    he triple asteroidal system (87) Sylvia is composed of a 280-km primary and two small moonlets named Romulus and Remus (Marchis et al 2005). Sylvia is located in the main asteroid belt. The satellites are in nearly equatorial circular orbits around the primary. In the present work we study the stability of the satellites Romulus and Remus, in order to identify the effects and the contribution of each perturber. The results from the 3-body problem, Sylvia-Romulus-Remus, show no significant variation of their orbital elements. However, the inclinations of the satellites present a long period evolution, when the Sun is included in the system. Such amplitude is amplified when Jupiter is included. An analysis of these results show that Romulus and Remus are librating in a secular resonance and their longitude of the nodes are locked to each other. The satellites get caught in an evection resonance with Jupiter. However, the orbital evolutions of the satellites became completely stable when the oblateness of Sylvia is included in the simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures and 1 tabl

    Children’s coping styles and trauma symptoms after an explosion disaster

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    Background: The negative impact of trauma on children and adolescents is well documented. However, few studies have investigated the relationship between coping and trauma and distress symptoms after man-made disasters, especially those not related to war. Objective: This study investigated the relationship between children’s coping styles and their self-reported levels of trauma and distress symptoms after an explosion disaster in a residential area. Method: Participants were recruited through the local public school that served the affected residential area. A total of 333 children and adolescents from grades 3 through 10 participated in the study 16 months after the explosion. All participants filled out questionnaires to assess their trauma and distress symptoms as well as their coping strategies. The adolescents answered additional questions about pre-, peri-, and post-traumatic factors and filled out questionnaires about their trauma and distress symptoms, including aspects of somatization and negative affectivity. Results: The following variables were associated with a higher degree of trauma symptoms for children in grades 6 through 10 and explained 39% to 48% of the unique variance in these symptoms: female gender; the experience of traumatic events pre-disaster; the destruction of property or danger to life occurring during the disaster; the experience of traumatic events post-disaster; and the use of self-blame, emotion regulation, wishful thinking, and cognitive restructuring. For the younger children, pre-, peri-, and post-disaster factors were not measured. However, female gender and the use of self-blame as a coping strategy explained 26% of the variance in trauma symptoms. Conclusions: This study generally supports the findings of the limited literature addressing coping skills after man-made disasters. However, contrary to previous findings in community samples after episodes of terrorism, adaptive coping strategies such as cognitive restructuring were found to influence the variance of trauma and distress symptoms

    Treatment outcomes of pulp revascularization in traumatized immature teeth using calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel as intracanal medication

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    Objective: Pulp revascularization is an effective treatment for immature necrotic teeth. Calcium hydroxide has been used in pulp revascularization as an intracanal medication due to its antimicrobial action and the non-exhibition of crown discoloration and cytotoxicity for stem cells from the apical papilla. Our study aimed to investigate the clinical success and quantitative radiographic changes of root development in immature traumatized teeth using calcium hydroxide plus 2% chlorhexidine gel as intracanal medication. Methodology: In this retrospective study, 16 patients were treated with a standardized pulp revascularization protocol. Calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel were manipulated in a 1:1 (v/v) ratio and inserted into root canals with Lentulo spirals (Dentsply Maillefer, Baillaigues, Switzerland). Patients were followed up for a period from 9 to 36 months for the evaluation of clinical and radiological data. Radiographic measurements of root length, root width, apical diameter, and MTA placement from the apex were quantified using software ImageJ. Wilcoxon test and t-test were used, according to nonparametric or parametric data, respectively, for changes over time in root length, root width, and apical diameter. Results: Fifteen teeth survived during the follow-up period (93.75%) and met the criteria for clinical success. Although the changes seem to be very small in many cases, significant increases in the average root length (14.28%, p&lt;0.0001), root width (8.12%, p=0.0196), and decrease in apical diameter (48.37%, p=0.0007) were observed. MTA placement from the apex and age at the time of treatment was not significantly associated with the quantitative radiographic outcomes. Conclusions: Pulp revascularization in traumatized immature teeth treated with calcium hydroxide plus 2% chlorhexidine gel as intracanal medication had high success and survival rates, showing periodontal healing and resolution of signs and symptoms. However, concerning the continued root development, the outcomes can still be considered unpredictable