1,299 research outputs found

    Post-Agricultural Succession in El PetÉn, Guatemala

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    We compared post-agricultural succession across the range of farming activities practiced in Guatemala's northern lowlands: agroforestry, swidden, ranching, and input-intensive monocultures. At 10 sites over 13 to 40 months we assessed the following characteristics of trees and shrubs that were>1 cm diameter at breast height: height, basal-area accumulation, recruitment of all individuals and fleshy-fruited individuals, and accumulation of all species and fleshy-fruited species. Succession, as measured by all these response variables except height, was dramatically faster on agroforestry and swidden sites than on pastures or input-intensive monocultures. Overall recruitment was faster for swiddens than for agroforests, but other response variables did not differ significantly between the two treatments. Regression results suggest that initial ground cover by herbs inhibited recruitment of woody colonists. The significant positive coefficient for initial basal area and the significant negative coefficient for distance from forest for accumulation of both fleshy-fruited individuals and species are probably explained by the behavioral responses of seed-dispersing animals. Our results suggest that the conservation strategy of discouraging swidden agriculture in favor of sedentary, input-intensive agriculture to relieve pressure on old-growth forest may be counterproductive over the long term.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75095/1/j.1523-1739.2003.01265.x.pd

    Investigating Perceptual Congruence Between Data and Display Dimensions in Sonification

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    The relationships between sounds and their perceived meaning and connotations are complex, making auditory perception an important factor to consider when designing sonification systems. Listeners often have a mental model of how a data variable should sound during sonification and this model is not considered in most data:sound mappings. This can lead to mappings that are difficult to use and can cause confusion. To investigate this issue, we conducted a magnitude estimation experiment to map how roughness, noise and pitch relate to the perceived magnitude of stress, error and danger. These parameters were chosen due to previous findings which suggest perceptual congruency between these auditory sensations and conceptual variables. Results from this experiment show that polarity and scaling preference are dependent on the data:sound mapping. This work provides polarity and scaling values that may be directly utilised by sonification designers to improve auditory displays in areas such as accessible and mobile computing, process-monitoring and biofeedback

    Food Sovereignty in the city?: A methodological proposal for evaluating food sovereignty in urban settings

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    Although the possibility of achieving food sovereignty in urban environments is controversial, we believe that food sovereignty is attainable. In this work we propose a methodology for evaluating it, then test that proposal using San Cristóbal de Las Casas as a case study. For this purpose, we used a participatory methodology to construct a system of food-sovereignty indicators for urban settings. After review and validation by participants and a group of experts, that system consisted of 30 indicators. We tested it by using it to survey households in San Cristóbal. We found that the set of 30 indicators is coherent with the principles of food sovereignty, and that it enabled us to reveal the alimentary vulnerability of the city’s families. We hope that the principles that form the basis for the proposed methodology will be applicable when designing instruments for assessing other cities’ levels of food sovereignty.This work was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología [561556/307908]

    Scaling out agroecology from the school garden and the importance of recognizing culture, food, and place

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    We explore potential and limitations for agroecological scaling through formal educational structures, using the LabVida school gardens program in Chiapas, Mexico as a case study. Through LabVida training, educators gained an appreciation of agroecology and were able to apply agroecological practices in their school gardens, although their understanding of agroecological principles and scientific process remained limited. The greatest program impact was on educators’ eating habits, and their perception of the value of local knowledge and its relevance to schoolwork. The case study demonstrates the potential of school gardens work for catalyzing communities of practice that contribute to agroecological scaling.En este texto se explora el potencial y las limitaciones del escalamiento de la agroecología a través de las estructuras educativas formales; para ello se utiliza como estudio de caso el programa de huertos escolares LabVida en Chiapas, México. Mediante un ejercicio de formación de docentes en LabVida, ellos adquirieron una apreciación de la agroecología y fueron capaces de aplicarla en sus huertos escolares, aunque su comprensión de los principios agroecológicos y del proceso científico siguió siendo limitada. Una conclusión fue observar que el mayor impacto del programa se produjo en los hábitos alimentarios de los educadores y en su percepción del valor del conocimiento local y su relevancia para el trabajo escolar. Esta investigación demuestra el potencial del trabajo en los huertos escolares para catalizar comunidades de práctica que contribuyan al escalamiento de la agroecología

    Orbitofrontal cortex and drug use during adolescence : role of prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and BDNF genotype

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    Context : Prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking (PEMCS) may affect brain development and behavior in adolescent offspring. Objective : To evaluate the involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in mediating the relationship between PEMCS and substance use. Design : Cross-sectional analyses from the Saguenay Youth Study aimed at evaluating the effects of PEMCS on brain development and behavior among adolescents. Nonexposed adolescents were matched with adolescents exposed prenatally to cigarette smoking by maternal educational level. Participants and Setting : A French Canadian founder population of the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, Canada.The behavioral data set included 597 adolescents (275 sibships; 12-18 years of age), half of whom were exposed in utero to maternal cigarette smoking. Analysis of cortical thickness and genotyping were performed using available data from 314 adolescents. Main Outcome Measures : The likelihood of substance use was assessed with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Predictive Scales. The number of different drugs tried by each adolescent was assessed using another questionnaire. Thickness of the OFC was estimated from T1-weighted magnetic resonance images using FreeSurfer software. Results : Prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking is associated with an increased likelihood of substance use. Among exposed adolescents, the likelihood of drug experimentation correlates with the degree of OFC thinning. In nonexposed adolescents, the thickness of the OFC increases as a function of the number of drugs tried. The latter effect is moderated by a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genotype (Val66Met). Conclusions : We speculate that PEMCS interferes with the development of the OFC and, in turn, increases the likelihood of drug use among adolescents. In contrast, we suggest that, among nonexposed adolescents, drug experimentation influences the OFC thickness via processes akin to experience-induced plasticity

    An exponential decline at the bright end of the z=6 galaxy luminosity function

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    We present the results of a search for the most luminous star-forming galaxies at redshifts z~6 based on CFHT Legacy Survey data. We identify a sample of 40 Lyman break galaxies brighter than magnitude z'=25.3 across an area of almost 4 square degrees. Sensitive spectroscopic observations of seven galaxies provide redshifts for four, of which only two have moderate to strong Lyman alpha emission lines. All four have clear continuum breaks in their spectra. Approximately half of the Lyman break galaxies are spatially resolved in 0.7 arcsec seeing images, indicating larger sizes than lower luminosity galaxies discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope, possibly due to on-going mergers. The stacked optical and infrared photometry is consistent with a galaxy model with stellar mass ~ 10^{10} solar masses. There is strong evidence for substantial dust reddening with a best-fit A_V=0.7 and A_V>0.48 at 2 sigma confidence, in contrast to the typical dust-free galaxies of lower luminosity at this epoch. The spatial extent and spectral energy distribution suggest that the most luminous z~6 galaxies are undergoing merger-induced starbursts. The luminosity function of z=5.9 star-forming galaxies is derived. This agrees well with previous work and shows strong evidence for an exponential decline at the bright end, indicating that the feedback processes which govern the shape of the bright end are occurring effectively at this epoch.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, AJ in press, revised to address referee comment

    Ensambles de aves diurnas a través de un gradiente de perturbación en un paisaje en el sureste de México

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    In order to assess of a Mexican tropical landscape like birds shelter, in the 2008 we evaluated richness, abundance, distribution and foraging guilds of birds in eight landscape units, nested within two ecomosaics. Of 218 species identified, 207 were recorded during dry season and 119 in the rain season. Species composition differed between the two ecomosaics, (a) heterogeneous agriculture matrix and (b) rain forest remnant, and among their nested landscape units. Shannon-Wiener index was similar (from 3.20 to 4.44) among landscape units, and mean species richness varied from 76 to 118species, while avian communities were equally distributed (Pielou: 0.71 to 0.91). At the landscape scale, the two ecomosaics play complementary roles in maintaining high bird diversity, providing habitat for high value conservation species like Tinamus major, Crypturellus soui, Crax rubra, Amazona farinosa, Odonthophorus guttatus, Chondrohierax uncinatus, Platyrinchus cancrominus, Onycorhynchus coronatus and Manacus candei. Foraging guilds frequencies differ by landscape units. For example in pasturelandswith spare trees, perch hunters and cattle-associated birds were abundant, while insectivores gleaning from soil, bark and foliage were common into the forest. Species like Lipaugus unirufus, Pipramentalis and Shiffornis turdinus could be ecological indicators of conserved forest conditions while Sporophila americana, S. torqueola, Pitangus sulphuratus, Cyanocorax morio and Crotophaga sulcirostris favor disturbed native forest habitat. Current patterns of landscape management constitute a potential model of sustainable management for both agricultural production and bird conservation. However this management model is threatened by external and internal drivers of extensive cattle ranching, the abandonment of swidden systems and gradual extraction of wood from local forests.Con el objetivo de evaluar la diversidad de aves que se presentan en un paisaje del trópico mexicano, en el año 2008 se evaluó la riqueza, abundancia y distribución de las aves y sus gremios de forrajeo en ocho unidades del paisaje agrupadas en dos ecomosaicos. De las 218 especies identificadas, 207 estuvieron presentes en la estación seca y 119 en la de lluvias. Se encontró que la composición de avifauna difiere entre los ecomosaicos (a) matriz agropecuaria heterogénea y (b) bosque tropical perennifolio,así como entre las unidades de paisaje anidadas en ellos. La riqueza varió de 76 a 118 especies entre unidades del paisaje, mientras que el índice de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener resultó similar (de 3.20 a 4.44), y las comunidades de aves se distribuyeron equitativamente (Pielou: 0.71 a 0.91). En el paisaje se configura un escenario complementario entre ecomosaicos y una diversidad de aves muy alta, incluyendo especies importantes para la conservación como Tinamus major, Crypturellus soui, Crax rubra, Amazona farinosa, Odontophorus guttatus, Chondrohierax uncinatus, Platyrinchus cancrominus, Onycorhynchus coronatus y Manacus candei. Los gremios de forrajeo de aves se separan en función de las características ambientales de las unidades de paisaje por ejemplo, en los potreros con árboles dispersos predominan cazadoras desde percha y especies asociadas al ganado, mientras que en el bosquepredominan los insectívoros que buscan sus presas en el suelo, corteza y follaje. Algunas especies como Lipaugus unirufus, Pipra mentalis y Schiffornis turdinus pueden funcionar como indicadoras ecológicas del bosque conservado, mientras otras como Sporophila americana, S. torqueola, Pitangus sulphuratus, Myozetetes similis, Cyanocorax morio y Crotophaga sulcirostris lo son para el estado perturbado del bosque nativo. El paisaje actual conformado por remanentes de bosque y una matriz agropecuaria con arbolado, posibilita la conservación biológica de aves, constituyendo un modelo potencial para su refugio y manejo sustentable. Sin embargo, la expansión de la ganadería extensiva, el abandono del sistema de rotación milpa-acahual y la extracción gradual de madera del bosque en el ejido, pone en riesgo la diversidad de la avifauna en la zona de estudio.